Ha!.....I have worked out the Magic Monkey "formula" for the Popular Page.......

June 25th, 2012
Those pesky Magic Monkeys LOVE swans !

I have been lucky enough to get a few photos on the PP page, but this hasn't happened for a few months......

The last 3 photos of mine that got on the PP page had the same subject matter and guess what....the photo I posted yesterday has made the PP page.....and it is of the very same subject, yes you have guessed it - a SWAN !!!

All my swan photos are different from each other....so I think I have cracked it !!!

Off to find more swans...... :)
June 25th, 2012
Well done. Now I know where I've been going wrong ... I thought the clue was aardvaark ... but perhaps I've bee spelling it wrong!
June 25th, 2012
@wordpixman - haha! Not sure about the aardvaark, don't get many of those around my way !
June 25th, 2012
Ah! but it was cherries last week!! ; )
June 25th, 2012
Hey no fair, my swans didn't make it to pp!, although I have not done badly on other subjects..................................:0) well done on pp Sharon
June 25th, 2012
My only photo to make it to PP has been a swan! That must be it!
June 25th, 2012
I have just tagged this one with Swan and it's not on the PP?

June 25th, 2012
haha well done! Magic Monkeys seem to like the London underground too - I've had 6 photos appear on the PP in total and THREE of them were taken in underground stations!
June 25th, 2012
have been on the pop page a number of times now but only once for a swan shot, statistically for me my photoshopped selfies make up the majority of my pop page hits
June 25th, 2012
@gphelps5 hahahaha! Hysterical!!
June 25th, 2012
I've had two. One was cherry blossoms and the other was a sepia shot of an alleyway. I think where I went wrong was opting for ducks and pigeons instead of swans.

Maybe the surefire success photo would be a sepia picture of a swan on the London Underground. I'm just not sure how to work blossom into the picture, at this time of year.
June 25th, 2012
I mainly get on the PP for pix of my cat Tallulah, or my daughter Sophie. I should try a swan photo though, I don't have any yet.
June 25th, 2012
Moon-shots seem quite popular there....as do reflections How about a reflected swan flying past the moon?
June 25th, 2012
@filsie65 I love your idea, haha. :D
June 25th, 2012
@carmel Perhaps the swan could be carrying or wearing the blossom? Sounds like a great processing challenge - should we include a pretty child and a kitten too? - I love crowd shots! Lol
June 25th, 2012
@kittikat Don't forget the butterfly or dragonfly on the blossom
June 25th, 2012
@kittikat @filsie65 OK, so it's to be a swan on the Underground, with a small kitten-carrying child strewing cherry blossom petals over it, some of which turn into small butterflies? Backdrop, a poster with a huge full moon on it.

I think this has legs.

June 25th, 2012
Awesome - sounds like the next challenge or theme all sorted!
June 25th, 2012
@sharonaddison Haha but now everybody's going to shot swans and then the Magic Monkeys don't like swans anymore.. :p
June 25th, 2012
If all else fails take a shot of a butterfly. It's a sure thing.
June 25th, 2012
Nooooo, you have it all wrong. It's dragonflies that take you to the PP! (or, as I recently found, ducklings!). ;-)
June 25th, 2012
@carmel Excellent! And a cygnet for variation... perhaps the kitten could carry it if the kiddie is busy
June 25th, 2012
@filsie65 My only concern is that they might all frighten each other.
June 25th, 2012
@carmel ..... In soft focus then........?
June 25th, 2012
@filsie65 We might have to pass it off as an action shot.

Either way, it's a dead cert for the PP :)
June 25th, 2012
Well I'm screwed then! Ha! I never see swans!
June 25th, 2012
this thread is HILARIOUS! special kudos to Graham @gphelps5 and @carmel

Perfect. . ..what a hoot!
June 25th, 2012
I try Lynn.
June 25th, 2012
@cromwell @victorypuzzle You guys are both right...it's butterflies AND dragonflies. Those happen to be MY last two PP subjects.

@filsie65 You got it!
June 25th, 2012
this thread is so funny - i posted ducks today ( no swans available) and am waiting with bated breath
June 25th, 2012
Come on everyone, +FAV this http://365project.org/gphelps5/365/2012-06-25 and get it on PP (is is tagged as Swan)
June 25th, 2012
Lol, swans, got it! I wonder if there are swans on this island?!?!
June 25th, 2012
dagnabit! well into my second year here and still haven't been featured on the PP page. Now I know what I have been doing wrong all along... now, to go take a photo of a swan. Do glass swans work? LOL! Great thread!
June 25th, 2012
I have had a swan pic on the PP too! But no luck with this week's one! Your swan pic was especially worthy this week sharon.
June 25th, 2012
anything involving dramatic skies/sunsets, flowers or animals/butterflies and your golden if you want to be on the PP lol.
June 26th, 2012
Birds in general, I see more robins than Swans, and maybe kittens. At the other end your most likely not getting a picture on if its film instead of digital, and if its people
June 26th, 2012
I just had my first image make the PP - my June 24 sunrise. I think sunrises/sunsets make the PP often.
June 26th, 2012
I've had a waterfall, a marble, a spider, a succulant shot in sepia, coffee mugs and some ears of corn make the PP, but haven't posted a swan shot. And I didn't expect a single one of them to make there- so it was a huge surprise and honor when they did! Congratulations on your swans!
June 26th, 2012
both of my shots that were on the PP were butterflies....huh.
June 26th, 2012
@gphelps5 BWAHAHAHA, I am going to tag all my shots with Swan and see if it works :D
June 26th, 2012
Selective color, sunsets, sunrises, beach, sailboat, selfie... hummmm I think even a flamingo and a seagull made it, but I don't think my swan made it to PP. I have even had one hit the PP and then a few hours later it got booted off...LOL
June 26th, 2012
I posted swans on the weekend - two parents and five gorgeous babies - but they have failed the pp. Your swans must be extra special and have a magical quality to make it to the pp. :) oh and congrats!
June 26th, 2012
now if you can just get a swan with a dragonfly on its beak being watched by a cat that is looking up at the dragonfly on the swan
June 26th, 2012
I have shot swans, ducks, birds, butterflies and nothing...but my prayer hands made it there
June 26th, 2012
@jsw0109 LMAO Jeff you crack me up! btw congrats on your pp pic :D it's beautiful!
June 26th, 2012
@tracywilliams :) thank you Tracy!
June 26th, 2012
Brilliant deduction1 I wonder if I can find a bug on a swan to get a macro shot? LOL
June 26th, 2012
Cats and photos with a lot of orange in them..
June 26th, 2012
@espyetta add a cat chasing them into the orange sunset
June 26th, 2012
@gphelps5 THAT RULES!!!!!!
June 26th, 2012
@carmel Sister, you're killin' me!
June 26th, 2012
I don't believe swans exist in Seattle. I KNOW Flying fish do, as does the Sasquatch... Hell, we may even have the Missing Link marchin' around our streets somewhere. Here's what we DO have: We got Moss, Coffee, Mt. St. Helens ash and an earthquake waiting to happen. Oh, and we got a new ferris wheel. I'm screwed!
June 26th, 2012
And generic sunrises/sets.
June 26th, 2012
@jsw0109 omfg is that the next challenge? That pure gold Jeff lmao...
June 26th, 2012
You all are hysterical!!! Thanks for the good laugh and once i thought i had thoses magic monkeys all figured out!! I thought the dial was stuck on my name!!! Now its someone ele's turn!! :) Congrats to all who have made the P.P. and to those who havent yet....You Will i think it goes in Alphabetical order!!! LOL!!
June 26th, 2012
Oh come on, I have only got two +FAV for this tagged swan? http://365project.org/gphelps5/365/2012-06-25

Thanks to those that did.
June 26th, 2012
I have had 2 swan shots on PP and one was a really weird one but still swans!!!
You could be right! :oD
June 26th, 2012
@limpet365 thanks - this thread has really made me laugh, glad I started it. I'm looking forward to some of the challenges, especially you trying to find a swan on the underground !!
June 26th, 2012
@lorraineb cherries and swans....now there's an idea! I loved your cherry photo
June 26th, 2012
@carmel looking forward to seeing that photo!
June 26th, 2012
@filsie65 @karenann @cheribug @espyetta @karenann @jsw0109 @cmc1200 @filsie65 @filsie65 @kittikat @filsie65 - really looking forward to the photos you produce !!! Tag me if you manage to capure the swan/moon/reflection/underground/kitten/butterfly/kiddie/dragonfly sprinkled with cherry blossom in soft-focus !

Thanks for making me have a good laugh !
June 26th, 2012
@sharonaddison Thanks Sharon, but I know where some swans are too : D
June 26th, 2012
@lorraineb I wonder if you could get the swan to carry the cherries in their beak? I noticed a new swan shot on the PP page today - those swans do the same pose everywhere don't they ? And like looking at themselves in the reflection !
June 26th, 2012
June 26th, 2012
@sharonaddison They do mostly do the same pose, but somewhere at home I've got a shot of a swan doing yoga and tying itself in a knot. It doesn't look a whole lot like a swan (unless you're used to pictures of swans doing yoga) but I'm prepared to swear to it if necessary.
June 26th, 2012
@sharonaddison We should all do a swam shot and upload it the same day, see how many we can get on PP. haha, (yes this site is making me crazy!!)
June 26th, 2012
@lorraineb oh yes we must !!!
June 26th, 2012
@bobfoto haven't seen a frog on the PP for a while !
June 26th, 2012
@karenann LOL Karenann! I want to see that photo!
June 26th, 2012
@sharonaddison I think one of my best shots ever was a macro of an assassin bug with this "sword" coming out of his face....and those "ugly bug" macros never make the PP...and sometimes they are my best work. In my bug shots collection, I have had levitating lady bugs, tightrope walking damselflies, bumbleebee hovering in mid air with soft pink background, etc.. all make the PP, but usually my "ugly bugs" no way. I think my mating flies macro did make it...a miracle. and a spider, but he was small in the pic and his web was sparkly and pretty. So my theory is "ugly bug pics" just cannot make the PP. Haha I am now going to figure out a Swan/bug shot to post soon. Funny thread. Thanks for starting it!
June 26th, 2012
@sharonaddison - Guess Frogs were so 2011?
June 26th, 2012
@bobfoto yeah, I think people OD'd on them. What we need now is a swan...on a tomato.
June 26th, 2012
Ha ha ha this thread is hilarious!

Ok this weekend, gotta find swans!
June 26th, 2012
@jsw0109 Tsssssssssssssssss! =)
June 26th, 2012
Right, here you go. Sorry I didn't have any cute kittens, children or dragonflies to add to the shot.

June 26th, 2012
@carmel You beat me to it!! Ok..so there's no underground where I live. There's a river. And I don't have any swans but I had a dove. And this is the cherry center of the universe..but do I have a cherry blossom in my project? NO! So you get a rose. No dragonflies..but I had a tick! And no sunsets...no WONDER I'm not on the PP. But I did have a moon.. A super one at that. And a cat. And a fire that kind of looked like a sunset AND was handheld so it's not in great focus. I should add a baby or child.... I've got those! But my son wants the computer.
June 26th, 2012
Oh.. and I tagged it "swan" ... so it's just GOTTA make the PP. right??
June 26th, 2012
@m9f9l This is inspired, I never saw anything like it!!

Brilliant. Best swan I've seen in a long time.

June 26th, 2012
@carmel Perhaps more of an ugly duckling...LOL
June 26th, 2012
@jsw0109 - Pygmy Swan?
June 26th, 2012
@bobfoto or a very large tomato!
June 27th, 2012
you guys are sooo funny - still....... just in hope for that PP....... one day....... am gonna go on the lookout for swans and good-looking bugs, large tomatoes.....
June 27th, 2012
@bobfoto @sharonaddison I tried the frog route. Guess its back to sunsets for me.
June 27th, 2012
So funny. Well done
June 27th, 2012
@bobfoto There's the ugliest duckling I've ever seen on the PP right now!
June 27th, 2012
@carmel @m9f9l Inspired and totally bonkers!! I shall look forward to seeing these two marvellous creations on the PP for many weeks to come. All the right ingredients (or variations thereof) and beautifully set out! Fab!!
June 27th, 2012

think thats everything :)
June 27th, 2012
This thread has been hillarious. But I will be keeping my eyes open for swans of any nature! :)
June 27th, 2012
@asrai A sure PP shot, it's even HDR.
June 28th, 2012
this thread is hilarious!!!!!
June 28th, 2012
@asrai oh that is a classic ! love it !!
June 28th, 2012
@asrai Inspired. It even has that special HDR look about it.

Let's see what happens!
June 28th, 2012
all I know is the Magic Monkeys HATE me. over a year and half on this project and never once have I made the PP. I have decided I hate the PP. so there :P
June 28th, 2012
@asrai @m9f9l @carmel I LOVE your "getting on the PP" photos! LOL! great work, guys! Good luck!
June 28th, 2012
@asrai Oh excellent!! And such marvellously mysterious tones! Can't wait for these to hit the PP.
(still waiting...........................)
June 28th, 2012
You guys SUCK! I only have 3 fav's! This thread was such a waste of time! Bwaahaaahaaaa! @asrai That is brlliant! @espyetta I'm still waiting to see yours :-)
June 28th, 2012
@m9f9l I am afraid I may have zero time. Darn. I am taking the kids on a weekend trip to Savannah and today, getting ready and packing and printing directions/things to do/places to eat so I will be organized. And I built something with my nephew (mostly I did it ...he got t ired of it and played video games) for my album cover challenge entry (second one) and I need to shoot that and edit it today if I am going to get it in ..not sure when the deadline is, but don't think I may make it...argh
June 28th, 2012
@espyetta I am IMPRESSED!!! I just finished my green shot... close to dog's dinner..LOL
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