Craptastic Pic Friday!

March 9th, 2012
yep... it's that time again. time to post your worst of your worst for this week.

i actually like most of mine this week for once so i'm going to go with the one i like least. a little too much on the blur and the subject is subdued by that big rock in the sea.

okay... your turn... hit us with your worst shot!
March 9th, 2012
I'm happy with my shots this week, so I'll hit you up with some vintage crap from last year!
March 9th, 2012
@pwallis what in the hayell?!
March 9th, 2012
i'm with @pwallis - i even liked my week of iPhone this week. so here's one from same time/last year that sucks the big one.

March 9th, 2012
@grecican I know - WTF?! And it's not even in focus!
March 9th, 2012
@sdpace marvelously sucky
March 9th, 2012
March 9th, 2012
@grecican the early days of playing with split tone. obviously. blue trees? c'mon stacy.
March 9th, 2012
I feel like this one wasn't well focused. In my defense, though, I am still practicing with my recently obtained extension tube.

March 9th, 2012
Think it's this one for this week. A shot of nothingness really, although I'm not too unhappy about it :-)
March 9th, 2012
When cheesy things happen to questionable pictures:

March 9th, 2012
@beautifulthing Your comment is funny!
March 9th, 2012

This is my least favourite from this week. I like what I was trying to do with it but I couldn't get the focus right at all. V. disappointing!
March 9th, 2012
It was a poor attempt to keep the date true. Why that was important on Sunday, i don't know

March 9th, 2012
@grecican I liked this one of yours.
March 9th, 2012
@cfitzgerald That isn't that bad. Most pictures involving cameras get a little cliche, but I really like the blurred background.
March 9th, 2012
March 9th, 2012
@cfitzgerald I know I never commented on that one, but I actually really liked that selfie of yours! The focus is lovely and the b&w tones are too.
March 9th, 2012
This is the photo I would most like to reshoot from this week. I wish I had walked in closer and engaged them more.

March 9th, 2012
@pwallis You are too kind to me! I think you just love the creamy black and white preset that I over-use! :)

@svenskaflicka THANKS! I love my nifty fifty, but I have so many other photos I should/could have used for that day. Oh well.
March 9th, 2012
I hate this...I only did it because I needed to do a head shot and I can't even stand to look at it now...ugh
March 9th, 2012
Just to get one out. I wanted to get the blizzard like wind and snow and the gorgeous blue sky at the same time but couldnt get both.
March 9th, 2012
@beautifulthing I thought you were quoting Samuel L Jackson at first glance...I was expecting something about snakes on the plane.

I was rather meh about finding anything to photograph this week so I was just posting mostly whatever, perhaps this one:

March 9th, 2012
@swguevin I like the pure oddness of it. It is not often you see a group of very serious looking men in skirts (ok, ok, kilts...) having a discussion.
March 9th, 2012
I have two from this week-final exams created some awful pictures! (p.s. now I am on vacation, so hopefully lots of time for photography. I really want to get better and try to understand processing more...)

First: The Not So Amazing Seltzer Bubbles Which Should Have Been More Interesting and More in Focus
March 9th, 2012
What a complete mess !
March 9th, 2012
@jasonfury Yikes! The colors are nice, if nothing else!
March 9th, 2012
some of these pics are beyond craptastic... keep 'em coming.. i know there's a lot more on this site!

@jannkc gotta give you an A for trying, at least!
March 9th, 2012
@grecican I just refused to post any shit fillers this week. Oh yes, I did mostly fillers this week.
March 9th, 2012
lol i hate this...
March 9th, 2012
ha! I nominated my craptastic friday photo before I even saw the thread...
(damnit I was on such a good run this week prior to this shot!)

here we go:

March 9th, 2012
@limpet365 hahahaahahahaa... it's good and it's bad all at the same time!
March 9th, 2012
I chose this one that I took today. I think it's magic! A broom standing all by its self!! Although it didn't make much of a pretty picture, hence the craptastic but...
I do think it's magic...what do you think???
March 10th, 2012
One of my attempts at a album cover
March 10th, 2012
This is truly crapalicious. An apudoma is a prostrate or endocrine tumor. Maybe lots of chemo and be free to do anything, not.
March 10th, 2012
crap-crap-a-suct-a-loosa. A Shit shot:

March 10th, 2012
@cluvlj hory clap.. i believe we have a winner, folks!! this is AMAZING!!
March 10th, 2012
@grecican yer kidding?

Amazing that I actually built a camera out of paper, and a bunch of Math calclations I f-'d up on. Looks like my vision when I wake up on a Sunday morning.
March 10th, 2012
@jasonfury This is not a bad shot! Love the barbed wire and branch framing. And the colors are great!! The processing is what makes the photo!
March 10th, 2012
@tinatmmc yer kidding, right? This is good!
March 10th, 2012
@cluvlj Thanks! Maybe I am just self-conscious :)
March 10th, 2012

don't worry... be happy!

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