What's your style?

September 3rd, 2012
Some people like doing portraits, some like street photography, some are into macro shots, or reflections, and so on. Some like black and white, some are into special effects, some specialize in SOOC, some like to portray a mood or atmosphere - the list is endless.

What do you like?
Anything you aspire to?
What's your style?

My favourites are sepia and vintage photos, but I'm trying to move away from that and try a range of different things.
September 3rd, 2012
Hi Ariel, I'm at that stage of still trying to determine a style ! I would love to be better at portaits and street
September 3rd, 2012
Macro shots. I love making them.

I never know what I am going to find every time I head for the mangrove forest or nature reserve and that's part of the excitement. It isn't easy spotting bugs and spiders that are under 5mm across, and it's really challenging trying to get a good shot in before they scramble away from you.

Every time I go out with my camera, I hope to see a jumping spider or two. Before 365, I would never have thought them to be cute. Now, I feel like I can't get enough of them, I'm in love with them, I want to discover as many different types of jumpers as I can, and I aspire to fill my hard disk with endless photos of them. I think my addiction came to a head when, in July, I had a whole week of nothing but jumping spider shots. XD

I'm not into web-spinning spiders though. Those are scary!
September 3rd, 2012
Hmm, I'm only four months into this photography thing, so it's a bit early to tell -- mostly I'm trying to try everything I can think of and worry about 'style' later :)

@myautofocuslife No, no, no - web spinners, they're the thing... which is just as well, coz the garden's full of them.
September 3rd, 2012
I'm not sure I have a style, but if pressed I'd have to say I specialize in taking the out of the ordinary or funny side of life. I also enjoy doing portraits, but not in a studio setting, but on the spot street shots. I call them "One Second Portraits" because that's how long it takes me to do it. I never like to take up a strangers time, plus I don't want to give them enough time to think about backing out. Its over before they know it and I love the challenge of trying to get a decent shot in one quick take.
September 3rd, 2012
I like film, I aspire to own some very special vintage cameras, my style is deeply saturated colours and natural photography
September 3rd, 2012
I do anything and everything. I get bored with doing just one style. Yes I use my f/1.4 religiously, but I'm not afraid to *not* use it, if that makes sense. xD
September 3rd, 2012
I would have to say portraiture, particularly children. I love both candid lifestyle shots and detailed set up shots :)
September 3rd, 2012
I would describe my style as: "not very good".
September 3rd, 2012
I used to be into industrial photos, hard lines and angles; my 'style' has changed so much as I have aged. I love landscapes now, their ever changing colours amaze me. 365 has helped me appreciate where I live, which is not something I was expecting at all.
September 3rd, 2012
I nearly always go for street shots. abstracts and architecture would be something to try out someday...
September 3rd, 2012
I like vivid colour so that is what is reflected in my general style, saying that though I do have a real soft spot for black and white too
September 3rd, 2012
I love trying out anything and everything but if I had to narrow it down I would probably have to go with portraits, especially those of my sons.
September 3rd, 2012
Portraits, flowers, macro, nature, still life, natural light, would be my main 'things' :)
September 3rd, 2012
@manek43509 Too funny Kit!!
September 3rd, 2012
I'm still trying out a little bit of everything! I aspire to take great landscape photographs, but my "style" is still mostly to keep on the lookout for interesting things and see what happens. I'm not very good at planning ahead for photographs.
September 3rd, 2012
I keep veering towards macro and abstract :)
September 3rd, 2012
@manek43509 I'm with you on that! lol I like nature. Try for macro. People pictures ie street photography scares me.
September 3rd, 2012
Good question and one I have been scratching my head over for some time now. It's really hard to define our personal style when we don't know what we do or why we do it. I recommend reading this article. It has been very helpful to me by helping me to focus on the specific things that I do and why.

"Style has no formula, but it has a secret key. It is the extension of your personality." ~Ernst Haas
How to Establish a Personal Photographic Style

Now, what is my personal style?

I am realistic, detail oriented, structured, loyal, easily distracted, and totally fascinated by the unique moments that are often overlooked in our day to day lives.

I prefer shooting spontaneously and not sitting for long periods, waiting for the moment. I have learned if something has caught my attention, it is the right moment. I prefer small snippets of a scene over large scenes.

When I am someplace new I have the advantage of seeing things for the first time. I try to use this approach when I am photographing a familiar subject for a series. The variables are constantly changing and I am looking for something I have not noticed before.

I do not like to carry stuff. I prefer to use a camera that I can operate with one hand, if needed. However, I have a strong desire to do astrophotography and I see a small DSLR camera and a telescope in my future.

September 3rd, 2012
I like the adventure of the unexpected. Just taking the camera out no matter where I'm going. It has brought the world into a new focus for me.
September 3rd, 2012
hmmm... i do a lot of street, altho' i like to include context so i often combine street and architecture... or people interacting with their surroundings...

i also like natural light, and tend to chase it a bit - of late, i've avoided shooting potentially interesting subjects if the light is "blah" (altho' i will try and gage where the sun will be early or late in the day and come back to it)... and when i see good light, i will tend to go looking for something to shoot with it :)

i tend to prefer black and white and am really enjoying figuring out how best to bring out the mood (or a mood) with post processing...

September 3rd, 2012

September 3rd, 2012
@chewyteeth And very good you are at them, too.

I am working on a style. I'll get back to you when I find it :)
September 3rd, 2012
I am still developing my style....for now I shoot what I find interesting. When it comes to framing I like to let things fall of the side, I rarely take a shot of the entire subject, I like strong color and crisp details
September 3rd, 2012
I would have to say if it is outside and growing I want to photo it, never thought I was so into Nature until I started this project.
September 3rd, 2012
street portraits in HDR black and white dude. I can spot your portraits a mile off, don't fight it!!
September 3rd, 2012
@chewyteeth Okay, they may have a certain similarity to them :) (They're not HDR though...)
September 3rd, 2012
I am hoping this project will help me to find my style ~ if I have one ~~ I will shoot anything and everything
September 3rd, 2012
my style comes primarily from what I do in post processing... that way I can shoot whatever I please and still end up with a shot that people can recognize as mine before they see its mine (no matter what shot of mine finds its way on PP, people tell me they know its mine before they ever click on it). I like it like that, because I don't want to be pigeon-holed into one subject/"style"
September 3rd, 2012
oh I thought you hdr'd to get the grain and the detail?
September 3rd, 2012
@chewyteeth No, not with portraits. It's all in the processing :)
September 3rd, 2012
Not sure that I have a style at all, but I do have a liking for wide angle lenses, geometrical subject matter and monochrome. Right now I have a yen to do some portraits, simply because it'll be entirely new to me.
September 3rd, 2012
macro stuff I think , it comes from my time working in as a microbiologist. I also like to do fun things I do a lot of Lego but not exclusively :-)
September 3rd, 2012
I love street shots :-)
September 4th, 2012
Still trying to figure that out. At the beginning of this project I was really into landscapes and floral. Then I got bored with that and got on an HDR kick. Then I was (and kind of still am) obsessed with documenting every little moment of my boys lives.
September 4th, 2012
I don't think I have a recognisable or distinctive style of photography & really aren't at the place where I would expect to see one. I like taking landscapes and enjoy photographing people and buildings and love working with colour, even when that means removing the colour. I often photograph my domestic and urban/ small-city-by-the-sea environment. I'm exploring anything and everything on this journey of discovery. Often the image I present here represents me trying something new or trying to get better at understanding my camera or an aspect of photography. My favourite thing at the moment is being challenged by others to try something new based on what they see I'm not doing, aka Get Pushed challenges. I'm a bit like a sponge trying and learning as I go and my album photos probably reflect this by being appropriately random and inconsistant.
September 4th, 2012
No style here that I can think of, I photograph anything that I like whether a flower, landscape, dog, water splash, colour, B&W whatever! Sometimes I wish I did have a style but hey I'm not a professional so just in it for the fun :)
September 4th, 2012
Well I know my style does not include people shots very often. I'm more of a nature, nautical, kind of person I'd say. Most of my PPs are some sort of bird or animal or boating and coastal subjects. I usually don't set things up I just see what lands in my lap for that day. I don't live around a city so people shots aren't around for me to take.
September 4th, 2012
We discussed this issue of "what's your style" recently at my local photography club. My style is vivid colors and landscape and nature photography, but I also love classic automobile photography as well. Not really into portraits but will do them upon request. Nothing SOOC, the digital darkroom is every bit as important as the darkrooms of film days. A little bit of processing goes a very long way, I have found.
September 5th, 2012
I love macro!! I've developed a love for insects..which is ironic since prior to this project I would go out of my way to avoid a bug and now I'll search forever to find one! I specifically love dragon and damsel flies...the are so photogenic and have the most beautiful eyes!
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