Are you a stickler?

April 1st, 2010
I know it must sound really anal but I only post one pic per day with the thought of having 365 awesome pics to look back on @ year's end. I see so many people post multiple pics and there are days I really want to but won't let myself. So, does it matter to you or no?
April 1st, 2010
I'm not aware of "multiple" pictures... I've seen ace members can have up to three albums... I'm going to strive for a photo-a-day that will be something of a journal to look back on...some days representative of my day, and sometimes trying to learn styling and technique. Personally, one-a-day is about all I can manage!
April 1st, 2010
if I have bunch of photos I like from that day, I'll post them on my blog or on flickr, and if I have a set of photos that go together I'll post the first one to flickr,then add more in the comments. I say that if you really are looking to improve your photography skills, you should be doing more than just the 365 project,although I know for a lot of people it's much more than they're used to already :p and this could just mean focusing on one thing. Like I did a little series of photos taken through a magnifying glass, just to see what it would come up with, and it came out with a lot of fabulous photos, that wouldn't necessarily fit into my 365. Expand your horizons!
April 1st, 2010
I'm posting just one photo per day here, but sometimes I come home from a day long shoot with 20-25 nice images so I post those to my blog as a slide show.

I also am a stickler for insisting the photo be taken on the day I post it for. I know some will post photos from the past, but for me it's a discipline to get a photo every single day. I also look at this as a great way to reminisce about my year. I've even thought about getting a photo book made with all 365 photos in it when I'm done.
April 1st, 2010
i'm not so stickly. i tried to be in the beginning, but life in general usually finds a way to interfere with best laid plans. I played catch up for awhile, but recently my dog was diagnosed with cancer and wouldn't eat, wouldn't take meds, i have a blank week of 365 that i am neither proud of or embarassed of. It was just not even on my mind as I took care of life as it comes. I do my best, i have fun, i laugh at my own shortcomings and i reckon that's what'll make a great project for me!
April 1st, 2010
I'm strictly a one a day, on the day man. I have cheated a couple of times but it's a secret!
April 1st, 2010
I am a stickler for posting a picture for the day it was taken and taking a picture every day. I don't use any images from the past. There have been days when I was really sick, and on those days I have just picked up the camera and taken one picture of whatever is close to me.
When you say more than one photo per day are you talking about the collages? I like some of them, but they aren't for me. Just an arbitrary rule I have set for myself to pick only one photo per day. There are days I have more than one photo I really like, but I make a decision and everything else goes on Picasa. I'm also doing more than one project, hands for example and clouds, and I try not to let that get onto this site too often.
April 1st, 2010
I try to post one a day, sometimes its hard to chose and I'd like to post more and sometimes I'm struggling to find one I'm ok about posting. I've also decided I'm going to allow myself to back post when we've been away as I dont always take a pc and I'm wary about using free connections esp in Asian countries . I do always take both cameras tho and since the photos are automatically dated when I take them I can still be a stickler about posting only a pic I took on the date I post it for. I guess it depends on our own personal circumstances since we come from all over the world and from all walks of life- my fav part of the 365 project is the window into eachothers lives we all get.
April 1st, 2010
I like to have a photo from each day, but sometimes I have a day where I take a few good ones followed by a day where I'm not inspired at all, so I use one from the day before. I don't see a problem with doing it so long as I admit it.
April 1st, 2010
I agree with Rachael - I do occasionally use a picture from another day, but only if it still caputres a memory of the day I'm on.... I sometimes do a collage if it seems the best way to sum up a scene or an incident. When I have time (er. when, exactly?) I'm going to start posting some extra pictures to a blog - I think that's a great idea that some people have suggested earlier.
April 1st, 2010
I'm like Rachael -- though I don't think I would use the word "admit," it indicates that there's been some transgression! (BTW, I've noticed that my camera is loading the info about date taken to the site automatically.)

When I've posted photos other than on the day they were taken, they've been of things I see routinely (eg my bathroom window, the milk shelf at my grocery store), rather than of unique experiences (eg visiting a place for the first time). Those pics help round out my visual year.
April 1st, 2010
I don't upload one pic a day. There's no way I could find the time. I will often upload 2 or 3 pictures ( for different days) all at the same time. Maybe that is what you are seeing?
April 1st, 2010
I also upload in groups, though I'm taking the pics each day. Any extras go on my blog or on Facebook.
April 1st, 2010
i find if i have a few different good shots along the same theme from one day then i may decide to make a collage for that day. The rest of my shots from any given day go in a photo album on facebook. I've noticed some people use this album on this site to upload past photos they're proud of. I understand that some days get busy & this might happen from time to time, but some are using is at a display of their lifetime's best work, which for me is not as fun to see b/c what I like here is that I see everyone's day-to-day life. If I want to see your best ever shots, there are other sites for that. (in my opinion)
April 1st, 2010
When a person posts more than one pic. a day it is because they are catching up on days missed. As far as I know, one date, = one picture. If you left click on the picture posted, a calendar of their pics. shows and you can see what day each one represents. This may have been said in a previous response but I don't have time to read all of them, I have to go and take some pictures
April 1st, 2010
At the minute I'm a photo taken on the day and posted on the day.....lots of the other pictures taken on that day will go to my blog

Hopefully I'll have 365 pictures as a record of some of what I was thinking or doing each day of 2010.
April 1st, 2010
Thanks for all the replies! I just wondered if the people that do only post one photo per day have as hard of a time as I do just picking one and being done with it lol! I have lots of pics that I save on my computer, add to my blog and personal photo albums but I only post one here.

PS- How do you add more that one album on here? I only have one named 365 but I've seen others....
April 2nd, 2010
you have to become an ACE member I believe in order to get access to more than one album.
April 2nd, 2010
I take a picture a day (although sometimes I take multiple shots of the same object from different angles to get the best picture), but I can't always upload them on a daily basis. Many times I have to wait till Thursday or Friday to do my uploads of the entire week's worth.
April 2nd, 2010
I generally take a picture everyday and try to upload it the same day but sometimes I will go 2 days before I can upload them. They are taken on the right day though. I do have a few spaces with pictures that arent from that day but thats because I had other things going on and either didnt take any pics that day or any that I like. I also have a few days with 2 or more pictures in a collage. For me this is about having fun and something to look back on. Although I *TRY* to do one pic everyday its no big deal to me if I cant.
April 2nd, 2010
I usually take 20 - 25 shots a day and choose one for posting. It's my goal to post one every day. Extras go onto flickr and facebook. Today was one of those days when my life was crazy so I only took one shot. That's the shot that made it on my page.

I occasionally use a collage but that's a deliberate choice ... usually because the grouping displays something that an individual shot can't convey.

I do create collages of each month's pictures for my own personal album. At the end of the year, I plan to create a photo book that includes the collage at the beginning (maybe the end?) of each month. The book will also include my text. It will be the record of my life this year.
April 3rd, 2010
I usually upload 3-5 photos and assign them different days. I don't really like to but sometimes I'm just to busy to upload every day.
April 3rd, 2010
I was pretty good about the "one a day on the right day" thing until a couple of months ago, when Real Life began to make it completely impossible. As far as I can remember, I've only resorted to old photos a couple of times--most of what I've posted has been taken within the week, anyway, which is good enough for being able to look back and see how my life unfolded this year. I'm kind of disappointed in myself, though, and trying hard to get back on track. I really admire the people who are able to stick with it, do it consistently, and do it the way it was meant to be done. :)
April 3rd, 2010
I pretty much stick to a picture a day, but some days I try to tell the FULL story. Take for instance today's shot of mine. It needed a collage to get the point across. I take this challenge as one that I need to take a photo a day. Posting isn't part of my tags that I use. I feel good that I am at 55 and have only struggled a few days to take a photo; however I have over 300 more days to go :) geeeshhh saying it that way I realize how far off I am.

April 3rd, 2010
I post just one picture a day, and it's usually the best shot of the set. There are times when I can snap for hours, but there are days when I remember that I have 365 to do and I only have an hour left before the day turns. XD
April 3rd, 2010
Having just started, I did one-a-day-taken that day for the first few. However, I try to be a day ahead, being GMT-8, posting in the evening after work is oh-dark something GMT. Besides, it takes the pressure off and allows me to look at the subjects around me rather than I-have-to-take-a-picture. In the current number challenge, I'm bouncing around because of the subject.

This is also a wonderful way to get away from my desk at lunch.
April 3rd, 2010
I'm a stickler for posting a picture that I take that day for the 365 project. I'm glad to see I'm not the only one. I thought it was my OCD shining through. :)
April 4th, 2010
i personal enjoy taking pictures so usually i take anywhere from 4 up to 40 a day i pick the best for this site then the rest i load on myspace and facebook i try to load a picture on the day i took it but if i dont happen to get a pic up its cool ill just load a fav from the day befor or the next day just depends on the pics i take but normal its one everyday on the day i take it and normally i already have an idea of what the pic for that day will be.
April 5th, 2010
I take my photos each day but am only able to upload every 3-4 days.
April 10th, 2010
One day - one picture. I have stuck to that through 99 days so far. There are times when I would like to post another pic to perhaps show how I set up the shot, or how it looked before post tweaking, but that violates my rules for one pic per day. So, to answer your original question ..... I am definitely anal in regard to this 365 project.
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