What would you do?

August 30th, 2012
Hello everyone!!

I stopped doing my project a while ago, I just got to take pictures for 72 days (many of them were fillers) but I really miss this site, the project and I would really like to come back.

The problem is I just don't know which would be the best choice. I have thought of creating a new account and start from scratch maybe on the 1st of January, I don't know if it would be better just uploading my new pictures in the same project (but there are already 72 pictures on there) or if it might be possible to delete all of them and use this same account to re-start next January. I don't want to lose my followers, but I also don't want to lose all the comments I got in my previous pictures.

What made me give up was mainly that I just pushed myself too hard. I'm not very skilled yet and my average pictures could be rather bad ones, but I tried too hard to make decent ones everyday. It was exhausting and I felt terrible when I didn't like the pictures I had to upload. That is why I ended up using a lot of fillers.

I have learned a lot in the few time I have spent here and I would really love to come back and complete a whole year. Maybe I should relax and just try to learn without being obsessed with the results.

Thanks all of you in advance! I'd really love to read your opinions!!

August 30th, 2012
Just do you own project that make you feel good. You could start fresh, which is probably what I'd do. But just be you and do the project your way.
I put up a lot of shots I don't like ( or my husband doesn't like) and for some reason those tend to be the ones other people really like......so ya never know. Welcome back if you decided to start again.
August 30th, 2012
If you delete your pictures, you will be deleting the comments. So, just leave them and continue from this moment. Why wait until January? Just start now. or on Sept 1st. I don't get why you would want to wait unless you feel obligated to run your project from Jan to Dec. My project goes from Apr to Mar. Does it make any difference at the end of the project? No.
August 30th, 2012
dust yourself off and pick up where you left off... and in the future, make sure every photo you take is for YOU and not worry about competing with others on 365 or trying to get on the top 20 or anything like that. Do the project for YOU, take photos of things YOU like. Do it because you enjoy doing it... don't turn it into work. If you want to improve, ask people that have accomplished what you are trying to do and ask them how they did it... people on here are very accommodating when it comes to offering help/advice, etc.
August 30th, 2012
If you are having difficulty motivating yourself to participate in this project, maybe it's not for you. Photography is an art and it should come from the heart. if it is not your job, ie, you are not making money for doing it...and you are not enjoying it, then what's the point?

Not trying to discourage you or to be crass, but I feel, from what you wrote, your brain is telling you to do it and not your heart.
August 30th, 2012
Depends what you want to get out of 365... like @john244 said, if you feel like coming back out of obligation/habit, then maybe that's not the best thing, but if you want to come back because you want to learn more and expand/further your photography because it's something you want to do and actually enjoy doing, then go for it .:)

As for the rules of your project, posting every day, using fillers or not, which day to start... honestly, it's entirely up to you and no one will care/mind! It's your project, your rules. I post every day but sometimes I post fillers, because given my hectic study schedule I just don't have the time to take marvellous internet-worthy photos every day, and also because I sometimes have days where I take like 10 good photos and I want to be able to share them! I would rather post something I'm proud of than push myself to the point of being miserable at 11.59pm on a day I just haven't had time to take a photo, just so I can have a photo for that day. Not worth it!
August 30th, 2012
Pick up where you left off. Don't let any "rules" get in your way, just do whatever you feel like doing and whatever is fun for you. The project is for you and not any one else. Of course it can be great to interact with other members, but don't worry about what people might think, just do what you want with your project.
August 30th, 2012
I would build on the account you already have because it's nice to go back and reflect on the photos and comments you've received. I also don't upload every day so I may have several days of blanks, then when I do shoot, I go back and fill in. I see this as MY project to do with what I will. I started this project so I would get more active with my photography and I definitely AM; but holding myself to an every-single-day thing religiously would shackle me too much, and I would resent that :)
August 30th, 2012
@nataliestrawberry I say do what makes you comfortable. Some days I just don't feel like shooting and I don't. I decided I wanted a full 365 photos for my project so most days if I don't shoot I go back and edit something new and post that. If I am learning and growing I feel I am getting out of this project what I want.

I went Ace to get more Albums, maybe you could do that, use a new album as your new project starting Sept 1st and use the old album for extras?
August 30th, 2012
@jsw0109 Jeff your comment is so right. @nataliestrawberry Wondering where you went. Just add to your existing account. Many here post shots from other days. Nothing wrong with that. Just catch up and continue with the project. Don't put pressure on yourself for a perfect picture everyday. For busy folks this is not possible. Just post something you like and if you feel compelled to make a "brilliant picture" then set aside the time to get it done.....like on a weekend. Btw, Glad to know your considering getting back into this. I see a lot of people just stop.
August 30th, 2012
Thank you all so much for your wonderful advices!! They have helped me to see things easier!

I know it is not necessary to wait until January to start again, but I just prefer not to start now because in a few months I won't be so busy as I am now (that's the only reason for that).

Yep, I think you are right when you tell me I should continue with the same account. I will probably start when I'm not so busy and then I will fill the blanks with old pictures or fillers. Most of you said the key word" enjoy". I wasn't enjoying very much towards the last days, but when I restart I'll do it in a more relaxed way so that I can enjoy. I mustn't turn it into work and, of course it is a big mistake to compare your pictures with other users'.

Thanks a lot (again)!!! Now I feel a lot more encouraged to start soon again in this wonderful site!!
August 30th, 2012
Isn't this supposed to be fun, putting so much pressure on yourself to produce great shots took that away a little didn't it and so you left.
I started my project in January 2011 and am still going, I have three albums and have done well over 365 pictures, some great others just shots of the day. Initially I filled my albums with an enthusiastic fury but then life kind of took over, (oh to be paid to sit in front of the computer all day fiddling with photographs!) I disappear from time to time, sometimes weeks and return with renewed vigor, each time I return I love it I enjoy the stimulation/joy I get from seeing others pictures and I love that my creative bone is tickled once more. Don't stress about getting a picture a day downloaded. I frequently "fill". It is a sharing site and no one really cares, it is about the art not the date.
Do what makes you happy it is meant to be a fun sharing experience.
August 30th, 2012
Be careful in feeling obligated to fill-in pictures, also. Your project does not need to be filled-in in order for you to move forward. Just pick a day and start. Don't worry about posting every day. If you come back into this feeling like you have to do something a certain way, you will be discouraged and quit again. It sounds like that is not what you want. Whatever you do here is purely your call and your choice. Don't make it harder than it should be. Have fun with it and your experience will be a lot better.
August 30th, 2012
@dmortega Thanks a lot! I'll take your advice into account! I'll find the better day to re-start and that's all! Thank you so much!
August 30th, 2012
@michellegaynor Thank you so much for that wonderful comment!! It's been very inspirational and I do really want to enjoy this!

Thanks a lot!
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