What do you like about the 365project?

March 28th, 2010
I like that now I take my camera everywhere.
March 28th, 2010
I like that I am experimenting more with my lighting. And learning the craft more. It gives me a reason to shoot where I wouldn't have bothered to pick up my camera before.
March 28th, 2010
I like the having the ability to easily search through anyone's photos. I like how there are soo many nice people on here who are willing to put in time and effort to comment on photos, give advice, and make a person's day. I like that it has pushed me to take pictures everyday and to improve my photography skills. It has made me really appreciate life and the beauty of the everyday things surrounding us.
March 28th, 2010
QFT what Lauren said (except for the last sentence! I'm just not gooey enough :p )
March 28th, 2010
I second teh above. I love the challenge of taking a photo a day. I found myself yesterday going for a drive with my camera on the seat next to me... stopping every mile or so just to get out and take some shots.
March 28th, 2010
I've met some wonderful people who are so giving of their time and comments. I really appreciate that. It's also helping me to journey through my grief and to try to find something to capture about the day. Thank you to everyone...and to the site administrators!
March 28th, 2010
I like how this has really brought back my passion for photography again, and I'm motivated to push my own boundaries both on a creative and a technical level. Also I love how everyone is sharing their photos and comments as that also really helps with getting inspiration for certain themes and techniques I want to try myself. This would not have been possible if I tried a 365 all by my lonesome, so thanks everyone for that! This is an excellent community!
March 28th, 2010
wow... there is so much that I like about this project. I'm improving my skills by trying new techniques. I'm enjoying the community so much. It is wonderful to be able to see what others are doing and to join in discusssions. I look forward browsing through the daily shots. Two of my dearest friends have also joined, so it's another way for us to connect.
March 28th, 2010
I like the things I thought I'd like eg, having an excuse to take pics all the time and using them to keep a journal-type thing but what I didn't expect and really like very much is getting to know the ordinary detail of other people's lives especially in other countries - it's amazing how different one person's shopping basket or daily commute or house is from another's.
March 28th, 2010
My daughter suggested I'd enjoy this site "because I like to take pictures". I'm already stunned at where I began on Jan 1st and where I've come! I never expected anyone would be out there looking at my series, but all that changed when the 100-or-so of us took on the alphabet challenge. I was engaged with the group and loved sharing compliments. Through pictures & captions, everyone's stories are fleshing out, and I feel involved. Isla White said it beautifully. It's no longer about me and life in a vacuum, but about "You", your stories, your engaging photography and so many delightful personalities. Back on Jan 1st, I never dreamed what lay ahead!
March 28th, 2010
I like sharing and not just taking snapshots of my kids. Fine when they're babies, but after a while I wondered if I knew how to take pictures of anything else. I look at the world differently now, and my creative wheels are always turning which hasn't happened in a long time.
March 29th, 2010
When I signed on to this project, I did it just b/c I love taking pictures and I thought it would be fun to document 1 year of my life. In my group of friends, I am the one known to always have my camera handy, so when I heard about this project (via some of the ed-tech people I follow on Twitter) at the end of December, 2009, I checked it out...it sounded like it would be fun so I signed on.....but it has turned out to be a lot more than just fun. I had no idea when I signed up that there was a social networking aspect to the project, and even when I realized it and put my toes in the "follow" water, I still had no idea what I was getting into. This project has become so important to me in so may ways. Taking and posting a photo a day is NOT a good description of the project b/c I would hazard to say that most of us take a TON of photos each day and then ponder which to post...some days it is easy as we have many good ones, and on other days, nothing seems good enough b/c our new friends are out there waiting to see what we post and we don't want to let them down...but really, all of my new friends are the dearest people in the world (and I mean that literally - in the WORLD) and even when I post a "ho-hum" photo, they comment in some positive way. I look forward to their comments and I get excited when someone new decides to follow me b/c that must mean my photos are worth viewing. And now, on day 87, I am so addicted to everyone's personal stories that I look forward not only to seeing their newest photos, but reading their commentary to see what is happening in their lives. Finally, I am learning so much...about photography, about people, about the world, about other cultures, about animals, about nature...and on and on. I want to thank everyone who has a part in making this project work. I am sure there is a lot of behind the scenes work that goes on, and I thank you for all you do. Karen Hurd
March 29th, 2010
There are so many things I like about the project. Most have been mentioned already. Opportunity to practice, challenge myself, see life differently, sharing glimpses of life around the planet is all so amazing. I feel a great connection with others that share the same love of photography. And most of all the kindness in so many of the comments I've read. It is a very rewarding experience.
March 29th, 2010
Well, there's so much around us to photograph and so little space on our cards on our cameras that even the smallest things can be of the most beauty. And even if we are office workers, cleaners, teachers, volunteers, pensioners or construction workers, we can always find something to photograph that nobody else would see ordinarily.

So, whenever I go out now, I frequently make sure I take my camera with me - even if it's to go shopping (I never know what I'm going to see in that day!) - and so it'll be good to have something from that day for another day in the future.

Good question iiwi.
March 29th, 2010
I have enjoyed the respect and encouragement from other group members. It is a very pleasant experience to know that others enjoy my photos and that it brings them the same joy that I receive in taking the shots. I am starting to feel like this group is a "family" to me. I love it! Thank you!
March 29th, 2010
I love it for a lot of reasons!! First, it's helping me see my life in a whole new way, and notice the moments much more. I see the beauty and the uniqueness in things that I might never have noticed. I look at everyday things and moments in my life and notice them in a way that makes me realize that I might take them for granted now, but time is fleeting.

It's also helping me learn my camera better, experiment more, push my limits. Get frustrated sometimes. But I'm not treating it like a point-and-shoot anymore. Well, sometimes I still am, depending on the situation. But I can see my photos improve as the days go on.

Finally...I just LOVE seeing people's pictures from all over the world. Someone said above how amazing how different people's daily lives are, which is true, but I also find it amazing how similar everyone is. The things that people take photos of underscores what we all cherish and what we have in common.

I find it awesome and am really enjoying it!!
March 29th, 2010
I am a mad keen scrapbooker but having two children aged 5 and 3 I get very little time to do scrapping... the 365 project is wonderful because it takes just a few minutes a day and it is documenting the simple and wonderful things in my and my family life. I love that the layout is clean and uncluttered, it is the perfect backdrop for photos. I like seeing everyone else's pics on here. I look at everything so differently now and have made a list of things to photograph - currently I have about 2 mths worth of ideas! I am snapping away at things I would previously not consider. cant wait till im done and have my pictures made into a hard-cover book. PS does anyone know what to do once the year is up, can we keep going?...
March 29th, 2010
I like the challenge of the 365 project. I used to never bring my camera around everywhere I went but now I do and now I notice many more beautiful things to photograph! It's fun to notice beautiful things like beautiful and budding trees. Its also a motivation to go places. Whether it be the Zoo or a lake near by...or even right outside my door. It's really fun and I like getting ideas of what people photograph :)
March 29th, 2010
I like the themes and the challenges. they help me to think outside the box. I also like the encouraging words from others. I also like looking at other peoples photos and getting so much inspiration from all the brilliant photographers here. WAIT..i think thats everything.. OK.. I like everything on this site
March 29th, 2010
its fun and challenging for me.. love it, but sometimes I get stucked with ideas.. LOL
March 29th, 2010
Viewing the photos from all over, commenting on them, getting recognition for my photos, yes.. I said it. LOL It's fun to have someone say.. WOW, that's nice. :) It's just fun and it's hopefully going to bring me out of my box and challenge myself to get that "perfect to me" shot. AND I've met some really awesome photogs here!
March 29th, 2010
I love it when family, friends or acquaintances tell me how much they have been enjoying following my project, people I did not expect to give a hoot about it, say.."hey you haven't put a photo up yet today" and it really has surprised me.

I also really appreciate the community support here, as I have been posting elsewhere, but this has become my favorite.
I enjoy browsing through the photos of everybody else, and watching it all unfold. I think I have typed word diarrhea today.
I am very thankful for the photos I would not have otherwise taken, I am not sure if my photography has improved too much. I am more familiar with where to find a few settings on my camera.
I do love the comments :-)
March 29th, 2010
I started as a way to share my life with my folks on a daily basis - I'm not good about calling often enough ... :-) I never expected to discover the community here! Like others, I love peeking into the lives of others, am especially enjoying the international flavor that is evolving on my Follow list! I get excited when I get comments and I enjoy the conversations that follow. I get a little rush when I see that the photo monkeys have included a shot on the Popular Page, however briefly! Thanks to all of you and to those "behind the scenes" that make all of this possible. It's another example of how our world is becoming a b global comunity!
March 29th, 2010
I began this project to "journal" my life, but it has become a much more creative endeavor for me. I am learning so much from following other photographers on this site and it means so much to me to get a comment on one of my pictures. I do feel like I am getting to know some folks through their pics and descriptions.
I don't belong to any "social networking sites" anymore because I try to live "off the grid" as much as possible, and FB and Twitter drove me mad! I live on a small horse farm atop a mountain in NW Connecticut, we are surrounded by a state park-we don't even have a TV!
I make an exception for this site because it adds value to my life and encourages me to keep looking at my world and recording what I find beautiful around me.
March 29th, 2010
the discipline it is instilling in me - to take photos every day
the motivation it is giving me to try to take better pictures
the feedback & comments - so great to read what people think & learn
the inspiration I get from looking at other people's pictures
the self-expression - it's a new way for me to 'use' my photos, a visual blog almost
March 29th, 2010
I enjoy seeing what other people see, and consider as photograph able. We all see things differently and it is good to share that difference. I guess I would compare Photography to dancing music and literature, and other art forms of expression that can be enjoyed by many that we don't even know that are listening, watching, looking or reading.
March 29th, 2010
Just since I started (at the encouragement of a friend) I have:

Improved my skills and will continue to improve since I am taking photographs every day.
Met new people and made new friends.
Learned to branch out and see things from a new perspective.
I have become more outgoing (see you all on the 10th!).

I LOVE this project!
March 30th, 2010
I like that it has made me look for pictures every day and carry my camera with almost always. I also love seeing everyone else's pictures. I browse through each day's pictures and am in awe of all of you. I love reading the comments for each picture both by the photographer and the viewers.
March 30th, 2010
I wanted to be more creative, so i decided to do the 365 project and I also bought oil pastels and watercolour pencils to try my hand at drawing as well..... I went well for the first 2 months but find I'm really struggling now. Today finishes in 2.5 hours and I'm yet to take a photo - plans for the rest of the night include putting away my washing, packing my bags for tomorrow and going to bed - nothing there to photograph

In saying that though, I very much enjoy looking through everyone else's photo's
March 30th, 2010
i take photos of everything everyday anyway, so now i have somewhere to show off my little pictures in a non-professional, fun setting.
March 30th, 2010
everything! it's made me see more. i'm always looking around, seeking beauty in everything. i love that it makes me pick up my camera every day, and daily practice never hurt anyone. the commitment of doing something every day & sticking to it has been pretty powerful too. and yet another thing i absolutely love are the people - i've never been on a forum with such supportive, kind, awesome people and i think we've developed a really great sense of community full of people willing to share and help and encourage each other. it's awesome.
March 30th, 2010
I like that I am meeting people from all over the world. Being an engineer my life if very structured and sometime very plain. This project keep me fresh and helps me look at the world in a new way. There are some people that I follow that have facebook pages and I would like to friend them but I do not know if it is proper to do so. This project is also helping me be a better photographer. Find me at www.facebook.com/joeciras if you like.
March 30th, 2010
I have loved the challenge to take (and post) a picture every day - often take 40+ and enjoy weeding them down to the last one that I keep! I enjoy looking at the stuff that everyone else takes and get ideas and inspiration from that. I have "met" many interesting people and feel that we're beginning to know one another a little through the sharing and the photographs. This project was a brainwave and thank you to the magic monkeys, site administrators and fellow travellers...this is a good journey!
March 31st, 2010
I like taking photos, keeping memories of the year and can't wait till I finish and can look back on it all!
March 31st, 2010
All of the above really!!! The only down side is that I have recently spent a fortune upgrading to a new DSLR camera!
March 19th, 2017
Great thread with a lot of interesting responses. At first, I liked it as a little way to document something about my day and thought of it like "micro-blogging." As I started to follow people, I liked getting to know about their interests and getting peeks into different parts of the world. I appreciate how friendly and supportive the community is too. Lately, I've started to try to get a little more creative with my own photos, and I've just recently started catching myself looking at the world in front of me in a more open way. I feel like I am quickly using up my ideas of things to photograph though (around the house at least), but so far I keep getting new ideas from the challenges and other photos that I see.
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