Newbie Suggestion

March 15th, 2012
I just started my Project 365 yesterday and I was thinking should I or should I not upload old pictures and fill up the calendar.
I take a lot of photos all the time but I'm pretty sure I will miss out a day or two here and there.

Should I just leave them blank as they are and start from now? I couldn't decide cause I'm starting out of nowhere in the middle of the month! :S

oh and do you guys stick strictly and upload a pic a day or you guys actually post them up a day late etc?

March 15th, 2012
Your project, your rules. Depends what you came into the project to achieve.

Main rule; enjoy.
March 15th, 2012
Welcome. You run it how you want, so it is up to you. Most people will just start where they start and not back fill.
March 15th, 2012
welcome to 365. It's your project, your rules. When I started my project I filled up a little my calendar... like a week. And I regretted it. Because when it came to my 365's picture is was not really a year since I began my project... I found very frustrating at the beggining to upload only one pic and to have so few of them but if I ever start someting similar to 365 I would wait and not upload old pics. I always keep few pics in a "waiting file" for the days I don't take any or don't like what I shoot... But One more time, your project your rules so do whatever you want!
March 15th, 2012
@parisouailleurs thank you so much! it make sense! :D
March 15th, 2012
I started in early January and "back filled" to 1st January because that looked right.
A few of my photos are from the past - the most ancient goes back to 1973! These were put in because I had been unable to take new ones.
Sometimes I will put 2 or 3 new ones in filling up gaps.
Generally it is best to try and post one current photo each day but sometimes that is not possible.
So the philosophy is that it is my project and I will play it as I want!
So do as you will BUT bear in mind that it is a 365 project.
March 15th, 2012
@andrewrome365 hey thank you! I guess I know what and how I'm supposed to go around this. Can't wait to post more photos. I never know there's such an interesting community that exists! love it!
March 15th, 2012
I agree with Brian - your project, your rules. My take on the project? I started mid-Jan of this year and have been tempted to upload past shots to fill gap, but my reason for joining was to see improvement in my photography and become more disciplined about regular shooting for growth purposes. To that end, I'm going to try and not post any shots taken before starting date. I don't always manage a shot a day everyday - sometimes I shoot a bunch on the weekend and post selections over the next 3 days or save some for filler as Helene does. You have to make it work for you personally - otherwise your odds of sticking with it will plummet!
March 15th, 2012
@lesphoto thanks for replying. yea I guess I'm not gonna backfill although I'm really tempted to!
March 15th, 2012
@chiayi Look at it in terms of just a year - doesn't have to start in Jan. Plus, it is really nice to jump back to your starting point (whenever that may be) and see the improvements you've made over time.
March 15th, 2012
I am not too strict on myself with the uploading. If I go away for the weekend etc I obvioulsy can't get online to upload a picture unless I do it straight from my phone. The only rule I set myself and I have managed to stick to it so far is that I take a picture a day and upload it. I've got loads that I'm pleased with from before 365 but that was before I started learning properly about photography, so for me I just keep trying new techniques and subjects and see what I come up with as I'm saving to buy a DSLR in the next few weeks and I want to be able to use it without having to resort to the auto settings. But, like I say my one rule is I take a photo a day so I can chart this year and any improvements I make. As everyone else has already said though you can make your own rules on here those are just mine.
March 15th, 2012
Everyone here is exactly spot-on; your project your rules. Just like @andrewrome365 I started mid Jan and it just felt weird, so I back filled to 1 Jan. I have two other albums that catch some of my other backfill work as well. I sometimes skip a day, but usually have plenty of photos from the day prior to fill in. The best thing to do is just have fun and test your boundaries. Here is one of my backfills and I have NO guilt about it whatsoever LOL :)
March 15th, 2012
Welcome to 365! Hope you have fun with your project. I started 5th September and agree with @parisouailleurs . This is the date I remember in my head and I want to finish my 365 (or 366!) 4th September. I decided to fill some blanks and use fillers on the odd occasion since that date, but wouldn't want to upload any earlier dates to my main album. If you find you're really enjoying it and want to support Ross with running the site, then the ace membership is definitely worth it for the price! You get 3 albums and for me personally I would then prefer to upload to second or third album with earlier dates.

But it is entirely your project and as everyone said the great thing is that you can make up the rules as you like :-)
March 15th, 2012
If you miss a day, all of your other pictures get deleted, and you have to start over. I more or less gave up sleeping because of this website.
March 15th, 2012
@gurry ---- hahaha!!! ;-)
March 15th, 2012
Welcome to 365! Like others have said, it is your project and your rules. I started on Jan 2, 2011--I've always been a procrastinator!--and didn't go back to fill in.

I think it's been really helpful to take at least a couple of photos each day, but some days I can't take any and others days I spend hours with my cameras. Sometimes I shoot film and have to wait until it's developed. So I don't always post on the day I shot it.

I think the important thing is to enjoy your photography!
March 15th, 2012
Welcome to 365! At the risk of being redundant- you can set it up any way you want and post any way you want. When I started my first year, I began mid-Jan. I didn't realize you could go from your start date forward, so I back-filled the first two weeks with my favorite shots of 2010. I did try to post a photo a day for the first few months, but sometimes that was physically impossible (like when we lost power for two days!), so I loosened up my own standards and just enjoyed taking the shots and posting them when it was good for me to do so. For the most part it was a shot a day. The most important aspect for me has always been to enjoy what I'm doing here and learn from others. Putting undo pressure to post and shoot isn't what it's all about. So, decide what you want to get out of your project and work accordingly. Have fun!
March 15th, 2012
I started in the middle of Jan. Didn't feel the need to fill in the first two weeks with old pictures. I also don't get the chance to shoot everyday, but when I do I usually take enough that can be used as fillers.
March 15th, 2012
If you back fill photos it will increase your numbers, so you won't appear on the New Faces as long and people won't get a real chance to view your work. I vote for don't do it. You'll be collecting them fast enough at one a day!
March 16th, 2012
So many comments, but my 2 cents is that my reasons for doing this are mostly to catelog a day in my life, so it does feel a tad false when I fill in with a photo that was not taken that day.

That being said, having done this in 2010, and was *mostly* a day-to-day purist, there were times that I filled in because I restaged something that did represent the day. I'm also looking back right now at a gap on March 5th and *can't find* (horrors) anything that I took that day. Say what?! How could I have forgotten?! Did I accidentally delete something? So I'm debating to fill it in with something that was taken in the same timeframe but still *could have* been that day, LOL! As everyone has said, it's your rules, and it's your reasons. I look back on my 2010 "book" and I adore it! A year in my life, moments big and small. No doubt if I backfill and don't mention it, I'll forget that it ever happened, haha!! (I'll scratch my head....I think I.... did I? what was that day again?)
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