Eighteen pics or thereabouts

January 17th, 2013
Just to let you know... if you suddenly find me following you and you are thinking "Who the $%@* is he?" then please don't worry, I'm not a stalker. I just want to keep an eye on people who are at the same sort of stage as I am in their 365 day project. This is so that I can keep in touch with how you are progressing on the same time-scale as me (should I be upping my game etc). This doesn't mean that I won't be following others with lots more photographs, or fewer ,but I will be trying to find those folks at the same stage as me.
January 17th, 2013
@steampowered Nice to know you are not a stalker :-) I do the same...but i pick a random pic and make a comment then I may never comment again...LOL So I suppose I had better say I am not a stalker either...LOL Thank you Paul, that did make me giggle
January 17th, 2013
@huvesaker Hi Boo! That is how I found you in the first place. It is interesting to see how others are progressing. BTW - love the website. Is that your business? Making masks and headgear (and sparkly tattoos)?
January 17th, 2013
Yes that is my little business and teaching English what with that, studying, looking after the family and everything else, I need the photography time...LOL @steampowered
January 17th, 2013
@steampowered Didn't think you were a stalker Paul! I find it hard to keep up with everything on here, uploading and commenting - but I'm getting there. Following you now :)
January 17th, 2013
No probs. My third attempt, but not had support of people here before.
January 17th, 2013
@steampowered - me too when I first started to follow people I was wondering what they were thinking!! But I guess that's partly the point of it.....!! It's sharing the journey that makes it interesting, isn't it! Looking forward to lots more pictures, and no stalkers! :0)
January 17th, 2013
@ingrid2101 @mrwobble @nicolaeastwood Thanks peeps. I'm afraid that I am still rather British in my outlook i.e. I don't know you if we haven't been introduced, but following absolute strangers is certainly helping me to break the mould!
January 18th, 2013
@steampowered Completely agree with that Paul, I'm getting into it...slowly. It felt really weird at first but getting used to it :)
January 18th, 2013
Nice to meet you Paul! I am following you now. In same boat. I too have followed many that are around the same image number as myself, ones that inspire, and ones to learn from. :)
January 18th, 2013
@huvesaker @mrwobble @nicolaeastwood @ingrid2101 @heidit Thank you to all of you. I have "Followed" those who I wasn't following before. It has been great fun so far but I can see things getting to the bottom-of-the-barrel-scraping stage for me and that will be when I will be eager to see what others are up to so I can get some inspiration. That stage probably comes tomorrow!
January 18th, 2013
@steampowered I' 've scraped the bottom already! Don't worry about it. We don't all have time or opportunity to get what we want every time.
January 18th, 2013
@mrwobble Sound advice and I value my fingernails! I much prefer to chew them in anxiety than try to scratch the bottom of a barrel out.
January 18th, 2013
@steampowered I started following you. We are at about the same stage. I'm not a stalker either. lol
January 18th, 2013
I too follow random people. Sometimes I comment but I'm soo utterly clueless that I don't always know what to say. I fear I add zero value with my "whoa that is kewl" type of response.
January 18th, 2013
@crystal1112 Thanks Crystal. Following is like getting mail - you got to write 'em to get 'em so if I follow, I can at least expect a visit from some of those folks even if they say "WTF?" and never come back again!
January 18th, 2013
@aponi Hi Kathryn. Most times any comment is welcome - it shows that you have looked at a shot and like it to some degree or other. I think my problem is when do you know someone well enough to be able to say, "but I don't think it's sharp" or "that fence post looks like it is sticking out of the top of the subjects head"? It's a bit of a fine line between being blandly accommodating and being critical sometimes.
January 18th, 2013
There was a picture someone took of themselves standing under a sign. The sign was a bike crossing and it made the person look like they had two huge earrings. I said nothing. I was afraid they'd go to my page and say oh dear GOD someone take that camera away, hey just because no one understands it does not make it art.

people seem nicer here though
January 18th, 2013
@aponi I used to get on my high horse about photography but if people want to take poorly exposed, out of focus shots then as long as that makes them happy, I am easy with it. It only gets interesting when they start to ask questions! As I said in my profile I HATE everything I take. That's because I am desperate to improve and I want to take fabulous pics like other people without realising some of the stuff I do can be pretty reasonable at times.
May 10th, 2013
@steampowered Well THIS is a fascinating bit of history. :^)

I searched for your name to check in on you and mistakenly searched the forums rather than users.

Glad you followed me—or I followed you... or something.
May 10th, 2013
@squamloon Cheers Squamloon. I rarely regret following anyone but I did have to drop a couple because they just weren't posting anything - shame really but there you go. I reckon at one hundred and thirty one pictures and thirty five percent complete I am no longer one of the "new bugs". Perhaps Ross should have a "cynical old timer" page we can all look at.
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