notifications button change - how cool!

March 8th, 2012
I just noticed my notification button was red - meaning, I had new messages. Thank you @scrivna - how cool.
March 8th, 2012
LOL now I feel like you a couple of weeks ago...RED? Really? LOL
March 8th, 2012
@5unflow3r rest assured, 365 will never hear another peep out of me about color choices :)
March 8th, 2012
I keep hitting refresh....but no red (or anything else for that matter)
March 8th, 2012
@shadesofgrey Hit it again. It's completely glaring. :\
March 8th, 2012
@beautifulthing Nope still white for me
March 8th, 2012
still cracka ass cracka white over this way, too
March 8th, 2012
I need a notification to see if mine has changed
March 8th, 2012
@onie here ya go.
March 8th, 2012
I thought there was something wrong, I've seen red tonight!! ; )
March 8th, 2012
@grecican seems you need to get some sun on that crack my friend ;-)

still drab gray over here...!
March 8th, 2012
Thanks Shades......not red
March 8th, 2012
@andycoleborn @beautifulthing @grecican @reba Maybe it's a select few that get the red, maybe that means something....maybe we're all going to....still suck big ones at photography, well I'd rather be in the suck ass sucka group anyway. Up with white/gray/neutral down with red....
March 8th, 2012
@reba Lucky you! I hope mine changes too
March 8th, 2012
@onie ^^^
March 8th, 2012
I thought I was in trouble when I saw it this morning lol
It certainly stands out now!
March 8th, 2012
@shadesofgrey i think we should make a suck ass pics group... we can make an account for the suckiest sucks that ever sucked and then everyday each one of us can take turns taking the worst pic possible.

who's in? anyone who comments on the pics aren't allowed to say anything good, either. the more blunt, harsh, rash, vulgar, ridiculous, funny, and politically incorrect the comment the better.
March 8th, 2012
@onie - I so hesitate to say this, but at first I took your message to mean you had a new color, not red. I was thinking maybe we could choose our own colors (not red!). Reminder to self - no more color preference comments on 365 EVER, EVER!
March 8th, 2012
@shadesofgrey haha well you would prefer gray :-)....

I'm too with the conspiracy thing... maybe Ross know's something about those who go red....
March 8th, 2012
Maybe it's like a reward system, if you've been really really good you get a red button. *sigh.....guess mine will stay white
March 8th, 2012
@shadesofgrey i nominate the poop guy to be a part of this group, too

March 8th, 2012
@onie I sorta wish I had stayed bad, then.
March 8th, 2012
ha ha, no I still have the white one!!
March 8th, 2012
Don't know what you guys are seeing - mine's still gray!
March 8th, 2012
@timandelke - here's a notification for you; still grey?
March 8th, 2012
@reba I think Ross was testing out the colors on you.

I turned off the internet and reconnected, and damn, would you guess that I just have no notifications to see if it is red.
March 8th, 2012
yup! The only red thing on my screen is the share button.
March 8th, 2012
@brumbe Here's one.
March 8th, 2012
I have no red:(
March 8th, 2012
@pwallis Be glad, wifey. It's, um. Red.
March 8th, 2012
One good thing though is that the red doesn't stay. It seems like, in the past, the notification thingie would just stay on, even right after you opened up links and looked at everything. So good for that.
March 8th, 2012
@grecican I agree @poophappens needs to join in, he's stayed under the radar for way too long. I have actually considered changing my bio to say "If you don't have something for me to improve, don't say anything at all"....

I nominate @beautifulthing to be part of our sucktastic suck ass suckola o' suck group too, along with @brumbe and @pwallis
March 8th, 2012
@shadesofgrey I humbly accept. I am adept lately at bringing the suckage.
March 8th, 2012
@shadesofgrey I am honoured. I will do my very best at bringing a high level of suckage to the table.
March 8th, 2012
March 8th, 2012
@beautifulthing as am am I.
March 8th, 2012
I've got a red button...
March 8th, 2012
@pwallis @beautifulthing @shadesofgrey @brumbe we need to get on email and come up with an email/password... Paula(s) and Shades, you've got my email... add Shelly and Poops and we'll coordinate there.

America FUCK YEAH!
March 8th, 2012
@grecican Ooo, that sounds like a ball of fun. I can go on diatribes of "you suck" if it is taken in jest...or not.
March 8th, 2012
@cluvlj the worst the comment, the better
March 8th, 2012
@gareauk1 - well congratulations - you are the ONLY one!
March 8th, 2012
@cluvlj it's all that will be least there, diatribe away.
March 8th, 2012

god damn it
March 8th, 2012
Mine is still drab gray. Perhaps I need to join the communist party to get a red one.
March 8th, 2012
Now if @beautifulthing would just send @grecican her email.....I've aske for it before but nada, not cool enough I guess. @poophappens will hopefully get a inbox full of notifications and join in the fun!
March 8th, 2012
@shadesofgrey You butt. You have not either asked for it. Unfollowed.
March 8th, 2012
@shadesofgrey hopefully... shelly, i'm going to email you my email addy on one of your old pics that suck... (i did this with Paula so please don't take too much offense... haaaa) anywho, once you receive, please delete and email me and we'll all coordinate together! :)
March 8th, 2012
@beautifulthing that last comment was for you... sorry!!
March 8th, 2012
@beautifulthing did so, you deleted the pic....the one with the cows and the motel from your NM trip.
March 8th, 2012
@beautifulthing @shadesofgrey @grecican @pwallis and all others I forgot. I am using fillers instead of suckage shots. Yesterday was a photo of the hives I now have from the surgical adhesive that I sent to the nurse. I thought you would all appreciate my lack of sharing on that. Just let me know what we are doing. I have all but Shelly's email, but shady is kept on the downlow in my address box. I do like thinking of red as an early warning system though.
March 8th, 2012
@brumbe much appreciated.....funny how we all have each others emails.......sensing a trend here that just came to light.
March 8th, 2012
@grecican PS, I think you successfully disjointed another thread. Congratulations. One more leap toward Psychosis.
March 8th, 2012
@cluvlj i'm a total dick with the thread hijacking.
March 8th, 2012
At first I thought maybe red meant I got a negative comment ;-P
March 8th, 2012
@grecican So excited about our new and sucktastic venture!
March 8th, 2012
@grecican Say it in Italian. Much more sensual "Testa di Cazzo" (dickhead)
March 8th, 2012
@cluvlj aahhahahahahahahaha... that is awesomo!
March 8th, 2012
@brumbe @shadesofgrey @grecican @beautifulthing make sure you start up a discussion thread to let us know "who" to follow to crap upon your photos, there are certainly days i will thrive on talking some shit about your pictures
March 8th, 2012
@emjay8 good thinking... stay tuned!
March 8th, 2012
@grecican I aim to please. In a bathroom, being a guy, I don't aim, just to piss off the janitor.
March 8th, 2012
@grecican @shadesofgrey @brumbe @beautifulthing where's my invite, suckas? all you gotta do is tag me. my notifications are still white.
March 8th, 2012
@pwallis @brumbe @grecican @beautifulthing @andycoleborn @reba
March 8th, 2012
@sdpace you're invited! need your email... find a shitty pic of mine and leave it there and i'll delete it right after. it's okay... seriously.. find a shitty pic.

i think the cutoff is after Poops, though... too many hands in the pot @pwallis @brumbe @shadesofgrey @beautifulthing, you guys all in agreeance with this?
March 8th, 2012
@grecican So say we all.
March 8th, 2012
@shadesofgrey Told you.
March 8th, 2012
@beautifulthing FRAK EARTH!
March 8th, 2012
@grecican see email reply bout limits... @sdpace cannot believe we missed you....I totally typed your name, the monkeys must've deleted it.
March 8th, 2012
Mmm... bright green like in the logo would look better and still stand out. More cohesive.
March 8th, 2012
@Scrivna ^^^^^^^^^^^^

@echoia YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

March 8th, 2012
@shadesofgrey Like, totally freak me out : P
March 8th, 2012
mine is red.
March 8th, 2012
just got another notification, and binga, that icon popped up red!
March 8th, 2012
@Scrivna ^^ spam x 2
March 8th, 2012
@beautifulthing - I wouldn't pay that much for Air Jordans... but boy oh boy, how RED is that notification icon... that really POPS!
March 8th, 2012
@bobfoto I would totally pay that much for Air Jordans. I don't care how fake they are. If you walk fast enough, people can't tell. Also, it is REALLY red. Like, red red RED red.
March 8th, 2012
@beautifulthing - I guess in a new pair of AJs, then you could afford to walk really fast, to avoid someone chasing you down for them???

And that's almost Tomato RED! I feel sorry for the peeps who still have to endure the old school grey one.
March 8th, 2012
@grecican Can I be in the group? You've seen how my pix can suck, and I have the red notification
March 8th, 2012
Still white/grey on my iPad. Thank heaven for small mercies.
March 8th, 2012
Wow, that's bright!
March 8th, 2012
@5unflow3r yo Trina! i emailed the group asking... we may be filled to capacity at this point... let you know by manana! :)
March 8th, 2012
@grecican Ok sounds good. And if comments are truly supposed to be rude, I will totally be there Bitch!
March 8th, 2012
I have red too! Hopefully I get some notifications to keep it red and today isnt a fluke.
March 8th, 2012
Free reign to suck. That could be fun! LOL
March 8th, 2012
Looks like I have been good after all, having an illegal, sneaky peek at work and there was the lovely red notification tab.....(I secretly like it)
March 8th, 2012
@echoia can I second, third and fourth that? the same green as in the logo would be a better choice I think @shadesofgrey
March 8th, 2012
@grecican @beautifulthing @shadesofgrey
Your group is just so you can make honest /jealous/wish I had done that type comments on each others photos right? You'll still be seen in the threads?
I would miss my morning grecian laugh.........
March 8th, 2012
Gucci Bikini!

And wahhhhh wah my notifications are plain ol' white again...
March 8th, 2012
On my iPad it's still grey but it's red on my desktop :)
March 8th, 2012
Spoke too soon. Now it's red on my iPad. Blahhhhhh.
March 8th, 2012
I just have white....
March 8th, 2012
@reba I noticed it and I love it!
March 8th, 2012
It's looking very grey on my PC... I'm not special enough. :(
March 8th, 2012
@shadesofgrey @beautifulthing @grecican @brumbe

Just saw this... Is this what happens while I'm asleep?!
March 8th, 2012
@mimiducky It should be red now. :)
March 8th, 2012
@gurry Yes. Now we know who to blame!
March 8th, 2012
@dieter GREEN GREEN GREEN......go GREEN for gods sake....

@onie We are forming a commune and only going to post photos to that account....the rest of the time we are going to make sweet love and drink till we pass out....convenient since females far outnumber the males! (I'm the only one so far......hehehehehehe)

@gurry Yes, now email quin if you're in....will be fun so you totes have to do it.
March 8th, 2012
@shadesofgrey I did, I did, but she's a bit slow on the turnaround!

@quin :P
March 8th, 2012
i am SOOOOO confused... on my teeny weeny itouch it was red... on my puter it is gray...

@shadesofgrey @beautifulthing let me know where the photos are and i will be pleased to tell you how much i hate them... i'm in a foul mood and looking to cause collateral damage...
March 8th, 2012
@gurry I think she went to sleep or at least off the internetz. for the night.
March 8th, 2012
@northy Sooon, very sooon....bring it on! In the meantime....feel free to stop by any of mine and blast away
March 8th, 2012
@shadesofgrey What means "off the Internet"?
March 8th, 2012
Oooooh, now it's red!!! @ladyjane, thanks!
March 8th, 2012
@beautifulthing I don't know, it's just something she said.....I can't find it anywhere ....I've googled, bing-ed, urban dictionaried, DYAC'd, AOL'd, Yahoo'd, peer to peer'd , IM'd, tweeted, liked, tumbled,flickr'd, linkd, +1, and I still can't find anything about it.
March 8th, 2012
ok - sometimes it goes red with a new tag... and sometimes it doesn't... sometimes ya feel like a nut...
March 8th, 2012
I don't care what color it is as long as it changes color when I have new Thanks @scrivna
March 8th, 2012
Still grey here.
March 8th, 2012
@nlaurie - mine goes from pale grey to ever-so-slightly darker grey with a notification. It's barely noticeable, unfortunately.
March 8th, 2012
Phew - I thought I had a problem and it was mad at me! now I know everyone's is red :)
March 8th, 2012
Nope I'm still not red
March 8th, 2012
@echoia Mine was bright green the first time. Now it's red.
March 8th, 2012
mine only seems to be red when I look at it from my iphone... when i look on my laptop it is still grey...
March 8th, 2012
@pwallis @brumbe @grecican @beautifulthing @shadesofgrey @sdpace @poophappens

I'm always amused when I see these crazy conversation that happen while I've been sleeping. Your combined account of suckage sounds like it will be HILARIOUS - please post the details so we can follow and join in the fun ;)
March 8th, 2012
@limpet365 most def... we're figuring out all of this shit now. stay tuned :)
March 8th, 2012
@grecican awesome!
March 8th, 2012
I'm seeing red.
March 8th, 2012
I'm still seeing grey, laptop or pc, all grey... :-(
UPDATE: Yaaay, now its RED!!!
March 8th, 2012
@miley89 better not mess with you right now then. Yeesh! :)

grey/gray on PC

red on Mac
March 8th, 2012
Still Grey or Gray... he he he he
March 8th, 2012
cool! IDK if mine is still grey or if it has turned red. I am sure we'll all be red at some point. But that makes it much clearer, I'm sure, if it's red! Thanks @scrivna !
March 8th, 2012
I thought it had always been like that and I'd just not noticed.
March 8th, 2012
i love the red - great to instantly see there is a notification....thanks Ross !
March 9th, 2012
Love the red for new notifications. Yes thanks Ross and thanks for thinking about improvements to the site.
March 9th, 2012
@geocacheking - I'm on a laptop at the moment and wondered if it'd be different on my MBA but it's still grey. It's all very strange how it's different for different members.
March 9th, 2012
Still white on my screen. I don't get it. Why wouldn't everyone get the red notification all at once? It is a puzzlement.
March 9th, 2012
Still white for me. Guess I'm just not one of the cool kids. LOL.
March 9th, 2012
Ah well now I've realized that it's red at work & white at home still lol...
March 9th, 2012
Mine is red. First I've seen this. I'm on an iPhone.
March 9th, 2012
@poophappens did you see the notice @grecican sent you on one of your photos? If not, let me know.....
March 9th, 2012
@shadesofgrey I'm so down! Sounds fun!
March 9th, 2012
@poophappens Let her know asap, we have you built into the numbers......
March 9th, 2012
still Red here :)
March 9th, 2012
No red here :(
March 9th, 2012
Mine hasn't changed and it very light and mid gray only....oh well!
March 9th, 2012
I'm so glad this has been changed! Here on my monitor, there wasn't much difference between the grey tones which was a little confusing.

Thank you! :-)
March 9th, 2012
Yes - I like this.

(Being new I thought I'd only just noticed it :)
March 9th, 2012
No red yesterday, still no red today....just light grey, dark grey :-( (in spite of the presence of new notifications)
March 9th, 2012
Grrr. No red.
March 9th, 2012
@pwallis Be happy!
March 9th, 2012
Humm... red on desktop, and grey on laptop
March 9th, 2012
Finally! I have it:D
March 9th, 2012
Yeah, I like the new red notifications too.
March 9th, 2012
Red yesterday, white today...
March 10th, 2012
Does it go red when there are a lot of them?
March 10th, 2012
No red. :/
March 10th, 2012
It appears I'm now seeing red with new notifications. Nice.
March 10th, 2012
Very cool. I saw it was red but just thought it was like that all the time now. I like that it turns red when you get new notices. Thank you Ross.
March 10th, 2012
Heeeyyyyyy I'm now red at home too!
March 10th, 2012
Mine has gone red now and I love it. Thank you Ross @Scrivna
March 10th, 2012
Oh it is so RED still!
March 10th, 2012
i thought my eyes were deceiving me at first! that's awesome :D
March 10th, 2012
@bigsusan55 - no, even one new one will set it off
March 10th, 2012
Mine is red too now! :D
March 10th, 2012
Totally appreciate this Ross!
March 10th, 2012
Much better...much appreciated!!
March 10th, 2012
Still no red. What's the deal?
March 11th, 2012
I notice my notifications much more now that it turns red. Thanks!
March 11th, 2012
Love this!!!
March 13th, 2012
So, am I the only 365er who has gotten the shiny new red notification icon yet?

I'm not feelin' the love. =0(
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