Travel advice

November 8th, 2010
Hi Everyone,

I am traveling to Aix-en-Provence and Marseille, France soon because my husband has a confernce there. I will be by myself for 3 of the days while he has his meetings. I am conflicted on if I should take my big advanced camera or just my pocket point and shoot. I am worried I will look too touristy with a huge camera and it will be awkward to carry around. The point and shoot did serve me fine until just recently when I got the Fuji HS10.

Any thoughts? What would you do?
November 8th, 2010
Definately the big one! Everyone will be carrying a camera so you really won't stick out as much as you think and besides, who cares? You're there to enjoy it and you want to walk away with the memories... so if you can get better quality images, then why not? I'm usually pretty timid with using a camera in public but I didn't hesitate in France and I was alone too :)
November 8th, 2010
Yup, I agree, the big one, as long as you can take it, and its comfortable. The one concern I had in France was when I was in Paris, and that was about pick pockets, but nothing happened. When in other parts of France I relaxed and enjoyed myself. You will look touristy, but who cares. Sometimes that works in your favor. Sometimes against it.. Lucky you for being able to travel. In three days you cant get to see everything you want, so to be able to get closer via the lens, is what I would be thinking of. Have fun.:)
November 8th, 2010
@nikkers Heh. I'd read about being careful beforehand, but I was quite surprised to see signs in Paris about the thieves, haha! Although nothing happened to me either. Apart from being pressured to buy glow-in-the-dark Eiffel Tower toys. But I did not succumb!
November 8th, 2010
Yeah, I would hate to miss out on better photos but my concern was pick pockets. But it seems you two didn't have any problems/concerns.
November 8th, 2010
@katiezrobb Oh, no, I'm sure you'll be just fine. Be safe, of course. Just because you're on vacation doesn't mean you don't still need to take precautions, but I was wandering deserted streets at 1am and I was fine (I got lost) which was a bad move on my part and inside, I was freaking out but I didn't show it. Besides, they wouldn't go after anything that bulky and obvious. Have fun :)
November 8th, 2010
good for you for not buying the glow in the dark Eiffel Tower... I did buy very crappy plastic earings of the Tower as a gag gift for a friend.. she wasnt too happy. lol dont know why...
November 8th, 2010
What a beautiful area of France you're going to! I"m jealous. I'd take the big camera if I were you. Touristy maybe, but....thats what you'll be! And you might kick yourself later when you see how lovely everything really is there. Just take precautions. And have FUN
November 8th, 2010
take the big one!! i took my small point & shoot when i went to paris and regretted it every second. and it would be easier to 'pick' the small one from your pocket than the big one from around your neck, right?! (:
November 8th, 2010
@nikkers Haha! I didn't have time for croissants or crepes though, which made me sad :( it was literally in and out.
November 8th, 2010
Just remember to use your camera strap so it's not easy for something to run by and grab the camera from you. The Black Rapid R Strap is awesome in cities because you wear it messanger bag style, making it rather hard to run off with without taking the whole person.

From what I've noticed, however, is that if you're in a touristy area, EVERYONE has a "big" camera so you don't stick out, and you're not the only target around. Just don't hand over your camera to a random person (you know, like "hey, you stranger there, can you take a pic of me in front of this?" type of deal).
November 8th, 2010
I would take the P&S and enjoy the vacation (After a few vino's the photos will not be that good anyways)... but that is my style

IF you do take the big one... watch for helpful people offering to take your photo with your camera.... you goto pose and bang they are gone with a 20 foot head start...
November 9th, 2010
Take the big one, I used to feel sheepish getting my camera out at all but after a few months of 365 I'll happily walk around with it over my shoulder in London. I went to Barcelona and was initially shy about looking touristy with a camera guide book etc, but i soon realised I was never going to pass as a local Catalan no matter how hard I tried and actually enjoyed the trip even more once I started taking guided walking tours etc. Obviously you gotta use a bit of common sense re safety though with the camera.Hope you have a great trip!
November 9th, 2010
Take both. If the big one gets too heavy, you can always leave it in the hotel safe. If you take just the P&S, you're sure to find a shot where you wish you had your big camera!

I agree with Jordan above tho. No matter where you travel, watch out for those helpful people who can run faster than you ;)
November 9th, 2010
Thanks everyone for your thoughts. I am just being overly nervous I guess. I should also stop reading travel blogs because I always find the bad stuff. I think I will take my big camera and just be careful. You all have made me feel a lot better!
November 11th, 2010
Big one! I have travelled 12 countries in Europe the last year and my SLR is always in my hand.
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