to fav or not to fav.....

September 8th, 2012
This is just a question as a newcomer. I love all the posts, and I am the first to admit I am lax at posting comments. I am not a fav'er by nature, but am I doing a disservice to you all for not?

I love to recognize the shots according to what I see in the post at the time. I welcome some rebuke for my bad behavior, and need some feedback to help me get my act together.

I appreciate all the people that give me props. I am a follower by nature, so stepping up to the plate is hard for me...thanks, carol
September 8th, 2012
I don't understand. You don't like to fav other peoples photos? Why?
I fav because the photo has amazed me in some way, it gives me some inspiration, or I just plain wish I had taken it myself.
A fav is like a pat on the back...good job...well done. If you love it, fav might be the encouragement someone needs to keep their 365 alive.
September 8th, 2012
well, if anyone claims they're on here 100% for themselves, they are being dishonest with themselves. We're here for many reasons, and two of them are feedback and affirmation. If I didn't want feedback or affirmation, I'd just take pictures and process some (ok, most) of them and just look at them on my computer. That would be 100% for myself. But I'm a social creature and a human being, so that feels like a disconnect, which is why I'm here. I can't speak for everyone, but I know that to me, personally, favs tell me a few different things. They tell me I got it right... they tell me I'm producing images that people WANT to see and appreciate the work that went into creating them.... they tell me I'm improving.... sometimes they tell me I've made someone's day.

I know from reading discussion threads that some people will leave a comment to drive traffic to their own profile to get their comments/views up and hopefully score a fav... there is nothing wrong with that. If you're truly passionate about what you do, you're going to want more people to see your work. A fav though.... that's totally different from a comment. That's a high five or a pat on the back or even a hug in some cases.
September 8th, 2012
It's possible that you're unsure of how things work on this site. I also gave out faves rather stingily because I wasn't sure what it meant - how does one decide who merits a fave and who doesn't? Not having any knowledge of photographic terms, I said nothing. Over time that all changed. The more pics I looked at, the more comments I read, I slowly "got" it. My faves started growing - my main criteria is - "do I want to see this again? Would I want to have it hanging on my wall?" if the answer is yes, I click the fave button. I go to my fave page often an enjot the photos there. many are by people who have completed their projects and no longer post, so it's a little like visiting with old friends. As others have mentioned, the more you put into this site, the more you'll get out of it.
September 8th, 2012
@shutterbugger @jsw0109 @timandelke Since I am not a photographer by trade, and came to my hobby by accident.....I appreciate the info. I have been learning this site, little by little. I first posted and left, posted and left. I realized that I was wasting a great resource of knowledge. I am sure part of it is my insecurity, of which I found out, we all share. Thank for the great insight. I think I needed to purge myself. I will follow you all, and look for more personal knowledge......c.
September 8th, 2012
Reasons I FAV a photo:

1. I like the image enough I would want to look at it again.

2. The image is superior to the other photos posted on that day. I like to FAV at least one photo every day.

3. There is something about the image or the editing that is unique for me, so I FAV it so I can go back and give the same thing a try.

4. The image evokes a strong emotional connection.

5. The image, for me, is worthy of being hung in a gallery.

6. It is an example of that particular photographers best work. Shows a big improvement and is worthy of recognition.

7. I will FAV if I believe I see the photo in the same way the photographer saw the photo, even if others are not FAVing it.

For me it isn't about it being a popularity contest as much as it is with connecting.

Off to now do some catch up comments and FAVS!

September 8th, 2012
@swguevin thank you for adding the part about it not being a popularity contest
September 8th, 2012
@swguevin I so appreciate the time you took with your response. This is a great community, and I guess I need to pull up my big girl pants and realize I am worthy to be here, and that my words mean something. Again, thanks!
September 8th, 2012
@jsw0109 @welcometocarolworld Early on I had this "standard" in my head. I see a lot of world class art in the galleries here in DC and when I travel, so if it didn't impress me, I didn't FAV.

I saw a nice panning photo, but it was a little flawed, so no FAV. But it stuck in my head and when I wanted to try panning, it took me fifteen minutes to find that photo again. That's when I decided my FAV button was for me and I needed to change my criteria.

I have been tons happier since I started jumping on the FAV button to acknowledge the photos I like for any number of real reasons.
September 8th, 2012
@welcometocarolworld everyone's words mean something here!

@swguevin my early faves were like that too, but then I realized how powerful a fave can be when I noticed how some faves on one person's profile were actually a catalyst for that person to start producing fantastic images on a regular basis... I still think the word should be changed from "fave" to "love". For some reason, so many people on here believe that faves should be rare, but they are such a motivational tool to many, if not most, of the people on 365
September 8th, 2012
I agree to Shella and to Jeff. It's so easy to fav to show your respect. And it's a great possibility to mark shots from wish you want to learn something. BTW you can re-fav pictures if you wouldn't like them anymore. @swguevin @jsw0109 @welcometocarolworld
September 8th, 2012
@swguevin I could have typed up that list of reasons why I fav photos as well! Those are exactly my reasons! So..thanks for saving me the effort!
September 8th, 2012
@jsw0109 I do wish they'd change FAV to some other word like "love it" or "respect it" or something! People think "favorite" means you have to be super exclusive and you don't.
September 8th, 2012
Agree with pretty much all of the above.
I fave a shot if I love it and want to look at it again... all sorts of reasons why. If I fave a shot I ALWAYS leave a message to the 365er who took it - folk don't always and I think it's a bit odd to really like a shot and not even acknowledge it. I love looking back through my fave folder and seeing the wonders this site can provide - a real tonic some days :)
September 8th, 2012
Well said, Sheila and Jeff!
September 8th, 2012
@filsie65 I do the same. I fav 5-6 each day and go back from time to time and look at them. They are just as beautiful as the first time I fav'd them and I love to see the variety.
September 8th, 2012
@swguevin I use all those reasons to Fav also. Many times as I am looking back over someone's photos, I will see a photo I've seen before, and it then strikes me that I should Fav it, which I do. Things strike you differently at different times. I remember the first Fav I got on one of my photos. You can't believe how excited I was. IT is really a boost and if I can give someone else that boost, it makes me feel really good.
September 8th, 2012
I agree with what's been said! I Fav the photos that speak to me, or have used a technique I want to try, or are outstanding, or just a subject I happen to like. I love going back through and being inspired by all my favs.
September 8th, 2012
Carole, I went through your albums and you have nothing to feel insecure about. You have some gorgeous pic's there and quite a few followers. I think we all go through some insecure feelings at times, but by encouraging others we grow ourselves.

I bet you have some more great pic's you could use to fill some of those holes in your albums with, too.

You have encourageed me. I figure if you have done this in the short time you have been photographing, I can get to work and do some more imporving myself. Keep up the good work.
September 8th, 2012
So far I have 1798 favs and I just love to look at them, specially the old ones that I forgot . When I started this project I didn't fav that much, thinking I could always go back in the person's album. But it such a waste of time and such a huge pleasure to look back at my favs!
September 8th, 2012
I have 2083 favs. At first I didnt fav much but it increases as the numbers followed increases. I fav what wows me, and I like.
September 8th, 2012
@swguevin -- I pretty much concur with everything on Sheila's list.
September 8th, 2012
I think of it as if I'm walking into a gallery and fav's are unlimited cash. If I see something that calls out to me I buy it!
September 8th, 2012
I fav a photo if I want to see it again, simple - even if I want to see it again to try and replicate it LOL!
September 9th, 2012
I fave photos for virtually the same reasons as everyone above but as someone who takes really basic shots with my point and shoot on auto and with minimal editing, it really makes my day if I ever get a fave.
September 9th, 2012
I have been fortunate to get a lot of favs - 5,349 and counting. I cover a lot of photos and when one moves or wows me I happily fav it and have given 2,252. Most of us here post pics to express our art and getting back validation that you created something special that touched someone means a lot. Thus the fav!

@orangecrush - Jerry thats a very cool way of looking at - I like that!

@jsw0109 - Jeff you're right in that we post to share expressions of our art and getting a fav is wonderful validation that you've touched someone.
September 9th, 2012
It has been a great pleasure to experience this thread. I was off to work late morning, and I pondered the early posts. When I arrived home, I looked forward to more responses. I now realize that I have done quite the injustice to some amazing pics passed over this summer. I am ready for a new day! THANKS TO YOU ALL!!!!!!!!

@noragentian @michaelelliott @kjarn @kellc @orangecrush @cromwell @peterdegraaff @parisouailleurs @debrac @polarvrtx @henrir @cimes1 @filsie65
September 9th, 2012
I fav because I simply like the photo... and I have to agree with @jsw0109 and @swguevin .. I can go back and look at them, learn from them and just admire the awesome shots others have taken.
On the other hand it really makes my day when I get a fav and I am a total amateur, just love taking pictures.
September 9th, 2012
@welcometocarolworld @swguevin @jsw0109
I see it as being a pretty simple answer...
YOU LIKE AN IMAGE! it can be that you got a giggle out of it, think the the post work is awesome or you love the composition. Having a reminder of an image is all about having Fav's be it yours or another photographer.

This is not Fight club were we don't talk about fight club! We just FAV

@kellc Great point Kelly.
September 9th, 2012
I agree 100% with all of the responses you've gotten so far, Carol. . .and I would like to say a big welcome to 365! I host the weekly thread "Your Favorite Fav of Someone Else" and have been amazed at the newcomers to the discussion thread who say they've never seen it before. . .I was willing to take on the responsibility of hosting it because I saw what it did for me to add someone's photo that I was particularly touched by during the week. And the day that one of my photos was first there, I nearly swooned with excitement. Please come and take a look. . .and jump right in! I really appreciate that your "favs" are something you should use for your own enjoyment, edification, reference, etc. But it is also a way of honoring what you regard as artistic, inventive or creative in any way at all. I would encourage you to have fun with it and notice as you begin to choose "favs" how quickly you find it hard NOT to make this distinction. Best of luck! ;->
September 9th, 2012
@lyno The perfect pep talk....I should know better as one of my followers put one of my pics on your thread one week. It is a lttle daunting when you first come here. The thread side of the home page felt more like the big boy playground. I finally realized that I am one too! Thanks for taking the time. I am sure that all this conversation will also help others. We have received 250 views on this thread. I will be the first to say that am happy I opened up this subject.
September 9th, 2012
@welcometocarolworld - there are no rules with favs. It is about how you feel. Whatever, you will be respected. Your work will stand for its self.
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