How do you 'find' people?

May 8th, 2010
I've just been thinking how you 'find' people to follow.
Do you go on the popular page, see something you like and follow that person? Do you look at latest photographs and see if there are any gems there? Do you look and people's photos who have commented you and if you like them, follow them? Do you follow anyone back who follows you? Do you click on people talking on the discussion pages, have a look at their photos and follow them?
I just think it would be interesting to know as on facebook you become 'friends' with people by having mutual friends but clearly there's nothing like that on yeah I was just wondering, as you do...xD
May 8th, 2010
All of the above for me! I just follow my nose anytime something catches my attention whether it be cooments someone has made, peope who are being followed by those I already follow, popular page, latest posts, etc. :)
May 8th, 2010
all of the above also!
May 8th, 2010
Hi Naomi,

I'm working on a suggestion tool to help you find photos you may like based on your friends, favs, comments etc. Do you think this would help?
May 8th, 2010
That sounds like a great idea, I'm sure that there're a lot of great photographers on this site who I haven't come across.

I was just interested really, I guess that I tend to do all of the above. :]
May 8th, 2010
there is a great thread call "under appreciated" a lot of great works suggested there. Start following some of those you like.

Also check out those that have replied to your thread and follow those you find interesting. wink wink, hint hint :) have fun with it.
May 8th, 2010
I just look at the latest posts. :P
May 8th, 2010
Ross...YES, that would be lovely to "find" the folks we're looking for...

And, what are the chances we could get a page on "FAVORITES" that would be little thumbnail pix so we can refrence them? I've gone overboard and it's only May, but the photography is just amazing. I'd love to get back to near the bottom of the stack again one day... Am I asking way too much!

This is **THE BEST** web site I've ever been involved've pulled together an amazing community! Nice going and best wishes for continued success! xox, Louise, proud ace member
May 8th, 2010
How do you find specific people? Some of my friends have signed up & I'd like to follow them. I know their user names . . . but am having difficulty locating them.

Also agree that this website rocks! Having a lot of fun being amazed by people's talents. Thank you!!
May 8th, 2010
I think if you enter [username] /365 it should work, it did for me anyway.
May 8th, 2010
Yeah, if you get them to go on their profile and then copy and paste you their URL then that can work to. ALos, you could just wait until they upload a photo and then go on 'latest' :]
May 9th, 2010
Awesome guys - thanks much!
May 10th, 2010
I find people all of the ways you listed....but I also love to look through the "favs" of people I follow or who's work I like :)
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