May 11th, 2012
I just thought it was worth reposting. I love "thank you" and I love "comments" and I love "views" and most importantly "I love 365!" Just please know that you don't have to thank me for a comment. I don't thank people for comments. My thanks is a view and a comment on their photo. Reciprocation is a wonderful thing. Happy Weekend 365!
May 11th, 2012
Thank You Notifications are so time consuming. I have been thinking about not doing this. Thanks Amanda
May 11th, 2012
ha ha I just said
May 11th, 2012
Damn you @nikkic!! :)
May 11th, 2012
I'm with you Amanda !!

Nikki I have wondered how time consuming it is for everyone to do thank-yous. I don't do it myself except in very few cases. My thank you is a reciprocation as Amanda has said. Know that I love your work and view and comment every day !!
May 11th, 2012
Agree with you Amanda.
May 11th, 2012
I do the same as you do, Amanda. I don't expect to be thanked and I reciprocate with views and comments. 8)
May 11th, 2012
I've been thinking about this one, its hard not to say thank you but I suppose the time would be better spent on views a comments, with a few answers to questions thrown in. Thanks for bringing this up Amanda. : )
May 11th, 2012
I usually don't say 'thank you' as I also would prefer to spend my limited time making comments. My preference would be for other people to do the same, but I guess it is just a matter of personal opinion.
May 11th, 2012
I absolutely agree with all these comments. I always thank individuals who have said something worth noting, or have asked for a reply or opinion, but assume that a casual "great" or "I like it" does not require a response except, perhaps, a general un-named "thank you all" (not a list of @names!) at the point where it is posted.

Thank you all!
May 11th, 2012
As of this week I've stopped the 'thank you' thing as well. It just became too time consuming. Now I go to that friendly person's project and comment on their pics in return.
May 11th, 2012
I rarely do thank you's, as a thank you I go and look at their photos and comment. I suppose it's because when I first started 365 there was no facility to do individual thank you's.
May 11th, 2012
I mostly always do thankyous. I don't get an overwhelming amount of comments, so if people take the time to comment, I like to respond.
It doesn't worry me if people don't respond to comments that I leave, some do, some don't. If time constraints become a problem in the future, then maybe I would do it differently.
May 11th, 2012
I also seldom respond with a thank you note and feel it is nicer to rather look at and comment on others albums. It is not really a time thing for me either. Occasionally I will do a block thank you but even those are few and far between!
May 11th, 2012
Roger that. I prefer the return comment thank you as well.
May 11th, 2012
I, also, try to say thank you when someone takes the time to comment. If it's a critique, I will thank for that. If it's a "great pic" comment I will thank for that as well. Someone has taken the time to comment on my picture, the least I can do is thank them for their time.
May 11th, 2012
I'm the same way, Amanda. I rather spend time taking and viewing photos instead of clicking through notifications for a thank you when I know (or assume) the person appreciated the comment. Reciprocity is a nice thank you (of course, I don't want people to feel compelled to do that either!)
May 11th, 2012
I'm now following around 200 people and I really do take the time to look at every single post on nearly every single day. As I am also trying to lose weight by walking 1 1/2 miles three times a day; take photos; and live my life, there just isn't enough time to then go back on comments on my photo and type "Thank you". I do respond to questions.

For me, it is really a time constraint. I really am grateful that people take the time to leave a comment and assume when I comment on their photo that is a sufficient acknowledgement. Every now and then I tuck a "thank you" in the text for that day's photo.
May 11th, 2012
I always reciprocate with a comment back too - my way of being thankful!
May 11th, 2012
Being new, this is good to know :)
I always wonder if it was rude not to say thank you. I agree with Amanda.
May 11th, 2012
@mikehamm what we try to tell is that a thank you notification is not necessary, it's a waste of time for US, who comment on your pictures.
We know you appreciate the comment but we rather have a comment on our pictures or nothing....
I follow more than 400 I don't have time to look at all the pics.
What I notice is that people who take time to say Thank you don't follow a lot of people other wise they'll know what we're talking about...
(@mandyj92 is it what you said too? sorry English isn't my native langage...)
May 11th, 2012
So much for being gone, huh? ;)
May 11th, 2012
@beautifulthing ..............thank you

PS why does it matter if it has been discussed before?
May 11th, 2012
@parisouailleurs - Helene, I completely understand what the theme of the thread is. And, I tend to disagree with it. Whether I have one follower or 400, if someone takes the time to comment on one of my pictures, they will be thanked. I will likely comment on their picture also, but I will also thank someone who comments on mine.
It's just in my nature to thank someone who takes the time to do something for me.
May 11th, 2012
I agree with you, Amana. I love reading everyone's comments and I read every single one and in return I comment on their photos & at the same time thank them for favs, etc. But lately as my followers grow, it's been hard to keep up with thanking each person for commenting plus I imagine it's hard for them to read all the notifications as well. So I've decided to comment only if someone asks a question or elaborates on a photo to some degree where I would need to comment. I'm always happy to do that. I really enjoy my followers and friends here on 365 & look fwd to viewing their photos. That to me, is thanks!
May 11th, 2012
I agree with you, and that has been my general MO. Good to mention it again now and then for newer 365ers.
May 11th, 2012
@mandyj92 I hate to sound ungrateful too, and I agree with you... I do try to comment on most if not all of the postings from people I follow, and try to leave a meaningful genuine comment but sometimes it honestly takes an age to go through my notifications and read the lovely 'thank yous' ... I have so little spare time I'd rather spend it enjoying the photos than reading that someone enjoyed my comment.
I put a heartfelt thankyou up to everyone every day and hope nobody is offended to not get a personal message. This is a wonderful community and the last thing I want to be is antisocial... but seeing your wonderful pix is enough, really :)
May 11th, 2012
When I started this project at the beginning of 2011 I replied individually to each comment I received. After a while I began to gain some more followers and it became difficult to keep up so I started to reply to people in a group. Now I'm into my second year I would find it almost impossible so I prefer to look at and comment on the photos of the people kind enough to look at and comment on mine and hopefully get the opportunity to look at and comment on those I follow as well. I'm not offended if I'm not thanked for my comment but it has to be a personal thing so if someone does thank me I appreciate it.
May 12th, 2012
Your project your rules. In the scheme of things there must be many more important things than whether someone says thank you or doesn't say thank you. It's a bit of a comedy of manners. I think people should do what they like.
May 12th, 2012
@mikehamm Thanks for your answer Mike. I'm still disagree. No matter how many followers I have, I appreciate and read each of the comments I recieve. But My pleasure is to look at pictures from the people I follow and mostly from the people who comment on my pics. Having a "thank you notification" is a waste for my time. I understand persons like you who are really polite, but if you read most of the people here don't need/want to be thanked after a comment. Why don't you put a thank you note the next day in the comment of your picture? Everybody would know you appreciated the comment you had and would gain some time....
Personnaly I've decided few months ago not to comment (or not very often) on people who thank me. It might look absurd but I just don't have time.
One more time I don't mean to be rude or to offend you, hope my English says what I want to... have a nice week end!
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