Popular Page

February 23rd, 2012
Does anyone else ever get frustrated at the popular page. I don't know how photos are chosen maybe it's just random. I always have that hope to someday make the popular page, sometimes I kind of feel like I am in high school just waiting for a "popular" moment. There are photos I think "Wow I did really good, maybe this will be the one" and then.......nothing. Just wondering if I am the only one?

For those of you who are like me, let's share 1 photo you think could have made it and didn't.
Here is one of mine.
February 23rd, 2012
I found this on the Frequently Asked Questions page. These are Ross's words

"How do I get on the Popular Page / Why am I not on the Popular Page?

No, it doesn't work the way you think it works - for a good reason, it doesn't matter that you have a bazillion favs and a jizillion followers, just get on with your project and try not to worry about it. Please don't email me about it, I wont tell you, search the discussion boards, there are loads of conspiracy theories about it."

It seems to me there are a number of factors involved.................
February 23rd, 2012
You have some beautiful beautiful pictures- try not to think too much about it : ) I never visit the popular page, because I really don't care! Hehe. I like to browse the latest photos instead.

Following you now, though. Your pictures are great.

/Eta/ I don't have any I think should go on the popular page, so I didn't put any in the thread ; )
February 23rd, 2012
This old chestnut eh... to answer your first question, No I have never been frustrated at the PP. Why? The PP exists, it does it own thing, it swings its own time, and Ross will take the secret with him to the grave. Oh well oh well. Being frustrated at that is like being scared to fly in a plane. If the Pilot makes a meal of it and that chunk of metal is falling to the sky, what is a passenger going to do? I accept the PP, I don't visit the PP on a daily basis, don't even go there on a weekly basis, in fact only go there to see if I can find a new bit of inspiration from one of the many wonderful photographers who appear there, or if someone says that one of my frogs is there...

C'est la vie.
February 23rd, 2012
I wouldn't bother with worrying about the popular page! It is totally variable and depends on when you post the photo, how many views/comments/favs it gets, and how many followers you have (which in turn depends on how many people you follow, comment, view, etc...) - pretty much what Leonie quoted Ross as saying.

It's a nice place to view a collection of nice images, but the reality remains that some photos get on there that (in my opinion) shouldn't be, and photos that don't get on there that should be. The popular page is certainly not the be-all-and-end-all. What should matter more is the enjoyment you personally get out of your own project, and the contributions between you and the 365 community. :) Popularity and favs/comments are a bonus!
February 23rd, 2012
It would appear to be random Missy. I wouldn't worry the photo you have posted speaks for itself - it is a work of art.
February 23rd, 2012
Hi Missy... Part of the problem is that you may not be playing by the rules sometimes. I don't (play by the rules) and I know it, so I am not bothered by it. The system knows when (what day) you take the image (EXIF files) and when you post it. If the numbers don't match you are not considered. I went back and looked at a number of your postings and found that the case. I so much enjoy the commentary and banter that when I do do it right, and get to the PP, it is a real bonus. Have fun.
February 23rd, 2012
@hown I disagree in your EXIF dates needing to match the date you post to be considered. I've had several pics on the PP - one was posted 1 1/2 years after I took it and another was film, so it had no EXIF. Yet another was edited so that it didn't have any EXIF, either.

Of course, I'm half asleep already, so if I misunderstood you, I apologize in advance. :)
February 23rd, 2012
It never occurs to me that any of my photos might be PP material. I've been here a bit over four months and three of them have actually made it but it was totally unexpected in all three cases and I have no hopes of ever making it again.
February 23rd, 2012
@beautifulthing I could very well be wrong, but I am sure it is part of the equation. Do you think GMT has something to do with it and you have to play by Ross' clock? I really don't know and have been having fun not worrying about being popular. As long as you have your health, that is what is important!
February 23rd, 2012
I rarely even click on the popular page ;)
February 23rd, 2012
Didn't delve into 365 that far yet. Only been here for a couple months, your pictures are beautiful.I have always been a wallflowers and probably always.will, I just post pictures that make me happy. And some that make me proud. This is a learning process for sure. Have fun!!!
February 23rd, 2012
there's no rhyme or reason to what makes the PP, but the Top 20 are the photos taken and uploaded that week that received the most FAVS
February 23rd, 2012
I wouldn't worry about it. I like to view the PP as I find it's very inspiring to look at some of the incredible images that are on this site and that I may have missed. There are some truly gifted artists on 365, however, this is not, in my opinion, a competition. I feel the aim is to make you a better photographer, and you can do so by studying the superb images others post.
February 23rd, 2012
I do not believe any of my photos should be on the popular page , I was happy when I found myself on the new faces page :) I like to browse all the pages and have never seen a photo that does not deserve to be there. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, what I find beautiful I fav and comment on . I get happy by just getting comments on my pics :)
February 23rd, 2012
I rarely visit the PP page, only to get inspiration. There's not much of a benefit to getting on the page as your photo is scaled down, might be on for a short period of time, and seems rigged (like all popularity contests). And you don't get a badge of honor. There are many other things to be frustrated about. You should ignore it and focus on your photos and the craft. ;-) That's where we get frustrated.
February 23rd, 2012
I wouldn't know if any of my pics have made it or not - I wouldn't expect them to and never look at that page anyway!
I like 365 for the glimpses it gives me into others' lives and other cultures, so tend to only follow people who are posting a pic taken that day, that reflects something of that day.
"Professional" pics that have been posted to showcase talent can be seen on many websites, so however stunning they are, are not the reason for me being here.
February 23rd, 2012
I'm not to conerned about making the PP, since I'm not here to impress anyone but me. Like someone above stated, I just post photos that please me, if others like 'em to that's just extra frosting on my donut.

What I don't get is why I've never gotten on the New Faces page (as far as I know). I've never seen one of my shots there in the six weeks since I started. No biggie. Just wondering since I qualify being a newbie an all. :-P
February 23rd, 2012
I bet you will make the PP at some point. I really don't think there is any rhyme or reason, just random. I made it once and was so super excited and I would love to make it again (not gonna lie). I hardly look at it though and only found out because I was getting a ton of comments one day and someone happened to mention I was on there:) Good luck and by the way your photos are very good!
February 23rd, 2012
Have no idea how they choose from the thousands of pics for the New Faces page. I've seen a few of mine on there.
I just had a look at you project and your photos are great
February 23rd, 2012
I don't think I've ever made it but I rarely even look. Do you get a notification if you get there? I get more excited when I get some comments from followers especially people who's work I really admire that is my high point!
February 23rd, 2012
@Leonie Mogridge -- Thanks so much for the kind words! See, now hearing that someone actually likes ANYTHING I've shot means a helluva lot more to me than getting on the PP!
February 23rd, 2012
I enjoy viewing the PP to find new people to follow just as the New page. I feel grateful when my photo is on the PP and I feel grateful when someone says they like what I posted. Either way I do this to share, learn and be inspired. And that happens with or without PP.
February 23rd, 2012
@hown dont think its the case with exif data, a good number of the shots I have taken that have appeared on the Pop page are multi layered and so have no exif data
on the question though I dont really worry that much about the popular page the shots I take please me and at the same time please others what more can you really ask for.
February 23rd, 2012
It's because nobody ever taught us to love ourselves properly that we whine, grovel and carry on like idiots over the PP. Yes, this is the reason for ALL the world's dysfunctionality! Everything from peeps being upset over the PP to the American elite being so fucking fear-filled and greedy that they planned and orchestrated September 11 and killed 3000 of their own compatriots. Nobody loves themselves. That is the human races common problem. So easy to fix - so get to it peeps!!! If your life is only as 'big" (read small) as the 365 PP, then I'm sorry, but you need to get out there. There is an entire planet crying out in pain. Srsly. Go! It needs your help. Your time is NOW~~!!
February 23rd, 2012
@saranna I've been on the PP about 5 times now, and no, you don't get a notification, unless some kind soul says "congrats on making the PP!" or something similar on that photo's comments..
February 23rd, 2012
Meh sigh
February 23rd, 2012
that shit is rigged like a mothafucka
February 23rd, 2012
February 23rd, 2012
@tabbycat I'm not sure whether to laugh or cry about your comments regarding 9/11... I can tell you this is not the place for them...
February 23rd, 2012
I noticed the other day that there were 6 different bird photos on the PP! What??!!
February 23rd, 2012
@shepardx2 What does that mean? If you wanted to laugh about that comment, then you are probably just a teensy bit of a psycho. Yep.
February 23rd, 2012
@jsw0109 Actually there have been times where photos in the Top 20 got less Favs' than another person's photo that didn't make it. It hasn't happened too often but I've run across it. Not me personally mind you, I've never been THAT popular.....but have talked to several peeps that have and seen the stats on the photo in question.

@grecican LMAO!
February 23rd, 2012
@cromwell Just something wanted to point out for ya.....if you type @ and the screen name, it won't go into the notification system and turn on the bubble in the right hand corner. Click the blue @ name in the right hand corner of the person's comment and it will automatically put their user name in the reply box and they will be sent a notification when the comment is posted. Alternately you can type the blue user name but then you risk misspelling it! :)
February 23rd, 2012
I seriously don't know. I have had photos with loads of favs not get on and some without any favs get on. It makes no sense, so I just don't think about it.
February 23rd, 2012
I actually rarely look and sometimes I have made it with three favs in about three hours, and other times I have not made it with nine favs in a day. I only complained once about it because I thought I had a contender and was really proud of a photo that some people really loved and almost all the pp photos were of snow scenes or animals. I was more frustrated by the limited subject, but guess what, my photo ended up making the page the next day and the subject topic broadened. I like to see diversity on the pp to get some ideas. I also get very excited to see someone I follow on the site.
February 23rd, 2012
I wouldn't worry about it. Your picture is beautiful--you know it's beautiful! The Popular Page and Top 20 used to hold meaning but after several years on 365, I see it holding less and less meaning for people as time marches on. I've seen photos will few comments and faves make it to both PP and Top 20 and photos with tons of comments and faves not make it at all. Complete randomness.
February 23rd, 2012
This is a great thread! I agree with all of you, I don't worry too much about the PP (or the "Top 5" themed shots). PP does it's own thing and I visit with it every now and then to get inspiration (and to see if one of my pictures somehow made it). I have had one PP, and it isn't one I would necessarily have chosen. I usually go there to get inspiration and find another one of you awesome people to follow. Other than that, I leave PP alone and it leaves me alone ;) LOL
February 23rd, 2012
@tabbycat Ah yes...conspiracy theories. Aren't there a few floating around regarding the PP as well? Never thought that 9/11 and the PP would come together, neatly tied in one simplistic package. Good going.
And by the way, who exactly are the non-self-loving "American elites" you speak of?
February 23rd, 2012
@cromwell When I was new I never made the newbies page either, but some people end up with 2 or 3 at a time there! Again, a situation with no rhym or reason.
February 23rd, 2012
@shadesofgrey oh really? I guess its not supposed to make any sense LOL
February 23rd, 2012
ok this is how its done...as each day page is filled they throw a rubber dart at the screen ...whatever it lands on PP page it goes...its the luck of the dart!
February 23rd, 2012
Thanks to all who have commented, it reminded me to focus on the important part of why I am doing this! 365 is an awesome experience, and all of you fellow 365ers are as well. I'm glad to be part of such a great community!
February 23rd, 2012
@kraemerphotog The PP sits there like a big challenge but try not to worry....
I wish it was renamed the 'some great photos page' or something similar. That's how I look at it now - I call in occasionally to relax and enjoy the amazing shots and inspiration - then get back to the fun and challenge of my own project... perhaps with my imagination tweaked.
February 23rd, 2012
@kraemerphotog Just keep trying, you would be surpised at what will make it one day. Its all on your followers perspective and what they like.

Just ignore the ones on here that have to be so vulgar, use profanity in every comment and are just plain rude. They can really ruin 365 in my opinion. The snarky ignorant comments, are not needed or wanted. Seriously, I just dont get people, if you dont like the questions people ask, why be so rude? Just dont read it! I really think they are bored and have no life, so they just try to piss everyone else off with their drama. I can see why now its not set up to contact people privately. If anyone knows of any other sites set up similiarly to this one please let me know. Id love to try other sites.
February 23rd, 2012
@kraemerphotog - i hun - i periodically set up the thread - what the magic monkeys missed No -- i think that this is what you were trying to simulate - i have just set it up for jan-feb no 8
February 24th, 2012
@meisen325 Well, probably the Bilderbergers...but who but them can honestly say for sure? I've just seen too much evidence of 9/11 being an inside job to be in denial about it any more! If anyone really honestly thinks that the whole thing was planned and executed by a bunch of Afghans living in caves, then the dumbing-down of the western world has been a complete and utter success! :-(
February 24th, 2012
who knows and really don't worry but it is a mystery.... reckon @grecican sums it up best...

But when this pic has 3 favs and 79 views makes it...

And this taken on the SAME DAY with 5 favs and 35 views doesn't... It does make me wonder (for all of 5 seconds before I remember it really isn't important in the grand scheme of things..)

In other words... Never, ever, worry about the PP....
February 24th, 2012
"The grand essentials of happiness are: something to do, something to love and something to hope for..."
I had posted over 500 photos before someone mentioned I was on the PP (just a few weeks ago-for a photo I didn't even like- no idea if one ever made it before, I never go there)
I have learned on this site that if I LIKE taking the photos, I LOVE some of the ones I post and I HOPE someone likes them too... that it has to be enough, your photos and many on this site bring delight to many people.
February 24th, 2012
@sheg Thank you! I'm very surprised at some of the negativity and ridiculous comments, this thread was not ment to go that way, guess I should have known better
February 24th, 2012
@kraemerphotog Yep I have learned that some parts of the site are not meant for us who are learning. Its very discouraging when all you really want is help and advice. I dont think the popular page has any rhyme or reason and people take it way too serious. Some are on there for 4 favs some for 80. I think it has to do with over all numbers, looks and favs. Maybe email Ross just to ask him how it works. I am sure you are not the only one who wants to know. Theres nothing wrong with being proud of your work and wanting to see it there! Love your work and the reason you joined, thats all that really matters.
February 24th, 2012
i would just go along with your project and not worry about being popular. I was the same way for a little but I started not caring about being popular, but being myself and doing whatever I like! That is an amazing photo by the way!
February 24th, 2012
February 24th, 2012
When I wrote a story about my 365 project for my local newspaper, I interviewed Ross and asked him about those "magic monkeys." Here's his answer:

"It's rather boring, just a computer algorithm running and rating the photos using a secret formula. The algorithm receives a few tweaks a month, but largely nobody has managed to 'game' the system yet. I tried to make it as fair as possible and it looks for people that are seen to be improving."

The top 20 is done the same way. Ross does pick his top five favorites for the theme vote each week, and then lets us vote. I find it to be a really fair system, all the way around.

And I really like the fact that newcomers can get on the pop page too, with fewer faves or followers than those who have been here for a while (in year two myself). How else will we find the newbies who we want to follow and watch grow?
February 24th, 2012
@kraemerphotog i get what you were trying to do, i think it was just worded in a provoking way (personally i saw it for what it was) you'll always get some that try and have a laugh or whatever the excuse is.

the PP seems to be a sensitive topic to some - lord knows why, the project is a bit of fun and great for personal development. I'v made the PP 4-5 times last year, and it was a great feeling to have your work recognised.

don't get hung up on getting your work on there - Ross will never divulge how they get picked and i dont blame him as people will instinctively try and compete with each other and it would cause bad vibes.
February 24th, 2012
I hear you. I will never understand it. I posted a similar thread to this one not too long ago, and had all kinds of ppl jumping down my throat about how I should focus on my own project and not be 'consumed with making the PP'... which is not what I was doing at all. I just don't get it. I rarely look now, because I never have made it, and am pretty sure I never will. I do think it has more to do w/ how many 'friends' you have on here. So, that said, I would love at least ONE of my photos to make the page,but if not, the magic monkey's can stuff it :P
Your photos are beautiful. and you have gained a new follower :-)
here is one of mine that I am most proud of, and funny, after I took this, I had seen a few on the PP that were very similar. Why they made it, and not me, I will never know LOL
February 24th, 2012
Nope, you are not the only one. While I do not think all of my photos are pp worthy, I certainly have had that same feeling, oh, this is the one, but then nothing. From what I have read about the pp, it is just that, the pp. Not the best taken photograph, well lit, well composed, everything perfect picture, but what appeals to the masses, and I for one, do not. Your analogy of being high school fits here, because I think the ones that make the page the most, get the most buzz, and while they may be good photographs, as most of them are, they may or may not be any better than anything you have done, it just a matter of being popular. But, with that said, just keep doing what you are doing, and learning and growing in this field, the wealth of information and friendships on this site, out weigh, at least for me, not being on the popular page. If you really need to be on the pp, then my suggestion would be to follow as many people as possible, to get them looking at your images, that may be the only way help your cause. Just my two cents, and for what its worth, your photo, was stunning.
February 27th, 2012
@kraemerphotog I definitely fell you on that one. I always think about that on a lot of websites I put photos up on.

Here's two that are my personal favorite and would be cool to see on the popular page. http://www.flickr.com/photos/prostatusphotography/5608292310/in/photostream/
February 27th, 2012
After my one and only PP effort, I have given up - it seems to be based on number of comments: number of views: number of followers, with number of favs within a certain time frame mixed in.
I've seen some spectacular work on there and I've seen some very mediocre stuff as well ...
I now use it to find new people to follow, but don't stress about pp equating with "brilliant photo" for my own pics.
February 28th, 2012
OK - so apparently the trick is to whine here and then voila - PP (One of my pics made it onto the pop page within 24 hours of me posting the above. Go figure.
February 28th, 2012
@corymbia Well Amanda congrats on the pp, I am happy you got recognized, I really think some great photographers get missed and don't always get the credit they deserve! Again way to go awesome picture to by the way!
February 28th, 2012
@kraemerphotog thanks. I think a lot do get missed ... I know it's taken me 2 years to get on there and better photos than this didn't make it anywhere near pp.
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