I Haven't Entered a Competition

April 20th, 2012
And if I did the last thing I would do would be to come on here and ask for votes. The last 4 or 5 months there seem to have been so many of these threads. Wouldn't people rather win on merit? And not because they have 50,000 Facebook friends or have blatantly asked people to vote on a big site like this.....Just my opinion. What do others think?
April 20th, 2012
@moirab You just got my vote
April 20th, 2012
@moirab I agree. I would want to win a competition because I had the best photo in it, not because I was able to hit up the most people on the Internet. Other's mileage may vary, but that's how I look at it.

I used to participate in I Shot It challenges (found them through FB) and they actually eliminate photos that show a skewed number of votes - I forget the exact verbiage they used for their reasoning, but it was awesome, and I'm going to try and find it now. :)

ETA: I found it!

Please do not ask your friends to vote for your photos. We consider this to be a form of cheating. If we see mediocre photos with a large number of votes then we will remove them from the competition. Evidence of cheating in the voting patterns, could lead to accounts being deleted. This is a competition to find the best photo, not who has the most friends to vote for their photos!
April 20th, 2012
I think maybe a better way would be to ask someone to view your entries and if they feel your entry is worthy of their vote, it would be much appreciated. I think the effort is most likely to drive people to at least view their work??????
April 20th, 2012
@moirab I tend not to even open them or go to the vote. I find the facebook competitions tend to just get more traffic for the organization or thing you need to download to vote. I am all for encouraging one to enter, but always hat the popularity contest aspect of most of these instead of being about the photo itself. Hey I will not even vote for my own community organization to get $5000 from target or pepsi if I vote each and every day. Give an award on merits.
April 20th, 2012
@38mm Why thank you :oD
April 20th, 2012
The last girl who did this actually won her competition, and her picture was to be quite honest, quite awful.
April 20th, 2012
@beautifulthing I wondered if it was just me being old and grumpy!
April 20th, 2012
@moirab you are not old and not grumpy. I think you win by being confident and bold enough to point this out. I was actually talking about this off line.
April 20th, 2012
I agree...if you are asking desperately for votes, you probably need them because your pic is not that good. If it is a great pic people will just vote. On the other hand you can tell your friends/ family etc you have entered a competition if they would like to take a look. They can choose if they want to vote or not.
April 20th, 2012
@moirab Nope you're not just being grumpy. I have always felt that way. I usually ignore those discussions. :-)
April 20th, 2012
@shirljess there is already so much to look at and read on 365 and every week I look at new people browse browse browse maybe they could tweet on their twitters or beeb on their bebos canvas their facebook friends and their friends or put an ad in their local paper. Every week there are themes, competitions and votes lots of voting opportunities!
April 20th, 2012
@newbie "On the other hand you can tell your friends/ family etc you have entered a competition if they would like to take a look. They can choose if they want to vote or not."

I think that's an EXCELLENTLY polite way to go about it. And maybe just tell them once. Tell them once, and then a reminder, if that.
April 20th, 2012
@beautifulthing Please do not ask your friends to vote for your photos. We consider this to be a form of cheating. If we see mediocre photos with a large number of votes then we will remove them from the competition. Evidence of cheating in the voting patterns, could lead to accounts being deleted. This is a competition to find the best photo, not who has the most friends to vote for their photos!

I like this VERY MUCH!
April 20th, 2012
@moirab Me too! That right there made me fall in love with the site. :)
April 20th, 2012
agreed I would rather win a competition on merit too so I wouldn't vote unless I thought a photo was worthy of winning
April 20th, 2012
@moirab I would rather not see these threads being posted along with a few others. The only self promotion have ever really enjoyed seeing is the frog on a tomato joke @bobfoto @dieter because it was meant to be funny.
April 20th, 2012
i don't like entering comps where winners are chosen by number of votes. mainly because i think most people WILL ask all of their friends to vote for theirs, and well, i just don't have a lot of friends so i figure what is the point :) i mainly enter juried competitions where there is a juror or 2 or 3 that have a specific art/photography background and choose work based on a theme, merit, and how they see that work will fit into a particular exhibition.
April 20th, 2012
You're absolutely right!
April 20th, 2012
thank you for starting this thread... generally i just keep my mouth shut on these sorts of things... i thought i was in the minority, tho!

however, the ones that particularly make me crazy are not necessarily photo related, but kid related... as in, please vote for my kid in this competition... makes me sad when i think of all the other kids whose parents aren't going around drumming up votes and who might be equally talented or deserving... basically, i hate it when a competition on talent or merit turns into a popularity contest... that just sucks!
April 20th, 2012
@moirab Thanks for posting - A win with highly solicited votes is pretty empty in my book.
April 20th, 2012
@peterdegraaff Actually, I was offended when the tomato frog was up, asking for more faves, the day before the Top 20 went up. I even unfollowed for a while. You can agree to disagree but I really don't see how that's any different than what this thread is about.
April 20th, 2012
@5unflow3r You're probably right. I have never liked self promotion anyway so why make an exception. Meant afterwards though, particularly response from Dieter. Agree about the request for more favs the day before top 20 was not something I liked either. Many of the show me threads are the same in a way.
April 20th, 2012
@peterdegraaff I was hoping that you wouldn't be mad at me for saying that, but that really upset me when it happened.
April 20th, 2012
@5unflow3r Just added more to my reply above. I didn't fav at time because of that too.
April 20th, 2012
My God, thank you for starting this thread. I HATE when people say "vote for me." F U.

It's like respect. If you have to ask for it, you're not worthy of it.
April 20th, 2012
@peterdegraaff It is difficult not to self-promote here though, I will say that.
:-) But there have to be lines....in the end it is mostly a popularity contest I guess
April 20th, 2012
I never need to ask for votes; that's what my 113 Facebook accounts are for...
April 20th, 2012
@grizzlysghost lolololing
@5unflow3r Lunchtime, off to Opera House. Chat later maybe
April 20th, 2012
@grizzlysghost I only have two...you think I should get more? :-)
April 20th, 2012
I completely agree with this. It's very irritating seeing people do that, and I'm sure it sucks for the other people who are more deserving of winning losing to someone who goes on their facebook page or whatever and gets x many people to vote for them cuz they want to win.
Why don't they use that time to focus on getting better at photography (or whatever it's a contest for) and learn from the people who did win? Seems much more honorable and productive...
April 20th, 2012
I just think it's a reflection of systems where anyone gets to vote. The whole thing is pointless, so I don't care if someone asks for votes. That said, I still won't vote unless the image is exceptional.

It's really no worse than half the comps out there, where someone who knows nothing about photography judges the photographs. I lost count years ago, of how many "winners" took out the prize because of their mediocre or even terrible shot of an interesting (or beautiful) subject. There is no worth in that, either, but i'm never going to tell people not to enter - I'm sure it is fun for some.
April 20th, 2012
@grizzlysghost LMAO!

Eh I don't care what people post...the only annoying thing in a thread on here to me is the spambot!
April 20th, 2012
@moirab My daughter recently came in the final 50 (of 50000) of the Bonds baby Search Competition, There was a part of the competition which was bonds pick and part which was 'peoples choice', the people choice was basically another word for popularity contest. My daughter got in via the bonds pick section, even though she didnt winthe final competition it made me proud that she got in with out needing to be 'popular'
April 20th, 2012
@moirab So agree with you Moira, you got my vote too!
April 20th, 2012
I can understand if its one of 365's younger members, but the grown ups should know better!! lol ; )
April 20th, 2012
@moirab Compotitions on the internet are more about popularity than anything, this is why I stay away from them these days.
April 20th, 2012
@moirab - I'm looking forward to being old and grumpy. I think I have the grumpy bit down pat.... just gotta get a bit older.

@5unflow3r @peterdegraaff - while my fave thread was intended to exploit the commercialism of this site and I manipulated everything to my advantage, I never intended the posting to occur just prior to the Top 20 being released. In fact I think my post was a sleeper and it was posted around 3 maybe 4 days prior to the Top 20. I was banking on weekend traffic. And I only wanted one fave, that's all I asked for.

But I get a good laugh at the spin-offs and the teeny tiny culture that frogmato created. All of it was for shits and giggles. ;)
April 20th, 2012
@bobfoto I thought that the spinoffs made it even worse that you did that. I really did. And I knew that they would happen as soon as I saw your thread.
April 20th, 2012
Thank you for posting this! I totally agree, and usually just ignore those threads. I don't like those "popularity" competitions either. I've seen it do many times, not just with photography, where the best entry doesn't win because someone else has a zillion friends.

@peterdegraaff haha, I totally agree that some of the show-me threads feel like blatant self-promotion too. I always enjoy those threads, dont get me wrong, but I often think to myself "haha, that person is trying to get more views/favs" when I see a mediocre "this is mine that I took today"
April 20th, 2012
@jinximages I totally agree with you. No amount of complaining is going to make it stop because it really is fun for some people. Idk, I guess some folks just like entering competitions and trying to get the popularity vote? But for me, if I happen to even look at it, and If the image is jaw dropping, yeah I'll vote. If not, I'll just move on.
April 20th, 2012
I always click on the links, and then vote for one of the other entrants. But hey I'm just badass like that :P
April 20th, 2012
I never read these threads, unless an attractive and misleading title makes me open them, but then the only thing I don't want to do is to look at the pic, no matter its quality. And if (extremely rarely) something makes me curious enough to look at the pic, I also look at the other ones and possibly vote for another that I like better :-)
April 20th, 2012
I enter competitions where there is a panel of judges (photobox for example) also enter competitions at my local camera club. I'd rather not enter a photo on the basis that the most popular one will win. I'd rather it be how good it is. I do however find that preparing for a competition I sometimes like to make a discussion on here with a few options to get some outside opinions. (I have done this once). I found this really helpful in narrowing down my decision with other photo people :)
April 20th, 2012
I'm so short of time I barely get to comment these days.. however if I see someone, whos work I follow and admire, looking for support, I have followed links and voted. If only to balance the whole popularity issue and to support someone who has a passion, who takes images every day, who supports me here, oh and only if it is good..
April 20th, 2012
@john244 HIGH FIVE on that, dude. You hit it spot on.
April 20th, 2012
@jules88 I've done that too! I do hope that's not too frowned upon. It's really helpful to have more sets of eyes on your photos, because sometimes I get really attached to one that I think is amazing but then when I show it to people no one else seems to like it, ha! That's more of a "critique me" than a "vote for me" but I know sometimes asking for critiques looks like begging for followers or views too, even if that wasn't the intent.
April 20th, 2012
@38mm that made me laugh out loud.
April 20th, 2012
April 21st, 2012
@hudamor Yay! Iam not alone :D
April 21st, 2012
@northy Open your mouth! Totally agree @lesphoto empty you are right!
April 21st, 2012
@38mm I am so liking this!
April 21st, 2012
I always click on the links, and then vote for one of the other entrants. But hey I'm just badass like that :P @38mm
April 21st, 2012
@scatcat good plan - this is the way I shall go! :oD
April 21st, 2012
@polarvrtx yay!
April 21st, 2012
@moirab well honestly... until you started this thread, i thought i was the only one who thought this way... the "pls come vote for my photo" has been quite prevalent on the online parenting community i belong to and no one has ever said anything there... so - thank you for speaking out!
April 21st, 2012
@peterdegraaff I love this - I am jealous of your 113 facebook accounts - NOT as Borat would say :oD
April 21st, 2012
@bobfoto More frogs please!
April 21st, 2012
@scatcat Good plan/strategy.
April 21st, 2012
@john244 Agree! Good point!
April 21st, 2012
@fig365 @parisouailleurs @justeddie @polarvrtx @lorraineb I may be old I may be grumpy but I am not alone :D
April 21st, 2012
@northy Say something ...... I dare you :oD
April 21st, 2012
Whoops! Have woken up this morning to find my shot from a couple of days ago on the PP - hope it's on merit :oD and not because I started this thread.....................
April 21st, 2012
@bobfoto Grumpy can be fun!
April 21st, 2012
April 21st, 2012
@moirab - Oh I love being Grumpy! It suits my surly personality!
April 21st, 2012
Totally agree! All these self pushing actions, I already mentioned this problem too on this forum. Inthink most fun must be making and improving photos. When you really think you are really good, participate in the real photo competitions, not the social ones.
April 21st, 2012
@bradleynovak -- so, that's probably my picture you're talking about being so terribly awful. thanks.
April 21st, 2012
Surprisingly, I am amazed by how many jerks there are on this site as of late.
April 21st, 2012
This thread makes me sad. Let's face it, this entire site is a popularity contest.
April 21st, 2012
Sad, but so true.
April 21st, 2012
@ladyjane -- isn't that the truth. there's a page for the most popular photos for crying out loud. how do they become popular? because you and I comment and FAV them. Amazing.
April 21st, 2012
How about everybody stops bitching, these projects are for ourselves and nobody else, I enjoy commenting on other peoples photos and I love receiving comments where's the problem?

If somebody is looking for support when the enter a competition I see no problem voting for them If i feel their photo is worthy of winning. But I agree that if the persons photography is going to win it would win without them chasing votes :)
April 21st, 2012
April 21st, 2012
@djepie @ladyjane @tabithasyear Thanks for commenting. It is a discussion page. Everyone is entitled to their opinion. This was very general. And lots of people commented. 'The last 4 or 5 months....' 'Just my opinion.' If you look at how the thread was started. It's the internet. A public forum. @mej2011 In my opinion it's not terribly polite to call people 'jerks'. @amoment there have been SO many of these asking for votes threads I wouldn't know who he was referring to. Have fun! Don't take it so seriously!
April 22nd, 2012
Who cares. Don't open 'those' threads then.
On a side note, I entered a competition today. Its called 'Lets get me on the PP page of 365'. So please go fav my photos and let's make me win! :P I kid, I kid. :P
April 22nd, 2012
@moirab Who told you I have a fb, twitter, diaspora, Flickr, posterious, unionbook, presencing, blah, blah account
April 22nd, 2012
@dishaparekh176 Done ! Good luck :oD
April 22nd, 2012
@peterdegraaff Nobody but now I do know..........
April 22nd, 2012
If I change my mind about canvassing for votes I will bear you in mind :oD @peterdegraaff
April 22nd, 2012
@lesphoto like politics then!
April 22nd, 2012
@boogie Don't even get me started on politics!
April 22nd, 2012
@ladyjane I don't see it that way at all. I love having an audience for my work - even as a raw beginner. But that's very different from a popularity contest.

I make (and hope I receive) comments on the merits of the photos - not on who my friends are.

I hang paintings in galleries because I love to share my work. Not to become popular.

April 22nd, 2012
@lesphoto haha!
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