losing interest...

July 15th, 2012
The only thing that is keeping me on this project is that fact that I committed to it and I keep my word. For a while now I've felt that my project or photos are boring. I'm not asking for a million comments or views but to me it just seems like my project doesn't get seen much or is very uninteresting....

How can I get my photos viewed more? I can acquire more followers?

For those who do comment and or view my photos... THANKS! :)

Hope you all are having a great weekend.
July 15th, 2012
I feel a bit like that too, but I think I haven't had the time to put into this site like I used to before. My photos are for me so really it doesn't matter if my views are right down.

You look like you've nearly finished your project and there are always the ups and downs throughout the year. I do find the more you comment on others the more comments you'll get in return. By now some of your followers may have left the site so perhaps you need to find some new ones who give you some inspiration to keep going.

Good luck.
July 15th, 2012
Just looking at your list of followers Ray, many of them haven't uploaded anything in quite a while so that's why you're not getting many comments - they're not here. However you are following quite a few more, so I'm sure some of them are still around. I've found that the more you engage with the community, they more they engage with you. Yes it takes time and often I don't have much, but I always try to comment on at least some of my followers each day. if you follow others and comment on their work, they will usually follow you and comment on yours. Also if you post one of your shots whenever there's a chance to in the discussion forums, then people see it and that often leads to comments. Also i notice looking at your 'favs' list, you haven't faved a shot since April. Get to it and show someone some lovin' and they'll most probably show it back in some way :-)
July 15th, 2012
I agree with Alicia @tulipgirl , you get what you put in, if you comment and fav peoples work it is usually reciprocated. We all feel a bit blah about the whole thing but then we will be inspired by something on here, try new things and learn and somehow the motivation comes back. When I feel like this I participate in the challenges and use the site as a learning tool, pretty soon my motivation and excitement returns.
July 15th, 2012
I have had a look at your album, Ray, and there are some nice shots there but very few with a real story attached and quite a few are purely personal snapshots which do not prompt a reply. Try shooting more topics of general interest which will make people respond with remarks such as "Thank you, I have learned something new today" or "I remember the time when ..." Show them that you are really interested in discussing their photos, and do so often!.

Oh, and most important of all, you have too few followers or followings to be sustainable, and you could increase them by looking at "New Faces" or other areas, making meaningful comments on anything that appeals to you, or asking questions to show that you are interested in their choice of subject matter, and I am sure you will find that many of them will appreciate your interest and you'll soon have more comments than you can deal with.

Good luck! I'll follow and see if that helps at all.
July 15th, 2012
(D) All of the above ;~}
July 15th, 2012
@rayg86 Hi Ray. I have been doing this for about 4 months now and I discovered very early on, that you have to do it for yourself. I was getting a little frustrated also with putting so much into getting just the right shot everyday and then not getting even one comment. I have accepted that I do this project for me and to learn how to shoot out of auto mode, work on composition and pov and just take better photographs because I love it so.
I think once you accept that you are doing it for yourself, and not the popularity and recognition, you will move on with a more positive attitude. I hope this helps :)
July 15th, 2012
I admire you sticking to your commitment and not quiting. The above advice so far is very sound. If I may be critical for a moment, I just viewed your album and immediately saw the problem. You take a good picture, but your subjects are boring. A can of shaving cream. A donut. A chair. These are not something that is going to trigger an emotional response from the casual viewer. Before I upload a photo I always ask myself "Will anyone find this interesting?". If the answer is no (and your gut will always be honest with you) then I don't post it.

When you have the time look through the "Your Favorite Photo of Someone Else" and similar threads. There you will see some amazing photos and get an idea on what makes a good or interesting photograph. Maybe that will help get your creative juices flowing.
July 15th, 2012
Having someone comment is fine. BUT I believe the true use of this 365 Project is getting us to pick up our camera and shoot every day -- to make us be aware of the camera, colors, space, people, light every day. Does it matter if I like your shot or you like mine?
What is important is - Do you like what you are took?
Some of my shots are great and some incredibly ho hum. Believe me I know which is which. If you care to comment great, but I don't "need" that. What I need and love about this site is it makes me faithfully try to get good shots every day - 365!
July 15th, 2012
@rayg86 Haha, this is me right now too! I don't necessarily care so much about comments/views because I am and always have been doing this for myself (however, still a big THANK YOU to all my followers, don't think for a second that I don't appreciate all your support!), but I find that I'm starting to lose interest and I'm not as into it as I was when I started. However, I'm going to stick with it because I started it, and god help me, I will finish it! Haha, following you now, too... good luck and hope you stay with it! :)
July 15th, 2012
@kiwichick @tulipgirl @monika64 @wordpixman @grammyn @superbeyotch @walking @kelsi87 Thank you all for your comments. After reading through your comments I have realized that I have been spending much time or active on the site other than uploading. I from now on will commit to spending more time on peoples photos.

@cromwell, You have made me challenge myself with looking for more interesting subjects. Though, that is going to be very hard simply because I am stuck in a military base everyday and mon-fri I'm stuck in an office. There isn't much to photography most importantly there isn't enough time. After work all I have is a barracks room and again there isn't much to photograph. I don't have kids, pets, gardens to photograph. I will try. Thanks for your comment.
July 15th, 2012
Keep going Ray. Its nice to see regular day to day photos. You have 1 new follower. Paul
July 15th, 2012
Just reach out and touch us......I followed today....I am new to 365 and relatively new to photography. Remember, our pictures reflect our moods, so there is more stuff going on in your head, and you don't see your work like we do. The project is to share, but also to improve that what is inside of you.
July 15th, 2012
Hi Ray...you might recall that via a thread like this I discovered your photos and try to leave you comments as often as I have the time, I'd love to see you come by to visit my pictures, too, as reciprocation sparks more interest. Hope you get the results you're looking for!
July 15th, 2012
just went through your album from Jan to present. While I couldn't connect to a lot of the pictures, you do have a good eye and have some great shots in there. I commented on the ones I connected to and even fav'd the ones I'd love to be able to find again and see again.
July 15th, 2012
start following more people and commenting on their stuff. 365 is like dating, the more effort you put in the better the results.
July 15th, 2012
Thanks for the comments Ray and the follow. I admit I am a poor follower but I do try to comment when people make the effort with me. If you are stuck in a military base you can always work on your post processing. Sometimes that can make a big difference and change a rather dull photo into something more interesting.
July 15th, 2012
It takes time and commitment to get followers and comments. The more you follow and enjoy other 365ers the more comments you will get. Depends on why you are here.
July 15th, 2012
Oh Ray, one more thing. Try doing some of the monthly and weekly challenges. They can be lots of fun and the people who do them all look at each others photos regularly too. It's not to late to join in the July photo a day... http://365project.org/discuss/themes-competitions/13240/july-photo-a-day or look for others... http://365project.org/discuss/themes-competitions/13382/breaking-the-rules-active-space or.. http://365project.org/discuss/themes-competitions/13410/mirror-challenge-6-rear-view-mirror Just have a look under the Discuss tab at what themes are current.
July 15th, 2012
Yep - I would agree with much of the above, it's the stories that go with the photos which make the difference between a quick look and engaging with the person behind the photo :)
July 16th, 2012
I am once like that before. I advice you do different zone. before i used to take landscape, perspective, still life, flowers, nature and yes it makes me bored because i used to see the same thing. though i wanted to try something different but i couldn't if you notice i was absent again for the second time for a bit longer almost 2 months, but i still come back because this is the best community site , i never find any that could match this 365. Now I am into Wedding and Fashion Photography i joined a photography group on this concepts which makes me very alive once again sharing my new photos here. you can check my July Album, its way too different from the past. So i guess you just have to try Other things to shoot. Your shots are great and you have the eye, your angles are very good. i can tell, you are a great Photographer.
July 16th, 2012
@godders @welcometocarolworld @Weezilou @jsw0109 @brumbe @kiwichick @buttercup @boogie @blueburn11 - Thank you all for your feedback and comments. I really do appriciate it. I agree that I have not been putting much effort into commenting or being involved with the 365 community. That will change. I will also get involved with the challenges.

Thank you all!!!
Happy Monday! Hope everyone has an awesome week!!!
July 17th, 2012
@rayg86 :) Have fun!
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