new to 365, any advice?

March 11th, 2012
Hi everyone! I'm Natalie and I'm just joined 365.
I'm looking forward to trying to complete this project, but sometimes I have a very hard time sticking to things!

Anyone have any advice/ideas about how to keep it going? c:
March 11th, 2012
Welcome! I'm newishhhh myself so I haven't hit a sticking with it problem (yet)...I have found following a theme week helpful a few times, all mine have been self imposed but there are some posted on here as well! Challenges are also good for inspiration sometimes, as well as just following people who's pics you like, they provide the most inspiration I think :) Good luck!
March 11th, 2012
Here and here are some good jumping off points......just please for your sake and ours, don't post a thread asking for reeks of desperation and most of us on here, won't bother opening the thread or looking at your profile. Just being honest. Your best bet is to follow those that inspire you, comment, post regularly,comment, participate in the community, comment, ask questions, comment and.......hmmm I seem to have forgot something....oh yeah! Comment! Participate in themes, challenges, know and understand that at some point sooner or later, you will get discouraged, tired, bummed out, or just down. Everybody does, nobody can fill 365 days with genius and excellence....fight through it because a great day where everything goes right is just on the other side....
March 11th, 2012
@tamsg4 Thanks for the welcome & the advice! I'll have to think of a few themes to follow!

@shadesofgrey Thankyou for the getting started guide, they both help a lot. And don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who would beg for followers haha! & thanks for the great advice! I'll get to commenting c:
March 11th, 2012
Welcome! Just enjoy it and don't let it turn into an obligation. That's the best advice I can give. Get to know the community and have fun! :)
March 11th, 2012
@lacedxxoo Thanks! I know what you mean, I think I'm going to try and keep this as fun as possible so I'll be more likely to keep going with it!
March 11th, 2012
Don't listen to the idiot above. I would have been begging for advise a month ago. So here is what I have
Read the forums
Search the forums
Take your camera everywhere you go as you never know when an oportunity will arise
Take a safety shot each day just in case your planned shot doesn't work out
Comment on others you like
Take advise on your pics, you will learn that way
Be prepared to be a 365 addict
Most of all have fun and enjoy the ride
March 11th, 2012
Most of it will come naturally, the more you comment and put yourself out there the more its reciprocated. But most of all enjoy your project you will create some awesome memories and come across some great photo opportunities....just be ready. Good Luck!!
March 11th, 2012
@kamb I think getting critique on my photos is one of the things I'm really going to enjoy about this project. Thankyou for your advice!
March 11th, 2012
@tashie Thanks! 365 seems like a great way to keep a visual diary of a year in my life, I'm looking forward to it :)
March 11th, 2012
@oblique - Hi Natalie, participate. That is the best advice I can give. Also if you do ask for advice, then prepare for honesty. The internets are not always about love and warm hugs, expect some brutality from the odd member. Shit, including me. But if you immerse yourself into the 365 then you will find a loving community that will help you feel good about what you are trying to achieve.

Now, I am off to check out your project to date.... hopefully there is a frog on a tomato somewhere?
March 11th, 2012
@bobfoto Haha, I think sometimes brutally honest crit from (odd) strangers can be more helpful than the sugar-coated ones you often get from friends/family. Thankyou for your advice!

(unfortunately no frogs or tomatoes in my project yet!)
March 11th, 2012
@oblique - I noticed....
March 11th, 2012
@oblique To share your photos in the discussions, upload your photo, then when its all done click on the photo, look at the right hand column and scroll down just a bit, look for the 'Share" link, copy and paste that link and put it in the reply box for the theme/discussion. You can also do this with others photos, it just depends on what your'e joining in with. : )
March 11th, 2012
Hi and Welcome! I started this as a sort of on-line photo album and had no idea what I was letting myself in for! I'm no photographer but I've ended up seeing beautiful/unusual/notable things every day, finding great ways to capture and even edit them - and I just love the community. Take your camera everywhere with you - don't be afraid to play with new ideas/new angles, try to keep up within a day or two, and when you get stuck have a look at the themes. Most of all enjoy! :) @oblique
March 11th, 2012 very fast...and do not, under any circumstances fav a frog!!!
March 11th, 2012
@shadesofgrey you couldn't have said it better!
March 11th, 2012
@oblique Just go for it, its all about you. The wonderful like-minded people on this site will encourage you if you are trying. Make it about your style, we are all different. I'm a whole week in now and loving it, I have received so many comments and all are so welcome. It has made me get out and about and off my backside with my camera and that was what it was all about for me. Having a hoot so far ;-)
March 11th, 2012
For inspiration pick someone who has been on this project for quite some time and browse their calendar, it doesn't have to be me..just to tell you that I stuck it out. I'm in my third year and just past the 1500 mark..sometimes I upload pictures of the internet or a picture a friend sent me as long as you let us know that it's of the internet or newpaper (yesterday's picture) it's ok.. also once in awhile a filler when I have a busy day and don't find the time to take a picture.. hope this might help you.
March 11th, 2012
@bobfoto Darn it I just can't can't find frogs!! I want frogs, I love frogs BUT there must be a least one boring old British frog around here somewhere because there is frogspawn in my pond this morning - yay!!
March 11th, 2012
Welcome to 365!! Best advice--take photos of what you love and allow yourself to post ones that you don't feel are 100% from time to time. Have fun!!!
March 11th, 2012
I'm relatively new too....have fun, and be warned, it's addictive!!! :-)
March 11th, 2012
welcome! this is a great forum and as @shadesofgrey mentioned, get involved:) also, shoot what makes you happy and stick to it- your followers will come and sometimes you will be fortunate enough to make a connection and gain some wonderful friends here:) Browse the latest feed and pp for inspiration or to see other's work you may wish to follow. most important, remember that this is your project and have fun!!
March 11th, 2012
i agree, i'm onmy 2nd year, i take a camera with me everywhere i go. i have even bought one for my bag so i can do this.
and yep it is addictive, enjoy it
March 11th, 2012
@kamb Unless there was a post that has since been deleted, I can only assume you were referring to me as "the idiot above". I never said don't beg for advice....I only said don't beg for followers. This site isn't about who has the most followers or is the most "popular", there are other sites for that. A lot of us who have been on here for a while want nothing to do with someone who begs for followers, just wanted her to avoid a pitfall that a lot seem to fall into. If you don't believe me just search for it....I haven't found one search term that brings them all up but follow me, want followers, need followers have all brought up a couple in the first few results. Matter of fact, if you check out my links, I was trying to help her out with her original question.

I am the first one to search for the answer or seek advice if I can't find the answer so I would never tell someone else not to do that.....just ask anyone on here that knows me.
March 11th, 2012
Welcome!! Just have fun and participate. All the advice above is well said. This is a great community..and a fantastic outlet for creativity. Now go shoot some tomatoes and frogs for gripes sake..they're begging for it!
March 11th, 2012
Thankyou everyone for your kind replies! I'm looking forward to becoming part of this community :)
March 12th, 2012
@bobfoto Mate you crack me up... I am going to have to get a frog on a tomato shot.

@oblique Welcome and enjoy. This place is like all places, you get out what you put in. If you want interaction, then you have to be interactive. If you dont want people to harass you then you can have that too.

Just kick back and make what you want of your project and enjoy. We are all here to help and support you if you should ever need it through your project and this help extends beyond your photos and project. :)
March 12th, 2012
@lauralatham - Ohhh that's a start!!!
March 12th, 2012
@bobfoto yay! My photo for today is the lovely frogspawn!! Not at all photogenic but still..
March 13th, 2012
@kamb - these are the people above you, one of whom you feel is an idiot. For our benefit, can you narrow it down? @oblique @tamsg4 @shadesofgrey @lacedxxoo
March 13th, 2012
Not it! lol
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