Holding fast, actually taken on THAT day ?

September 21st, 2011
I don't upload a picture unless it was taken that day. I know some will just find a pic taken at a later date. What about you?
September 21st, 2011
Two rules I have for my project: 1) take the picture that day 2) post it as taken (as in no Photoshop). Given the task of finding something new each day, there were a couple days when it just didn't work out. And I know exactly which ones, and I hate the inconsistency! But I'm human, and having 365 shots at the end is important to me. Probably one of the few resolutions I've managed to not stop part way through.
September 21st, 2011
OK, I will do photoshop or HDR and such, but I do make sure they were taken that day. As is, impressive. Gonna follow you and see how it works out.
September 21st, 2011
I've done it once or twice because "holes" in my project bother me more than the 'take it that day' thing, but I try to get a photo each day. But photos submitted for a date I know is "wrong" bug me as well.
September 21st, 2011
I shoot multiple pictures everyday, but if the day brings me no joy I will use a shot that may have been taken earlier. What I am trying to get out of the 365 Project is to increase my skills and be more adventrous in my shot taking. A big part of that is presentation and knowing when a shot is not up to my standard, albeit that this will change as I progress though this project. I see nothing good for me in uploading a photo that I am not happy with. But I am also know that different people want different things from their journey and I accept that as well.
September 21st, 2011
I hear ya. Not judging, just trying to get the pulse. I've uploaded a few I'm not proud of just because I'm trying to stick to it. Some days I have 3 or 4 I would like to submit. I guess i do it to try and not get lazy on shooting everyday.
September 21st, 2011
I think there are one or two "fillers" in my project - generally speaking, though, I don't upload a picture unless it was taken on the right day.

It does annoy me, though, that my profile only says "five-hundred-and-something photos", and the appropriate "percentage completed" for that figure, when it should be so much more than that...

Towards the end of last year, I'm afraid "life" rather got on top of me, and there are quite a few gaps in my project from around that time. I don't want to upload photos which aren't from those days, of course, but I have toyed with the idea of making a small jpeg "placeholder" file to put in all the gaps, just explaining that I didn't take any pictures on that day.

(In fact, I think they only reason I haven't done something like that is because I'm pretty sure everyone would unfollow me, in the wake of such a huge mass-upload of "no image available" badges!!)
September 21st, 2011
I try to shoot, process and post each day. But if I get a few good shots on one day, I'll post a few of them over several days sometimes. I'm not really worried about it as long as I keep at it.
September 21st, 2011
I shoot and process and post on the day. There were a couple days when I was without internet, in the air, in the desert, doing stuff so I posted as soon as possible when I got back online. No fillers so far.
September 21st, 2011
I take a photo... well more than one photo a day and don't have any fillers in my project. I have a few gaps but I do have the photos, just trying to get caught up. I don't always have the time available to upload every day and sometimes the photos sit on my camera for days until I get a moment. I'm lucky I can touch type ok so I can type messages and watch my exhausting crazy 18 month old son at the same time. And there are quite a few photos I'm not happy with but for me this project is to see if I can stick to something and that something is taking a photo a day.
September 21st, 2011
I was being fairly careful about shooting and posting on the same day, but I used a few fillers here and there in the end. Now, I don't always post every day. I might get through a month with a photo each day, then I'll have a small smattering of images I'm either working on or happened to take that day. I like the interactions, the feedback, the community of 365 - I no longer feel compelled to ensure I take a photo every day (though the reality is I do take many every day - that's what my job is) nor feel the need to post every day. At some point, I intend to do a true 365... maybe starting in January. ;)
September 21st, 2011
I'm doing my main 365 album with only pictures taken on that day but also have two other albums which I put stuff in from other days.
September 21st, 2011
My goal is a true 365 and so far (72% in) I haven't posted any fillers. Luckily I am quite disciplined but sometimes it's pretty hard to post something worthwhile.
September 21st, 2011
I joined 365 mainly to try and stop being so introspective and focus on the outside world some more, so I find the discipline of finding something to take a picture of each day very helpful - and enjoyable.
I'm fortunate that my time's my own and so get plenty of opportunity to find something, but on the odd occasion I need to use a filler I don't beat myself up over it - I'm also here to have fun.
Looking back over shots you've taken to find a filler is a good way to review your stuff and do some self-critiqueing, so I think it's quite a useful exercise in itself.
September 21st, 2011
I have stuck to the 'rules' so to speak and have uploaded my photos the same day that I have taken them. I haven't missed a day (expect when I was away for work but I still took a photo each day I was away). The aim for me is to use my camera every day and to learn something new each day and that is why I decided to participate in this project. I may not like everything I post but I made a promise to myself that I would take and post a photo everyday and I don't like breaking a promise.
September 21st, 2011
In the beginning I did really well and had only photos taken on the right day posted. But it's a really hard resolution to keep!!! :) Although I still try to take a photo a day, when I can't what I do is take extra for the day I've missed and try to select a meaningful subject for the day in question. For example, my 5th-August picture, I didn't take on that actual day but we did travel by train that day so I photographed the ticket later on when I needed the filler... For me, 365 is also a photo diary.
September 21st, 2011
3 days left to finish my project and all my shots have been taken on the day (or at least before I have gone to bed, so a few are past midnight). I can't say it has been easy though!
September 21st, 2011
I originally intended to post everyday but unfortunately life has gotten in the way. I work 10 hour days so its hard to find time and the inspiration sometimes. I'm not overly worried though, I'm here to have a bit of fun
September 21st, 2011
Second year now - photo taken on the day. I might not always upload every day but my photo date matches the date on the calender. It makes me look at EVERY day, from the minute I get up in the morning until I go to sleep, in DETAIL - every texture, every object, every kind of light, person, animal, abstract etc - my eyes are busy busy all day. It has made my life richer for doing so.
I did 2010 (Jan - Dec) and then stopped for 9 days and then suddenly realised something was seriously missing. I was then introduced to 365 and haven't looked back.
Even if I'm truly hectically busy I can still find 3-5 minutes to take a pic - it's not always the subject matter that makes the pic - it's the way I see it. So the most mundane of everyday objects can end up being quite arty and land up on PP.
This is my project - and my rules. Everyone must do it for themselves. It's gotta be fun. :)
September 21st, 2011
So far all taken on the day, I really want to stick to that rule, even posting crap (not literally) when I have nothing else. It is a real challenge. I sometimes edit and post later if I do not have access to my faithful MacBook, but do post on the day where I can. Editing is a 5mins job for me, click a few buttons, hope it looks ok and zap into 365. (I often regret it when it is on there when I don't like the editing or decide I prefer another shot, but once I get a view/comment, it is there to stay:-))
September 21st, 2011
I take a multitude of shots and then upload one of them the next day. My schedule rarely allows me the time to look through and select one image on the same day that I took it. I have used one or two fillers when things did not work out for me for some reason. I am experiencing some issues now though and may not be able to upload or take pictures each day. I had thought about not worrying about those blank days. However, I have gotten this far without any blanks, so I will probably put in fillers on the days when I cannot take any pictures. However, I will try to upload on as many days as I resolve my issues.
September 21st, 2011
I'm not too worried about actually taking a photo every single day. It's my project and I'll get out of it what I put in. Some days I come home with tons of photos I love and others I end up with a whole lot of stuff I would absolutely hate posting (or absolutely nothing at all). I figure on those days I'll post something I loved from another day but didn't get to post. If all the photos I post are taken during the duration of the project I'll be happy. For me it's about actually getting out there and taking photos, why punish myself for not having a good photo day?
September 21st, 2011
I guess I will be the odd-man-out here! I think it is so amazing to take/process/post all in the same day!! But it is not my reality. I am doing this project for two reasons...1) to learn more and to improve my photography 2) to have a reflection of my life and the things that are important to me.

Being a beginner, I don't always get the shot on the first try! ;) And I am just learning post processing techniques so it takes me quite awhile to figure it out. But it is all part of the learning process. I also share the camera and computer with my 2 teenagers who are doing their own 365 project so it isn't always available! (Maybe Santa will bring them their own camera or me a knew one!!)

So I try to take a picture with the intent on posting it, then may have to reshoot it, then process it, and probably re-process it! Sometimes I finish this process and still don't like it!! So then I start over!! My goal is to post it within a few days of shooting it because that is how long it takes me to feel confident enough to post it on 365! It is humbling to be a newbie among soooo many wonderful photographers!!

I want to be proud of my 365 project by the end of the year and hopefully be able to see improvement in my pictures. Unfortunately for me, this takes longer than one day to achieve!!

Hope you all don't mind that I am not a "purist" but I am learning more and more everyday!
September 21st, 2011
Two rules for me too :) The photo has to be taken on the day (I haven't missed one yet!) and for this first year, no editing/processing whilst I concentrate on the technicalities of photography. I think I'll be letting myself "play" with the pictures next year! :)
September 21st, 2011
Foe me, I have to take the photo on the day (although I decided I was allowed a handful of photos plus or minus a day), and so far I only have one "cheat" (which was taken at 7am the following morning, but could have been the night before).

I also have to be the one who initiated the shutter (whether directly or via self-timer)

Don't mind about processing, and I aim to upload within a day or two but again am less fussed about that.
September 21st, 2011
One rule for me - NO GAPS

If in doubt use one of these-

September 21st, 2011
My goal has been to take and post the photos on the correct day. To date, I've posted 2 photos from my phone to keep from missing a day, but on day 225, I simply couldn't get it done, so I used a shot taken the following day to fill that spot. I hope that's the one and only filler for the year. :)
September 21st, 2011
I started with only posting shots the day taken. And some have been truly yawn worthy. One of the reasons I started doing this is to expand the way I see things photographically and to be less shy of allowing others to see my photos. As a result, I also started reevaluating shots previously taken, shots I would have deleted were I not compulsive. I post some of those to get an evaluation on my expanding viewpoint. So, while the dates of some of my shots might not fit the prescribed method, they fit my reasons for being here.
September 21st, 2011
So far I have managed to take photos every day... some days when 'life' gets in the way of my 365 hobby (aka obsession) the posting of them may be delayed, but no fillers as yet and hopefully I'll make it thru the full 365 days... I can get very frustrated when I have 3 or 4 for one day and then struggle the next, but so far but I've followed my self-imposed 'rule' to only post a photo for the date it was taken... next year I think I'll be more relaxed about it =D
September 21st, 2011
@mikew I'm the same as Michael. I shoot and process every day but there are the certain days that I'm more inspired that others. I would rather spread a few inspired shots that I love over a day or two, than post something I'm not entirely happy with.
September 21st, 2011
I do take a photo a day, but sometimes I just do not like any pictures, or I may use a filler that may be date appropriate (i.e. a photo of a temple in Japan after the earthquake) or wanting to show something different. It is my project and in life sometimes we hit some road blocks that keep us from a photo a day or sometimes I want to enjoy a day without worrying about pictures and do try to take the day off from thinking about photos.
September 21st, 2011
So far, I have taken the photo on that day and I try to post each day, but sometimes I have do a slow upload (one or two at a time)as we spend many weekends away from home. Anything goes for my other two albums, but my 365 is authentic.

I completely stand behind the your project, your rules mentality and I follow many who fill in.
September 21st, 2011
@tolpol lol!!!

I am so exhausted from studying and so on that half the time I don't have the energy or inspiration to take a decent photo. Therefore, I use NO GAPS. :D
September 21st, 2011
I don't have any fillers in my project. My aim in the project is to not have any, however I will take photos past midnight as I haven't been to bed yet - therefore it is my "day". This may become tricky next month, as I'm having spinal surgery and I'm going to be in hospital for 2 weeks, so let's see what I can get out of that!
September 21st, 2011
I usually use a photo from that day, but sometimes life gets in the way and I end up not taking a photo. In that case, I'll use a photo from around the same time frame (usually within a couple days).
September 21st, 2011
I /always/ use a picture from that day - even if it means that I'm snapping a random picture at 11:30 at night because I forgot. Once in a while I'll have "holes" for a while, but only because getting pictures off my phone proves to be a PITA and I put it off for a while.
September 21st, 2011
@cally You could definitely document your hospital food... some hospitals are amazing, some might just frighten people what they pass off as food! :P
September 21st, 2011
Only one of my shots so far was not technically taken on the same day - half past midnight - but otherwise I've stuck to it. I think if you're going to post pictures taken at anytime you may as well use flickr to share your photos as it's not really a 365 project.
September 21st, 2011
@jessicaelaine When I had my appendix out in 2007, I ate nothing but vanilla ice cream for 5 days the food was that bad! Hopefully this time... But there is one person I've seen who took photos of her drip and the pattern on the ceiling and stuff, so there are definately ideas about!
September 21st, 2011
I have decided to do my project without using filler so I have some days with less than wonderful shots. However, I prefer that to using a photo that I didn't take that day. There are some photos that I uploaded at a later date due to vacation or just not having access to my computer. Best of luck with your project!
September 21st, 2011
@evandam I have two albums here - one is my 365 project and the other is called "Pictures to Share". For my 365 project, I do indeed take a picture every day and post it, good or bad. I'm hoping the bads will shame me into working harder and learning more. :)

In my other album, I upload pictures for various challenges, like WWYD, tag challenges, and just things to share in general, like for a thread yesterday for pics of your camera. Since I still reek of noobiness, at first I was uploading pictures to that that were indeed a lot older. I'm since getting more of a feel for the place and now I only use pictures that are new, or taken within the week, to respond to various challenges - and I've taken the other ones off.

One thing that is challenging for me - I use my iPhone a lot for shooting and pretty much every app in there wipes exif data and replaces it with the current date. I could have a picture I took in 2002, upload it to my iPhone, tinker with it, and be all "yay! took this today". On the flip side of that, I wonder if people doubt the veracity of the date on some iPhone pictures. I guess we just have to "honor system" it, but I do wonder about that.
September 21st, 2011
I always upload photos I've only taken on that day, I've never missed a day. I knew starting out this is the way I wanted to do it. I just think it's interesting what you come across each day that you probably gave no thought to before you started this project. I am viewing my project in terms of a "year in my life", as well as a way to improve and become more creative. I'm more than 60% finished and I just started making a photo book through shutterfly to document it, for not only myself but my future children and grandchildren, which is going to be a long process I can tell already. I like that everyone views their project differently there are so many ways to interpret it.
September 21st, 2011
The journal approach is not for me - i.e., no strict rule about taking the photo that very day. Still my photos were usually taken within the last 24 hours and no longer than a couple of days earlier. My personal rule is to work up something that feels more like an art project than a journal to me - something I want to post because I feel good about how it looks - comp., colors, processing, shapes, etc. I also love coming up with a title. I admire all of you who manage both the daily journal and the beautiful photo aspects, but for me having my project be a log of my days has zero importance. I can't imagine spending any more time on this than I already do (a lot!) and it would cause me anxiety and pressure me to put up photos I'm unhappy with (which some times happens anyway). On a diff. subject - two things I do take very seriously - commenting on others' photos (I keep my follow list to a manageable # and comment on the photos of everyone there; I look at them every day) and I save a lot of faves because it makes me so happy to look at my catologue of the beautiful work I've enjoyed here. I enjoy looking through other people's faves collections and always wonder about people who don't fave any photos - do they not enjoy other people's work? Subject for another discussion . . .
September 21st, 2011
@beautifulthing My DSLR allows me to change the internal date which affects the EXIF info. That being said, I haven't done it and posted it on here, I did it to see if it would actually work that way. But in essence I could "take a photo a day" no matter what day it was actually was.

If I don't take a photo everyday, so what. I feel like my creativety suffers when I force a shot. I gave myself this week "off" to see how my creative juices got restored by only taking a photo if I wanted to or if I had an idea in mind. I feel like it has helped. Like Jinx said, it had become more about the community to me. I enjoy photography and I started this to get better and give myself an excuse to do something I love doing. I'm not going to kill myself everyday just to get a photo for that day.
September 21st, 2011
The photo I post on a give date must have been taken on that date. I think I've had to post them late a couple of times, but the it's the take they are taken that is important to my project.
September 21st, 2011
We have a shared computer which limits my time spent on it. When people are out for days at a time this seems more doable unless I am taking pictures late into the night. That has been known to happen. ;-) I however I don't work well just before midnight so I don't even try. I very rarely have them posted on the same day and I don't worry about it. :-)
September 21st, 2011
The best part of 365 is that everyone makes their own "rules" and feels comfortable doing so. The discipline of a pic a day posted the same day is not remotely interesting for me to do myself but I'm glad that some people here get a good feeling doing that. Although I can be disciplined and organized when I have to be, I much prefer a flexible approach. A nice photo of a cool memory is more important to me than a crappy pic because it was taken on a certain day. At the end of a year, I will be thrilled to have a collection of 365 pics that remind me of some great times and sights from the past year. I will be even more thrilled that I have a whole new group of friends. And maybe I'll have learned a few things too .... bonus.
September 21st, 2011
In the beginning, I shot and posted on the day, but it often felt like "homework". Once I realized that there were no "date" police, I relaxed and started to enjoy myself. I take photos every day and edit in the evening. Posting happens the next morning and it's sometimes not the shot that I planned on posting! It's not for everyone, but it's a system that works for me - I'm now into my second year and still having fun!
September 21st, 2011
I'm very much a homebody and don't get to go out often, so when I do I try to use the photos for three days - but no more. I have no idea why I set that particular limit but I have. It gives me chance to vary my photos though from my usual narrow range and I feel I haven't wasted my trip out by only picking one photo.
Other than that it's an every day thing which I enjoy. :) Unless of course I can't get a shot and then it's panic time lol! They aren't all great, but the point for me is that I pick up the camera and practice.
I find it odd that some pics on the site dont have their exif data - why would that happen? Is it a deliberate thing?
September 21st, 2011
For the most part I have tried to keep the daily picture from that day. But occaisionally, when I knew I wouldn't be able to post, I have shot ahead or used a filler. There was one day when I was going to retake a photo, so that it would authentically be from that day, and then decided that was a bit silly, so I used the older photo. I'd say my project is 95% "on the day" and 5% not. I think if you can do it, it's great, but sometimes life is just not that simple anymore!
September 21st, 2011
I take a picture everyday and post it from the day I take it. Sometimes it is crap but my personal rule is not to use filler on this project. I do edit those photos.
September 21st, 2011
My exif info is always off. When I take a photo before noon, when I upload it, it says it was taken the day before. I don't know why it does that! But I'm really loose with keeping up with days. I skip lots of days. Then I'll take 3 or 4 in one day, and upload them all for that week. And it doesn't bother me one bit! I usually try to stay very close to the day it was taken, tho. I like to see my progression and improvement.
September 21st, 2011
@tolpol Love it!
September 21st, 2011
My goal is to take a picture each day and post it that day if possible. That said, I also have a life and it sometimes gets in the way, but mostly just in the way of posting. I also process... sometimes lots and sometimes little, but nearly always at least a crop and often a bit of exposure, because my main camera has been my iPhone and with no zoom, I usually need to crop out unwanted stuff and with no exposure settings, I often need to adjust for that. In my main 365 album I post pics I have taken on the appropriate date, though I don't always get a chance to post that day... HOWEVER, there have been a few exceptions to this: My first few photos are fillers, because I am a little bit anal and I wanted my project to start on 1, even though I didn't discover/start it until a few days after that. Also, on 26 January I used a picture of my mother-in-law that I "took" from my husband's phone. (You can read why if you visit my project.)
September 21st, 2011
@juanita There are tons of reasons a photo might not have exif data. Some photo-editing software deletes it when you save a photo you've worked on. Some people might be using digital images of photos that were originally shot on film. Others might be using an iPhone - most iPhone apps strip your exif data, as do iPad apps.
September 21st, 2011
My main album will be blank if I did not take a photo that day. I do try to get it uploaded that day so I don't overwhelm people's feeds. That does not always work out for me, though (as evidenced by my recent gap). Part of the project for me is as a diary of what I was doing. My extra album does not match up, though. I use it for pictures I like that weren't the best one, or for pictures I took before I started the project. 365 has been a great boon to my health - I get out and walk at least a bit each day, and i try to choose peaceful surroundings when I do it.
September 21st, 2011
I've never used a filler. I'd rather just put up a rubbish shot than a filler any day! I think what I tend to forget sometimes is that I'm not doing this to upload a fabulous picture everyday! Just to upload a picture a picture!
September 21st, 2011
I shot everyday something no matter what. I edit them that night and post that next morning for the most part.
September 21st, 2011
i usually shoot a day ahead...i take many photos everyday, but almost always post them the following morning, due to time....i am trying to get some that are taken and posted the same day, but my kids do not always allow for that luxury, lol
September 21st, 2011
I just started but my goal is a photo a day. I don't have any fear about posting a bad picture for the day. If I stressed about the perfect picture everyday then it would never get done. I'm using this project to challenge myself to stop and look at the world around me and not let another day/month/year go by that I may forget or miss something. I may not always get it uploaded the day it is taken if I don't have time to get online. I agree with most people that is should be whatever you want your project to be.
September 21st, 2011

Ahh thanks very much :)
September 21st, 2011
With work, four young kids, school, playcentre, making sure my family is fed and clean and sorted I just don't get time to do the every day thing. I'd love to be able to but I just can't. I take photos which inspire me and make me think, some are boring some I like to think are pretty good. Sometimes I struggle to fill days, especially when its been a really busy week and I'm extra tired from getting up in the night to sick kids etc. At the end of the day it's my project and as long as I'm happy thats all that counts I guess. I love this place and would hate to to be able to be part of it because I didn't actually take a photo every day.
September 22nd, 2011
for the most part, a picture on that day...but then I passed my 365th day and I decided to relax my own rules. I still try to keep it to a pic posted to the day I took it but I forgive myself when I falter and use fillers. I usually tell folks in my narrative something like, "filler today because I am lazy..." : )~
September 22nd, 2011
The great thing about 365 is that encourages the habit of using the camera every day and posting something every day, and this is excellent practice whether you are just learning to use a camera or have been actively engaged in photography for 50 years, but to interpret it as a "rule" that every photograph must be posted on the day it was taken implies a willingness to publish in a hurry, just to meet the deadline, pehaps sometimes not even taking the time to edit and process for best effect, and to waste some excellent shots taken on "good" days when several photo opportunities occur because there is only room for one! This does not make sense to me ... I take photographs every day and post every day, but reserve the right to choose which and when, although I do understand that some people like the discipline of sticking rigidly to what they believe to be an inflexible rule, but as so many others have said, "It's your project, so please do what you find gives you the greatest satisfaction". .
September 22nd, 2011
As far as I'm concerned, I'm presenting one pic per day, whether I take it on that day, finish processing it on that day or just want to show it off on that day. I do like to take my time to prepare a lot of my stuff and it can take a while with work and family commitments, but get it done I do. I'm by no means a 365 fundamentalist, but an avid enthusiast of the project.

And well said, Arthur :)
September 22nd, 2011
@juanita Sure thing! I'm in that boat a lot of the time - I shoot a lot on film (haven't posted any of those here yet) and on my iPhone so more often that not my exif data is not to be found!
September 22nd, 2011
I started the project last year and wasn't able to get to 365...I was pretty good about taking a picture every day and posting the same day. Towards the end when things started to get hectic I posted fillers. I don't want to make excuses but when life happens...it happens! LOL Now, I've started again with a more laid back approach...I think it will be easier to maintain the 365 that way. I have already posted a couple fillers but I'm doing my best to take a picture everyday! Wish me luck! LOL
September 22nd, 2011
Personally, my new year's resolution was to make a new photo every day, and that is what has kept me going. I have taken a daily photo every day so far this year (although I don't always get them uploaded that day!) and love the visual record of my year that I am compiling as a result.....
September 22nd, 2011
so far I have only posted photos taken on the day and there aren't any gaps, I look at my project as a photographic diary of the day, for the year, and posting shots from some other time just wouldn't fit with that idea, is a struggle sometimes coming up with something everyday though :)
September 22nd, 2011
Ok, so I guess I am the only bad person here lol. I did try to post everyday, but between my computer going out totally 3 times, waiting to buy a new one. Then alot of stuff happens. I know excueses. And you are right. So today I bought a new computer and I am at about 95% now. So when I start a new one again, I promise I will try to do one a day. Good or bad. Rain or shine. Sick or not "). Thank you all for being an inspiration for me to do better.
September 22nd, 2011
I do not post every day. I try to post every day, but I work full time, and still want to spend a little time with my family. I am taking photos almost everyday, and have learned so much. I honestly get hurt that people sometimes make such a big deal about "filler" or by the fact that something wasn't posted the same day. I though this whole project was about exploring photography and learning! I think you can do that even if you don't literally "stick" to the unpublished rules.
September 22nd, 2011
This is day 264 and every single photo in my main album, thus far, has been taken on that day. That's part of the challenge to me anyway.
September 22nd, 2011
I am only like 13% into this thing, and I have taken a picture every day. What I am struggling with is I have time to take tons of shot on the weekends, and am lucky to take a few during the week. I am tempted to post process (my love) some photos during the week, that I took on the weekend for my day. For me, the point is to practice you skill every day whether it be behind the camera or in front of the computer.
September 22nd, 2011
@wordpixman Oh, very well said... my thoughts exactly!

September 22nd, 2011
I used to kind of keep up with a daily photo. It is nearly impossible now because of having a baby and a toddler, AND a house on the market. I do the best I can. This isn't always priority, but I don't want to just upload crap. So if I take a series of shots that I like, I will most likely use them all as fillers. I am doing this for me and don't really follow any rules except for ones that I make for myself. :)
September 22nd, 2011
I take at least a photo every day. But sometimes there is a picture I like to edit first or yesterday's second best is much more album like. In such a case I will post an older picture instead. Not as a filler but beacause I think it better or has a nice story to tell.
September 22nd, 2011
I have set the target of taking a phot every day, if I don't there will be no fillers.
I am only 35 days into it. I have two other albums, on one I mainly put my almost image, the other I have set up to share images I took on a trip to Antarctica.

I would like to post a good image everyday, but if I take some and none of them are any good, I will still post.

I will sometimes leave it to the next day to post because I like to photgraph the stars.

I would like to post different types, but there are some places that need capturing over and over.

There have been a few days were I wouldn't normally have bothered, but because I am doing this I have got out and taken some.

And I think it has been worthwhile.
September 23rd, 2011
i usually post not necessarily what i've taken but usually always what i've edited that day....
September 23rd, 2011
I take one photo a day, but don't always get to posting it the day of.
So the photo posted is the one taken that day.
September 23rd, 2011
I take photos almost every day, but when I do not take photos I am working on my photos and my creativity. I feel that since I am still working on my craft even if it was not ACTUALLY TAKEN that day, I'm still remaining true to my art so yeah, I'll post something that was taken on another day. Photography as an art is not just about pushing a shutter button.
September 23rd, 2011
For me this project gives me a reason to pick up my camera everyday. And while I take photos everyday sometimes they just don't turn out. I would rather use a photo taken on a different day than a photo I am disappointed with. I am so impressed with everyone who is able to take and post on the same day - way to go!
September 23rd, 2011
I started out making sure I took the photo on the day I planned to upload it, but then things got really busy, I ended up absent from my project for over a month, and now I just try and upload a photo a day --whether it was taken that day or not.

In January I am going to try starting again with 365 photos taken ON the day :)
September 23rd, 2011
I had to use some fillers along the way mostly for health reasons but I always kept the fillers from around the time it was needed.
September 23rd, 2011
I did a little survey of my most recent 25 friends, looking at the last pic they posted to see if the dates matched. Out of the 25, 10 didn't match, 9 did, and 6 didn't show the date of the pic. Just pointing this out because from the preceding comments, it feels like those who do not impose rigid rules on themselves are in the minority when in fact they are probably just less vocal and/or busy with life.
September 23rd, 2011
I take and upload on the day ... so far .... nine months into my second year ... I've managed to do that every day! But that's just my plan for me ... and I know it wouldn't work for everyone.
Whatever "floats your boat" is fine!
September 23rd, 2011
I have tried to post every day on the day I took the pic, but sometimes life just gets in the way! I hate seeing the gaps when I pull up the calendar view so I have filled in with pics from previous days. I don't think it takes anything away from the project, but I agree, it should be a pic a day, taken on that day.......but what can ya do, sometimes its just not possible.
September 23rd, 2011
Even if it is just a random pic with the camera phone, I take and post only pics from that day, every day so far (~2 months in). I'm committed to this project, and it has already helped me create some images that I would've probably never produced. Due to this constraint, there are some horrid pics on my project!

What I should have done in retrospect was commit to going through my back catalog and editing and offering for sale a photo a day...
September 23rd, 2011
I'm on day 265 and I've only "filled" two spots (one day I was SO sick I completely forgot) so the next day I posted kleenex - haha ... and then the other, I have no clue what happened. :) For me, the project is definitely about the 'every day commitment'!
September 23rd, 2011
Half way through year 2, I confess to the fill-in category. As others have said, 365 is like a diary and I never was any good at keeping a daily diary. For me, the constraints of writing/posting every day produce constipation. I look at my project with a broader stroke; while not every picture was taken on that calendar day, I don't post photos older than 30 days...unless to really do something new & creative with post production. I find that some days are simply more prolific and interesting than other days and it seems very confining to not be able to enjoy and appreciate one day's bounty for a few more days into the week or month.

Despite all my backpedaling, I REALLY admire and respect those who choose to shoot every single day. What bugs me is blank calendar pages. Did you not live that day? I do try to upload every single day....except when I'm on the road w/o internet access.
September 23rd, 2011
year one had a couple of fillers in the first week or so when I wasn't too bothered about this project... but since then, daily...

91% into year two and not missed a day yet..
September 24th, 2011
Having just yesterday completed my first year, all but a very few recent shots were taken on THAT day--yay!! Super hard to do, though, especially when I want them to be really good. Had to settle for really average most of the time, but between work, chores, after-work activities, vacations away from internet, etc. I was lucky to get anything at all posted many days. How nice it would be to not work, get to travel, have live-in subjects such as kids,... We do what we can do, eh?!
September 24th, 2011
@andycoleborn Wow, I'm impressed!! My year two will be much more leniant!
September 24th, 2011
@sunnygreenwood I think a lot of people are very busy. I have a 12 year old daughter on the Y swim team and in girl scouts. I am secretary of the Parent Board for the swim team and am a very active helper in girl scouts. My 9 1/2 year old son plays football in the fall, basketball in the winter and baseball in the spring/summer. My husband coaches baseball and football. On top of that my husband's job is an hour commute one way. And, I'm a full time first grade teacher. So, I'm pretty proud of the fact that I am able to be disciplined enough to edit every day and still take pictures usually about 3 or 4 days a week.
September 24th, 2011
I am an in the infiller group. Oh to have a life where I had time to take and post every day!
September 24th, 2011
This topic was like catnip to me, because I've struggled with it since I started my project, and struggle with it even more lately, now that I've seen so many incredible photos. But at least for my first year, I want to stay true to my mission to take a photo a day, that records that day. I've occasionally strayed, but in general, I've stayed true even if my day was busy (and they all are), and even if I have to post a boring photo.

I think that was the original purpose of this site, and it has morphed into something else that I equally enjoy, but for me this is not a popularity contest. I just want to learn more and take an honest photo that represents my day. Mission accomplished.

And I'd really rather look at the large view of a few people's photos and make honest comments than skim through a whole bunch on my phone (not that I have a phone that would do that), and say things like "Beautiful," "Nice capture," or "Great processing."

Just saying...
September 25th, 2011
I upload a beautiful picture to please my followers eyes, one for every day in the calendar. Do I upload it every single day, no I sometimes backtrack, do I take them on separate days, no. But I hope my followers love me anyway.
September 27th, 2011
I faithfully post photos as I up-load them to my computer. They are current daily photos......sometimes taken the day before. But never older. But what if I am away for a week or two ? Should I still post one, taken daily, for each day? ?
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