World Wide Toast!

December 31st, 2012
We did this last year and it was really fun!
This time of year I tend to get a little mushy and sentimental! Here on 365 I spend more time with you guys than anyone else it seems! If I had my way I would gather all of you up and drag everyone to the local pub, belly up to the bar and buy everyone a drink, give a big cheers and have a drink amongst friends!
So here is to all the great friends I have met here and all the new ones that are coming! You are a huge part of my life and I love you all! CHEERS!
Now get yourself a drink or shot of your choice, take a pic, post it, and then drink up! :)
Tag your "shot" wwt so we can all share in the world wide toast together!

Have a very Happy New Year everyone!
December 31st, 2012
Here is my drink! Its a local brewery called Stone. This is one delicious IPA! Down the hatch! By the way I also am having a shot of Jack that I got in my stocking! >:)
December 31st, 2012
would so love to join you at the bar Jerry... All of my "cheers" shot have been on fcbk this arvy, but I will say that I once saw the sun set on a year just like this:

December 31st, 2012
@bobfoto That is gorgeous! Even better it matches the color of the IPA I'm drinking right now! :)
December 31st, 2012
Well not 21 quite yet (; haha but cheers and happy new year!!! Haha
December 31st, 2012
hehe was in the middle of taking this style of shot myself!! Will upload a bit later... must feed kidlets before they "staaaaaaaarve"... as they apparently do!
December 31st, 2012
@orangecrush - Oh I do like a good IPA, but I got myself a Beck's Lager to watch the sunset tonight.
December 31st, 2012
Happy New Year Jerry! I hope 2013 is a fabulous year for you.
December 31st, 2012

December 31st, 2012

Cheers to a wonderful community, much love & happiness to you all
December 31st, 2012
@orangecrush Bit early for me but instead of posting a shot of my morning cuppa, here's the drink I had last year for the same reason. Wishing you all health, happiness and some wonderful sights next year... Cheers! x

December 31st, 2012
Happy New Year.

December 31st, 2012
Happy New Year

December 31st, 2012
Im drinking Coffee. Wont bore you with that. HNY everyone...
December 31st, 2012
I am on coffee too :-) ... HNY to all x
December 31st, 2012
@orangecrush Cheers and a happy 2013 to all.

December 31st, 2012
I put this up yesterday Jerry, cheers to all, here's to next year!
December 31st, 2012
Happy New Year!

December 31st, 2012
It's a bit early for me, Jerry, but I'll raise a glass (or more) to you and all my 365 friends this evening!
December 31st, 2012
Ahh the famous Jerry Wprld Wide Toast! Its 7:30am I will get back to you pal.
December 31st, 2012
@orangecrush feel free to mail my bottle to me. I will get a photo for you tonight seeing as I am off to work right now.
December 31st, 2012
A little port to toast in the new year. Happy New Year to those who're allready there and Happy New Year's eve to everyone else.

December 31st, 2012
10.15pm and I'm just home from work. It's still 30 degrees C ( 86F).
The New Year can come in without me this year, I'll be getting up at 6 am and off to work on NY Day. My nightcap is an icy cold beer, but thought the champers was more appropriate for the photo!
Happy New Year everyone.

December 31st, 2012

Cheers - my last shot of the project - Happy and Healthy New Year to everyone
December 31st, 2012
A slightly older pic, but one of my fav's - Happy New Year to Alll!!!

December 31st, 2012
Hooray for 365! (Err, 366, err, 731 ... !)

December 31st, 2012
@orangecrush how cool would that be? I would love to be there! I will do my best to load a pic later but for now, know that I wish you all a happy healthy creative 2013! Really looking forward to spending 2013 with all you wonderful 365ers xxoo
December 31st, 2012
Wishing you all a very Happy New Year x

December 31st, 2012
Happy New Year 365'rs

December 31st, 2012
Happy New Year! Cheers! Salute! Santé! Skål
December 31st, 2012
December 31st, 2012
Happy New Year to you all !

@gphelps5 your photo is AWESOME !
December 31st, 2012
I raise my glass of wine to you and wish you a very Happy New Year. I am looking forward to 2013 here on 365.

December 31st, 2012
Happy New Year everybody!

January 1st, 2013
Happy New Year :)

Off to bed now - getting far too old to stay up until midnight :D
January 1st, 2013
Here's to 365er friends
January 1st, 2013
Cheers to everyone in the 365 world! Peace and happyiness in 2013!

January 1st, 2013
Cheers to all!
January 1st, 2013
Happy New Year to one and all.
January 1st, 2013

Happy New Year to all of you on 365.
January 1st, 2013
from earlier this year... happy new year everyone!

January 1st, 2013
@yonnie lol! Love this!
January 1st, 2013
Jerry, I missed this earlier, so I'm coming in a bit late and have to post an older shot. . .but the sentiment is RIGHT! Happy New Year to all. . .

January 1st, 2013
Some sparkling cider! Happy New Year everyone!
January 1st, 2013
@lyno never too late, Lyn! Happy New Year! :)
January 1st, 2013

Happy New Year!
January 1st, 2013

January 2nd, 2013
Cheers to you Jerry and everyone else around the world :)
January 2nd, 2013
Cheers to Jerry and all the 365ers! i was DD so no adult beverages for me!
January 2nd, 2013

Cheers! :chink:
January 2nd, 2013
I couldn't drink New Years Eve, so I will just add some glitter to this toast:

January 4th, 2013

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