What unexpected expenses have you incurred?

January 7th, 2013
I was out taking photos on Sunday when I accidentally whacked myself in the eye with my camera. I wear contact lenses. The whack dislodged my contact and it was gone. Somewhere on a sidewalk in Milford, Ohio, it has become part of the landscape. My cost to replace the lens will be $100. Oh, well.

So, what unexpected expenses have you incurred in pursuit of this photography madness? I'm not asking about that lens you had to have, or a sturdier tripod, or the latest release of Photoshop Elements. I'm asking about flat tires from that dirt road you had to drive down, the ruined leather boots from that muddy field you had to slog across, the smartphone dropped out of a pocket when you were leaning over the bridge railing to get that perfect angle on the passing sailboat. Come on, we all have them... Confess!
January 7th, 2013
A hundred bucks for a contact lens! You must be putting some exquisite polymers in your eyes. Sorry to hear about that :(
January 7th, 2013
Just the other day I sunk into a snowy ditch pulling over to the side of the road to get a photo of a barn. I never did get a photo of the damn barn, but a good semaratin got me some help and pulled out. I didn't cost me any money, just my dignity.
January 7th, 2013
My costs have been minimal but regular so far, mostly in terms of things I have bought just to photograph with no intention of using. From an odd shaped cauliflower thing, to mushrooms, cake decorations, shiney stars and todays addition, a bag of star anise!
January 7th, 2013
@newbie Dignity has a value of its own, Stacey! :)
January 7th, 2013
@shweetheart Oh, that's right, Helen, I forgot about the props we buy! I save some $$ on that end...I volunteer for an animal rescue group that funds its efforts through operating a thrift store. More than once I have borrowed and returned merchandise for a photo project!
January 7th, 2013
My trick seems to be loosing/having stolen my actual cameras! Before my current bridge camera I lost/had stolen 4 point and shoots in quite quick succession :-(
Fortunately haven't lost my bridge camera yet though lol :-) And one did turn up in a sock in my husbands wedding shoes, months after getting "lost". I have to say this is more likely to be the act of one of our children than it is of me :-/
January 7th, 2013
@spirrowshoot I wear the rigid gas permeable lenses. I have no idea how much they "should" cost, I just know it's $100 for me to replace one through my optometrist. I lose one about every five years, so my record is good. I did lose one once on the Hill of Tara in Ireland. Same thing, whacked my eye with the camera. You'd think I'd learn...
January 7th, 2013
Ah, that makes more sense. I was scared for a minute, since I have to upgrade prescriptions every year and this is the first time I've tried contacts. Anyway, hope it's all taken care of soon :) Oh, and I hope your camera's okay too!
January 7th, 2013
@gemtumble I had a friend used to keep his camera in a sock rather than a camera case.
January 7th, 2013
membership at the zoo - $75
2 strangers in 2012 - $5
desserts, restaurant bills, gas bills and other props - i have to check my VISA statements
prints (for those wanting their photos) - free (i got 200 free printing for buying my camera)
and i lost a diamond tennis bracelet last year walking the streets just to get a 'high key' shot.
January 7th, 2013
I managed to lose the car bumper a few months back when I was using the car as a portable "bird hide" and slowly trying to sneak up on a red kite in a tree - I drove off the lane in to a ditch. Cost £100.

I have also lost countless pairs of sunglasses on photographic journeys - I put them down to take a shot and then wander off without them.
January 7th, 2013
various fancy dress props ( though not necessarily for the project just my love of dress up)
new camera - few hundred £
January 7th, 2013
well i missed my bus today while leaning over a wall to take a snap - you'd've thought the driver would have spotted my big backside and the shopping bags by the otherwise deserted stop and perhaps given me a toot ! costs incurred - about 45 mins waiting for next bus and a not an inconsiderable bit of pride
January 7th, 2013
How about dropping a camera with a big lens attached? Cost to repair lens - $1500 Word of advice - never place cameras on benches where people sit!
January 7th, 2013
new glasses coming. . .given that they are progressive lenses and frames, it may cost me upwards of $400! My own fault. . .sunglasses on at the beach, dropped the regular glasses in the camera bag and completely forgot them. . .then put the camera in the bag on top of the blasted glasses. The weight of the camera broke the frames and the teeth of some nasty filter on the lens scratched up the glasses' lens. Bah. . .have been making it with superglue to the frame and squinting through the scratchy lens till now!
January 7th, 2013
Oh Shannon, what a bummer. I haven't incurred any yet, but almost lost an extra camera and lens caps on one photo excursion.
January 7th, 2013
@amandalomonaco Amanda, at least it didn't happen Saturday during the meet-up. That would've been unnecessarily dramatic. "Owww... What the... Oh, crap....I can't see! I can't see!!" Etc. As it was I had to drive home from Milford with one good eye. At least I got a whimsical photo of a random file cabinet on a sidewalk in exchange for my loss. :)
January 7th, 2013
so far my cost has only consisted of clothing and shoes...I don't think twice about laying on my stomach to catch that perfect angle...whether it's been wet beach sand, or a dirt road along one of our bird sanctuaries/lagoons or on hiking trails...I now keep a beach towel in my car to throw down - LOL
I've also ruined many a pair of work flats, tromping through the marshes and beach sand as well...several of those never made a complete recovery...but the shot was worth it!
January 7th, 2013
Running to catch the light and shadows of a fast setting sun off a building, my eye glasses fel,l and of course skidded over the pavement scratching them up. $500 later new glasses!
January 7th, 2013
@lyno - Lyn me too with glasses!
January 7th, 2013
@michaelelliott @lyno Suddenly the contact lens doesn't seem like such a financial hit. :) Of course now I will be wearing my (progressive lens) glasses for a week until the new lens comes in. If I drop these or set a camera or anything else on top of them, well, you know what sort of expense I'll then be facing.
January 7th, 2013
Shannon, I needed your eyes on Saturday to get us home!!
January 7th, 2013
I use a sunglasses strap to hang my eyeglasses when taking a shot. I also use a BlackRapid strap, so I never take my camera off my shoulder. Otherwise, I definitely would have lost both by now.
January 7th, 2013
a lens cap I dropped that landed by a crevice in the rocks and I was warned by the DFR that if I dropped a lens cap to leave it because photographers were always getting bit by copperheads in the area where I was going... but that's it. I washed my shoe that sunk all the way to the ankle in mud I did not see (and the sock), and I keep a blanket in my trunk for laying on if I need to get on the ground for a shot. I never carry my cell phone in a shirt pocket, its either in the console of my car and my pants pocket. I don't wear glasses or contacts except to drive at night (astigmatism). I am surprised I haven't been injured yet though, because I do take a lot of risks I shouldn't. *knocks on wood*
January 7th, 2013
@jsw0109 Ooh, you shouldn't have said anything about not getting hurt!

I think my expenses have been minimal--a $15 parking ticket because I got to my car SEVEN minutes after my meter expired. It should have turned into a $55 ticket, though, because I forgot to pay it. The computer system didn't catch that I was past my due date, though, and only charged the $15!
January 7th, 2013
easy... (X type 3.5ltr v8 jaguar) drowned in flood water trying to get a shot near eskdale .....not my greatest day.....to top it off the insurance company never paid out :-(
January 7th, 2013
@markjohnstone ACK!! This might mean YOU WIN!
January 7th, 2013
@gemtumble hehe I keep mine in an old wooly hat in a camera case lol...nice and snug :-D
January 7th, 2013
@markjohnstone That's awful Mark....... Was that recently?
January 7th, 2013
@gemtumble Unfortunately yes a couple of months ago now I never did get that shot...I have a 4x4 Range Rover now ho hum live and learn :-D
January 7th, 2013
@markjohnstone Probably a more practical choice for that kind of photography lol ;-)
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