Your favourite photo: 15-21 October

October 22nd, 2010
What's your favourite photo from 15-21 October? Let us know by posting them here by copying and pasting the code from the 'Share' box that's in your photo page, together with info on when it was taken. Part of the challenge is only selecting ONE picture, so no cheating!

To begin this thread here's my favourite from between these dates (taken on 15 October):

October 22nd, 2010
I love that one, Vik!

Here's mine (the only real "pretty" one I did) - 16th October:

October 22nd, 2010

It's not that great a shot but I wanted to take a moon photo for so long so was excited with my first :)
October 18th
October 22nd, 2010
This one, from the 20th :)

October 22nd, 2010
17 October. I really enjoyed the view.
October 22nd, 2010
October 22nd, 2010
This one - 21st...

October 22nd, 2010
I hate a REALLY crappy week this past week!!! Here's the shot I am settling for. :( Hopefully this next week will be better.

October 22nd, 2010
I think this one, but I was torn between it and the one posted for the next day.
October 22nd, 2010
From the 21st

October 22nd, 2010
Here is mine as we had a great laugh shooting this.

October 22nd, 2010
I really love this one. Its from the 16 th.

October 22nd, 2010
this is mine, as it holds a lot of meaning for me.... plus it was made for a good cause....
October 22nd, 2010
this is mine I love sunsets and water
October 22nd, 2010
I had trouble choosing between this and my echidna photo but I guess my cheeky little fellow wins my heart this week!!

October 22nd, 2010
hmmm. probably this one...

October 22nd, 2010
From 10/18:

(ok so this is actually the edited version- toenail polish was painted on in PSP- but it still counts right?)
October 22nd, 2010
October 22nd, 2010
October 22nd, 2010
I like this very much, it reminds me of old days.
October 22nd, 2010
October 22nd, 2010
Finally, a moon shot!

October 22nd, 2010
i started my project on the 15th so i think i'll choose my very first photo! =)

October 22nd, 2010
I really like the one i did yesterday but this one just scraped in as my favourite.
October 22nd, 2010
Wow probably one of my better weeks in a while....I think I will go with this one
October 22nd, 2010
This one, from October 18th.

October 22nd, 2010
my favorite from this week is by Bizzy Boy!
October 22nd, 2010
October 22nd, 2010
October 22nd, 2010
Took this one at 12:30am with a 30 second exposure to capture the stars.

October 22nd, 2010
October 22nd, 2010
taken on the 18th while driving (slowly and with fast shutter speed) for the blur theme

October 22nd, 2010
This photo is my fav - I can't explain why I just love it.
These are the street lights that line the path I walk with my dog nearly every day.
October 22nd, 2010
October 22nd, 2010
October 22nd, 2010
I had a hard time picking this week, not because I had a good week by any means, but because I was torn between two shots. My sunset on the 18th was very popular and I like it, but it was a lucky shot, one of only two I took for the day at all. This shot from the 20th I really worked at to get (without getting caught) and I love the end result. I also think it portrays an emotion very well, something I have been working on getting better at.

October 22nd, 2010
This 1 for sure! Although it was actually taken a week previously, it took me this long to get around to editing and posting it...
October 22nd, 2010
October 22nd, 2010
This shot kept plaguing me, but I finally got it, and I absolutely LOVE the way it came out. The lines that inspired it came from a poem (which was quoted in a song I love).
October 22nd, 2010
so many incredible photos here! very inspiring. i liked a few of mine this week for various personal reasons. but i'm going with this shot because it was my first attempt at a new technique and it was so much fun. (i'm waiting for lexus to call and give me their best offer :-) )

October 22nd, 2010
because it's SOOC and because I 'never get bored of living Paris

October 22nd, 2010
October 22nd, 2010
This is my personal fave.".LESS IS MORE..!!"
October 22nd, 2010

This was such a nice moment out in nature.
October 22nd, 2010
October 22nd, 2010
October 22nd, 2010

October 22nd, 2010
October 22nd, 2010
October 22nd, 2010
October 22nd, 2010
Great pics everyone!
October 22nd, 2010
I really had fun with the blur AND the purple!

October 22nd, 2010
October 22nd, 2010

Rainy weather limited photo opps, best I could do last week.
October 22nd, 2010
I just love looking through all these & commenting on the ones i missed as somehow i do even though i follow the person.Great job everyone
This is my fav by far this week as this was how it looked on my camera viewer & couldnt wait to get home to see it for real.x
October 22nd, 2010
October 22nd, 2010
Maybe it's not the best one, but it's my favourite :)

October 22nd, 2010
October 22nd, 2010
October 22nd, 2010

I like this long exposure which gave me a bit of a blur for the theme
October 22nd, 2010

This one, although I did also really like my photo from the 19th.

There are some great shots here, everyone!
October 22nd, 2010
October 22nd, 2010
October 22nd, 2010
I like this one because it has my family all together, all in step!

October 22nd, 2010
Wow, some amazing shots here! I really need to try to catch up to everyone. I'm always so far behind.

I guess even though it's still not the perfect shot that I'm looking for, this one is probably my favorite of the week.

October 22nd, 2010
I got up early for this shot, and kinda glad i did
October 23rd, 2010

accidentally discovered this subject while drinking a glass of water.
October 23rd, 2010
October 23rd, 2010
October 23rd, 2010
Here's mine, from October 18th:
October 23rd, 2010

This was taken yesterday.
October 23rd, 2010
from Oct 19...I just love the way this one turned out! but I had a pretty good week, and this was a really hard decision....

October 23rd, 2010
October 23rd, 2010
I am loving so so many of these :)

My favourite would have to beeeeee...

October 23rd, 2010
October 23rd, 2010
I was really happy with this one.

October 23rd, 2010
Rainy week. Glad I could capture some of it.

October 23rd, 2010

I actually really like this one. (:
October 23rd, 2010
October 23rd, 2010
October 23rd, 2010
So many beautiful shots here - very inspiring!
Here is my fave from this last week - it's my "Apple Tunes"
October 23rd, 2010
As always hard to pick one :) This week I'm gonna go with this one:

Great photos everone - it is always a pleasure to scroll through this thread :)
October 23rd, 2010
@laerke Thorndal, I don't know how I have missed this one of yours! Beautiful, the sky is like a painting!
Here is mine, it was between this, a picture of my son and an apple blossom shot
October 23rd, 2010
Still very pleased with the concept of my first real selfie (oct 17)

October 23rd, 2010
Tough choosing this week--because i didn't have strong feelings for any of the 7 shots; they were just ok. Taken on the 21st.

October 23rd, 2010
Being a play specialist and big kid at heart I will showcase this one BUT please pop by and see the others from:

cause they were awesome too!

October 23rd, 2010

I just really like this, I don't know why.
October 23rd, 2010
October 23rd, 2010
October 23rd, 2010
October 23rd, 2010
using same criteria as previous weeks, the one that makes me happiest:

October 23rd, 2010
October 23rd, 2010
@v_key aaah no way!!! LOL my fav photo from this period is a bit of tilt shift fakery!

This is a photo i took of the village i grew up in......aaah home....

October 23rd, 2010
Loving the fall colors :o)

October 24th, 2010
Really liked this shot and some others but this one was deffinetly my favorite.
October 24th, 2010
My favorite of the week:
October 24th, 2010
This one. Though I was tempted by the campaign caution pic.

October 24th, 2010
October 24th, 2010
I found it hard this week cause I love the bike shot too. but I'm so impressed that I captured this one
October 24th, 2010
Totally this one
October 24th, 2010
I chose this one cuz it's so unlike anything I normally do:
October 24th, 2010
I was playing with a new toy - a remote - and I was pretty happy with the pictures - and the fact that it seems to be waterproof!

October 24th, 2010
mine is this one from the 16th :)

October 24th, 2010
October 24th, 2010
October 24th, 2010
October 24th, 2010
... because the message is important - child abuse hurts, kills, destroys ...

October 24th, 2010
October 24th, 2010
October 24th, 2010
I know it is not the most beautiful photo I have posted and it is really sad but it is so important to me.

October 24th, 2010
I loved the 'blur' theme this week and this was one of my favourite blurry shots:

October 25th, 2010

This spooky one that I took from my car window on a whim on 10/21.
October 25th, 2010
From the 15th

October 25th, 2010
because i felt brave for asking to take her photo, and i love her face:
October 25th, 2010

This was my favorite-not so much that the picuture was fabulous, but because it was a funny day to have this dog just show up and make herself at home.
October 25th, 2010
October 25th, 2010

October 25th, 2010
I liked how (evil) I mean good this one turned out : )

October 25th, 2010
wow - some GORGEOUS photos here!!!

I'm not in "love" with any of my photos from this week, but I love the coloring and the soft glow of this one...
October 25th, 2010
October 25th, 2010

October 25th, 2010
My fav of last week was this one, taken on a perfect fall day:
October 25th, 2010
October 25th, 2010

She is adorable and this photo always makes me smile.
October 26th, 2010
i dont remember if i already posted to this, but oh well:)

October 27th, 2010
Mostly for the reason the candle was lit.
October 27th, 2010
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