taking a break ='(

November 3rd, 2010
I really didn't want to... but I just neeed it. I need to take a break from 365. I have decided it is only best for me right now because I am going to be SO busy these next few weeks. It is so critical right now that I do well in school and that I spend my time doing career searches, college searches, and looking into scholarships. Deadlines are so important to keep track of and I feel like even though I really REALLY enjoy 365... it is part of what is draining a lot of time out of each day when I could be using it to study more for AP classes or looking into scholarships. Sometimes I get so caught up in 365 that I put it before school... and right now that is what I need to focus on. I am a senior and college is just around the corner...and even though I feel pressured... colleges are looking for students who are prepared and apply for college asap. Scholarship deadlines are anytime from now until January. I will be taking the SAT for the second time in December again and I Need to be prepared for that considering how important it is.

Aside from school reasons... I am also going to be away for the next TWO weekends in a row. So on those 6 days I won't be able to post a picture anyways. Next weekend I am going on a youth retreat (well, I want to REALLY bad anyways... I dont even know if I have the time to do that D:)... and the weekend after that I am going to Butler University to participate in a Jazz Festival. I have to memorize SIX songs in a part I am not even used to singing in... but I am one of the four chosen at my school so it is an amazing opportunity. I'm really excited for it..it'll just take a TON of time and effort.

All of this doesn't even include the clubs and community service I need to catch up on... extra credit... college essays... ahh!! there's so much... I'd sit here and tell you everything I need to do... point is, I feel like taking just a couple... maybe a few weeks off of 365 will REALLY benefit me.

Dont worry; I will still take pictures when I feel it's needed :)
and don't worry...I WILL be back... this is only temporary.

I just really needed to take some time to explain to you guys why I won't be posting and what's up. There is nothing wrong, I'm just at a critical point in life and I can only take so much... so by cutting out 365 and some other things I can live without for a while I am making some time for me and lessening the stress and pressure on myself.

Does that sound logical?

I have never done this before...and I'm SO used to posting a picture to 365 EVERYDAY for such a long time that I don't know how it will affect me... but I know I can do it. I hope you all understand.

I took this picture really quickly of the sunset this evening as my last photo for a while. I promise I'll be back soon... I'll miss all of you!!!

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) xoxoxo
♥ - Lauren
November 4th, 2010
I understand totally, Lauren! I am feeling the same way and have been thinking of doing the same. Take care of yourself!
November 4th, 2010
makes sense... good luck with those college entrance exams... remember when in doubt the answer is C)

November 4th, 2010
Good Luck in the next few weeks.. :).. very understandable your situation.. we'll just have to wait , but we will miss you until then.
November 4th, 2010
@mrssmith - have you? I wonder if a lot of 365ers ever feel this way... I'm going to feel so weird not posting lol but I definitely will check up on peoples photos everynow and then just so see whats up!!

@icywarm - haha thanks. oh and yes... I will remember C)
November 4th, 2010
girrrrrl, get your school on! it's SO important! we will miss you!!! i'm glad you will be back!
November 4th, 2010
Totally understandable Lauren, all of us here would MUCH rather you get into a good college and are stress free and on track, than breaking your back for us :)

I wish you the best of luck with your essays and tests. I look forward to seeing more pictures when you come back :)
November 4th, 2010
Makes sense.. best of luck with everything,you certainly sound like there isn't a second spare in your day... Do try to take a pic eveyday, even if you don't upload for a while.. I find it's the flicking through that actually takes up my day, not the 'taking a photo'...

Catch ya later :-)
November 4th, 2010
Relax, we will all be her when you get back! :D))
Take time and find your path eventually it will lead you back here!
November 4th, 2010
Makes sense. We will miss your photos but there are more important things in life. Best wishes with your schooling and we look forward to when you are ready to come back :D
November 4th, 2010
Take all the time you need. You definitely have a ton going on, and your priorities are certainly in the right place. We'll miss your beautiful photos, and we'll look forward to welcoming you back when you have more time.
November 4th, 2010
Good luck Lauren. Just remember to relax and not to put too much stress on yourself and you will do well. Do not forget to have fun and your taking a sabbatical from this project does make sense and is logical. You are a smart young women for realizing the need for this break and for setting your priorities. School is very important and I wish that there were more young women and men in this world that work as hard as you do to make themselves be the best they can be.

Good luck again and take your time coming back. Thank you for having me have faith that some in the younger generation have good heads on their shoulders and are willing to work hard to get ahead in this world.
November 4th, 2010
We'll miss you and your beautiful photo's Lauren! Good luck with everything and hope to see you back soon. =)
November 4th, 2010
I look forward to your return! I hope all your school stuff goes well, and that you don't stress out too much! We'll miss your photos.

Be safe.
November 4th, 2010
We'll be here Lauren !!
November 4th, 2010
Don't discount colleges and universities that don't require the SAT! My school, Wake Forest University, is one of these. We believe that there are other more accurate predictors of success at the college level! Here are some: http://www.mycollegeoptions.org/BlogEngine/post/2009/07/Viewbook-No-SAT-Required-At-These-Test-Optional-Schools.aspx
November 4th, 2010
Lauren, I love your photos and look forward to seeing more when things calm down for you. Best of luck with everything you are attempting to juggle. Even though it's tough, try to build in a little relaxation time every couple of days. Be with friends, laugh and be a kid.
November 4th, 2010
You guys are so understanding. I really appreciate all of your support. after a couple weeks I'll realize how much I need you all in my life and I"ll come running back to you :)

all of these comments are so wonderful, encouraging, helpful. You guys really are the best.

ps) I will stop in to comment during school when I am in WebDesign period because sometimes I get done early with work and can freely roam the internet :) that'll make me happy.
November 4th, 2010
I totally understand. I went a while without doing this project and just started it back up myself. It does consume a big chunk of time and sometimes you have to prioritize things in your life. Of course, we will miss seeing your photography but knowing you'll be back makes it ok :) Good luck with everything and enjoy your senior year.
November 4th, 2010
good luck lauren, will miss your shots!!, but yooz gotta do what yooz gotta do!! : )
November 4th, 2010
That totally makes sense. Good luck with your endeavors and I look forward to your return :)
November 4th, 2010
Hey Lauren,

Totally understandable...you gotta do what you gotta do :)

It's been a true pleasure to watch your photos :) In fact it's one of the highlights of my day...

But anyways, good luck with everything! And have fun at the jazz festival!

Don't be a stranger ;) We're looking forward to seeing you come back :)
November 4th, 2010
Lauren- what a smart young lady you are to be able to prioritize your commitments like you have! Take care of yourself and focus on your future. This community will be here with open arms when you are ready to return :) we wil MISS you though!!
November 4th, 2010
sweet thought lauren! .... will be missing you , .... thanks for letting us know ..... but will be waiting for you soon....looking forward to your gorgeosu photos .... =)
November 4th, 2010
Don't go... Don't leave me!! :(
November 4th, 2010
We will miss you but it definitely sounds like the right thing to do right now. Best wishes with everything!
November 4th, 2010
Focus on school Lauren. It only lasts for so long. You can pick up a 365 project anytime you're ready :)
November 4th, 2010
Laruen, I'm so proud of you for making a wise decision. I know it was difficult, but know that we all understand. I pray you would be blessed with wisdom as you make important decisions in life. See you when you return.
November 4th, 2010
FIrst off, everything you said makes complete sense! You need to take all the time necessary to do what needs to be done. Good luck to you in all of your work, studying, and everything else you have going on (you're going to be one busy lady!)
See you, and your photos when you return!
November 4th, 2010
Beautiful farewell shot. We will miss you and await your return eagerly. You are doing the right thing.
November 4th, 2010
Sounds like you made a good decision. 365 is going nowhere and will be waiting for you upon your return. Best of luck, we will miss you and your wonderful energy!
November 4th, 2010
Good luck with your exams! That is definitely a priority!!! You will be missed and I already look forward to your return! Awesome farewell photo by the way!!!
November 4th, 2010
I'll miss your pics, but I'm happy to see that you know where to put your priorities. Take care!
November 4th, 2010
Good Luck and God Bless !!
November 4th, 2010
I used to post daily and comment like crazy til I went on vacation. That was back in June. And, man, oh, man, was that an eye-opener. I absolutely do not post daily anymore and rarely comment. I do my best to have a photo taken on everyday, but I do not post daily. The project is so much more freeing without the "pressure" of having to upload daily. I have a feeling you will find this break quite refreshing. Good luck in your endeavors! And, please, come back.
November 4th, 2010
Good luck Lauren! I definitely have been feeling like taking a break too. What would be perfect is a 52project.org (1 photo a week). That would be much more manageable for me. :) I honestly don't know how you do it Lauren and think it's a good decision to focus on your priorities. You're wise beyond your years! See ya in a few...
November 4th, 2010
We will miss you but priorities first! Good luck and will be looking out for you when you return.
November 4th, 2010
You have to take care of #1 - you! I will miss your photos, Lauren but I know you will return when you can!
November 4th, 2010
I understand where you're coming from and you're right to do this because you need to focus on what's going on around you for the next few weeks and then when you're ready and refreshed, you can come back and we'll all still be here :)
November 4th, 2010
Goodluck! We'll be waiting for your return!
November 4th, 2010
I totally understand. I think I said before that I had similar problems in my final year at secondary school and I had to quit loads of stuff. I'm also struggling a little with my project now. Anyway, good luck, I hope school settles down and hope to see you back soon. :-)
November 4th, 2010
best of luck with those college apps!
November 4th, 2010
totally understandable, it's an important time to be focused, good luck Lauren, I believe the answer is C also or is it 141 can never remember...lol....atb :-))
November 4th, 2010
Best of luck--sometimes it's good to prioritize. (:
November 4th, 2010
Totally understandable! Do what needs to be done and take care of you! We will be here when you get back. =)
November 4th, 2010
Good luck Lauren! I know exactly how you feel! Will miss seeing your photos. I know I don't always leave comments because I'm so incredibly busy also. You are so very talented and I love your work!
November 4th, 2010
We all can certainly understand the need to take some time. Yes I have often found myself placing this project ahead of work and other things that should be more important, so good for you for realizing what is/should be taking the majority of your effort, and although I/We will miss your postings, we understand that this is just a temporary situation and with time you have the ability to get the most important things under control. Good luck with everything, and can't wait to see you back soon.
November 4th, 2010
We will miss you Lauren and we certainly understand your need to take a break. We will all pray that you'll do good in all of your endeavors in the coming weeks. God bless you : )
November 4th, 2010
I'm with you Laur!

I haven't updated all week, I've been so busy.

It's grade 12, so it's completely understandable.

I'm not sure about you, but my university submissions begin in a couple weeks and I haven't felt more nervous than I do now!

Nonetheless, it's important to focus this year and I wish you the best of luck!

Ps. Awesome picture! I love it!
November 4th, 2010
You'll be missed but priorities first...
Good luck and hear from you soon!
November 4th, 2010
You have a very mature mind. You prioritize well!
November 5th, 2010
Lauren, I love your photos and will miss seeing you on here.
Good luck and I wish you all the best.
November 5th, 2010
Good Luck Lauren...I just came back from a break myself...take care of yourself and hope to hear from you some time soon..take care
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