
March 23rd, 2010
I sure hope that the amount of "favs" you can have on this site are unlimited. I just can't help favoriting nearly every photo I lay eyes on!! Is anyone else having this problem?.....I just wanted to take a moment to say that there are some extremely awesome photos on this site. If I or anyone else favorites one of your photos, you should feel extremely proud!
... I also wanted to say thank you SOO much everyone for all of your comments and sharing a common love of photography :) I have just recently in the past 2 months or so found that I am really drawn to taking pictures, editing, and just photography as a whole. and I owe it all to this site and the people out there who try to make me better.
thank you thank you thank you!
I love my 365 family :)
March 23rd, 2010
I wish I could go back and edit the tile :( I dont like the title, and I wish I wouldn't have put it in brackets :(
March 23rd, 2010
I think it's cool that you have so many favorites! It really shows that you take the time to view lots of different photos. Good for you :)
March 23rd, 2010
you are so sweet! we all love you too - and your photos are awesome. i honestly can't wait to see what you do with photography in your future, you are FANTASTIC :)
March 23rd, 2010
thank you ali :) ....is there a full time career out there where you can just edit pictures for decent money? ... or any career relating to photography where I can make enough money to provide for a family? ...I don't know if I should go full out photography. (make it my major) . Or is it a better bet to minor in it and major in something else? ...I am at a confused state right now. I am going to be a senior next year and I dont know what to do! I dont have the experience yet. and I dont feel I have the knowledge to make a name and sell photos yet. I need to learn WAY more about the camera and photoshop.
March 23rd, 2010
Sure, it's risky majoring in an artistic discipline . . . there's always a chance that it won't pay the bills. I guess it's the price you pay for doing what you love. That being said, I was a Creative Writing major, and I do okay in my writing job. Granted it's not a creative writing job, but (shrug) whatever, right? It was great to spend my college years being artistic.

The other thing to consider is that for all of the people who don't make a living doing what they studied in college, there are some people who do. Somebody has to be the wildly successful artist, right? Why not you?

It's never a bad thing to have a backup plan. But you're such a brilliant photographer so early in your study of the medium that I have no doubt you'll develop truly fantastic skills. Keep up the good work, and don't let anyone talk you out of pursuing your dreams.
March 23rd, 2010
i have a few fav's but only because i am too busy to spend alot of time on here...i wish i could but i cant. Lauren i really think you should go into photography... i look at all your photos and they are just amazing! even the ones you say you were too busy to do something more creative, i always find that they are so beautiful. I wish i had more time to put into this project but i would have to say that the part i like most about it is looking at all the wonderful pictures you and alot of others produce.
March 23rd, 2010
I'd be almost embarrassed to say how all-consuming this site has become, but I'm noticing others admitting to a semi-addiction as well! Lauren, I, too, wonder if I'm going to find myself with an unweildly number of favorite photos as there are so many good & creative pictures, and now, often, the accompanying text begs to be saved as well! *sigh* I've got the time to enjoy looking through many pictures, and I'm impressed beyond words again and again!

Lauren, I didn't have a fix before now on where you were exactly in school (yr-wise), but you'll find your passion, and you should let it lead you. I went to art school and got my BFA in Fashion Design, but didn't stay in the field long. That said, my interests and studies ever since have never left the art field, though I've delved into many mediums. When you have this gift for art, you can't deny it. That isn't to say you can't study another field, but I know you'll always have a camera nearby. Vocation or avocation, you have a talent you'll share throughout your life. You're going to see...
March 23rd, 2010
Do what makes you happy Lauren! I can't state that loud enough!

Life can seem long and cumbersome sometimes when you have a job you don't enjoy. I wish I had taken a different direction when I was younger!
March 23rd, 2010
lauren, in college i majored in sociology and minored in psychology and philosophy. that's what i was interested in at the time and i'm glad i did it. through it all, i always loved taking pictures but didn't even consider being a photographer (i have no idea why). when my daughter was born a couple people asked me to photograph their kids and then people started offering to pay me. i started my own business and just followed my dream. doing what i love to do and sharing what i see with all these amazing people... that was only a year and a half ago and my business grows every day. as far as studying it, the most successful photographers i know or have heard of are all self taught. there is something to be said for the passion and drive that makes YOU want to seek the information and really feel it in your bones. there is so much out there on the internet as far as learning technical things and furthering your knowledge that way, along with so many helpful photographers in the world willing to share their tips, tricks, time, and advice... you can study whatever you want in school but i think what you truly love will be what brings you what you need. good luck!
March 23rd, 2010
and there are companies that just edit other photographer's photos and i'm sure you could make money doing that, or even freelance... however, with your personality, eye, and intuition combined - something tells me you'd rather be editing your own awesome pictures. :)
March 23rd, 2010
You guys are all so very thoughful to write me back. After taking all you've said into consideration....I have still yet to make a final decision. But I still have senior year...and who says you have to have your mind set in stone before you get out of highschool? :) Jessica, it's okay that you dont have all that much time. I find it hard to make time myself...but somehow I do it. Although I'm sure it's different for a kid in highschool. Loni, that is great advise to life by. Thanks so much for your input! ...Louise...I am so happy to find out that you went in to Fashion Design! Thanks so much for sharing that....I have actually considered Interior design...but find that taking my own pictures and editing them (like Ali said) has made me the most happy. I am just into anything relatign to art, or creating something that speaks to people or just brings a smile to someones face. Even if its just me that make me happy, like you said Ali, that's all that matters.Ali thank you so much for the encouragement and advice. Really! I can't thank you enough. So you started your own business? Has it been really successful? is it just a business where you do portraits? or taking pictures of nature, landscapes, everyday objects...etc? I dont know if it's just because I am young, or I dont have the experience yet or what...but I don't feel super comfortable doing portraits. I think it's just because I know nearly nothing about the camera...I am just getting by through self teaching. So far I'd say I'm doing pretty good! lol but I'd say it's time to bump it up a level.
March 24th, 2010
Hi Lauren, i would suggest if u love something then u should do it and carve a niche for your self. After spending 5 years in the software field now i finally realize that I have so many more interests other than what i do for living and choosing a carrier reorientation becomes harder after a point of time.
March 24th, 2010
And I agree with Louise this site is totally engaging. even on days when i have not uploaded any pictures i can spend hours browsing through amazing work that all the 365ers upload.
March 25th, 2010
Just a thought Lauren...my degree is in business, yet all my hobbies are creative. It's the best of both worlds for me. The bills get paid and I have lots of fun injecting my creativity into my job. Either way, you will figure it out as you go. I can tell you are a very bright girl!
March 27th, 2010
thank you soo much :) I really appreciate it.
and surprisingly...I have also considered business as well.
Still not sure what I will do, but thanks for the time you put in to reply!
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