Happy 200th!

July 19th, 2011
For all of us who started on 1st January today is day 200! Congratulations for making it this far, and for those of you who day 200 is a distant memory congratulations for making it as far as you have.

To see how we are progressing will you show me day 1, day 100 and now day 200!

Day 1
A very uninspiring start to my project

Day 100
A watercolour style edit of a spring day

Day 200
Trying something new, I've never done light painting before so this will hopefully be soemthing else to improve on
July 19th, 2011
it's so exciting isn't it! the last 100 days have gone very quickly.
day 1:

day 100:

day 200:
July 19th, 2011
wow, 200 already?



can you tell I like plantlife?
July 19th, 2011
What? Today is 200? Man, I wish I had realized... Anyway!

FIRST (and still one of my favorites):


TWO HUNDRED (I... had pie to celebrate? Yeah, let's go with that):
July 19th, 2011
Day 1 when I knew absolutely nothing :-)

day 100
Learnt a little bit more

day 200
Still learning lol

July 19th, 2011
@grimbo It is exciting, it's going very fast too! I like the composition of todays photo

@myla I noticed it was day 199 yesterday and had to check, it didn't seem possible to be at 200 already. Your focus on the toadstool is wonderful

@proudrhrshipper I like day 1 of yours too, I also like how with the 3 pictures you have colour, sepia and b&w

@hagscat I'm still learning a lot too, you can see a lot of improvememnt bwtween day and 200 in your photos
July 19th, 2011
what is interesting is that two of each grouping are pretty similar. Since I was really sick starting Jan 2nd I am about a week behind but hopefully will have something good for you
July 19th, 2011
Started with a picture of myself with an iPhone w/Hipstamatic, #1

Red Feather, Colorado, #100

And the 200th is of North Boulder Creek
July 19th, 2011
Okay, I was NOT happy with my pie shot, especially with it being a big number like 200, so I decided that my month of black and white needed a little COLOR!

July 19th, 2011
Congrats to everyone!! I started on Jan1 as well, but March was a busy busy month so I still have a few days to go -___-

July 19th, 2011
Day 1

Day 100

Day 200!

Mine are all so very different haha. Both the day 1 and day 200 are with my cell phone though!
July 19th, 2011



July 19th, 2011
Day 1

Day 100

Day 200

Interestingly, there's a bee in 100 and 200.
July 19th, 2011
day 1

day 100

day 200
July 19th, 2011
I'm onto my second year and haven't reached 100 on that one yet, so I'll pick from my 1st year.



& 200th:
July 19th, 2011
Day 1

Day 100

Day 200

July 19th, 2011
I'm gob smacked to have made it this far! :)

Day 1 - It seemed an apt start at the time (oh the grain...)

Day 100 :)

Day 200

I think I've improved over the project - but am uninspirted at the moment, probably all the rain!!
July 19th, 2011



July 19th, 2011

Much better!
July 19th, 2011
This one was actually taken and uploaded on January 2nd because I was traveling on January 1st and didn't get any shots taken. I wanted to start the project on the 1st so used a filler on that day, so this is my actual 1st photo taken for my project.

Day 100 is looking better!

And day 200 looks awesome! I've learned so much in such a short time!

July 19th, 2011
Day 1

Day 100

Day 200
July 20th, 2011
I didn't realise it was day 200 today Emma...and on day 100 I didn't really do a special shot either and as for day 1, well, it's soooo embarassing now but here goes :o)

Day 1.

Day 100

and Day 200

July 20th, 2011

July 20th, 2011

Day 1

day 100

Day 200
July 20th, 2011
Day 1- Though I didn't post it until the 8th, this is the first shot I took.

Day 100

Day 200- Don't know that I've improved any, but it's been fun.

July 20th, 2011

sentimental #100

shocking un motivated #200
July 20th, 2011
Wow! I did not realize I had passed the Day 200 mark. I started the project on December 31st. Knowing, I am 201 shots into the project, gives me hope that I can complete my first year.

Day 1: This is when I thought this was the type of bird close up I could get from my camera. It is interesting to see that all three shots are animal shots.

Day 100: One of my first insect shots. It is interesting that both Day 100 and 200 show insects.

Day 200: My very first shot of a wasp taking a drink from the bird bath.

July 20th, 2011


July 20th, 2011
Congratulations to you all x I just realised my 200th was yesterday LOL
July 20th, 2011


July 20th, 2011
Don't know whether I'm improving, but I am enjoying the journey...

Day 1:

Day 100:

and Day 200:
July 20th, 2011
day 1

day 100

day 200
July 20th, 2011

One Hundred:

Two Hundred:

(all my better/more creative pictures are in between these big dates) :p
July 20th, 2011
Day 1

Day 100

Day 200
July 20th, 2011
my day 1 was a filler because i started 10 days late.

my day 100 was a non-event, i didn't notice it was the 100th day

and my day 200 was a disaster in that i was unaware that the camera i used had the wrong date setting and that really made me upset.
July 20th, 2011
Day 1...

Day 100....

Day 200...
July 20th, 2011
Ooh, great idea. Here's my Day 1

Day 100

and Day 200

Dunno if I've improved, definitely have been learning though, which is why I started.
July 20th, 2011
Day 1:
Day 100:

Day 200:

I'd say my photography has improved over the months but just not sure about these specific photos.
July 20th, 2011
day 1

day 100

uninspired 200
July 20th, 2011
Day 1

Day 100

Day 200

July 20th, 2011
Day 1 ~

Day 100~

Day 200~
July 20th, 2011
Day 1 - Had no idea what to do to start this off.

Day 100 - Possibly the worst of my "Candid Street" series... Hmmmpfff

Day 200 - Now we're talkin'! One of my 5 favourites so far... and I didn't even realize it was for a "milestone day". :-)

July 20th, 2011
Day 1

Day 100 This is just a so-so photo, but commemorating my son’s first time driving was more important than “the perfect shot”.

Day 200
July 20th, 2011
You know I always have good intentions of doing something "dramatic" or something for these milestones then I go out & take my photos & come home & edit & upload & don't even realize what number I am on until I see one of these posts & check my numbers. So here is mine...

Day 1

Day 100

Day 200

July 20th, 2011
Day 1

Day 100

Day 200
July 20th, 2011
Oh wow, time has certainly flown by ;). I really enjoyed looking at all your commemorative shots!
Here are mine:

Day 1 (arghh):

Day 100 (celebrated by going to London):

Day 200 (celebrated with an old Cambridge building):
July 20th, 2011
Day 1

Day 100

Day 200
July 20th, 2011
Great shots everyone! I was a little late. I'm on 182, not long to go now though. Already thinking about my 200th =D
July 20th, 2011
July 20th, 2011
I found it interesting that each of my "milestone days" was taken with my iPhone :)
Day 1 - Our little Maggie loving the snow:

Day 100 - Seattle skyline taken at about 60 mph, from the car through the windshield:

Day 200 - Steptoe Butte and the rolling hills of the Palouse:
July 20th, 2011
#1 Me

#100 The sun through the trees in Brown County State Park.

#200 A Day Lily from our garden.

July 20th, 2011
Day 1 - a photo of our house

Day 100 I went into Philly for a photography seminar put on by National Geographic

Day 200 Didn't realize it was a milestone, sat in line for car inspection
July 20th, 2011
started last year but
day 1
filler really

day 100

day 200
July 20th, 2011
Woah so much of the year gone already!!!! Nice idea though!!

Day 1

Day 100

Day 200
July 20th, 2011
This is Day 35 ( I used a few fillers before I actuallly got started)

Day 200

July 20th, 2011
Wow. Well done all, who have got this far!! :o)

My 100th:

My 200th:

July 20th, 2011
I did something a bit different to celebrate my 100th and 200th image. Here's my last 200 images.
July 21st, 2011
Day 1 1-1-11

Day 100

Day 200

July 21st, 2011
Day 1: Not proud of this....I didn't know much about my camera then:

Day 100: Love this one! I am PROUD of this one:

Day 200: I've learned so much! I love this community!! :-)
July 21st, 2011
@tnaki Love the "X" pattern... where did you get that? Or how did you do that?
July 21st, 2011
@marilyn It's just an X from a font I like and then i've just cut the image out into a few different layers and played with layer options in photoshop :)
July 21st, 2011
day 1.

day 100.

and for today, i had something planned, but then my brother had to put his dog down and i decided to go with a picture of her instead. she was a great dog.
July 21st, 2011
Day 1 - Like many others, a very uninspiring start...

Day 100 - Simple, nothing too taxing, but a hell of an improvement!

Day 200 - Taken during a trip to Papua New Guinea, for work.
July 21st, 2011
Day 1: I started this project with a little p&s and while I have always loved taking photos, I discovered that I really had no idea what a wonderful world I had just entered...

I was lucky enough to upgrade to a dslr at the start of February and also discovered the joys of editing/processing... and boy did my eyes open up with the things I could do! Day 100 was spent 'playing' in the backyard...

Strangely enough, Day 200 also saw me 'playing' in the backyard as I used a brand new 10xZoom filter given to me by my sister...

I can see a HUGE improvement in my photography but there is SO much to learn! I am very happy to have found this wonderful site and fantastic photographic community. I am constantly blown away by the amazing and wonderful photos I see and the lovely people I am meeting =D
July 21st, 2011
For me, it's all about timing with everything else going on in my life.

Here is Day 1, when I had just noticed one of my roses blooming, and then a slight breeze caught it while I was taking the photo. It was then I knew that this project was going to be some work...

Day 100, taken because I was running out of time as I was trying for a philosophical shot for a key milestone photo.

And Day 200, taken at sunset at Playas Del Yunque, Puerto Rico.

I feel that I have my good days, my very good days, and then some uninspired days, which I guess should be expected. I do feel that my photo-taking skills are getting better, and I am already looking into taking classes.
July 21st, 2011
Loving all these photos and congrats to everyone on Day 200!!!


Day 100

Day 200

July 21st, 2011
I can sense a theme in my photos!

1st: One of my gerbils, now sadly deceased.

100th: The day this youngster took his first 5-for.

200th: The day another youngster was pivotal in winning a six-a-side competition!

July 21st, 2011
Day 1...brrrrr!!

Day 100: Painted Barn

Day 200: Woo hooooooooo!!!! :)

July 21st, 2011
Day 1 - Packing up the Christmas stockings

Day 100 - my 6 year old and his new toothless smile

Day 200 - my 19 year old son
July 22nd, 2011
July 22nd, 2011
I sucked so bad during the first couple months. I would never settle with the pictures now, that I used then.

Day #1:

Day #200:
July 22nd, 2011
Day 1:

Day 100:

Day 200:
July 22nd, 2011
Day 1 (Jan 01)

Day 100 (April 10)

Day 200 (July 19)
July 22nd, 2011



Time flies and I'm planning to celebrate my day 365. :D
July 22nd, 2011
I got a bit behind in uploading my recent photos so I only just got to my 200th photo! Can't say that I think I've improved much over the year so far but I use my project as a visual diary more than anything else, so whatever :P

Day 1:

Day 100:

Day 200:
July 22nd, 2011
Not my favorites...

Day 1:

Day 100:

Day 200:

July 23rd, 2011
Day 1

Day 100

Day 200
July 23rd, 2011
Day One, My Husband and our litle dog on the winter beach.

Day 100 - I didn't realize it was Day 100 so I just took a photo of Pilgrim Monument in Provincetown in the rain.

Day 200 was yesterday and I was equally clueless and had a long day at work. So these flowers outside a restaurant were my shot of the day. I do think I've improved on my photography alot, though.

July 23rd, 2011
Thank you for the fun look back, Emma!
July 24th, 2011

July 26th, 2011
day 1:

day 100:

day 200:

(amazing that they all have my youngest daughter in them! I hope my oldest isn't offended!)
July 26th, 2011
Day 1:

Day 100:

Day 200:
July 26th, 2011
I was on holiday in Scotland for my 200th, so have only just uploaded it!

Day 1:

Day 100:

Day 200:
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