
May 12th, 2010
I was wondering why some people do not post anything in their profile section. When I look at photos I always go to the photographer's profile to read about their project and to find out a little more about them; I hate when the profile is empty. Any thoughts?

I will give you a great example: I recently found a wonderful photographer and when I checked his profile, I found out that he lives where I grew up. Now, I love looking at his photography because it reminds me of home and I can't wait to see what he posts next!

Come on, tell us a little about your project!
May 12th, 2010
I agree. I like reading captions underneath photos too, just to get a background on where it was, what the photographer was doing when they took it, that kind of thing.
However, I don't think anything is wrong with not wanting to post any personal information. Some people are a bit paranoid, hehe. :P
May 12th, 2010
Hi Johnna, you are absolutely right, and I do like checking those little profiles as well. I actually had to look a bit to find where you could setup your profile, and I have just found it and written a bit myself as well.
May 12th, 2010
I didn't even know I had such a thing! It's updated now. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.
May 12th, 2010
lol same here :-) Didn't cross my mind to already share this much when I signed up. But now that I knew how wonderful this site is, I never thought about adding my profile data anyway. So, thanks for the reminder Johnna!
May 13th, 2010
Well, since you are asking about profiles, I had to go look at yours which then led me to your photos; thanks for sharing those moments of your lives. They are beautiful and poignant. I don't check the profiles every time, but I do like reading both the captions and profiles that people provide. Sometimes, the right title and/or caption transforms the picture for me.
May 13th, 2010
I agree with you. I use the profile to determine if I want to follow someone. I look at their "history" and were they live. I like to follow people from different countries so I feel like I am traveling around the world.
May 13th, 2010
I agree as well... I always look at the personal profile when I see a picture or a photographer I like...
May 13th, 2010
Yeah..I am one of the culprit ..not writing any thing on my profile :)..I will update it soon!
May 13th, 2010
Yep, love a little background to both the photographer and the shot, makes it seem more like a community project than a data storing site.
May 13th, 2010
Another one who didn't really clue in that there was a profile. Added something to mine.
May 13th, 2010
Fair points. Well made. Think I'll update mine now as it's lunchtime.
May 13th, 2010
Yes, I also check out the profiles and find that I'm disappointed when there's nothing about the photographer and no indication of the country in which the pictures are taken. That can help to interpret the work as well....
May 13th, 2010
meh, I'm not a big talker. I'm very visual. Plus, I never know what to say on these kind of things. Mine will be blank. You will all have to deal. lol. ;)
May 13th, 2010
I'm the same! I like reading the titles and descriptions on photos. However, I feel that having just a title and no description can also add just as much meaning, depending on the photo.
May 13th, 2010
I like to see if I can guess where someone is from by their pictures and comments and then check their profiles to see if I am close. It is disappointing when there is no information there to help me out. Of course, then I thought about it and realized that I never actually said where I was from in my profile so I felt like a hypocrite! :) I went back and changed it - but it took me awhile to remember how to do it so I think that is part of it. It's not that easy to stumble across if you're not looking for it so I imagine there's a fair amount of people who don't know where it is.
May 13th, 2010
When I see an interesting picture, I'm sometimes curious to know where it was taken...i.e. where the person is from. When I find empty data, I've been known to ask if they'll at least share what region they're from. I was turned down once... said she'd reveal it someday. Now I no longer recall who that was... So many of us have gotten to know one another, it's nice to know a bit more on the profiles...
May 17th, 2010
Ok, I felt guilted into writing. I certainly enjoy others' entries but I wasn't sure I had anything to say. Glad I did. It was probably therapeutic. Thanks for the push.
May 17th, 2010
lol me too amanda. I never thought to go back and write anything after joining
May 17th, 2010
I love checking out your Profiles. When I joined not so long ago, the first I did was write my profile, when I went to see it there was nothing not even a full stop. So I couldn't understand what I had/hadn't done. Each time I come back on, I think I must do that but it won't be the long winded one I first wrote. A shame but I will have something. I have been putting it off because of the shock of that first time. Almost like I had a rejection first up I suppose. Anyway soon I will do it .
May 18th, 2010
Johnna, I agree!! I love to know where people are from, so I get an idea where those beautiful sights depicted in their photos are. It would be cool if everyone at least posts their location. Knowing a little something about the photographer makes their project more like a story to follow, not just some random pictures. I am getting to know so many amazing people through 365, I am adding them as Facebook friends ;-))
May 18th, 2010
I just updated mine. I hadn't posted anything because I figured no one would bother reading it, but it seems that many people do. After I signed up, I totally forgot about the profiles, so I'm glad this was posted.
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