Do you follow your followers?

January 25th, 2011
I'm just wondering if I am the only one who tries to follow everyone that follows me?
January 25th, 2011
In a nutshell, no. But I do appreciate them. And probably give them more attention than those I *do* follow.
January 25th, 2011

...heck no!

But seriously,that would give me a major headache 24/7. I don`t mean to offend my followers,but I only follow the people who intrigue me.And I rather follow few people and appreciate their uploads,then a lot,and not even have time to view their photos large.
Since the start I decided to restrain myself about following people,or even fav-ing photos.As another member from this website said before... I don`t do backscratching.

I want to be able to allways remember what were each followers latest photo uploaded.Like,when I`m on a bus,and suddenly think that I should check "365" soon,I clearly remember what shot each people I follow uploaded last.

But then again,I`m kind of weird...
January 25th, 2011
I try to follow my followers . . . I don't expect everyone I follow to me, though. I am an amateur, if you will, and I follow some talented folks who I can learn from but who might not really be able to learn anything from me!?! From my perspective, though, if someone pays me the compliment of following me because they've enjoyed one of my shots, I'd like to see what they are doing too! With the influx of newbies the first of the year I've picked up some new followers who I've followed in turn and I've really enjoyed seeing all the new styles by the fresh, young faces!
January 25th, 2011
January 25th, 2011
I try to follow my followers too.
January 25th, 2011
I do, until I notice that they've stopped posting or commenting.
January 25th, 2011
I do, but that's because I don't have very many!
January 25th, 2011
Some of them, but not all. I try to really follow the ones I follow, so that can't be too many. When someone follows me I check out their project and decide if I want to follow them. When it's interesting, I do, if not... ;-)
January 25th, 2011
Well, I'd love to but it's really hard keeping up with just those who I've 'known' for the longest on here. I probably have a group of 10-20 people who I always try to find time to follow, view and comment on their pictures and even then I get behind. But every now and then I'll start doing the same with someone new and mostly it's because of some (possibly imagined) connection
January 25th, 2011
Well, I just realized I'm following 144 people and I can't keep up with all the new stuff. I try to follow all my followers, so I thought I'd switch to just following those. Then maybe as the first-of-the-year'ers drop off, I can follow more.
January 25th, 2011
Yes, I do. But this is a new account so I have no followers. :-(
January 25th, 2011
I do if I think their pics are interesting, but honestly, I try to just follow who I like, not just to reciprocate. If I dont think I will ever comment on them, I wont follow them. I have a hard time keeping up with the 50 some odd people i do follow lol
January 25th, 2011
i only follow my friends and people that interest me. if i followed every1 that followed me i would be looking through around 300 photos a day for ones i actually like and for my friends photos, so no :P
January 25th, 2011
I wanted to when I started, but I I prefer follow less people and be able to comment on their pic. So I will definitely look at the pics of a new follower, and if I like what they do (we all have and like different styles) or if I see that the person comments on my pics, I will follow back.
January 25th, 2011
when i first started out, i did. now i sort of "weed" them out. i try to look thorugh my whole feed each day. when you follow 100+ people that gets to be time-consuming. i go through my follow list about once a month and delete those that haven't posted in over a month. i also try to comment at least a few times a week on almost all of the shots the people i follow post. after so long of commenting if they never really reciprocate, i stop following them.... sounds worse than it is i think. basically i put some effort into cultivating reciprocal relationships on here and if people don't return, i walk away. my fave part of this community is seeing all the different walks of life that others are journeying on :)
January 25th, 2011
I follow everyone that follows me. But I only comment on the photos of people that take the time to comment on mine. It's unfortunate, but realistically, there just aren't enough hours in the day. I would say out of 700 or so Followers, 10% take the time to comment on a regular basis.
January 25th, 2011
I follow most of those who follow me and I try to comment on everyone who comments on my photos. This is not such a big deal because I usually only get 7 to 10 comments a day. I do not follow people who have many more followers than they follow, and I don't comment on photos that already have 20+ comments unless it is something that really touches me.
January 25th, 2011
Yes, I do. I love seeing every one's work. However, I tend to comment on the photos of those who take the time to post comments on my photos simply because there's a real connection.
January 25th, 2011
I try to, but i may have missed a few, I do my best to comment on those who take the time to comment on my photos. Time doesn't always allow me to comment on everyone's photos. That said, i appreciate all the follows and comments I get, the support on 365 is just fantastic!
January 25th, 2011
I will follow them if their work interests me. So there are times I don't mutually follow. Just like I follow some people who don't follow me. I don't expect there to always be reciprocation.
January 25th, 2011
to begin with i followed all my followers ...... but somehow ive ended up with more followers than im following :S not sure how..... i must go and look at everyones photos when i get a chance !
January 25th, 2011
Yes I do. For me, following back your followers is the first way of gratitude and appreciation for being followed. For artists (in this case, photographers), it is important that his art is being viewed. Flooded dashboard can't hurt.

The number of my number followers is equal to the number of users I am following. :)
January 25th, 2011
I don't technically follow them all, but I do look at and thoroughly enjoy their photos. I wish I had the time to comment on all my followers and those I follow, but this is a rather large community and besides the core group that I have a "relationship" of sorts with (which is also growing!), I tend to mostly comment on theirs. I admit to feeling really guilty about this, but as much as I'd love to, there simply isn't enough time to do much more. Dang day job... I will add, this forum is incredibly supportive and cool and everyone here totally ROCKS!!
January 25th, 2011
I only follow my friends and people I like. If someone follows me I look through his/her folders and decide wether I'll follow them, depending on if I like their style... :)
January 25th, 2011
I do but its because I generally enjoy their work not because they followed me
January 25th, 2011
As much as i wanted too, but unfortunately can't but I do browse the HOME , LATEST, POPULAR and NEW FACES and gives comment on those who really captured my eyes. I appreciate all those who takes time to browse on my work. After i upload my photos for the day, then i start browsing on works of other, sorry but really not all. most of the times i don't comment that much because i can't find words best describe to a lot of photos, i am always amaze of all great works of lots of members.
There are lots of members who are my regular viewer and gives wonderful comment, thanks for following my work. I would like to tell you that i may not giving any comments on your work, but I would like you to know that i do browse your projects and I would like to Tell you that your works are all great and worth viewing. I always run out of words on how i will appreciate it.

Thank Misty Lassiter for this Discussion for i am able to Thank my followers and let my followers know that my eyes are always feasting with their great photos. Thanks for sharing it.
January 25th, 2011
There is a close correlation between this thread and one fairly recent one which asked 'How long do you spend on 365'. I started with the best of intentions of following anyone who was kind enough to follow me. Now the numbers have risen, which although very rewarding to my ego, it does now take nearly 5 minutes each session (of which there are several per day) to drill down into the archives of the Home page to the last picture I viewed.

Reluctantly I now check each prospective follower and follow only those whose work has a style that I like.

I also like to give special attention to the dozen or so friends that have developed over the past months, never ignoring them and always texting more than 'good shot'.
January 25th, 2011
No - ditto many comments aboe - I couldn't keep up with the feed. However if followers I am not following regularly offer positive feedback on my photos, I will always take time out to regularly check their album and do the same. It's kind of a different way of following where I'm not necessarily checking their stuff via the feed every day.
January 25th, 2011
I always try to have a look at people who follow me.. I usually only follow someone if I like their photos, because otherwise it seems to defeat the object of 'following' someone.. And also I want to see photos I like on my homepage!

But I must add that sometimes I forget to have a look at a profile when I get a new follower.. so if you're following me and I am not following you back then it doesn't necessarily mean I don't like your photos, I might just have been having a busy day.. and I'm sorry :)

Another big factor in who I follow is profiles.. if you have written a bit about yourself I am far more likely to follow you! I think it's nice to know something about the person behind the photos, and am always a little bit disappointed when I look at a profile and there is nothing about the person on there.
January 25th, 2011
Yes - always!
January 25th, 2011
I did then I realized that alot of those photos from my followers where not ones i really liked. so if they like then they can follow me and If Ilike someoneds then I follow them.
January 25th, 2011
I do yes :o)
January 25th, 2011
I follow people if I like their photos... Whether they follow me or not is largely irrelevant...
January 25th, 2011
I will look at the photo's of everyone that follows me and if I like their pics i will follow them.

I'm always browsing the newfaces, latest, theme pics etc and if there is a pic that stands out to me I will look at that persons album. If I like their pics I'll follow them, but don't expect a follow in return.
January 25th, 2011
I do, but some have slipped through. I also ran the zombie finder to uncover people that stopped posting photos and I dropped them.
January 28th, 2011
I do try but at times every day life means I can't.
January 29th, 2011
I do. I think it's important to offer feedback to them. Now I must admit, I spend a lot of time checking out the posts and commenting,and becasue of all the ones I follow, my commenbts are not always lengthy. If I notice that I am not getting comments from the ones I follow, I do drop them. That gives me more time to devote to new members who need to feedback. Everyone has their own way of doing it, but I think if you are going to be a part of this project, then it's only fair to take an active part and demonstrate your willingness to be committed as well.
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