The pic from your project that you have come to detest!

July 26th, 2012
I am sure you have all had this experience before... you take a photo, wonder "is it good or bad" and then decide to post it anyhow. Then you come back to it a few hours later and wonder what on earth made you post THAT?! By the next day you find it embarrassing, and as time wears on you hate it more and more.

I have a shot like this - I took this sunrise and went crazy on the editing. I now hate it... I learnt a valuable lesson though on over editing. :-/

Please share your personal least favourite photo from your project!

Here is mine *blush*

July 26th, 2012
This one
And This One!
July 26th, 2012
I just hate this picture!

July 26th, 2012
After 19 months and three albums I have too many to even have a top five.
July 26th, 2012
I've only been here 7 months and I'd struggle to narrow down a top 5 too, haha!
July 26th, 2012
Here is one of my many, I really shouldn't even have my watermark on this freakin thing:

July 26th, 2012
@roachling @brumbe I agree and am glad to know I am not the only one who has far tooooo many of these... uggg, I that picture in my album thoughts. I would take up too much space if I posted all of mine.
July 26th, 2012
No comments on this shot lol, i dont know why i put it on : )

July 26th, 2012
This one.

July 26th, 2012
Probably the most technically poor shot in the project - but it was 4th Jan ;)

July 26th, 2012
I would really like to delete the entire month of January, except that it helps document how much I've changed (as a photographer) in the span of seven months time. The below photo gets me because, although the subject is endearing to me (it's a brooch that I once gave to my belated grandmother), I just cringe that I took the shot from my cell phone, indoors at work, with a flash, without thinking of composition, focus or anything, got this result and STILL uploaded it to the website for public viewing (luckily, nobody was really viewing me back then....:) ). Ay, ay, ay.... (Oh, and my more recent "cringe" photos tend to involve over processing!).

July 26th, 2012
without a shadow of a doubt mine has got to be this one ....
July 26th, 2012
This was my 1 January shot! I only like it because it shows the meercat in the back of my dad's car, but as a photo..... My only excuse is I didn't really know what this project was all about - only doing it because a couple of friends were! I think I've come on quite a bit though!

July 26th, 2012
@todimf lol - thanks for sharing Cecilia!

July 26th, 2012
@paulavdmerwe This thread makes me feel human - I think we've all taken these kind of shots. Thanks for sharing. :)
July 26th, 2012
@trbo Wow - you got a fav on your worst photo... that's not half bad! :)
July 26th, 2012
@simon0128 I know what you mean... those "I have nothing better to put on" shots... on the bright side, they do teach one a heck of a lot in the end.

@humphreyhippo That's not so bad! :)

@sjoblues Thank for sharing. ;)

@rockinrobyn I hear you! I don't quickly post badly taken shots any more, but I have so much to learn about PP... that's the reason I hate my worst shot too!

@alisonp Well it makes for an interesting abstract actually.

@lauralatham I think it's awesome when you look back at the start of your project and see where you've come... I find it very encouraging.
July 26th, 2012
This photo looked a lot better in my mind than it came out processed. With only 5 comments and 22 views - I think that speaks for the worthiness of the shot too.

July 26th, 2012
Ooh, good idea. Mine is probably this one...

It was the most horrendously wet day and it had been like a river down my road, I had in mind a really good shot and knew exactly what I wanted but it just didn't work.
July 26th, 2012

I hate hate hate this. It was the only photo I took that day, on my camera it looks in focus but on screen its horrific.
July 26th, 2012
One of many...
July 26th, 2012
This one could have been a lot better if only I got down on my knee. The angle is just completely wrong.
July 27th, 2012
From my collection I think I hate this one the most - not counting my travel shot from a hotel. Not sure what I was thinking. To me it's ugly...didn't meet my expectations or goals.

July 27th, 2012
I'm glad I'm not the only one who has many to choose from but this one came to mind right away. I think I way over processed it and I don't like it. It is a picture of my daughter and granddaughter.
July 27th, 2012
This one. . .the weekly theme was "green" and I thought weeds would be a good subject. YUCK.

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