
August 12th, 2012
I have recieved a comment on my image that has left me feeling quiet disturbed.

Comment as stated by @seeingithowitis "pedophiles love this type of thing. good going."

I am totally horrified!! this is a snap shot a beautiful portrait. This has shaken me so much I am considering leaving.
August 12th, 2012
Please don't leave. Not sure what kind of sick person would say something like that. This is a lovely portrait.
August 12th, 2012
all i can see is a beautiful portrait... how weird someone left a message like that...
August 12th, 2012
What a creepy and mean thing to say! I would understand it more if the kid was nude or something, but yours is just a sweet portrait of a cute kid. Forget about it.
August 12th, 2012
i just got the same thing on my page! someone is trolling this website. how do we report it?
August 12th, 2012
Don't let idiots like that get to you, Tracy. This is an excellent portrait. You've quite a few very positive comments on it as well. Don't let one horse's backside spoil it.
August 12th, 2012
Don't leave over it. I just checked out the profile, and it looks like the creep has either left or has been removed. My husband is VERY opposed to me posting photos of our kids (at least with faces showing, a silhouette or something is okay) here, so for the last month or so, I haven't posted any. I hate to admit it, but maybe his concerns weren't as unreal as I believed. I'm so sorry this has happened to you.
August 12th, 2012
August 12th, 2012
I took a screen shot as proof, when I click on the person now the profile can not be found. maybe someone could tag Ross in this post.
August 12th, 2012
yup no photos no follows no information no name no original avatar all the signs of a troll just ignore the saddo
August 12th, 2012
@asrai This might sound silly but what is a Troll?
August 12th, 2012
wow..strange comment. i suspect left by someone that is not a pedophile but just a werido. Great shot!
August 12th, 2012
@edie I follow lots of people who post pictures of their children, when you become a parent your children become your world.
August 12th, 2012
@asrai Thanks Lee.
August 12th, 2012
Tracey you give and get so much from 365, I wouldnt worry about one persons opinion over all the others. You know your craft and you are good at it. You have a unique way with photos and your style is your own. Continue to do what you love and we will all continue to enjoy your shots. Forget this comment and enjoy your weekend. x
August 12th, 2012
Really sad!!
@tracywilliams A troll is someone who comes in to deliberately stir things up, starts things and sits back and watching the anarchy unfold. t argue with them or post about them feeds their weird little fetish...they enjoy it.
August 12th, 2012
@mummarazzii You learn something new everyday, I don't understand the enjoyment you would get from that.

@dreams Thanks Karen.
August 12th, 2012
You can delete the comment. (i think). That doesn't undo the disturbance, but it reduces it.
August 12th, 2012
What a jerk. Keep the great pictures coming. I don't get to comment very often , but I love your work. (and let's be honest, my project has more holes than pictures since Summer started...it isn't just my commenting that is suffering)!
August 12th, 2012
@tracywilliams I saw a couple of comments on people's projects this morning from the Troll - no photos on their projects - just off comments similar in nature to yours. Maybe Ross could make a way that people who dont have any photos are unable to comment??? Dont leave though - it will only satisfy the trolls!
August 12th, 2012
Thank so much everyone, I had no idea what trolling was until today. I will not be leaving I just panicked and had no idea what to do.
August 12th, 2012
What a horrible person they are! They can go to ****.

It is a lovely portrait. You should be so very proud.
August 12th, 2012
Whenever you have any troubles or concerns its always best to email Ross or include him in the thread @Scrivna.

I know it is disturbing but please don't let one idiots comment drive you away, It is a beautiful photo.
August 12th, 2012
Ah,Tracy - you poor thing. I remember when you wrote that your husband had asked that you post no more pictures of your children. I'm glad to read all of these comments because it is reassuring that people in our community are quick to notice these things and tag Ross to help with the problem. I'm glad you don't feel that you have to leave over something rude like this. Just know that those of us who follow you respect and admire everything you bring to 365.
August 12th, 2012
@tracywilliams I just had the same thing happen to me by the same person! I deleted his comment and sent an email to Ross. It is very disturbing to say the least. His comment to me was "kids on the internet are unsafe". I also thought about leaving. I have also thought about not putting pics of my son up anymore and deleting the ones that are up. It's a shame that no where is safe.
August 12th, 2012
@tracywilliams there was something similar yesterday - somebody,Klara psoting comments that had nothing to do with the photos etc, didn't see any myself but saw a discussion thread and Ross quickly took care of it. Sick people out there. Please dont leave because of this, hopefully with 2 days in a row of similar issues Ross can come up with something that can help keep the idiots AKA Trolls away.
August 12th, 2012
I am hoping you reported this. What an awful, intrusive, inappropriate comment. BUT, there is far more positive to 365. Do not let someone steal what brings you joy. And, it is an adorable photo. Great light. All the best. K
August 12th, 2012
@tracywilliams I just received the same comment on a picture of my niece - made me feel creepy too! I am going to delete it....
August 12th, 2012
@Scrivna I just received the same comment on a picture of my niece - made me feel creepy too! I am going to delete it....
August 12th, 2012
It is scary indeed, so please limit your children's photo shoots. I have been dying to write and warn parents to stop exposing their children. There are evil people out there!
August 12th, 2012
@titam Why Menarose? What you are saying makes no sense. We are not posing them nude, we are not doing anything wrong. Most of the children are unable to be identified anyway. Perverts will be perverts with or without these photos and I am sure they can find far more stimulating ones without looking on this site. If you give in to Trolls (and I am sure that is just what this person was today) they win and we get more scared and more paranoid! We also start to treat each other differently if that happens - so no - way - no thanks. You post what you want and I will post what makes me happy!
August 12th, 2012
Sorry this happened to you! I'm considering leaving as well.
August 12th, 2012
@kellc I so agree with you, Kelly! Why punish the many for the crimes of the few! So many take the easy way out and punish everybody because of what a few people do! I admit that it's harder to punish the offenders, but it is the RIGHT thing to do! Creeps and perverts are all over the net but, they're NOT everybody!
August 12th, 2012
I can't believe this...I do children portraits for a living...and this is wonderful...some people are just MAD and not quite right in the head....PLEASE let the 365 know. You have my support as I post a lot of photos of children and not one of them is pornographic in nature. Don't leave because of some fool's opinion..
August 12th, 2012
@tracywilliams DON'T LEAVE!!! some of us love and are inspired by your art. The person that left that message probably makes their child wear a veil when they are out in public and thinks everyone else should keep their children hidden in the dark until they turn 18. What a sad childhood that would be.
August 12th, 2012
@deburahiru Why Deb? A real pervert would not actually out themselves like that anyway! It would more likely be some teenager looking to cause a bit of a stir and have a bit of fun with people - and sure enough people are taking it seriously and the Troll has succeed . Stand your ground and be proud of your photos and what you are posting. Idiots dont have to touch you if you dont let them!! @marlboromaam And thanks marlbroman. I just see this insidiousness increasing all the time. When my husband takes my camera with the big lens to the playground he is a perv! When I do it - I am assumed to be a photographer! Makes me so mad. Giving in to people like this only feeds this hysteria!!
August 12th, 2012
That is just one repulsive comment. I think this shot is great and of a beautiful innocent child. I have contemplated posting pics of my kids in the past, but in no way would warrant a comment like that. I sure hope you continue your project. There are just some sick minded people in this world!
August 12th, 2012
What the fuck? Sometimes I really HATE people! What a sick freak. Oh Tracy, I can't make you feel any safer or any less unviolated... but what I can say is I believe there is a very hot room in Hell for people who prey on children. Oh my God... what a horrible, HORRIBLE thing to experience. I love your work and I love your personality that we see through your art. I can't make you stay but I respect whatever you decide to do. The photo is precious, innocent, and priceless. What a fuckin' nut-job! xoxo - Betsie
August 12th, 2012
@kellc I agree with you all the way. I occasionally (and have twice this week, in fact) post pictures of kids, mostly just my own. I'm careful not to give out too much information about exactly where we live or the kids go to school but if someone really wanted to they could probably get the information anyway. The point is that scare mongering is what some people enjoy. I am not going to let it affect what I do beyond taking normal common sense precautions.
August 12th, 2012
Does 365 have the ability to add people to a block list? also you should delete his comment from your photo. it is a great photo and shouldn't be ruined by crap comments like that.
August 12th, 2012
I'm glad you wont be leaving, Tracy! This kind of comment is clearly from some lonely jotstick getting off by ruffling feathers! They are probably following this discussion fantasizing about how cool they are that they got a little attention! I'm sorry this happened to you!
August 12th, 2012
Tracy don't leave over it, it's a wonderful photo of a beautiful child.

But be aware that photographs on the internet can be used by paedophiles. I researched after being told that I could not put children's photos on the church website. The most helpful article I found was from the NSPCC, UK protection of children http://www.nspcc.org.uk/inform/cpsu/helpandadvice/organisations/photography/photosonwebsites_wda61580.html There are two main risks:

1. That the child will be groomed - now you've not given a location or a name so that's not an issue
2. That the image can be used for improper use, particularly for naked or scantily dressed children, which again isn't an issue here. There's also the risk of photoshopping, so a face copied and pasted onto paedophile images.
But to be honest, there are so many images of children out there anyone who wants to photoshop has an awful lot of choice - people's Flickr accounts

Now my policy is not to put names on photos, to ask permission first and on the church website I put the photos up so small good luck to anyone wanting to use the images for anything else.
August 12th, 2012
You should not worry too much about what one person with a grand total of ONE photo comments. While you can be a bit upset because it is freaky and odd, you have now given them way too much attention. This is probably one of those weirdos that does shit like this to piss people off, just let @scrivna know and move on. I would even delete the discussion to give them no attention.

August 12th, 2012
The comment is completely inappropriate in this context - I would question the motives of the commentator. You have done nothing wrong.

Shanne's advice above is good. We have a school website and make sure the kids are in groups and we use very small file sizes.

August 12th, 2012
I have just looked at @ seeingithowitis 's page and he/she/it has only put one photo up.

Typical troll - signs up, doesn't participate, says little, then makes comments to create a strong reaction.

'Don't feed the trolls' is a good maxim. We can delete comments on our threads - if it happens again I'd just delete it.

August 12th, 2012
@tracywilliams you have done the right thing sharing. Sadly there are zealots in the world
August 12th, 2012
What a complete moron, but he/she is still on here, I just checked.
August 12th, 2012
This is awful for you. The portrait is beautiful and you shouldn't let one sicko ruin your time on 365. Your photography is amazing and deserves to be seen. I'm sure Ross will deal with this situation and remove them from the site asap xx
August 12th, 2012
@Scrivna I see the person is still here, and furthermore has added a photo. Is he/she going to be allowed to remain?
August 12th, 2012
What an idiot for saying things like that, they should be kicked off this site!!!! : (
August 12th, 2012
Tracy like Peter said above you did the right thing by making us all aware of this individual and Ross should delete the account. But don't leave a place you otherwise enjoy because the sad reality is is that this can and does occur all over the internet.
August 12th, 2012
I would like to ask why is @Scrivna not saying anything on this and the profile still remains intact. http://365project.org/seeingithowitis/profile
August 12th, 2012
@pankaj I'm sure that once Ross sees this thread and is aware of the situation he'll make steps to remove their account. We have to give him a bit of time as it is Sunday here in the UK and he may not know about this yet.
August 12th, 2012
Sister, I had his picture the whole time! xoxo

August 12th, 2012
That is a great shot. Just delete the comment and try to forget it.
After my run in with "Karla" I do think 365 needs a block list.
August 12th, 2012
I was so shocked to read this. Totally sick person, Troll?? we call them Sh**t Stirrers and that all he was doing, stirring the pot, ignore him.Please take all the advice above and stay with 365.
August 12th, 2012
Your photograph of the child is so sweet and innocent, Tracy - ignore the troll. Besides, I think 365 got hacked yesterday as one of the comments to my selfie was some girl wanting to know if I was looking for a date (with a link to her site - lol!) Never a dull moment on 365!
August 12th, 2012
@soboy5 I got one of them as well I think, she was looking for love and trust and wanted me to send her a photograph,
August 12th, 2012
creepy is right! Never heard of trolling! Your shot...adorable and perfect btw!
August 13th, 2012
Gross. Clearly people can be barred from the website as a grand appeal from followers could not get Quin @grecian back on. I don't know if the person could have phrased his/her response more tactfully. Or if the person just wanted to create anxiety without commenting on how wonderful your portrait is. Do not let him (why do I assume that?) deprive you of a wonderfully supportive community. There's so much to learn here. And check out @mummarazzii and @fotomama for exquisite photos of children that this person could have targeted. But let Ross know about this.
August 13th, 2012
"Stupid is as stupid does."

I wouldn't worry about one jerk, Tracy. Karma has a way of taking care of them for you.
August 13th, 2012
Morning, just seen this. I have removed the user, don't worry about the actual account as its clearly a joker messing around (judging by the fake details she provided setting up the account). you have to remember that the Internet is the Internet, it's not perfect and if you're worried about sharing pictures of your kids then don't! I'm not one for scaremongering but just be sensible eh.
August 13th, 2012
@Scrivna Thanks Ross.
August 13th, 2012
@Scrivna Hi Ross, do you know what else is disturbing ? To have a follower who doesn't post any pictures only follows certain accounts. I think once somebody creates an account should do it for purpose of posting photos. Otherwise it should get deleted after let's a month ?
Can you check this one out for me and 8 others who are followed by:
darrll ? Thanks.
August 13th, 2012
@bardejov My one sister has created an account and follows several people, even though she doesn't post. The reason is because she does not have a camera as yet - she has been saving for it for some months and it is now on the way, so she will be posting pics soon. In the mean time she loves looking at pictures and gaining knowledge and ideas for when her camera arrives.
She is not the one you have mentioned, but I just thought I'd say that there may be a perfectly innocent reason for following but not posting yet.
August 13th, 2012
@bardejov @victorypuzzle Yes, I've heard of people that sign on to keep up with some family members photos. I myself have gotten comments from some people that seem to have inactive accounts but still look at photos and post comments. They seemed nice, and I'm not going to complain about getting a comment or fave from an otherwise inactive member. :-)
August 13th, 2012
OMG that is so creppy. I would be horrified as well!
August 13th, 2012
Please don't leave. However if you feel that is what you need to do then I support you. Ross removed the user from the site and it is I guess the best he can do right now.
I am so sorry this happened to you as it could have happened to anyone of us. Know that we all love your pictures for what they are: art, the most important thing to remember.
August 14th, 2012
I think it would be a shame to delete people who don't post. I have one follower who doesn't post but wants to look at shots. She has MS and can't physically take photos.
Just keep an eye out for the freaks and delete 'em. Glad he/she has gone. @bardejov
@eyesofbetsie :-)
August 14th, 2012
@danig I agree with Danielle. That individual is following me as well. I suppose one should check bio's (obviously) and look at their favored pictures. It's just going to give a better assessment of the individual prior to any decision. Thanks Aussie D... Sister, I'm with you!
August 15th, 2012
i have some friends who have opened accounts to see my pictures but never post any of their own. one actually follows people all over the world just for the fun of seeing what there is.
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