How to sell photographs^^^^^^^

November 6th, 2012
I would like to sell my photographs but i don't know how.
Could you all share with me how you all sell them.
It would be very appreciated!

and if you think i am familiar i have had like 6, 365 accounts but shut them all down :)
November 7th, 2012
It needs a lot of hard work. Try iStockPhoto. Competitions are well worth entering, prize money can be quite good.
November 7th, 2012
if you find an easy way let us know, selling your own photos is incredibly difficult thing to do because there are so many people doing it, the only real way of making money from your own photos is to find a stock website (which is quite tricky to get into because of the amount of photos they recieve.) Or print them off and sell them at shows and markets. Most of the money in photography comes from getting clients and shooting what they want you to shoot which is great if you find a niche market but again really difficult if it is something mainstream because photographers will undercut you (some even work for free to increase their portfolio) I dont want to put you off following photography as a career choice and if you are truely passionate about it I wont but its best not to go into it thinking its going to make you heaps of money because it doesn't unless you have the photos that everyone wants or are just seriously awesome :)
November 7th, 2012
I second Lee's well put response.
November 7th, 2012
I agree with Lee too, I've been selling for about 3 years now and no where near enough to live on.. every man and his dog these days has a dslr and takes their own. I also live in a town where there is many photographers already established. I wish you well !
November 7th, 2012
@godders @asrai @wadazomo @silverhorn
Okay guys thanks for the help! i will try my best to sell at least 50 pictures!
November 7th, 2012
I too agree that it is tough to sell your work, and was in your shoes until early last spring. That is when i decided to simply make the investment in a pop up tent, develop my inventory of about 200 images of 4x6, 5x7, 8x10, 11x14, and 16x20 sizes. I then invested a booth rental in our community's 4th Friday events from April thru September, priced my stuff and put it out for sale! I chose this way to ease into selling because it would be "low pressure" for me....what ever happened, happened. But, I found out that there are people out there that like what i do, which sometimes is almost as encouraging to hear as actually making a sale!
My wife and i had a ball. I sold images every outing except for one, more than made my investment back for rental of the booth, and continued to add to my business as i went along. I added more images, purchased a banner/sign for my tent, bought some table coverings to make them look nicer, bought a couple of art stands for the larger pieces to be displayed.

I also just placed 43 images in a local artist store in one of our malls. This is pretty cool, because the owner is excited about my stuff, I pay no fee for wall space or counter space, but split any sales 60% me / 40% the store. This is great, because between now and the spring i have no other options to make sales, and may be able to get some sales between now and Christmas thru the store with NO EXTRA EFFORT from me.

So ... I say give it a go, and have some fun!
November 7th, 2012
I think you can be successful in anything you put your heart and soul into! And that also includes ALOT of Work! you have to be a self starter and willing to give away alot of your time and energy at first....but once you build up a clientel or following can usually make it on word of mouth! As long as people like what you produce, In America you can fullfill your dreams if you work hard on them! :)
November 7th, 2012
Oh and i agree with Glover and the others also! Find a Nich ( Being Unique and Crative is a must! ) ..County Fairs, Home Town Festivals and anywhere you can set up a booth may be a great way to start..or if you can afford it open up your own studio in your home or in Town. Good Luck!
November 7th, 2012
@ggshearron - congrats yours is a nice story to hear.
November 7th, 2012
@ggshearron nice thank you!!
@ellimae thank you for the wise words!! i will defiantly take your advise :)
November 8th, 2012
What type of photos?
November 8th, 2012
@agima Artsy.
November 11th, 2012
Fine art. ;-)

I must say you are in a uphill battle as there are so many other people out there.

You need to get your work in front of people where they can see it and you can talk to them. Get them printed up really big and start showing them off everywhere you can.

Most of the time its not about the best photo that sells it about the best sales person.
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