Almost Threw in the Towel

January 22nd, 2013
Hey There Everyone,

As a newbie to this project and photography, I just wanted to bring up a subject that perhaps only I struggle with but I bet others in my shoes also think about.

Yesterday as I was reviewing other's beautiful, professional photos and endless creativity, I almost threw in the towel and considered leaving the project. I'm just figuring out how to use my phone camera. I struggle sometimes with coming up with a picture for the theme. Editing software..what is that? Then with my picture post yesterday (a pic of my first bodybuilding trophy), one of my fb friends commented on how she thought that the project seems to be giving me a positive outlook on life and with goals in general. Wow! Funny how sharing parts of our days, lives, and souls can change an individual's impression.

So I've decided to stay. In the short period of time the project has opened my eyes to things around me that I may have dismissed in the past. I joined initially to try to find my creative side and I am staying to do just that. Some days the images I capture will be a success, some days they won't. I hope to learn some technical skill from those here more experienced with photography while on this journey and hope to see some improvement in my own images by the end of the year. In the meantime, I'm continuing to look for that next shot and with each, showing my true self.

Feel free to comment on this post or on my images. I can only learn from here! :)
January 22nd, 2013
Hey Pam - welcome to 365! I totally know what you mean about being intimidated when you start - if you look at the first 6 weeks or so of mine there are some terrible photos in there! The best thing about the site is learning from other people and getting feedback on your shots, which I promise you will help you improve no end! Also - don't feel you have to use any particular techniques or contribute to the theme - shoot what you want to! Good luck with it :)
January 22nd, 2013
Glad you didn't throw in the towel. I've thrown in the towel twice, but this is the year I'm going to finish 365! I hope you do too!
January 22nd, 2013
Don't be disheartened!! Sometimes I take shots I think are amazing, but then when they're uploaded, I'm like "what was I thinking?!"

There's been some really fun threads on those days when it's just not happening!!

Make your project you own. Don't worry about taking part in themes - you can do your own thing! Sometimes they're great for inspiration, but don't limit yourself to them.
January 22nd, 2013
@pamb Hi Pam, I know the feeling, I gave up the project last year after 3 weeks because I didn't manage to make one pretty picture every day. This year I have started again but I have accepted that I might not have a picture everyday, or maybe sometimes a picture that I do not find that beautiful. Also I have stopped looking at pictures from pros: we don't play in the same league! I get inspired of course by people who make great pictures, but I try to follow people who are not too far away ahead of me!
I guess my point is: try not to put too much pressure on yourself and enjoy!
(btw, who needs editing programs, how about making pix you like straight out of the camera? )
January 22nd, 2013
For me every photo I take is bad I'm my own worst critic, I throw away more shots than I keep yet other people like what I do, and like the shots that don't make it to my keepers. Photography and art is in the eye of the beholder and you will be surprised at how many of the images you think are poor are in reality quite good. Keep at it you will improve in leaps and bounds.
January 22nd, 2013
@pamb If you think about it 365 photos is a big ask, so firstly do not panic; photo what YOU want, it is your project. This whole experience is a learning curve. There will be days when is it darn near impossible to shoot something but the more you will participate the more you 'see' the shot; the corner of a book, a tomato (skinned even, my very early days), a fork. I don't always post a daily shot. The important thing is enjoy, be creative and remember this is your project, your rules:0)
January 22nd, 2013
Here's what I remember when I'm feeling frustrated with my lack of skills...everyone starts as a beginner! I look back at when I first started 5 years ago and I see how much I've grown...but I've also put in the time and energy and practice to grow because I love what photography does for me and my soul. Keep at it! Even the bestest of the best were beginners! :-)
January 22nd, 2013
Hey Pam, I am now in my first year and I know what it is like walking in your shoes.. I have lost count of the times I have been close to throwing in the towel.. So many of us have.. But it is when you push through those bad moments, and force yourself to look for a shot, even when it might be rubbish in your eyes, you grow..
Half of my project I think is crap, but it is mine, its my learning curve and each shot tells a story to me.. It is like writing a diary with photos, you look back and recall each given day based around that photo..

Bad days, go abstract :)
January 22nd, 2013
@pamb I'm new here too, only use an iphone, not a big, snazzy multi lens camera.. I love the wealth of talent here so please do not be intimidated. Some of these people have been taking pics for years..I have jumped into some of the themes/competitions which really get the creative juices going.. I can help with some of the apps (I use an iphone and only one app)..This whole scene is new to me as I am a writer but hey, let's learn what we can, enjoy the ride and seems like there are some amazing people here willing to help :-)
January 22nd, 2013
@pamb Glad you didn't throw in the towel. There are some amazing photographers on here and you do think "I will never be able to do that".
But you will be surprised how much you learn in a very shot time and you will see the difference in your shots. People always try to answer any questions you have too.
Welcome to 365 .... its a fab community :)
January 22nd, 2013
Pam, enjoy it as a hobby. Like you I am learning a lot through 365project. I have a big family and a business to run, so this is a little
something for me, my hobby, my escape and I love it. I only started 6 weeks ago. Stay - dont leave!
January 22nd, 2013
Just a thought...have a look at some of the 'oldies' 1st and 365th photo...I guarantee you will see a huge difference. You will be astounded by what you learn.....and there are plenty of people on here with 'just' phone cam some out, they are amazing and talented people. Its not the camera you own, its the eye behind it...and by taking a photo every day you will hone your eye.

Most of all enjoy it, and dont worry what everyone else is doing :)

Lecture over lol :)
January 22nd, 2013
365 made such a positive impact on me too, especially so because at the time I started my project I was going through a very tough time... it's stayed with me through the ups and downs and helped me (forced me, even!) to get my camera out even on my worst days.
January 22nd, 2013
keep going Pam, it is such a good project and makes you see the world differently. a great hobby. look forward to following your journey x
January 23rd, 2013
I almost left at day 12... it gets easier soon, much easier.
January 23rd, 2013
welcome to this wonderful site and such an exciting project. This is my second year on here, but my third year doing a photo-a-day project (I also upload my photo to facebook and have gotten the most incredible response from my friends which has been amazing).

It is actually much harder than you think it will be. I have a friend on facebook who started their own photo-a-day and she is really struggling!

So please keep it up, I like your eye and your photos, and I am now following you.

Most importantly just enjoy it ! It really makes you open your eyes to everything that is around you.
January 23rd, 2013
I feel the same way some days! I look at all of these amazing pictures people put up and think "how do I compete with that!?!" But then I remember that I joined this project to learn and grow and be inspired. I have been at a loss for subject matter as well so I started my own theme of a letter of the day picture (day 1 was a picture with the subject matter being something with the letter A, 2nd day with a B...) It makes me think and helps me be more creative. Good luck! Stay positive!
January 23rd, 2013
Thanks everyone for the comments both here and on some of my photos! Glad I decided to stay. :) Looking forward to learning something from all of you and in time perhaps being able to return the favor to someone else just getting started.
January 23rd, 2013
@pamb Oh wow Im glad someone feels the same. I had this last night, hovering over the close account button. I feel Im just not good at something that Im so passionate about. But I will stick it out for a bit longer and enjoy all the wonderful pics on here :)
January 23rd, 2013
@pamb Hi Pam, you are not alone as I hated my photo from yesterday and much prefer to be outside. Struggle to take pictures inside but found the plan4 jan theme quite helpful. I only started on 1st Jan and to be honest generally I have really enjoyed it and how friendly everyone is.
Most of the time if you take a photo you don't like you will find others will see things you don't and give some great feedback.
Relax and enjoy and don't feel pressured.
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