Not a smart move.....

November 21st, 2012
Best quote: "people do stupid things..."
November 21st, 2012
Not the sharpest tool in the shed!
November 21st, 2012
Interesting article. I had seen the is being shared like wildfire
November 21st, 2012
Lordy, overreaction much?
November 21st, 2012
We have similar issues with people posting images of burning poppies etc. I don't agree with their opinions, I don't think it's in good taste but I do think people have the right to have different opinions and even to be distasteful. It's one of the reasons we've fought wars. Stopping people being aggressive, threatening and bullying is one thing- stopping them being a bit pathetic is something else entirely.
November 21st, 2012
Good. People need to be responsible for their actions; not enough of that going around.
November 21st, 2012
Just a stupid person trying to be funny. I'm all for humor but there are lines that "normal" people don't cross. Hopefully she's learned something.
November 21st, 2012
@grizzlysghost Trial by Internet is the future of justice, hey? What could possibly go wrong. So, let's see; she made a bad joke in bad taste and is in all kinds of trouble - no job, no pay - yet there's is no actual victim. And this is reasonable? Hmmm...
November 21st, 2012
@intymalcolm Hmmm... yep, I suppose it will have to do since public flogging is probably off the table.
November 22nd, 2012
November 22nd, 2012
She definitly crossed a line with her disrespectful behaviour on a cemetry particullary a military one. I definitly not approve. But This is a total over reaction. People do stupid things sometimes without thinking but ruining somebodies life for a silly picture? She probably lost her job and her whole life turned upside down. She didn't even commit a crime! There are other people out there who really screw up/hurt others and get away.
November 22nd, 2012
There are a lot of issues going on here.

In the US, we do have the freedom of expression/speech and no I'm not going to get into a semantics argument over the two of them.

Needless to say, had she had this photo taken while on a private vacation or trip to Arlington, I can see no way there should be work related consequences for her actions. She does have certain rights as spelled out by the Constitution and upheld by our Supreme Court. Offensive? Yep. Stupid? Yep. Disrespectful? Yep. People do things like this all the time.

How is this different from someone who burns the flag in public? I don't see a difference. Stupid? Yep. Offensive? Yep. Within her rights? Yep.

However, she had the photo taken and did her actions while she was on an outing for her employer with people she was responsible for in tow. This is according to the link above.

Now, in my opinion, she should be subject to disciplinary action by LIFE who employs her because this was done while she was "on the clock." They must have some kind of morals clause, or personal behavior clause while on the job that she probably signed before getting hired.

She's getting her Andy Warhol 15 minutes, that's for sure.
November 22nd, 2012
How crude.., that cemetary gave me chills. I could slap her.
November 22nd, 2012
Lesson: if you're going to be an obnoxious jerk, don't post a picture of it on the internet. Dummy.

That said, people are so very quick to pile on. I'd never sign a petition trying to ruin someone's life because of a stupid lapse of judgment.
November 22nd, 2012
Update: This idiot AND THE PHOTOGRAPHER have both been fired. I could go along with the person in the photo taking a lot of heat over this, but what do you all think about the photographer's actions? I think most of us have taken photos of stupid people doing dumb things, but how many of us have gotten in trouble for the photography?
November 22nd, 2012
I guess every culture has its quirks; the Americans seem to flip out over something like this but be totally unconcerned about so many other things. In most countries I'd say a photo like this would be barely noticed, certainly wouldn't go viral or cause someone's life to get upended like this.
November 22nd, 2012
@grizzlysghost She is getting a public flogging, just a modern digital one instead of an old fashion physical one.
November 22nd, 2012
Freedom of Speech is a very overused term. The term means, in this country, you can speak out with no fear of reprisals from the government. People feel because they have "freedom of Speech" they can say what they want whenever they want. LIFE Inc is not bound by law to keep her employed and the facebook mobs are not bound by law to not rip her apart.

Do I feel this should ruin her life? No. But, LIFE inc could fire her for anything. She made the company look bad and possibly cost them business. That is grounds for dismissal.

And no. No crime was committed and there was no victim. Don't need to commit a crime to lose your job or receive backlash from the populace for being insulting and repulsive.
November 22nd, 2012
@pizzaboy We take out war dead seriously. Sorry if you think that's "flipping out"
November 22nd, 2012
@john244 You don't see the mob reaction against this woman as extreme? I find the behaviour of the crowd to be quite disturbing.
November 22nd, 2012
@pizzaboy I am not defending the mob. I don't feel her life should be ruined over this. But just as it is her right to be ignorant, the mob has that right as well. I was responding to Americans being blanketed as the mob. Not the case.
November 22nd, 2012
You can't unring a bell. But, to those of you that have commented, this is my only thought. It is a razor's edge to wave the flag, standing behind it using your freedom of speech rights. We hold this right, as a privilege, not as an excuse for bad behavior. It does show there are consequences in action, which I think has been lacking as of late. Maybe in the end, it will be a great teaching lesson to others.
November 22nd, 2012
Free speech does not mean there are not going to be consequences related to the content of one's self-expression. In this instance, what this woman did was reprehensible and if she ends up being fired as a result, so be it. You reap what you sow...
November 22nd, 2012
My grandparents are interred in Arlington. I've been there many times. What she did is pose for (what she saw as) a funny photo. She wasn't disrespecting the dead. She was disrespecting a sign. It's like smoking in front of a no smoking sign. I wouldn't have done it myself, but I'm not offended by her actions. Was it bad taste? Yeah, probably. But that's not a crime.

She is not violating the cemetery's ground rules. Most likely, she wasn't actually yelling and causing a disturbance. And it is not known if there were others around to witness her pose.

Being fired for this photo is not a violation of her free speech. Her employer is not the government. They can fire her for reasons they deem worthy without violating her rights.

I understand this is a sensitive issue. I have the utmost respect for our military and the fallen. I don't think her intentions that day were to go into the cemetery, find that sign, and pose for that photo. It was most likely a spur-of -the-moment shot, and it had consequences.
November 22nd, 2012
I also believe in freedom of speech but we all know it can be taken to extremes. I believe the issue here is the disrespect shown to our men & women of the Armed Forces who have given their life to ensure we have the right to that freedom of speech. When I think of Arlington National Cemetery & The Tomb of the Unknown Soldiers this is sacred ground. I think she used poor judgement the yelling ok I can deal with that but the finger come on total disrespect. When you post things like this on the internet not everyones is going to find it funny.
November 22nd, 2012
Yes, we have freedom of speech, and there are consequences for actions. Enjoy the freedom, and then deal with the consequences. That woman is an idiot.
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