How hooked on 365 are you?

April 10th, 2012
I took 253 photos this morning - uploaded on three occasions. Each time I take a few I have to upload to see what they look like.

Hooked - indeed.

I love browsing through the 'latest' page.

It's the most compulsive website I've ever visited!

What about you?

April 10th, 2012
It has certainly replaced facebook for me as the #1" go to" site on the web. In fact I rarely visit fb much since joining here. Truthfully, I spend waaaay to much time on the 365 that I'm dangerously close to the "Get A Life!" syndrome. LOL!
April 10th, 2012
I'm right there too!
April 10th, 2012
I'm on the computer far more often than I should be. Into my 4th month now and thought the novelty of 365 would haves waned a bit. But no, still check the dashboard every morning, see if I have any notifications, then to the discussion board! Still having no trouble taking photos every day, still having trouble deciding which photo to post!
Don't usually take more than 10 each day.....
April 10th, 2012
I took 176 photos on Sunday because I'm totally obsessed with 365 now. How sad is that? I often take loads and like others have to keep looking to see whether other people have liked my pics. I hardly visit Facebook now either as this is my favourite site now
April 10th, 2012
I spend all day here much to the consternation of my family. I always check it first thing in the morning and continue coming back to it all day long! I even dream about shots I want to take the next day when I am sleeping and I look at EVERYTHING as a potential subject for a photo! Um yeah........hooked!
April 10th, 2012
It has had the beneficial advantage of getting me out walking with my camera.
Also taught me to be much more observant of my surroundings and through it I have "met" delightful people from around the world.
Thank you Ross for making all this possiible!
April 10th, 2012
I was at first but I find I'm indifferent now, I take pictures most days without this project in mind. I do find myself on here even when I have nothing to post but that for me is the best time to comment.

I have altered the way I comment too as I feel sometimes I am struggling to be complimentary when I am a highly critical person. I usually wait a couple of days and then comment, that way most people will usually have something I like.
April 10th, 2012
I was like you back when I started, but since then, my youngest has started walking and napping less, so I have way less free time. lol. I spend most of my time cleaning up after she and her older brother or running around behind them trying to snap something worth posting before someone gets hurt or dirty again. =)
I try to make time to check in on those that I follow at least once a day though. It's always a treat to see what some of them have posted.
April 10th, 2012
I am 100 days into my second year. I am on the computer way more than I used to going to 365 and seeing the photos posted. Now I always carry my camera with me - yeah, I am hooked!
April 10th, 2012
Haha. The addict thread! Well, I like the project very much but try to focus on other things too :-) One of the reasons I hardly enter any competitions and do not follow many people. Sometimes the Latest page is fun too look at. At least much more fun than the slicked pp :-)
April 10th, 2012
I'm very hooked! I visit FB a lot less (which I think is a good thing!) and have learnt so much since joining here. So, although I must admit great addiction, I can't say it's been bad for me. :)
April 10th, 2012
Yes, I am hooked! Take my camera everywhere with me and am very fortunate to have a husband that support me 100%! Spend every eveing on 365 ... the no. 1 website in the world! :D
April 10th, 2012
Well, considering I'm on year three, I'd say I'm pretty hooked! I bring my camera everywhere, and I'm always looking to find new ways to approach my subjects.
April 10th, 2012
Totally and utterly hooked!! ; ))
April 10th, 2012
Hooked! This is my fifth year in a row :)
April 10th, 2012
It's interesting how many of us say we spend less time on FB -- I find 365 to be more interesting than FB and admit I spend a lot of time taking pictures, processing them, trying to choose what to post, and reading comments. I think (hope) my camera skills are increasing as a result.
April 10th, 2012
Sometimes finding something new to photograph can be a drag and sometimes I have so many good photos in a day I am spoiled for choice. I've been hooked on photography from age 11 and am more so now - I also take a camera with me almost everywhere but then I've done that for a very long time.
April 10th, 2012
I can stop anytime I want to. I just choose not to.

100 days into my second year and I've posted a photo, sometimes two, every day on the day it was shot. No fillers.

Yeah. I'm hooked.
April 10th, 2012
At this point, I am more addicted to the taking of photos than 365. I still take just as many photos, but I am starting to be here less and less. Yesterday I only posted 1 photo! I will probably not renew my ACE, though I will still be here. I am trying new outlets like Flickr, where there is less stress to keep up with commenting. I still enjoy looking at everyone's photo, but I find I have less and less time to post.
April 10th, 2012
I love browsing through the people I follow, and the "latest" page (and of course the PP)! My interest in my own project wanes sometimes. It's hard to find the energy to be great every day, and when I have a string of mediocre photos I get a little discouraged... but I never tire of seeing everyone else's work!
April 10th, 2012
Hello, my name is Jackie and I'm a 365holic.
April 10th, 2012
I just finished year 1 without filler. I am sticking around for year 2 because I am totally addicted. However I am going to make less rules for myself. I have allowed filler as long as it was taken in the same week.
April 10th, 2012
I am an addict as well, i check this site constantly and when not at home i go on from my phone. It has taken over my life and Facebook is no longer my Nr.1 visited page.
April 10th, 2012
@boogie @rockinrobyn @onie @rosiekind @grammyn @andrewrome365 @hjbenson @mastermek @victorypuzzle @paulavdmerwe @lorraineb @snippets @catwoman2 @daldry @webfoot @polarvrtx @jreyna --

Then it's agreed. I'll book a room at Betty Ford next week (I better ask for a big room) for all of us. No sneaking in cameras. There will be a full body search. I've personally voluntered to check the ladies. Don't forget to bring pretzels. I like pretzels.

April 10th, 2012
@cromwell hahahahaha my right eye is already twitching uncontrollably at the thought of no cameras.
April 10th, 2012
My name is Margo and I'm addicted to photographing white birch trees (and the 365 project)!!!

my daughter tells me the first step is admitting it!!
April 10th, 2012
pass the licorice, please!
April 10th, 2012
No apologies here. We were out on Easter morning shooting the sunrise service and the sunrise, when my husband tapped me on the shoulder and pointed to the shadows on the wall being created by the people in front of us as the thousands there "raised their hands to God."

Even when that heads up I only had time to shoot two quick photos.

Afterwards, he said to me "365 has made me a better photographer too!" And while he does drag along the Lumix Z10 and take a few photos when we are out, he doesn't have an account. But this site has made this a sport for both of us and we are having a blast!

April 10th, 2012
@cromwell No camera!?!?! Panic attack on the loose!! ; )
April 10th, 2012
@cromwell LOL!
April 10th, 2012
Im hooked .... as @cromwell said at the top of the page .... it has replaced Facebook and that is how I feel . The only thing for me is that I feel under pressure to take better and better pictures ... but thats an internal fault of mine . I have to keep reminding myself that this site should be treated like a daily picture diary ..... not to sure what other people think about that .
April 10th, 2012
going into my fourth month of my second year a bit less hooked each day. I still like it, but now that it is warm would rather be outside taking the photos instead of checking in on my comments. I am also starting to use film again and that takes a bit longer to finish a role, develop, scan and post, so by trying an old technique it acutally has made me less technology 365 dependent.
April 10th, 2012
@brumbe Yes to everything that you saud. :-)
April 10th, 2012
@brumbe or said even
April 10th, 2012
Coming up to the end of my first year and finishing in less than a fortnight. It's been a big part of my life over the past 12 months, but it will be nice to have some spare time again and to be able to take pictures when I want to, rather than feeling that I must have something to upload.

Haven't yet decided how much I'm going to be around for the second year - I won't be doing the daily thing but don't want to give up completely, it's been such a wonderful way of learning to see the world and I don't want to lose that feeling.
April 10th, 2012
@jasonfury --- The only opinion that matters is your own. It's your project, your photos, your experience. There are thousands of people here posting daily and to make your project into a competition with everyone else will make you crazy. Take a deep breath and relax. Let each day bring new opportunities to you for exploring your phototgraphy at your own pace.
April 10th, 2012
I've barely passed the one month mark and I'm spending my life on here, be it on my phone or computer, constantly checking for new posts or comments on my posts. Or walking/ driving around thinking 'ooh that would make a great picture for today'. Right before this thread was started, I was wondering when I could classify this as an addiction, and whether or not I should wean myself off it. Dreading the withdrawal symptoms. :P
April 10th, 2012
@swguevin My hubby and I are the same - its nice as a combined hobby!
April 10th, 2012
I'm hooked. I enjoy knowing that I can look at others work and get ideas and that there are always folks out there who are willing to lend a hand and answer questions. What a fantastic community this is :)
April 10th, 2012
I 've only been here a short while, but I love the interaction, it gets me off my backside and out looking for the next project piece.
April 10th, 2012
Don't spend all day here but enjoy. Usually look at notifications in morning when I get up, but make comments in evening, often on iPad in front of TV with everyone else second screening too. Edit photos on iPad after transferringthe chosen ones from Mac. Does anyone really watch the Teev anymore. Enjoy taking photos more and more, developing new techniques and film lives. @brumbe @5unflow3r Using film has meant I am taking a couple of cameras with me and think to myself, what will I use in this situation. Really enjoying using different types of film and editing. The pace of film, getting developed, andtheexcitement of not seeing ye shot until it is developed is a real thrill. I know I think to myself, I think I got a good one, so there is a healthy sense of anticipation. My doctor and health practioners have even insisted I spend time taking photographs. @dmortega it has always been my project. I started in December 2010 and might get to 365 sometime in May. Have been reluctant to use fillers, but film is different cos there is a lag. It is also nice to make friends, find acceptance and receive positive feedback. Well that's enough of my pre-breakfast stream of consciousness.
April 10th, 2012
@carmel -- I'm right with ya.
April 10th, 2012
@peterdegraaff --- I love seeing your photos! You do good work. I think starting out many of us tend to feel the pressure to do fantastic work every day and that weighs heavily on us. It's a prime reason people drop out. They are trying to compete instead of growing into the photographer they can be. A better way to think about our project is to stop comparing ourselves and to keep learning and experimenting. The connections are a definate plus, too. :-)
April 10th, 2012
one of the keys for me is to find people who try new things and go out on a limb and are not willing to post things that were experiments. @peterdegraaff is kind of the same school of thought
April 10th, 2012
@brumbe btw got my eye on an original Olympus Pen from 50s early 60s that is currently sitting at 99cents
April 10th, 2012
"Hello... My name is Marilyn and I am a 365-aholic! I haven't been photo-less for more than a day since January 1 of 2011. How do people do it? I see photo-ops wherever I go and I cannot stop myself. I can't wait to get "connected" so I can check the 365 site. I keep finding and downloading photo apps for my phone and iPad. The 12 steps do not seem to help me because they just make me think of something I want to photograph. I thought that Picnik closing would help, but I have found more editing sites. Speaking of editing... I have also become an edit-aholic! Nothing can keep me from wanting another photo to edit. Thanks for listening."
April 10th, 2012
@peterdegraaff best of luck. Want to share the site with me????? I will understand if you say no.
April 10th, 2012
I am so new to this and am loving it. There is no way I can "compete" with all the incredible photographers out there. I'm here to learn. I'd love to say look at my photos and tell me what I did wrong, but I don't want to go run and hide. I do appreciate the warm welcome and the encouragement I have received.
April 11th, 2012
@jasonfury @dmortega I agree with both of you. It used to bother me if people didn't comment on my photos, or stopped following, and I thought maybe if I took "better" ones, more people would like them. But now I don't care... haha, although I have gotten better as a photographer, it's still my project, that I'm doing for me. And if I want to have a project full of random photos from my day, then so be it :)
April 11th, 2012
@dmortega I think that's a really good, balanced way to look at 365. For me it's part of a whole strategy of daily things to do to manage my lifestyle. And I've 'met' some interesting and lovely people and love seeing pics from all over the world. I don't like to miss a day, though!
April 11th, 2012
@dmortega Thanks for your advice , I now know what direction I'm going . Thanks again
April 11th, 2012
I'm very past the first flush and now only post a few times a month pictures that I would have taken anyways rather than one a day. I will keep it up at that level I think as there are people I follow who's photos I love to see but once they stop I guess it will be by by 365...
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