The most Photographed subjects on 365 Pets,flowers or Insects

August 27th, 2011
Not that I'm passing any judgement they are great shots all of them and I'm sure sometimes getting a pick on a busy day,using fluffy as the fall back is quite convenient
But if we had to total up the pics which would be the winner
1. Pets
2. Flowers
3. Insects.
August 27th, 2011
August 27th, 2011
It is between insects and Hard one. I think insects make the PP more, but I t hink there are more pics of flowers. And speaking of the " not passing any judgement" ... one thing I realize now is that it is not just about the end result, it is about the "getting of the photo" that counts too. I just posted another Halloween Pennant dragonfly, but to me, it was about learning to use my camera, this time,in low light, and also about how this one was more cooperative, so I tried to get diff. angles Some shoot them because the process is a de-stresser the crazy, modern world day most of us even though there are many insect pics...a times, it's what is behind the scene/photo, the process, that counts . You know?
August 27th, 2011
FLOWERS!!!!! AND then my cat! :-)
August 27th, 2011
@espyetta , i agree 100% with what you are saying. now, i have to go look at your dragonfly:)
@steeler , i think #2 is the most photographed, but it's gotta be close between flowers and insects
August 27th, 2011
2. i am much more drawn to trees and skies than any of the three.
August 27th, 2011
3. insects - because they are a challenge - the damn things move all the time, so not only are you trying to focus and get the lighting to be able to take them, but they aren't still either.

But you missed beach scenes and sunsets off your list - lots of them on the popular page
August 27th, 2011
2 - everyone has a flower photo; well, almost everyone.
August 27th, 2011
Ships oops sorry Howard not included are they. I reckon flower pic are the most common.
August 27th, 2011
People photograph what interests them and what is available to them. Judging from the "Latest" page, there are a LOT of kid shots, they just don't make it to the pop page very often. I would love to take ocean views but it'd be a long drive ... ;-) So for me, it's cool to get 2 and 3 in the same shot. Maybe someday I'll even manage to get a shot of all three together.
August 27th, 2011
I reckon kids would have to be up there too.
August 27th, 2011
August 27th, 2011
We photograph the world around us, in my case insects and flowers, no little people around my house. In the winter it gets very dull, so then I really hit the flower shops and places with tons of color. So my vote would be flowers...but now being a teacher, I am going to go count and see which one wins in my albums. :)
August 27th, 2011
Flowers. I have lots of them because it's summer in my part of the world. Come autumn then winter, I'll be back to boring still life shots of things inside the house like mugs and shampoo bottles. :-)
August 27th, 2011
Flowers, but I have also noticed an inordinate number of squirrel photos on the popular page!
August 27th, 2011
I would say flowers, but for me, it would be my daughter.
August 27th, 2011
I would say flowers as you can even go into the grocery store on a cold winter day to do this but summer time is insects on flowers.
August 27th, 2011
Probably flowers, but I like the insects the best.
August 27th, 2011
I think it would be #2 or #3, at least in my project. :)
I love taking pictures of insects. I think it's the challenge of trying to catch them keeping still for a couple of seconds.
August 27th, 2011
I would definitely say flowers!
August 27th, 2011
We shoot what we love and what is available to us. Moms shoot their kids, gardeners shoot flowers, and when the weather sucks, we shoot what's trapped indoors with us, like our pets.
August 27th, 2011
i think it is a toss-up. what about birds? tons of bird photos that are not pets. are you counting what is considered popular or makes it to the popular page? because that seems to leave out landscapes, most people, - i don't know , the page makes no sense to me.
August 27th, 2011
Most of my photos that have made the popular page prior to abstract august had been flowers, so I think flowers are most appreciated
August 27th, 2011
Flowers get a lot of face time in my project so I am voting 2!
August 27th, 2011
@sunnygreenwood You hppe to get all three together! Now THERE's a "photo challenge" someone ought to post. The next winner of the theme challenge should make that the theme! Soooo funny, Anne!
August 27th, 2011
My vote is #2. I know I've hit the garden on more than one occasion for a quick shot. My other quick fall back is landscape. Just happens to usually have a flower in there somewhere.
August 27th, 2011
Probably have to say flowers!
August 27th, 2011
I would have to say flowers. Just did a quick browse by tag and there are about 30 thousand flower(s) shots on here.
August 27th, 2011
I would probably agree that it's flowers. For me, I never photographed flowers until I came onto 365 and saw denisedaly's fantastic shots and I tried to learn from her. I think looking at other photos on 365 stretches us to try and go outside our comfort zone and as a lot of people photograph their gardens and what is in them, others will follow!
August 27th, 2011
Flowers are my fallback, and I do see a lot here.

August 27th, 2011
2 I see alot of flowers.
August 27th, 2011
I'd say number 2, flowers for sure! I am known to do a few myself!
August 27th, 2011
Aw come on Howard - it has to be Landscapes :-) and Kids !
August 27th, 2011
I'm thinking flowers.
August 27th, 2011
@steeler you forgot children- unless you consider them to be pets (o: I don't know it's a toss up, but I guess I'll say I see more flowers than bugs- although a lot of times the two are combined; and possibly more flowers than pets too. I think flowers.
August 27th, 2011
Yeah you forgot about kids LOL but insects and flowers too
August 27th, 2011
before I joined the 365 community, friends of mine we already here and they kept talking about it, and I thought to myself "I bet its full of flowers and pets" but I was surprised when I joined and discovered that the 365 is full of kids!

LOL at @lisjam1 comment, I know how hard wildlife is to shoot so I am amazed how many Squirrels are on here! I reckon they're the Northern Hemisphere's answer to our seagulls.
August 27th, 2011
Ok Howard, here are my stats...

Insects take up 26% of my project to date, scenery is second with 20% and then flowers third at 16%. Inanimate stuff like still lifes and statues are 14% and birds close behind at 11%. Frogs are only 8% of my project and Mammals are 4% which includes 2 photos of pets. The last 1% is selfies, lizards and crabs - kinda their own genera those three!

My shots that have made the PP tend to be Frogs and/or Birds. I think I have only had one or two Insect shots make the PP but my most viewed and commented shots tend to be Frogs, Owls and the odd Selfie - emphasis on odd.

Cheers and Beers, JD.
August 28th, 2011
August 28th, 2011
I'll say #2 but notice it also seems to depend on the time of year. I'm seeing a lot of insects right now because they are full force in the summer. There were a lot of flowers in the spring time when they were all in bloom. I love looking at them, though, no matter what time of year it is.
August 28th, 2011
I never took pictures of flowers before I came to 365. I took my first flower pictures and posted here cause I felt left out that I never posted a flower picture. So, I say more flower pictures than any other.
August 28th, 2011
August 28th, 2011
Flowers....I'm one that posts A LOT of them...they bring me so much joy from my gardens!! It's like a celebration for me every time a new one opens. Yeah...maybe I'm weird..LOL!!
August 28th, 2011
Yeah flowers, unless its a rainy day then it would probably be pets but i rarely find any insects sometimes..
August 28th, 2011
Flowers of course....
August 28th, 2011
I love animals shots, but will take flowers when animals aren't as amusing as I would like.
August 28th, 2011
If I go to my first year here on 365 I would say for me it was flowers.
August 28th, 2011

Of my 28 photos as of today, 2 of them are sunsets... I don't have flowers, pets or insects (no macro lens)...

And yeah... Landscapes...
August 29th, 2011
by me its Flowers And sunrise mostly but i keep trying to take something else
August 29th, 2011
@lisjam1 LOL I have also noted the inordinate number of squirrels on popular page!
August 29th, 2011
For me, it's drums and food.

I've done a few pictures of my dog, and a couple of flower shots - no insects, though.

I do take quite a lot of sunrise/sunset photos as well, and I know other people do too, so I'm surprised more people haven't mentioned that!
August 30th, 2011
What about sunsets - i've taken a huge amount of them :)
August 30th, 2011
well if the tag browser is anything to go by its Flowers followed by sunsets clouds water and trees :)
August 30th, 2011
All of these, they are just sooo lovely!
August 30th, 2011
I think dragonflies have really been represented well on the PP lately!
August 30th, 2011
Lots and lots of flowers!
August 30th, 2011
um lots and lots of birds!!!
August 30th, 2011
Oscar ! is number 1 for me .. such a great model
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