Would you take these back to be re-done?

May 14th, 2012
So Asda offer a great and cheap service. They will process colour film for £2 and then scan your negatives onto disc for a further 97p and that would be for all services, be it an hour or two days. I have just picked my fourth roll up and the last two have been fine but this one is terrible. the scans are so misaligned that on one image I literally have two halfs..

Here is the set if you want to look how bad they really are.. http://www.flickr.com/photos/eddie_oliver/sets/72157629535975016/
I actually got so fed up I only processed 17 of the 24 frames and it seems that they managed to ruin any of the half decent ones leaving me with a disc full of absolute stinkers!

On my first roll I was just happy to have them back and managed to crop most of it out but I am getting better at composing my frame so I don't need to crop and that has caught me out this time around. Would you take them back even though you had paid less than a quid (dollar)? Or would you just wait till you get your own scanner and give them the love that they need?
May 14th, 2012
I think if it's a store I use a lot, and were visiting anyway, yes I'd take them back. If nothing else, it might stop it happening to some one else. :)
May 14th, 2012
@humphreyhippo Thanks for your replie. If I were in there all the time I probably would take them back without hesitation but as it happens it is a canny hike as they say up north. I might take them back when I drop my next roll in and ask for them to be re done.
May 14th, 2012
I would defnitely take them back and ask for a re done or money back!
May 14th, 2012
Take them to Costco, if you have one nearby. They do a great job on my negatives, here in the Seattle area.

It looks like the all the pictures are vignetted. They may have had a hard time lining up the first picture. There are some variables including where the film is started in the camera. If they have been doing good work, I'd definately take them back.
May 14th, 2012
@dmortega I never knew that, all of my pictures so far will have been vignetted as it is a side effect of the lens I am using., maybe I should over expose the first frame in future. I have had enough of this lens anyway but I will want to use it again I am sure!
May 15th, 2012
all done by machine I think, so maybe its one for next time you've got a scanner. to be honest you just made me realise how often they aren't lined up and I need to crop them!!
May 15th, 2012
@chewyteeth I did ask you if it was common after my first roll but you must have missed it. I had a perfect composition of a boat and its reflection but the hull was in the next frame so I had to vertically crop it to save the frame!
May 15th, 2012
I've watched them do it, and I'm sure the scanner adjusts the film stip itself and judges the next frame. Perhaps why its so cheap. I've got a film scanner now so I have that as backup for any they mess up.
May 15th, 2012
@teamoliver I just added you as a contact as there are quite a few of us who use film a lot, and your shots are really great! (You should get a message that "favebro" just added you) :)

I would definitely address the issue with them if they aren't providing a quality service; even if it is at a discount. I have my own scanner so thankfully never have to deal with this.
May 15th, 2012
@dmortega , they are somewhere in the UK I dont think they have Costco there. :)
May 15th, 2012
I would take them back..
May 15th, 2012
@nikkers We do have costco but it is a member only place and they are nearly always only reachable by car.
May 15th, 2012
@nikkers We are more americanised than you think! its not all tea and biscuits and posh talk lol especially in my house, we be common as muck round ere m'love!
May 15th, 2012
@grizzlysghost Thanks for the compliment and contact add :)

The general consensus seems to be just that, I'm going to take my first and fourth roll back and ask for them to re do them next time I'm in there. Its not as if I wont be supplying them with business, there is no where as cheap as Asda. I should have two rolls to drop this wkend
May 15th, 2012
@teamoliver .
Ello Govna, you brits are coming up in the world with having a Costco.!! When I lived there , I dont believe Costco was there yet.. 1997 to 2000...
and yeah membership is needed here to..

and muck is good.. better than posh any day... as for the tea and biscuits you can keep.. just give me a good crumpet and I'll be happy...

Cant get a good one here.... the yanks dont know how to make for some reason...
May 16th, 2012
@nikkers Haha ello govna! you must either have stayed down south or was a big fan of the bill :)

I would send you some crumpets but I dunno If they would keep, My friends Dad lives in the states and she sends dry goods across, I know you have british stores over there now but the prices are stupid.

And your right, muck is much better. Posh is the problem! if it were up to me I would turn out the lights and return to a pre roman way of life quite happily, its in my blood. All this pretend freedom really doesn't wash with me, I know my heart.
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