Manual or Automatic???

September 13th, 2012
I am wondering how many of you use your manual settings on your camera verses those that only use the auto setting.

I am currently trying to learn the manual settings and find it to be a challenge...but I don't want to give up and go back to auto only.
September 13th, 2012
I used auto for probably the first week after I got my DSLR and then switched to manual and now don't use anything but manual...there are probably times when auto would be useful!
September 13th, 2012
I have to force myself to use manual and am still learning to use these settings. The thing is to do some of the fun techniques like long exposeure and night shots also hdr it pushes you to try the manual settings... I am a work in progress for sure.
September 13th, 2012
I don't shoot in auto anymore. Taking pictures for this site everyday makes you learn tons about your camera you probably wouldn't normally pick up on as quickly. I shoot in Av mode and manual depending on the situation.

There are endless amount of info over the web with tips, tutorials ..etc. Dig into those and practice practice practice. It's all about trial and error, learning what works, when and how
September 13th, 2012
I've had my dslr camera for about four years now. I used auto for about a year and then switched over to manual completely. Manual is so much more versatile and at least you can practice to your hearts content without having to worry about developing the pictures
September 13th, 2012
i tend to use both to be honest, it depends on what i'm shooting. if its live music i flick to manual, most times i shoot in P
September 13th, 2012
@snaphappy1962 I am new to manual techniques, but since I have been here, I have forced myself to stay in program or manual. I have succeeded in amazing myself. But, I am obsessed with hummingbirds, and I still do better in automatic for in flight there are moments that auto is good for having a backup......
September 13th, 2012
I'm still not fully comfortable in manual, so I switch back and forth, but I'm getting there. I need to practice more with AV because I think I have shutter speed down for the most part, but I still get messed up with aperture. I'm usually in a rush shooting something quickly on my way to work or home from work before the sun sets... so I don't spend much time playing with settings, like I should!
September 13th, 2012
90% of the time I use manual, but I find Aperture Priority helps me out in low light when I struggle to get a good exposure.
September 13th, 2012
I use manual, except on occasions where I'm shooting in a lot of diiferent light settings, with the light attachment. Frankly, I'm not good enough and don't have time to take several photos to get it right.

I shot 50 photos of people as they came into an event. All on the fly. So auto it was. The light varied signficantly and I needed to move me, not my older subjects.

A few months back, someone posted these very dark photos because they didn't want "harsh" flash and missed getting a single useable or visable shot of a group of old friends gathering at a bar.

Yeah for anyone that never needs to use the auto features. But don't miss a photo op because you don't want anyone to know you sometimes need the smart expensive camera to do its job. (That's my opinion)
September 13th, 2012
I use manual when I have the luxury of adjusting settings. Which is most of the time when I shoot. But lately, for street photos, I've been using Aperture Priority. Allows me to concentrate on the shot, rather than the settings.
September 13th, 2012
I started on full manual and then progressed to automatic modes as I learnt more about photography.

Now I use whatever is appropriate for the situation. I use Program shift most often - it is quickest and easiest for a lot of situations, although occasionally A or S mode when I need to specify a parameter. I probably use full manual second most often after P mode.
September 13th, 2012
Manual, always manual. Don't give up, it takes practice to figure everything out. :) There are lots of tutorials on youtube, and google is helpful too. The book that came with my camera made no sense to me. I am a hands on type learner. So the videos really helped.
September 13th, 2012
I began with P. For some reason it took me the longest time to get my head round apertures and shutter speeds: the terminology didn't help. But after a while I started wanting more manual control and began to figure out the settings for myself. It was quite hit and miss for a while and I frequently resorted to P, but the penny does drop and you do develop a feel for what works after a while. Then you can fine-tune it to be what *you* want, instead of making the best of what the camera presents you with and doing lots of processing.

I hardly ever use P now unless I'm in a situation where I need to take a photo very quickly and don't have time to adjust the settings on full manual.
September 13th, 2012
I use Aperture mode 99% of the time, but I use Auto ISO and Auto WB... like I say why buy a Dog if you are going to do all the barking yourself? When it comes to ISO and WB, my camera is smarter than I.
September 13th, 2012
I like to use auto as Sony know where the good combinations are. But I use shutter and appetite priority as required for special jobs.
September 13th, 2012
I am a Manual only guy, I don't even use Aperture or shutter priority if I can help it. I use auto WB and set my ISO manually, but mostly shoot at 200 unless light dictates I go higher.
September 13th, 2012
I use manual primarily, just because I'm trying to jump in and learn how to make the camera do what I want it to. Every now and then I'll use an effects mode, most likely Selective Color, because Selective Color impresses me so much.

I find manual is fun to play with, as opposed to Automatic where you may not be in a position to learn all of the relationships. So far in the in this week of having my camera, I learned that Shutter Speed kills if you don't pay attention in Manual. Just learning opportunities like that make Manual a far more frequent Go-to than Auto.
September 13th, 2012
Manual .... auto focus when i can !!!!
September 13th, 2012
@bobfoto I am with Jason, I use AV 99% of the time and only really use manual for studio sessions. When using strobes I will use TV or Manual.
September 13th, 2012
guess it depends on what you mean by manual vs. automatic...

i mostly shoot aperture priority... i almost never shoot shutter priority... i will use the "manual" dot on the dial when i am doing long exposures or otherwise trying to do something a bit different...

i almost always use autofocus... i will use manual for certain situations...

always set my own ISO... i set white balance to match the environment - but generally find auto white balance works best for indoor settings...

does that answer the question?
September 14th, 2012
I always shoot Manual and most often manual focus as well except when shooting HDRs now as I cant accidentally change the aperture. I also like to choose the white balance as although I shoot in RAW I can alter things like this easily later, I really like to try and get it right in camera first

Just a note that for example when you are shooting a night scene (in particular) your camera if set on Auto WB will not always make the best decisions as although it is an awesome computer it can't always figure out what is the best decision to make in really contrasty conditions. So there are times when it pays to look at your lcd screen and make that decision yourself if your camera is struggling to replicate what you are seeing in person.
September 14th, 2012
I either shoot manual, or if it's a rapidly changing scene, av. I like the creative control over my photo's that I have with those two settings. One book that really helped me "get it" was 'Understanding Exposure' by Brian Peterson.
September 14th, 2012
For Large Format I am full manual... for Medium Format I am something like 80 auto, 20 man (but 100% manual focus), for 35mm 100% auto (I have no manual buttons on my camera just 4 focus zones), or DSLR... 90% auto (auto focus too), lots of Locked focus points, lots of locked Exposure... 10% manual... shifting if something changes is easy enough... one wheel Ap one wheel Shutter one button ISO and one button back to full auto... honestly I worry more about light and manual WB on grey card often if I am shooting something I care about... only time I manually focus on digital really is quickshift if AF sucks or for hyper focus... like what @bobfoto we spend good coin for these computers... as an accountant I don't do tax returns on paper by hand... I mean I could... but why would I want to?
September 14th, 2012
Manual 90% of the time. It means I have to take some shots ten times before I get it how I like it, sometimes I miss a shot completely. But I prefer to choose the look of my pictures. I hate flash which seems to leap into action all the time on auto!!
September 14th, 2012
@foursides agree completely.
September 14th, 2012
I use A and P mode.. and let the camera figure out the WB and ISO
September 14th, 2012
manual. 100% of the time. It took me some time to figure it out, but now I have it down. Nothing wrong with auto though. :)
September 14th, 2012
I would die without manual focus. I shoot on aperture priority pretty much all the time so focus is the only thing I really tweak. Unless I know exactly what I want in a photo, then I'll fix the settings. So auto unless I don't get what I'm looking for, then manual.
September 14th, 2012
Manual all the time. I like the control of my camera and the photo. I find the camera does not get my artistic vision and gets it wrong :)
White balance is custom, ISO manual, focus is auto but I toggle to control the point of focus...takes. practice but I can toggle pretty quickly now.
September 14th, 2012
I use manual for my long exposures but tend to leave it on AP or SP depending on the situation ie fast moving subjects etc white balance is always on auto you can change that in post.
September 14th, 2012
WOW...thank you all for responding to my post. You were all very helpful. I am currently taking a class (4 nights only) and basically it is for beginners who don't know how to use manual settings.

I have had my camera since late 2010 and have "toyed" with the manual settings, but it was so confusing....and at this point, it still is. But, I feel like I'm not using my camera to it's fullest potential, so I will continue to practice until I get comfortable with the settings.

Thanks for the encouragement and tips. I really appreciate it.
September 14th, 2012
Hi Gina, I first got my DSLR in May and wanted to make sure I learn the manual settings of the camera. That is the reason I started the Camera Settings Challenges. I am giving you a link where I have a link to each of the challenges. I recommend you start with challenge #1 and then keep going. These challenges has helped me so much. Keep your eyes on those challenges and try them yourself. Some have been a bit more difficult but I think they will vary.

I try to use everything. I shoot in A Aperture or S Shutter Speed priority. Sometimes it's a pre-program if it needs to be a quick setting or I'll lose a shot. I use manual a LOT. Again, I highly recommend that you go to the link and if you go down the description you will see the links to the challenges.
September 14th, 2012
Aperture mode. Autofocus function. I love my camera. 8)
September 14th, 2012
Aperture mode during the day and manual at night ... works for me
September 14th, 2012
I don't use full auto. If I have time I'll use manual otherwise aperture or shutter mode depending on the situation.
September 14th, 2012
For my style of photography, I shoot in aperture priority. It works extremely well for landscapes, nature and classic car shows. I never use auto mode, it severely limits the functionality of a DSLR.
September 14th, 2012
manual, because I personally think that I'll be able to improve more if I try to get to know my camera and your settings.
September 15th, 2012
Aperture priority most of the time for digital; manual for the clockwork cameras.
September 15th, 2012
I'm taking a digital photography class in hope it will force me to wean myself from automatic. I've got a long way to go, but I honestly think I get better pictures when I use manual -- when I expose them properly, that is. I usually use autofocus because I can't see well enough to do it myself. I'm excited about learning the craft of photography.
September 15th, 2012
@myautofocuslife Thank you so much for passing along this challenge to me. I will certainly check it out.
September 15th, 2012
Thanks again to all that responded.. I appreciate your comments, suggestions and encouragement;
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