Following someone

July 9th, 2012
How do you choose who you follow?

Do you like their photos and decided you like that style, or do you follow cause they followed you?

Do they take similar photos like you?

Or do you have other reasons?

I seem to find photos i like and follow them, others photos give me ideas on how I can shoot my photos.
July 9th, 2012
I follow people I follow people whose photos I like or if I connect with someone for another reason I will also follow. I love following people who share how they created an image or offer advice.
July 9th, 2012
I follow those whose work inspires me to try something new. Also people whose sense of humour is similar to mine and who I have developed a rapport with. Its mainly those I am learning from. In the beginning I followed people who also lived nearby....they are friends now :)
July 9th, 2012
If I see a photo I like then I tend to follow that person. I also like to follow people who take different styles to me so I can maybe grab ideas/inspiration from them. So far I've found some fantastic photographers on this site but I hope to find a lot more to.
July 9th, 2012
In the beginning I just followed people who followed me. Now if someone follows me, I go and check out thier profile and I can usually tell right away if they produce images I consistantly want to see, then I follow them back. If I see things I like on the popular page I check out thier profile too. I try to avoid people that only post once in a while, but sometimes you are not sure until you have been with them for a bit. If this is the case I have gone and deleted them. I also follow those who I think I can get inspiration from. I like getting advice, but that only happens once in a blue people are pretty nice on here and don't want to step on toes :) Good luck with your 365 adventure.
July 9th, 2012
Difficult to give a definitive answer, but like Terry ( @teeboy ) above I follow some because I feel that their taste and subject matter match mine, and others because they are so different that they awaken new ideas and I want to see more. Photography has a continuous learning curve, and the more styles we see, the better is our own appreciation and perhaps the development of our own skills.

July 9th, 2012
It's all about the people and the sites around them. Those who have given some info about themselves in their profile and also, who write about each pic, even if it's brief, are the most interesting for me.
July 9th, 2012
I follow if I consistently like their photos. That's it. :D
July 9th, 2012
I'm a follower like Stacey @newbie In the beginning I was following people because they followed me. I know I do have a few new followers and I have not had a chance to look at their pages yet. Time goes by way to fast for me to keep up sometimes.
July 9th, 2012
I like to think the people I follow have a wide range of gender, location, age and interest, its not one kind of person. If I really like someones pics I'll comment on them a few times, and if they do comment back and say something other than 'cool', then I'll follow them. however I've seen a lot of people leave the site before they got into it, so I will wait a bit and see how good the person is at regular posting. I won't follow someone who never posts, generally, someone who has lots of gaps in their project, no profile information, or someone who doesn't write anything when they post, just leaves the image title like '3455344533-3443343-32232' as a title to the picture. I want to follow people who engage with the community a bit.
July 9th, 2012
I'm loving the whole different range of ways people add followers :)
July 9th, 2012
I try to follow back. I followed back every time in the beginning but I can't always now so I look at their photos to decide. Sometimes I don't follow back right away but if they comment a lot, I usually look at everyones project who comments on mine so I will eventually follow back if I'm browsing their photos often enough.
I also like following other moms because I post a lot of pictures of my kids and I figure they will enjoy that more than others and possibly inspire me more as well.
July 9th, 2012
I follow people who's photos I like, or like you said people whos photo inspire me or give me ideas. I also follow people who follow me :-) oh I also follow people depending on where they live
July 9th, 2012
In the begining I followed whoever followed me. As time passed I became much more choosey about who I followed. Your homepage will become overwhelmed if you don't. I now have a close group of people I follow and who I enjoy the back and forth banter. I now follow people who photos are consistantly interesting and enjoyable to view. I found in the begining that a lot of people followed me, but never really comented on my photos or acknowledged that I had commented on theirs. I slowly began to prun these folks off the vine. What is the point of following someone if you aren't willing to engage them in some way? Now, when people follow me I wait a while to see if they are willing to participate. In the last week I've had quite a few new followers, but only one has actually gone back and forth with me on some photos. She possessed wit, I checked out her album, liked what I saw and it's the begining of a beautiful friendship as Bogie used to say.

Most importantly for me, if I go to a persons album and see nothing but the same type of shot with little or no variety I won't be following them. Especially if they are all flower shots!!! ACK!
July 9th, 2012
I check out the work of the people who follow and/or comment on my pictures. I also check out the people who regularly comment on the pictures of people I follow. I follow those whose pictures I like. Might be like mine, might be different - liking is subjective. If a person does a lot of people shots, I do not follow them. I keep my list short. If I'm not going to really follow them, I'm not going to pretend I am. I will view everyone's pictures, and I try to comment, even if it is a drive by comment. Those at lest say "Hi! I was here"
July 9th, 2012
I select to follow people whose images I admire. Because of real life obligations, there can come entire weeks when I can't do more than just post my own pictures, and don't get to check out other 365rs albums to comment on them, but then I'll spend a free day or two browsing the dates that I missed and commenting. If I like something I see, I'll check out that person's album and if I like a majority of their pictures, I'll click "Follow".
July 9th, 2012
I follow most of the people who follow me. I'm fairly interactive. But once the list gets rather large, there are people whose work i will check even when I'm busy and others that I don't get too until I get a catch up day - like today.

I love the diversity of ages, ranges and perspectives. Some are seriously working to take their photography to the next level. Some are experimenting. Some are posting a photo of just random items. It is like the most bizarre and incredibly fun photography gallery and I don't have to leave my home to view it!

I will scan the popular page, new faces and suggestions when I have time and always find something I truly love in those areas.

This group motivates me everyday to try harder!
July 9th, 2012
I follow people who take fabulous photos - I'm here to learn :)
July 9th, 2012
@cromwell @teeboy I can connect with Cromwell and Terry, I have followed too many people and now can't keep up so tend to focus on the ones who shoot different things to me (like Zuzana @zuzana who i find so inspiring as she does so well what I cannot!), interact with, find a rapport with and enjoy each others work (like Ann @annbo who always makes me smile and fanny @fannyb ) or just simply produce such amazing overall work (like Rob @jdr4690 , Paul @jonesp and Michael @michaelelliott )
I could mention so many others. Im now afraid to remove any follows in case I upset, its pure time though
July 9th, 2012
Like a lot of the others, I follow people who follow me, but mostly, I like reading about the photos, and hearing the stories behind them, so I tend to follow the people I find the most interesting in that way. I also check out the popular page and the New Faces page and just browse to find people.
July 9th, 2012
Mmm, This is quite a difficult one! In the begining i was grateful for anyone who followed me i guess, But as time goes on you get to realy know who's photo's you realy enjoy & connect with & i always look forward to thier posts, I have my little group of favourites & they will know who they are! I love thier work & we have a laugh too which makes this experience so much more enjoyable, I usualy do follow people back who follow me, But as time goes on if there is no interest or comments from followers i will probably just remove them! But i do love this 365 community and i have learned so much from you all already! : )
July 9th, 2012
I'm with @monika64. There are some people who I just like because they are nice, some have a lot to tell, some to learn from, some who I learn with... lots of different people and lots of different reasons. I get them from the latest page, the pp, people who comment on my pics or some people from discussions. I don't mind when people don't disclose their lives.
Overall, I am a follower who wants to enjoy pictures and therefore chooses people whose pictures I enjoy (for different reasons).
July 9th, 2012
I tend to follow people who find subjects that I would not think to photograph. By following their galleries, it helps me look beyond what I'd normally think to shoot.
July 10th, 2012
Firstly, thanks Paul @wardie for the mention. Much appreciated. Also, how can you follow 800 people? Wow!

I don't have that much time these days so have stopped adding new people even though I've picked up quite a few new followers recently. My plan is to go through them and add people who have photos that stand out. Some people I follow because they have similar tastes to me, @flagged for example who has some amazing long exposures going on at the minute, others cause they have shots that I would never dream of taking but are amazing nonetheless.
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