Things Just Keep Happening In Our Family!

December 24th, 2012
First of all, thanks to all of you for your kind words, prayers and support. It just seems to continue to get worse in our family. I know by now you all know that I have 7 grandchildren. This is the family with the two twins and younger brother, who is almost 21. Here is what happened yesterday.

I guess the black cloud just doesn't want to go away. Now, yesterday, one of the other brothers, not the twins one, decided he was going to do some "donut's" with his truck after a fun football game. He lost control of it while doing these circles and the truck flipped and turned over, with him in it and totaled it. His parents had just spent $700 for tires for his Christmas as it needed new ones, i-pod in there, his new stereo system and speakers. He has worked on his "baby" for over a year and it meant the world to him.

He wasn't hurt, but is sick in his heart for causing his parents more grief and pain since they are going through this cancer with his brother. He's a good kid, just 20 and not thinking and has always been full of life and a dare devil. He's always told me, "That God will look out for him." I've also told him, "That God also gave him a brain to think with!" He's the one that when he found out about his older brother and the cancer, went immediately to church to pray for him. His faith has always been strong and he's going to need it now.

He was lucky he didn't get hurt, the police didn't give him a ticket for reckless driving on public property. His other brother was there when it happened, so he witnessed that and has had to deal with his twin brother and the cancer. He had also hit his head on a trampoline the day before on the metal part while doing flips, so we don't know if that was the cause of the concussion as he is still having headaches which will need to be looked into. I can't tell my daughter what to do, but I would have him checked.

His parents were livid with him for doing what he did and I don't blame them. They are at their breaking point with the news of Brendan's cancer and now to deal with this has been to much. The truck is gone, so now he will be riding the bus to school until he can save up enough money to buy himself another one. This truck was also used during his construction work that he did for other people as that's his major in college. So, he will have a lot of consequences from what happened due to his "goofing off!"

A hard lesson was learned that day and as respondable as he is, I think he grew up and learned from this experience, but it was a hard one to learn.

To see the sadness on his face last night was hard for his Grandma, I am just so thankful he wasn't hurt seriously. So, as we take our 3 granddaughter's to the airport today to go back home, I will pray that the rest of Christmas will be safe for all of them.

December 24th, 2012
Oh Linda what can i say but God bless you and your family through your troubled time right at this moment, I sure they will improve for you all In 2013 Gerry x
December 24th, 2012
Be thankful the only one he injured was himself and he only totaled his truck and not someone elses. He may very well be acting out because of his brother's health issues. He is young and the timing was not good. The tires can be returned and things will move forward. Everyone is dealing with uncertainty. Sounds like they all need outside sources for dealing with the pressures at the moment. Maybe you can't be there to help but you can encourage the kids to talk to you about whatever is on their mind. Just lending an ear can be very theraputic.
December 24th, 2012
Prayers for your family and for you.
December 24th, 2012
@dmortega Hi Dorrena, I don't think he was acting out, this is a football game they have every year and Kyle just likes to have fun, but maybe your right as this cancer has been a shock for everyone and the brothers are all so close. God was looking out for him, as the police sent everyone away, even his brother, to help them out as he could see how upset he was. He only wanted his parents there as he could see how upset he was and they were all respectful of the policeman. This had to be the nicest cop in the world as this would have been on his record and at almost 21, would have been very bad. Yes, he is young and definitely fun loving and does take chances. The car was towed away and his parents don't want to fool with him taking off the tires and salvaging them (they were only 2 days old) and we can't interfere. We are fortunate that our grandchildren do talk to us, but last night during our early Christmas Eve celebration with 6 grandchildren wasn't a good time for him, he tried, but you could see his heart was elsewhere, as it should have been. I just hugged his neck and told him that I was glad that he didn't get hurt. He was already depressed enough, sad and had a headache, so after Christmas will be better for him to talk to me and he will.
Thanks for the words of wisdom.
Granny7 or Linda

He went to the storage yard today and just couldn't hand over the title. He is going to try and put the tires on Craig's list and hopefully that will pay the tow and storage fee.
December 24th, 2012
@gerry Thanks friend, we all hope so. I hope you are doing okay.
December 24th, 2012
I am doing Fine Linda have missed seeing you and your uploads of photos nice to see you back on 365 take care
December 24th, 2012
Pssst.. isn't this why grandma's were made... to be that ear.. that hug... Linda, I know things look tough, but he so has the right idea.. That God will look over him. I say everything happens for a reason, the timing just stinks... Try and have a beautiful Christmas... Blessings to you!
December 24th, 2012
I am so sorry. Prayers for you and yours.
December 24th, 2012
Your family are already blessed to have you and although sometimes it is hard, you are right about biding your time and letting both your grandsons and their parents seek your counsel when they are ready. The lad has already made it through the 4 hrs we would keep someone after a blow to the head resulting in a mild concussion, but if the headache persists over a period of days then a further check is a good idea. Young people don't always think through to the consequences but in the long run the loss of a vehicle is a good outcome compared to what could have happened. You and yours remain in my thoughts and close to my heart.
December 24th, 2012
As the old saying goes, any accident you can walk away from is a good one. All he lost was a thing and things can always be replaced. His brother has it a lot worse. I've had my share of bad luck the past two years and lost everything. You just gotta keep rolling with the punches i guess.
December 24th, 2012
Linda I'm sorry for the troubles in your family and I will pray for God's Perfect Peace and Comfort and Healing for your family.
December 24th, 2012
hi, linda. i'm so sorry to hear about this, and it is frustrating to want to help but have no choice other than wait to be asked to help. kitti is right, the family is already blessed to have you. we are not given any burden that we can't bear, is all the consolation we can cling to right now. hoping that everything will sort itself pretty soon. hugs to you. take care of yourself and hope your Christmas will still be merry despite all these.
December 25th, 2012
@cheribug Yes, God does watch over him, He always has and Kyle has such strong faith. Never misses Mass, was a lead server and won the Alter Server of the Year Award several times at church. His faith is the most important thing to him. He was the one that went to church when he heard about his brother's cancer and prayed. We will be seeing them for Christmas dinner. Brendan, the one with the cancer overdid it today and is back in bed. He was feeling better and went to the show with his brother's, but with his surgery, should have wore sweat pants. Now he's back in pain and resting again. My 3 grandson's all think that they heal quickly, don't make a big deal of things, as their parents have taught them, but should follow doctor's orders better. Thanks for your kind words. Have a nice Christmas.
December 25th, 2012
@nadaa Thank you so much for your concern and prayers.
@kittikat You are right Kitti, it could have been so much worse. He hit his head the day before the accident and did have a headache. Played football the next day. I have wondered if while driving his truck in circles if he got dizzy and lost control? I haven't spoke to him about it yet, at their hasn't been the right time, but I will. I don't think under the circumstances he would even tell his Mom if his head hurt as he wouldn't want to cause her any more grief. I agree with you in how I would have handled it and he still might be checked. I know that his pupils were the same size, as my 20 yr. old granddaughter was visiting and she's studying to become a doctor and looked for that right away. Have a nice Christmas and thanks for the kind words and advice.
December 25th, 2012
@cromwell You are so right, his brother has it so much worse and sure isn't feeling well tonight. Went to the show with his 2 brother's and wore jeans, wrong thing to wear. Should have worn sweats as now he's in a lot of pain again and had been off medication for about 2 days. I think they just want to be normal and he probably forgot what the doctor and instructions told him. So they all sat in his room tonight, with him in bed and ate Christmas eve Dinner together. It was a neat sight and I'm sure he will keep those soft PJ's on from now on.

I'm so sorry you have had your issues also. I hope things get better for you. I think this past year has been one of the worst one's I've had in a while. But your right, he walked away from the accident, no ticket on his record which would have affected him the rest of his life. So all that's good.

Maybe if the twin, Brendan does have to have Chemo, his brother that had the accident lives in the same city and he can help take care of him, if that's possible. We don't know the outcome yet, other than it's cancer,

Have a nice Christmas,
December 25th, 2012
@tara11 Thanks Tara, 2013 has got to be better!
@summerfield I love my grandchildren so much and only wish my daughter would allow me to do more for them. We will share Christmas with them tomorrow and am looking forward to seeing my grandson's. You have a Merry Christmas also.
December 25th, 2012
So sorry to hear about more of your bad news. I hope your grandsons are all okay today and than Brendan is continuing to improve. Wishing you a lovely Christmas and fingers crossed that today is a better one for you.
December 25th, 2012
@nicolecampbell Thank you Nicole, yes it seems to continue here. At least he wasn't seriously hurt. I also hope Brendan feels better today. He went to the movie with his brother's, wore jeans and now is back in bed in pain again. He needs to stay home and in sweat pants. But kids today think when they feel better they should move around more. He just had surgery Friday, so surely not enough time to heal. I hope he is better today when we see him. Have a Merry Christmas.
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