followers?? how do you get them?

January 6th, 2013
hey, i'm new to the 365 project ..i just started and i'm having a great time doing it but i was wondering how do you get followers?
January 6th, 2013
Find interesting people you like and follow them. Some will follow you back. Comment on peoples pics and that'll build up relationships
January 6th, 2013
The general "rule" (although it's not really a rule) is to start following folks who's work you like, then, they likely will follow you back! You'll pick up some from this post as well, but just get out there, start commenting and following and you'll see your follower list begin to grow =)
January 6th, 2013
What @tbats22 said!

Also participate in the weekly threads, and random share threads.
January 6th, 2013
follow others, comment on people's posts, fave the ones you especially like, participate in discussions/threads, enter challenges, etc. The more you put in, the more you get out.
January 6th, 2013
Haha, what @tbats22 said x2! When I started, I spent a lot of time using the "Browse" tab at the top of this page. I am always checking the Popular Page to catch up on the best shots, etc. Here is a link to the Popular Page, when you click on each photo, it will take you to the photographer's profile and you can follow from there, starting a chain reaction! Welcome and good luck!
January 6th, 2013
To find people you like:

1. Hit the browse button at the top, choose a category and the click on photos you like to take you to that Photographer's page.

2. Write comments on photo you like and follow photographers you find interesting.

3. Actively participate in themes, competitions and other events, which are normally under the "latest topics".

With so many newbies on this week, you all are flooding the latest topics with newbie questions and the others topics are getting lost in the pile. But if you view latest you can sort through them.

It works better if you comment on others and don't worry so much about them following you. Follow the photographers you like and eventually you will start building up people who have an interest in your work too. It is a very active and friendly group.
January 6th, 2013
As you can see, we were all actively writing you a note about the same time, that's the kind of community it is :)
January 6th, 2013
thanks guys for the helpful tips.
January 6th, 2013
Hey everyone, I used to be on 365 awhile back ago. I recently started up again. I have added three photos already. Feel free to follow me and I will do same =)
January 6th, 2013
Follow others, leave lots of comments - it does take some work I have to admit. Get to know those you are following - its the best way to make "new friends. I even managed to find a long lost cousin of mine on 365!!
January 6th, 2013
January 6th, 2013
I sometimes offer sexual favour's, mixed results so far.
January 6th, 2013
@jase_h LOL!
January 6th, 2013
January 6th, 2013
I agree with the 'comment and follow other people's who's work you enjoy looking at' ideas. For me though I like to get a feel for the person as well as their photography style so a friendly bit of blurb to let me know if I think I can relate to the person helps me decide who to follow! Maybe I'm not as phtotography orientated as I should be lol!
January 6th, 2013
I agree with Jane @plainjaneandnononsense . Put something (preferably true!) in the 'about you' bit of your profile. While I of course respect people's need for privacy, I very rarely follow anyone that hasn't got anything written there, just because I like to know something about them. It just makes people seem more human rather than just a load of pixels on a screen.
January 6th, 2013
Comment comment comment!!! Also while no doubt you'll want to follow some of the 'big names' who do great work and have lots of followers you may well want to follow other people with fewer followers as well - I like people who write interesting blurb with their photos or who have some sort of connection with me through places we've lived before etc. You'll find that people with loads of followers often don't follow back because it's just impossible to do the people you follow justice if you have too many. I am guilty of that - I just can't follow everybody back but if somebody comments I do try to visit their project and comment back.
January 6th, 2013
The attitude I've taken about following is to follow members whose work interests you, for whatever reason...

1.) because you think it's amazing (although quite possibly unattainable at your skill level. I have LOTS of those that I follow)

or 2.) because they use a similar type of camera (it shows you what can be done with the equipment you have)

or 3.) because of geographic region ( I like following some members from S. California, but also from all over the world)

I've also never expected someone that I follow to follow me in return. Just because I like/love the work they do, doesn't mean they will like anything I'm putting out. But when you follow someone, they usually get curious about who you are and will take a look at your album. Maybe they'll follow and maybe they won't.
I've been on here since Sept 11 and currently have 66 followers. They were attained slowly over those months by me starting to follow them and commenting on their photos. I'm following 126 members and I'm not the least bit offended that those other 60 members aren't following me.

You'll have a great time here on 365. So much to see and learn. :-) can become addictive though. LOL
January 6th, 2013
Two words: GET INVOLVED. It takes more time than you want it too but we wouldn't be on this site if we weren't interested in this stuff, would we?
You do need to try to comment on your followers every day or every few days so you can make some kind of bond with them back and forth.
January 6th, 2013
And thank you for asking instead of just announcing that you need followers. Those threads are getting tiresome. You want followers? Put forth some effort and earn them. It's a two way street. Most of us are about relationships here, and we're generally an supportive bunch.
January 6th, 2013
comment on photos that you like :) look in to the pages,popular page,new faces .... and find the ones you like and follow them :)

I've got many followers than I expected last few days cos my photos are on the popular page.That made my day :)
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