Who Are You?

June 3rd, 2010
Hey guys!

So, I've realized that I've been on 365 for a little while now, posting my own pictures, having little conversations with people here and there but I've never really gotten to know anyone.

I love getting to know new people, I love learning about people's stories, why their here, etc.

So, tell me something about yourself, let's get to know each other!

Tell me who you are, tell me why you're here. Where are you from? What do you aspire to be? What are you goals, hopes & dreams? What and who inspires you? What do you hope to accomplish at the end of the 365? Where will you be in 3 years? What do you want your work to look like? Are you happy? Tell me a fun fact about yourself. Where can I view more of your work?
And finally, show me a photograph/photographs that you are most proud of.

June 3rd, 2010
I'll start!

My name is Stefanie Neves (Nev-es, not Neeves). I am a 16 year old aspiring fashion- maybe- photographer from a place within Toronto, Canada. I live in a city where everything was meant for cars, a place where you get sick of being after a while, but love coming home to a night.
I have a head full of hot air and a mind full of creativity which I enjoy expressing through my photographs.
Everyone and everything inspires me; I want to capture movement and beauty at its finest.
I want to capture that in-between moment; that state of mind before you drift off into the unknown and before you're aware. That place before earth and nirvana. That moment between landing and flying.
At the end of this 365 I want to look over my work and say "I have improved. I am proud of myself."
In three years I'll be adding more "Places I've Been" pins to my world map.
I want my work to be inspirational and beautiful. I want people to stare endlessly at my work and still find no words. I want to be amazing.
I am beyond happy.
Fun fact- I've declared myself to be arachnophobic; I am extremely terrorfied of spiders. I do know that it's "all in your head" kind of thing too.

Photographs I'm proud of:
http://tinyurl.com/23ap7x9 - One of my first photographs, ever.
June 3rd, 2010
Hello, I am also Stephanie! I'm fifteen, a freshman in High School, a flute player, a colloquial writer, an avid reader (and huge Harry Potter fan), a singer, and an actress (but NOT a dancer).
I'm here because I've always enjoyed taking photos, and I never get any honest feedback from friends. I'm from the United States (North Carolina to be exact), but I've always wanted to go somewhere less... well, hot and muggy. {:
I really don't know what I want to be. At the moment, the best job I can think of is being in some sort of the medical profession and do something artsy on the side. By artsy, I mean writing, photography, drawing, etc.
I want to get into a good college, and I really want someone to remember the day i was born and the day I died, other than my friends and family. I kinda feel like that's a bit conceited, but it's true. d:
My inspiration comes from music, and people who have started off worse than me and come out better for it.
I'm not really looking for accomplishment out of 365, per say, but I want a chance to show off something that I'm actually good at. I want to look back at my calendar and think, 'Man, I'm glad I did this!'
In three years, I'll be at the end of my senior year in high school, hopefully looking forward to a bright future at some college. I want a scholarship, but I don't know exactly what that requires.
I like to think that I am happy, but I am a bit discontented. I'm not sure what it is, but I feel like maybe I'm not getting what I deserve. or maybe it's that I have more than I deserve. Either way, I think I'm about as happy as any normal teenager in the modern USA can be. ;)
I used to own a horse, but now I think that I don't like animals that much. I have phobia of gastropods (snails and especially slugs) and cannibals. My favorite drink is either Cheerwine or Diet Dr. Pepper. [:
Most of my photos are on Facebook. I'm onto my second photography album. However, FB is friends only, and I don't really feel comfortable adding people that I haven't met in person on Facebook.
Photos I'm proud of:

I love this one because it has more meaning and depth to it than it looks on the surface. I think it shows some of who I am by showing one of the things that strikes the strongest chord in me.

I like this photo because it really shows the kind of person I am. It's not something I think most people would think to take a photo of, yet it captures who I am in a variety of ways. I'm reaching out for something that's right inside my mailbox, so to speak... but I want to look inside first, because I'm wary of life. [:
NOTE: Both of these photos are on 365 if you want to look at more stuff about them. ;)
June 3rd, 2010
Teenagers! It almost felt like everyone here was an adult...
About me...I'm terrible at these but I'll give it a try...
Hello my name is..not Stephanie but my sister's is! :D Mine is Valeria. People ALWAYS misspell it and drives me crazy. I'm 17. I'm a feminist. I love bugs and animals so much. I want to just own a huge house with lots of pets. I live in California but I want to get out and explore the whole world. I would love to join Peace Corps someday. I'm also hoping to become a firefighter but who knows if I'll change my mind later as I'm very indecisive. but I'm more than 100% sure that I want a career were happiness will be greater than the money. I have no idea where I'll be in three years and that frightens me yet excites me all at once. At the end of 365 I'm hoping I look back and think how awful my pictures are/were because that means I'll have improved.
June 3rd, 2010
I'm 21, a dental student in Sheffield and I take pictures because I like to. I've wanted to be a dentist for years and years (since I was 13) and it looks like I'm finally getting there - just two more years of studying to go! I think I'm meant to be a grown up now, but I still act like a kid loads of the time and I enjoy things like feeding the ducks and going to the play park after all the kids have gone, so I can play. :-) I'm also engaged to a wonderful guy called Simon who helps keep me sane when I'm feeling stressy and puts up with allsorts because of this project (star jumps, silly faces, distortion lenses...)

I can't pick any photos from my 365 that I think "wow" about at the moment, but this is one I'm quite proud of, because of the editing involved.

And I've just seen this one again, which is another I really like.
June 3rd, 2010
I'm Naomi, I'm 16 and from West Yorkshire, UK.
-I don't really know what I want to do when I'm older but many have told me that I'm good with people and may end up going into something like counselling, teaching or on the other side of things something artsy/sciencey related xD
-My goal in life is to be happy, with a loving family (I want to adopt) and a friendly, homely home.
-I don't really know what inspires me, I guess sometimes other people's shots, sometimes just what I see when I'm going around!
-I don't really hope to accomplish anything by the end of 365...well, that's not why I began doing it, but my love for photography has grown, I'm learning more how to use cameras and I'm now saving up for my first DSLR, which is exciting!
-In 3 years time...I'll be 19...that's weird xD I hope to either be in Uni and loving it or on a gap year, possibly doing some youth work in a down and out area of the UK (I always think that these areas get forgotton when people go to places like Africa), hopefully having passed some GCSEs and A-levels!
-I like my work to be of something we see every day...but looking different. I know I don't always achieve this every day but I love it when I do achieve it! I guess, I don't really have a 'set' way I want all my pictures to look, I just kind of go with the flow!
-I would say that outwardly I'm a very happy person, and I am very lucky to live in the area of the world that I live in...however many people don't know that inwardly I don't find life so easy, and have a lot going on...but I'm working on it!!!
-You can see more of my work on Facebook, although I think that only my 365 album is viewable to people who aren't my friends...after exams, I'm hoping to sort out my Flickr and set up my own website to try and sell some of my photos on! (wish my luck xD)
June 3rd, 2010
I am a 46 year old minister from Duncannon, PA, USA, who has a passion for photography as a hobby. After being a pastor for 25 years, I am now an appointed missionary to the Kingdom of Swaziland in southern Africa. My family is moving there on July 27. We will be working with the children who are afflicted and affected by the HIV/AIDS pandemic. My photos will naturally shift to Africa at that time. I have been married for 24 years to my wife, Darlene. We have a 21 year old son, Jordan, who is a legal specialist in the Army National Guard, an 18 year old daughter, Alyssa, who is graduating from high school on June 4 and going to Africa with us for one year (also on 365), and a 6 year old daughter, Kia, also moving with us to Africa.

I believe God created everything we see. Thus, my goal in photography is for people to enjoy that beauty around us. Many of my shots have to do with nature or scenic things because of this. I will not copyright or watermark any photos. I take them purely for your enjoyment. If anyone wants to claim them as their own, well, that's on their conscience. I sleep well at night. :)

You can also connect with me on Facebook at www.facebook.com/mtg176 and our website is www.thegoodlings.net for more info on what we are doing in Africa. Blessings to you! :)
June 3rd, 2010
Tell me who you are, tell me why you're here. Where are you from?
I am Michelle. 22 from Australia. I am here because I love taking photos and I wanted something I could look back on and learn from.

What do you aspire to be? I just want to have enough money to get my own house, get married and start a family. I just want to be happy.

What are you goals, hopes & dreams? Save enough money for a house, get my P's and buy my own car, get married and then plan having a family. Get a cat!!! ;)

What and who inspires you?
Everyday life and everyday people. Celebrities too sometimes. But a lot of things inspire me.

What do you hope to accomplish at the end of the 365?
Get better skilled with my photography and have something to look back on and keep track of an awesome year.

Where will you be in 3 years? hopefully doing the things I said earlier and starting new things in my life.

What do you want your work to look like? Like it came from me.

Are you happy? Yes!

Tell me a fun fact about yourself?
I have a smiley faced birthmark!

Where can I view more of your work? All on here! And Lots on facebook as well!

And finally, show me a photograph/photographs that you are most proud of.

And this was my first photo and I love it!
June 3rd, 2010
Hi Stephanie!!

I am Sandra, I'm 42 and I'm from Illinois, just north of St. Louis, MO. I love science fiction, cats, knitting, and taking pictures. I started using 365 to practice my camera skills. I didn't expect to make so many new friends.

I aspire to be happy and good to the people around me. Oh, and not be broke. I don't need to be rich, just be able to get things done without worrying about where the next dime is coming from.

My goals are to keep my nose clean, do my job well, and enjoy my life. Do something good, inspire somebody, then become a crazy old sweater knitting cat lady that wears too much purple and too much perfume.

I'm inspired by people who are kind. Kind in the face of all the rudeness out there. I try to be like that. You don't have to like me for me to say something nice or do something nice. My grandfather and daddy inspired me. EVERYBODY liked them. They were uncommonly kind. I'm also inspired by people that can laugh at themselves and don't mind being silly or thought of as silly. Nothing perks up a dreary day like a good honest giggle.

I hope that my photography skills are better when i get through this 365. I'd like composition to come more naturally. I can't tell you how many shots I've missed or messed up because I couldn't figure out how to set the shot up or frame it right. It's also a diary of sorts. I can look back at it and see what I was doing the year I was 42.

In 3 years I hope to still be employeed where I work now, still in my house with my husband and two cats.

I want my pictures to strike a chord...cause a laugh, make something think of me.

I am happy. yes.

A fun fact? hmmm...I once fell off a chairlift at Squaw Valley in California and broke my leg and got my cast signed by Wolfman Jack...but you probably don't know who that is. Google him!

This is pretty much where my pictures are kept. I have some on facebook.

And finally, I think this is my favorite photo so far. The bride is my niece. She was only 1 when I married her Uncle. http://365project.org/msk1p2/365/2010-05-22
June 3rd, 2010
What a coincidence, we've just launched the first of our series of interviews over on the 365 Blog, check out Carl Rice's interview... http://365project.org/blog/365ers-an-interview-with-carl-rice
June 3rd, 2010
I'm Chris, I'm 18 and I'm here because I love photography and just wanted to test myself and see if I could actually take a photo everyday for a year.

I was born in Philadelphia, PA live in West Windsor, NJ during the summer and when school starts back up again I'll be back in Philly

I aspire to be someone doing great work in the communications field. I love my major and I love what comes out of it. I want to be on TV, I want to do movies, have a radio show. I want to do everything I possibly could that could involve creating media and sharing it with people for them to enjoy

The photographers that inspire me are Ansel Adams and Rob Sheridan.

At the end of this all I just want to put together a book of all my photos from this project.

In three years I'll still be in college, senior year of college though! Actually no...in three years I will have graduated college now that I think about it, so I will be looking for a job.

I am a happy person!

One fun fact hmm I've met Michael Bay, Shia Labeouf and Megan Fox. Thats not very fun but its pretty cool

Though I don't update my deviantart any more you can view some of my early stuff here: http://goosebumpsadair.deviantart.com/gallery/

Photos I'm proud of would be:

June 3rd, 2010
I'm Matt - my age is my business. ;o) I decided to do a 365 as I felt I'd been drifting through life recently (for various reasons) so needed some kind of project to get my teeth into. I also like photography - of the compact camera kind - and bought a Fujifilm Finepix 200EXR especially for this. Some of my photography skills have already improved. I also keep this at my Facebook profile and the clear favourite with my friends so far is this one:

June 3rd, 2010
I am Dalia! I am here because I just started photography and I have to say that I like it alot! I felt that it's safest here, not like on Flickr and such where people steal your pictures and are quite rude too. I am from Egypt, and I want to work in the embassy one day and be an ambassador! Almost everything inspires me, from music to my closest friends and family. At the end of 365 I wish to get better at photography and be able to show off my photos to people and be happy with my work! In 3 years I'd probably be in college in California taking political sciences, and psychology! I want my work to be full of travelling, and socializing with people, because these are two of my favorite stuff. I want to be in an office, and mainly be a busy woman! I am pretty happy with my life and myself right now, and I couldn't wish for more in anything!

Ummm, fun fact.. I speak English, arabic, french, german, spanish and learning dutch!

I don't really have a photograph that I am proud of, but I think that those are the best I've taken so far..

June 3rd, 2010
hi! i'm danielle, 31, from nj....8 months into being married and loving it!
i started knitting about 5 years ago, and started to get obsessed with taking awesome knitting pictures....and during wedding planning, after looking into so many photogs, i really got interested in photography.....got my raise/bonus at work in april, and went out and bought my first slr! (altho, i love my trusty p&s and took some fantastic pictures in hawaii with it)
i started this just b/c i thought it would be fun to track my photography progress, and have one specific place where pictures are laid out and more organized.....and plus, it turns out i'm an attention whore ;)
in 3 years? i hope to be doing a 365 following our kids...we hope to start our family soon (sooner the better)...
fun fact about myself? uhhh...mmmm...yeah, i'm pretty boring
more of my "work"? (i use quotes cuz really, they're just pictures, not work per se) can be found on my flickr http://www.flickr.com/photos/15452459@N02/sets/
photos i'm proud of?

well, they're my photos! of course i'm proud of them all! (or most of them at least)

June 4th, 2010
Hey I'm Marissa, I'm 13 years old and I'm interseted in Photography, and Art.I'm from Blairsville Georgia.I love animals and I have been trying to volunteer at my local animal shelter but Ive been told I am a little too young. Maybe next year. Ive been taking photos for about 2 years now And I didnt know what to do with all the pictures. My mom just kept saving them on our computer and it was becoming overfilled. I found this website when I was on facebook and my friends mother, Diane, had a link to this website so I checked it out. I really turned out to like it. I mostly take photos of flowers and abunch of still life.A cool fact about me is that I have a Twin Brother. we dont really look alike at all. some features though.

I dont really know how to post a link but my name is Marissa Spaulding and My webname thing in Missmarissy. I think it is www.365project.org/missmarissy ?

http://365project.org/missmarissy/365 I think thats it?
June 4th, 2010
Hey, Sandra M, we may be from the same chunk of Illinois. I'm just north of St. Louis too.

... but about me... Yeah...
I'm Sarah though I like going by Elle to for a handful of reasons. I am twenty years old and, like I told Sandra M, I'm also a little north of St. Louis. Its fun stuff and I love it here like mad. ♥

I'm here because I wanted to do a 365 and I thought this would keep me on track. Turns out its only made me feel more guilty about missing days but that's alright because my whole reason for wanting to do a 365 was to grow as a photographer and get to be proud of the pictures I was taking.

One day I hope to be a kindergarten teacher, psychologist and "professional" photographer. Note the "and." I'm not kidding. I want to do all of those things and, mark my words, I will. Just wait and you'll see.

Music and bright colors and shiny, sparkly things inspire me. The music bit is really rather obvious, I think. After all, I'm always drawing from random songs to title my pictures.
My friends also inspire me because they're just such lovely people and some of them are brilliant cosplayers. That's the best motivation to get better at doing portraits, I think.

In three years I'll still be pretty young but I want to say I'll be teaching by then, and maybe, maybe, maybe I'll be one of those photographers that travels to a bunch of different conventions to work with awesome cosplayers. That'd be fun stuff, yeah?

A fun fact about me... I have a twin and it makes me feel bad and I know its rude but I will answer the phone while I'm talking to someone if its her calling. I sort of just do it without thinking.

More of my work can be seen here on my deviantART although the only other pictures there are older pre-365 pictures.

... and it was hard to decide which picture I'm the most proud of because lately I've been so proud of my work but I think the one I've settled on is the one that makes me proud so I'll go with it.
Its my baby sister all dressed up for her senior prom. How could I not go with that one?
June 4th, 2010
Hi, I'm Stephanie, and so's my wife!

No, I'm called Kit, as you can see, and I'm from Norwich, in the UK... Umm... I am a musician - primarily, a drummer and percussionist, but also a pianist/keyboard player... I work in bands, orchestras, sessions, blah, blah, blah...

I'll try and answer a few of these questions -
Tell me who you are, tell me why you're here. Where are you from? What do you aspire to be? What are you goals, hopes & dreams? What and who inspires you? What do you hope to accomplish at the end of the 365? Where will you be in 3 years? What do you want your work to look like? Are you happy? Tell me a fun fact about yourself. Where can I view more of your work?
And finally, show me a photograph/photographs that you are most proud of.

I'm here because, I'm here because, I'm here because, I'm here... (An old song from World War One - or so I'm told!) Yeah, no proper answer to that, other than being slightly addicted to websites that you can "sign up" to...

I aspire to be successful in my chosen career... To be respected for what I do...

Who and what inspire me? Well, at work, I'm influenced by loads of different musicians from past and present... (I shan't list them all here!) In general life, it sounds a bit sucky, but, I guess, friends and family... I live with my dad and my sister - they both mean a lot to me, and I guess that they, more than anyone, are the people to whom I look for inspiration...

Hmm, this is getting a bit deep... :/ So - what do I hope to accomplish at the end of the 365 project? Not to have broken my camera? Seems like a realistic, achievable goal...

In three years, I'll probably be right where I am now - on the sofa, with a glass of Scotch, on the internet, when I ought to be in bed!

Am I happy? Is anyone? Really?

Where can you view more of my work? Why would you want to? If you mean photography, there's plenty on my 365 Project to be getting on with... If you want to know more about my actual "work" work - ie. the music stuff - you can go to my website to hear some songs, see some pictures, and generally have a good ol' laugh...

And I'm proud of this photograph, in particular, because people seemed to like it, and the first (and, to date, the only) time I've been featured on the "popular" page has been with this shot -

Nahh, just kidding - my name's Rudolph, and I'm a firefighter... :)
June 4th, 2010
Hey everyone =), I'm Leah living in one of the 5 boroughs of NY...i'm here to share my love for photography, though i am a beginner. I'm currently a student and hoping to one day become a nurse, have a great family & live my life with this great man in my life. When i look back at my 365 project, i hope that i was able to capture some great things that will bring back good memories of this year. Hopefully in 3 years ill be done with school, working & married. I love trying new things && i recently jumped out of a moving plane! Skydiving was the most intense thing I've ever done & i cant wait to do it again!

my 365 project: http://365project.org/overth3rainb0w/profile

one of my fave photos: http://365project.org/overth3rainb0w/365/2010-04-18
June 4th, 2010
Hey 365ers!

My names Jess, I'm 20 years old and live in a coastal town called Port Macquarie on the coast of NSW, Australia.
I have been really into photography for the last 4-5 year, and am hoping to make it into a career one day.
I currently live with my mother and my boyfriend, as I have no money and live on centrelink right now :p
I am also studying Website Design at TAFE, and have a cert 4 in both Multimedia and Graphic Design behind me,
The Reason I am doing 365 is because I need a hobby, which i need to compete everyday. It keeps me thinking, entertained, and it is helping my improve my skills as a photographer.
I also love coming on here and getting inspired by other peoples work, I look and think "How can i do that?" without ripping off the exact same shot.

In 3 years I hope to be in a full time job, weather it be retail or Photogrpahy, I hope to have a bunch of friends since all my other ones have left me alone in this tiny town :p and to just be happy.
I am fairly happy right now, although I wish I could just find a job and get to work so I can afford all the things I need and not have to live off my mother :(

You can view my other work, both photos and art at my deviantart account
right here :- DA

Thanks for reading about me! :)
This is my fav pic out of all my 365, although Its hard to choose as I am mostly proud of all of them

June 4th, 2010
Hello, I am Immy! I'm fourteen, a freshman, a writer, an artist, a singer, and from Maryland. If I grow up, I want to be a traveller or a photographer or a painter or a writer..clearly, it is still completely up in the air! One of my goals is to go to Oxford University and to live in England by the time I turn eight-teen. I'm here because I don't have any close friends that are into photography as much as I am. I also wanted to see if I could do it - take a picture every day! At the end of my 365 (I'll be restarting for one!), I hope that I realise there are little things in life to smile about and that I don't exactly need photos to recognise them. In three years I can see myself getting ready to graduate and go onto England and Oxford University, I hope. I am happy the majority of the time, but depression often clouds my mind so much that happiness seems impossible. One fact about me would be that I've already lived in 3 different countries, over the course of my whole life. I don't have a place to show more of my work yet, but I will eventually. :]

Photo I'm most proud of -
June 4th, 2010
Tell me who you are, tell me why you're here.

I'm an English teacher in South Korea, presently teaching at an all day kindergarten. I hash, which sounds illegal but actually I'm just someone who runs/drinks with the Hash House Harriers. Since I graduated from university in Canada, I've been an expat (except that 9 months in Vancouver, but since I'm from Ontario, that's almost expat-status) and I can't imagine living life in my home country - I love travelling too much to settle down. I've been in Korea for for 5 years now, though not in a row.

Where are you from?

I'm from Bolton, a small town about an hour's drive from Toronto, which is unfortunate, as I'm not a small town kind of girl.

What do you aspire to be?

Well-travelled and well-read. I'm working on it.

What are your goals, hopes & dreams?

I'd like to live on all the continents, except for Antarctica, which I will settle for visiting. I'd like to teach in Africa. I'd like to pay off all my debt so I can volunteer where I want to and not concern myself with salary. I'd like to be a good aunt and a good teacher, though I think to achieve that in any substatial way, I need to get out of kindergarten and elementary. I'd love to go back to university.

What and who inspires you?

I like taking photos that remind me that I live in Korea and Korea is not the same as Canada. I've been here so long that I tend to forget that most of my family and friends from back home (Toronto/Vancouver/Edinburgh/Kingston) likely have little idea of what my daily life looks like.

What do you hope to accomplish at the end of the 365?

A recollection of a year, in pictures rather than words.

Where will you be in 3 years?

Hopefully on a new continent.

What do you want your work to look like?

Better than it does now. I really should spend more time framing shots as I take them and learning how to edit them after.

Are you happy?

Mostly and when I'm not, at least it's interesting.

Tell me a fun fact about yourself.

I once broke my big toe by dropping my bathroom sink on it. Long story.

Where can I view more of your work?

I blog at www.life-suitcase.blogspot.com, though I've been lazy lately. I suspect it contains the broken toe story in full, along with several others of questionable sobriety.

June 4th, 2010
Here is my 100% honest response to these questions. I love how I can totally be me here so here goes.

Im Leah. Im 32. Overweight. Bad eyesight, but not as bad as my hubbies as he is legally blind so I cant really winge about that in this house. I love TV (too much) hate getting up early, and wish every day was a cold winters night.

Im a compulsive organiser, everything must have a place and everything in its place. I recently got a new retaining wall in my yard for no other reason than the old one didn't match the other retaining walls and it was shitting me.

Im a psychologist....and work with families and children from abuse backgrounds...I love my job and thank god I get to work in this industry every day. Its a privalege to hear peoples stories and be trusted with helping them at the most devasating and challenging time in their lives.

I am one of four kids, and my parents are getting old and pretty sick. Mum has mental health issues and we have a hit and miss relationship at times. Dad is my best friend. My husband is the only person who truly knows me, and after 17 years we are still going strong. I love him more than he will ever realise and he is such a calming influence on my life - - - thank you baby - LLF

Im here because my friends told me about the site and I thought it would be a nice way to document my days. I also secretly wanted to learn more about them and this was a nice way to do so. I have come to value them more since coming on; they are more creative and gifted than I had ever realised before. I am so pleased that they are back in my life, as we lost touch for over ten years due to my selfishness as a teenager.

Im from Australia..... you know sun surf and sand. But I hardly ever got to the beach. I prefer nights over days, moon over stars. And the best day is a windy, rainy day....with a book, and a wine. Maybe I was meant to be a vampire..? Love the show true blood, but couldn't stand the movie Dracula. And I have never seen Buffy...

What do you aspire to be? What are you goals, hopes & dreams?
I'm not really sure. I aspire to be a great mother. My main goal is for my little man to look back on his childhood and not have any hang ups. To be safe, loved and have the ability to prosper emotionally and spiritually.

What and who inspires you? - My father. He has been married to mum for 50 years now, and the vow "for better or worse" really has had some meaning there. I don't know how they did it, but I think he is just the best man in the world.

What do you hope to accomplish at the end of the 365? - A photo for everyday, where I can look back and realise that the year was not wasted. That even little things can have a big impact.

Where will you be in 3 years? HOpefully exactly where I am.

What do you want your work to look like? My photos......I don't want them to be perfect. I just want them to be a reflection of exactly where we were at the time. A memory so to speak.

Are you happy? Yeh, I am

Tell me a fun fact about yourself. - .......I absolutely love Dexter........

Where can I view more of your work? Sorry this is it.

And finally, show me a photograph/photographs that you are most proud of.

Thanks Everyone..
June 4th, 2010
Tell me who you are: Brandy
Tell me why you're here: I need to be committed to something and this is it! I also have met some super awesome people here.
Where are you from? Texas
What do you aspire to be? ME, which is pretty freaking awesome!
What are you goals, hopes & dreams? Right now my goal is to get better. My hopes are for the doctors to figure out what is wrong with me and my drams are to be able to function again.
What and who inspires you? Children!
What do you hope to accomplish at the end of the 365? Just completing the project in a way that tells a story about my life.
Where will you be in 3 years? Better
What do you want your work to look like? I want my work to look how it looks. I am not looking to change my style. I think it tells a story of who I am and that is what I like.
Are you happy? Extrememly
Tell me a fun fact about yourself: I am a Tattoo Artist, Body Piercer, Christian, Homeschool, Awesome Rockin' Mama
Where can I view more of your work? http://flickr.com/notsoaveragemama
And finally, show me a photograph/photographs that you are most proud of: I'm proud of all of them. Mainly my Frankenbelly, it took some courage on my part.
June 4th, 2010
Tell me who you are: Rainee, 30 years young

Ttell me why you're here: I'm the queen of starting-something-and-never-finishing-it so this is an exercise for me to quit procrastinating and commit to doing something i've begun. I also love taking photos so this is a great tool for me to practice and meet other people who i can learn from.

Where are you from? Born in Manila, Philippines, moved to Ontario, Canada when I was 21.

What do you aspire to be? I want to be a teacher...which i kind of was (i was an assistant teacher at a montessori school) until we decided to have a baby. When Chayce was born, I went on maternity leave for 1 whole year and never went back to the school. I opened a home day care to be able to stay at home with my son and earn at the same time.

What are you goals, hopes & dreams?

Nothing particular, really. I'm a one-day-at-a-time kind of person. I think of the future in a large scheme but not large enough for me to actually have everything planned out. For now, I just want to be the best mommy i can be to chayce and to provide the best care ever to the kiddos in my daycare while taking (hopefully) beautiful photos.

What and who inspires you? Children in general insipre me

What do you hope to accomplish at the end of the 365? I want to be more confident with my picture-taking abilities. I don't know if i've set such high standards for myself that it's virtually impossible to live up to them, or i just suffer from inferiority complex. So far, this project has made me feel better about myself but that's probably mainly because the people here are sooooooo nice. I also want to actually be better at taking photos...be able to get over my shyness of taking photos in public....and to learn soooo much more about photography.

Where will you be in 3 years? at home...pregnant =) with a children's photography business on the side.

What do you want your work to look like? I want my work to look like it came from a happy place, whatever the subject may be. (i have no idea if that even makes sense)

Are you happy? Yes. Always.

Tell me a fun fact about yourself. I know the capitals of all the countries in the world and I am superduper proud of my son...who knows all the planets and where almost half of the countries are located on the map at 2 years old =)

Where can I view more of your work? facebook

And finally, show me a photograph/photographs that you are most proud of.

techincally not good, but i had such a fun time running around the house looking for the letters =)
June 4th, 2010
Lauren Dahlhauser...now a senior at Western High School...17, going on 18 :D

I was born in Indianapolis, Indiana...but now I live an hour north in Russiaville...it's right next to Kokomo...not a very interesting area. I hope to travel when I get older :)

Honestly...I'm still at that confused teenager state where I still don't know what I want to do exactly or where life will lead me. I DO know I am artsy...I like to be creative...I really REALLy enjoy photography..so I want to do something in that area :D

Well....I think it would just be soo awesome to be a photographer for National Geographics. Either that or to become a very well known photographer...I want to amaze people with my work and just give people a chance to enjoy themselves after looking at my pictures :) I want to inspire people.

Well...I have to say...this site alone and the people on it have really inspired me and encouraged me to follow my dream. Just a little "oh this is cool!" or "beautiful!" comment on my pictures make my heart smile and pushes me to keep going. It makes me feel appreciated. I didnt start REALLY getting into photography until after I started my 365project. I LOVE this site!!!!!!!

I want to keep building conifidence in my work...I want to get better...learn more...understand even the basics of what a career in photgraphy could be like. I want to keep the friends I have made..and I want people to remember me as a young girl trying her hardest to do the best at everything she does and tries to accomplish. I want to leave a good impression and I want to keep my 365 family in my heart.

GOSH!!!! I wish I KNEW!!!!!!! .....more than likely in college...hopefully I'll have a boyfriend...a happy life....ugh I dont want to think about it!! I dont want to grow up!! lol

um...I just want it to look like ME. if that makes any sense. I like color...but I also like dark powerful images...I dont take many of those...but a lot of my work is uplifting...bright...I like things to POP. :P

I am perfectly content with where I am in life...I just hope I have a bright future ahead of me.

I am a twin...yes, identical...but we dont look much alike anymore...although we used to. I lived in Europe for 2 years when I was 6...and I love gyros :) oh and coffee :) mmm. coffeeeee.

I am proud of this one because it was my FIRST water photography attempt:

I am proud of this one because it really shows my creativity..and it looks delicious :)

and I am proud of this one...because it is one picture from my first photoshoot that I had the guts to do :D :D
June 4th, 2010
My name is Emily, I'm 20 years old and from Hamilton, Ontario.

I'm here because I was tired of taken drunken pictures of friends, and want to expand my photographic horizon. I also thought the 365 Project would be a great idea to document my first year out of college.

I aspire to be successful. My goals hopes and dreams include having a family and traveling, and do things that I dont expect myelf to do and just get out there.

At the end of 365, I hope to have a lovely picture diary of the past year. This way I can look back and remember all those moments. Hopefully my photography skills will improve too.

In 3 years I hope to be living in a nice place with someone I love. With several cats. Fun fact? I am the crazy cat lady. at 20. My cats are everything to me (and it'll probably show in my pictures)

work that I'm proud of:
June 4th, 2010
I love all this feedback!

I've read every single person's responses on here, and everyone's stories and photographs are beautiful!
I want to reply to everyone individually, but it would take forever, and my response would be ridiculously long! Maybe when I have more time!

I absolutely adore getting to know people and why their here, it's so wonderful!
June 5th, 2010
I'll do it in this list way since I find it easier to read, and to fill out.

Tell me who you are, tell me why you're here.
I'm Shelley, 20 years old and I'm here because I tried doing this on Facebook, but I ended up not doing it after a couple of months. My life got rather hectic, got engaged, moved to a new state, got laid off, and a bunch of other stuff. So I gave up. Then I saw my friend was doing this on this website, so I decided to give it a go again, since I have the time to formulate a pattern.
Where are you from? Originally from South Florida, currently living in South Georgia, probably moving to South Carolina around the end of this year, or early next year since that should be when my fiancé is going into his A school for the Navy.
What do you aspire to be? An amazing mother, wonderful wife, and successful and helpful Psychologist.
What are you goals, hopes & dreams? My goals are pretty much what I aspire to be. I'm constantly watching how people parent their kids, and how I could possibly do it better, or to remember what they did, so I could do it. I jokingly suggested I should write a book before I have a kid about parenting, since it seems that most parents loss their sense after having them. I also really want to be a great Psychologist. I've always loved helping and giving advice to people, and all my friends come to me with their problems. I read people really well, so I tend to give spot on advice. Very rarely does my advice or warnings turn out wrong, so I think this would be a very good career path for me. I have so many dreams it would be insane to list here. I do make myself a "Life List" of everything I'd like to do. One of them is to own and run a Bed and Breakfast for a year.
What do you hope to accomplish at the end of the 365? Since I've been going through a lot of life changing events this past year, I want to start documenting the events in this year. I'll be able to see me and my fiancé getting married, going through him joining the Navy and our life in the first of that, and seeing us start our life together. I think it would be something to keep forever and show our kids.
Where will you be in 3 years? On some Navy base somewhere, married, probably in school, and possibly with a kid, maybe pregnant. I want kids young. :]
What do you want your work to look like? I'd like to improve on my photography, but I know I'll never be top, and I'm fine with this. I just want to mess around and have another outlet for my creativity.
Are you happy? We all have those ups and downs, and while lately has been more downs with all the life stress, I know I'm still the happiest I've been. I can see my life going somewhere, and I've found my soul mate. It's good.
Tell me a fun fact about yourself. I'm a huge gamer and a total geek. I plan on having a library in my house, so I already have quite the book collection. I sew and design clothes, and I cross-stitch.
Where can I view more of your work? Like I said, I'm not really much into photography, but I do tend to take many pictures of my life and what's going on. I post them all on my facebook. www.facebook.com/Noshortsforhobos
And finally, show me a photograph/photographs that you are most proud of.
Out of the pictures on here I like these two:
These two are pictures my fiancé took of my that are my favorites.
June 5th, 2010
I wanted to wait until I had time to properly reply to this thread! I will definitely be back to read everyone elses replies as time allows. Nice to know a bit about everyone!

Tell me who you are, tell me why you're here. Where are you from?

My name is Karen and I'm from Southeast Michigan, right outside of Detroit, in the USA. I'm 51 years young as of May 16, 2010. I've been married to my wonderful husband, Rich, for 23 years this coming August. I have 2 children and 4 awesome grandchildren. I have loved taking pictures for as long as I can remember. I have had many cameras but my main two cameras right now are a Canon Rebel XTi and a Canon Powershot A530. I have been taking photography classes to better my skills and I started a Yahoo group in my area for people who like taking pictures. I'm here because I followed my daughter Dawnhttp://365project.org/happilybarefoot/365 when I saw her uploading pictures on her facebook page. I asked her about it and decided to give it a try. So glad I did!

What do you aspire to be? What are you goals, hopes & dreams?

Wow, you are really making me think here LOL! I feel like I'm right there with what I aspire to be. My goal in life right now is helping people and I have a job that I love doing just that. I'm an Information and Referral Specialist and I refer people to human service type organizations where they might get help they are looking for. I also run many, many, community service groups in my local area. Everything from recycling groups, to parent groups, to recipe groups, to local cafes. My dream is that they might find a cure for some of my illnesses so that I can be around for a long time to come.

What and who inspires you?

The beauty that surrounds us! Just take a look at the beautiful world we live in. We will never be lacking something awesome to photograph.

What do you hope to accomplish at the end of the 365?

I guess to be taking better pictures! This place really makes you want to get out there and use your camera!

Where will you be in 3 years?

Right here on earth, hopefully!

What do you want your work to look like?

I guess we all want our work to be something pleasant to look at. Me too!

Are you happy?

Yes, I'm right where I want to be in my life. I could be a bit healthier though!

Tell me a fun fact about yourself.

I raise monarch butterflies from egg to butterfly.

Where can I view more of your work?


And finally, show me a photograph/photographs that you are most proud of.

My fave is my ferris wheel:


My newest favorite is my last rose picture. I just love how it came out.


June 5th, 2010
HOWDY! Who am I? I'm Nicole, 29 (again) somewhere in the glorious state of Texas. I'm here to delve into voyerism and attempt to take a great picture every single day!
What do you aspire to be? Well geewillikers, I aspire to be the best person I can be daily. I truly try to be a good friend, wife, and daughter, hopefully making a few laugh here are there w/in my day. My hopes, goals, dreams are simple, I pray to continue being all that I can be each day and using all that good to get me by when I become a mother and my kid makes me crazy a time or two :)

What and who inspires you? I find inspiration in so many, many things. My husband inspires me to let love flow from my pores... God inspires me to let go of hostilities, battles, whiney moments and concentrate on the now, the happy. Birds, flowers, the sky, my new grandaughter, and my step children inspire me to believe ever more so in God.

What do you hope to accomplish at the end of the 365? There's an end? Well hell! :D

In 3 years I will have moved, hopefully gotten knockered up and will have a husband at home for more then 12 months at one time! My work will then probably look like a new mom, a year in the life cycle of my new baby!

Are you happy? So much that I burp rainbows.

A fun fact...hmmm... It's a running joke w/in my house that I am deathly allergic to frogs, lizards, doodlebugs, and ice cream. They all make me swell.

Where can I view more of your work? Rightch here'a: http://www.flickr.com/photos/coleychicawawa

Or find me on Facebook: Nicole Fritter Stone

Pics I'm most proud of:


Thanks for playing!
June 5th, 2010
My name is Jenna Mackenzie. I am 22 and live in Sydney, Australia with my boyfriend Evan at the beach! I read a lotttttttttttt of books, I watch a lot of movies, I eat a lotttt of tofu and chickpeas and corn kernels and I love mushrooms and scotch.
I'm inspired by my own freedom, the elderly and by animals. Nothing empowers me like kindness, I feed off friendly advice from strangers and allowing others to be as crazy and senile as they want around me.
I don't eat meat. Not one person in my group of best friends does either. And as much as we love animals is as much as we love Lady Gaga also.
In 3 years, I will be pregnant, engaged, skinnier, better travelled, a business owner and the proud owner of a cow.

The photo I am most proud of is a photo I took in Marseille, France of a mansion nestled happily on the Mediterranean Sea:

Oh I should add as much as I love photos and looking at them, I am not an aspiring photographer in any way. I use 365 as a journal to look back on, my photos are sometimes blurry or grainy (and generally taken with my phone), but if they capture a special part of my day then I consider them perfect.
June 6th, 2010
WHO ARE YOU? Teresa, 23, Australia, second-year med student, studying to one day become a neurologist (YEARS down the track), a bit daunted by it all, but still plodding along nonetheless.

WHY 365? I've always enjoyed photography but never had the time/energy/inspiration to do it much. When I did, I'd incessantly play around with my point & shoot. Got a DSLR in February this year, never looked back. Decided in order to balance the incredible stack of scientific/medical knowledge with which I interact on a daily basis, I needed to inject some daily creativity. 365 was, has been, perfect for that. :)

YOUR AIM? I want my work to be quirky, different, show things in a different light, crisp, interesting, bright (when appropriate) way. Only a month in, and 365 has already been SUCH a steep learning curve for me. I've learned so much from everyone already. It's amazing. :D My next step is to photograph people more. Then, once I get a macro lens ($$!), more clean, interesting macros. :D

FUN FACT? I'm left-handed. :D

PROUDEST PHOTO? I have a few:

June 6th, 2010
This sounds interesting, I'm excited to read stories from other members too :) I'm bad at introducing myself, but here goes...

My name is Michelle, is 16 years old and from Indonesia.

I love reading, writing, drawing, and taking pictures. I have just recently got my DSLR camera (Canon EOS 550D), and I'm still trying to figure things out with it. In the future I hope to have a career that allows me to explore my interest in art, but I'm actually still quite unsure about my true interest.

I'm inspired by great artists and photographers on Flickr, Tumblr, here, and other places. I hope at the end of the 365, I can be a better photographer and I'll be able to look back at my old photos to remember what I've done throughout the year. I'm still completely blank about my future, still not knowing which major to take, which university to go... so I can't really say where I'll be in 3 years. Sounds sad.

I want my works to be able to tell a story, and something that people will want to share with others too. I'm not exactly the happiest person on earth, but I try my best to cheer my days up by doing things I enjoy.

You can see more of my work at http://eltrador.deviantart.com and... nowhere else, actually. I'm still quite pessimistic of my work, so I don't really share them anywhere else. http://ohcrab.wordpress.com is my old art blog, but it's been dead for awhile.

Photographs that I'm most proud of: http://365project.org/pofutoki/365/2010-05-28 http://365project.org/pofutoki/365/2010-03-28 http://365project.org/pofutoki/365/2010-05-16
June 6th, 2010
Hi Stefanie..

Tell me who you are, tell me why you're here.

I am Gen Erispe, 31 years old, married a year, with no baby yet. I'm here because I love photography. I've been interested in it for as long as I can remember and I can just get away from all the stress in my life because of it..

Where are you from?

I am from Manila, Philippines

What do you aspire to be? What are you goals, hopes & dreams? What and who inspires you?

Well, being a MOM is on top of my list.. My husband and I have been praying and praying for a child but I have had two miscarriages in the last year. I don't try to dwell on it too much but there was a point I had almost given up and I was really depressed. Now were just trying to live life as it comes hoping that while were not looking, we will finally have a healthy baby.

Next would probably be to find work that I really enjoy and love. Not stuck in a job just to fulfill our daily needs, but something that would make me happy.

What do you hope to accomplish at the end of the 365?

I hope to be a better photographer than when I started and hopefully publish some sort of gallery of mine just for friends and family.

Where will you be in 3 years?

Hopefully a very happy housewife.. with more time for my 'soon to be' kids and photography. Wishes can come true right?

What do you want your work to look like?

I want to have my own style and I don't want to be bogged down in any specific type of photography.

Are you happy?

With my family, yes although I could be happier, the reasons being those I have already mentioned above. But I know I am luckier and more blessed than most. So I cannot complain.

Tell me a fun fact about yourself.

I play basketball, and I am a very good shooter.

Where can I view more of your work?

You can view most of my work at Flickr: http://www.flickr.com/photos/blugirl_1216/

And finally, show me a photograph/photographs that you are most proud of.

Here are some:

June 6th, 2010
Hi, I am Stacie. I am new to photography. I purchased a Nikon D5000 about a month ago. I love taking pictures. I hope that I look back on the pictures I have taken so far and see some sort of growth by the end of this project. I have thrown myself into this completely. There is so much to photography...who would have ever known....I am looking for any critques...I want to get better at this so don't hold back..Here are some of my favorite photographs..

June 7th, 2010
Well, my name is Brittany. I'm here because I need to find ways to express myself, and photography is a beautiful art form to me. I'm from the States. I want to act on Broadway, as well as be a youth leader in New York. I hope to live my life to Gods will, and I dream of so many things it's not possible to list. People inspire me. Not their works, but them. I LOVE people. I don't know what it is about them, or why, but I would die faster completely alone rather than surrounded by hateful people. I would. Who inspires me, is my father God, and my beautiful Saviour Jesus Christ. Without him I wouldn't be free today. He is my everything everything everything. At the end of my 365, I want an overview of the old me, how I've grown, shrunk, my loves and losses. I want a recap of my life, day by day. Three years, I'll be a junior in highschool? Yeah, that. I'll be about eight months away from leaving forever. I don't do this town. My work as in my photography? I want it to be beautiful and special to me. I want it to mean something. Rather than just a picture of some thing, I want it to be a picture of something I can remember. A memory. I want my work to be a beautiful memory. Am I happy? That's very personal. I suppose you can say, I try my very best. A few years ago I was diagnosed with MDD, and I'm not currently on any medication (that I should be on). So I have my moments where I can't say I am, but when nothings wrong, yes. I am truly happy in those sparse moments I can find. Fun facts? Let's see. I'm a girl (duh). I wish I had begged more and more to be in ballet, because now it's too late. I could have been on pointe by now. Ballet is SO beautiful. I would rather do ballet then anything else in this world. But I can't. I'm gay. My favorite colour is pink. I always catch myself using the British spellings of words. My work? Just here. Really, maybe SOME on facebook. But no, you guys can't. Sorry. :/
I like: http://365project.org/beforebreakfast/365/2010-06-04
Because it's one shot of me I can declare decent. Minus my hideous eyes. http://365project.org/beforebreakfast/365/2010-06-01 http://365project.org/beforebreakfast/365/2010-05-01 http://365project.org/beforebreakfast/365/2010-05-28
Above are the memories.
June 7th, 2010
Tell me who you are, tell me why you're here. Where are you from?
I am Katie, 17(almost 18!) from North Yorkshire in the UK. I am here because i LOVE photography and i have pretty much finished my final year and Alevel photography at school, and didn't want to stop taking photos. I still want to develop my work and become better. I use flickr but love the community feel to 365project!

What do you aspire to be?
I want to be able to have a career doing something i love. My favourite type of photography is fashion and portraiture, and although it is unlikely, i dream to have my photos in fashion and art magazines! I would also love to have a small boutique!

What are you goals, hopes & dreams?
My dreams - working on fashion mags such as Vogue and Elle! My Hopes- a successful career doing what i love and to have a happy family when i am older. I also hope to spend a couple months travelling America when i am older! My Goals- to be happy and cherish life and to see more of the world.

What and who inspires you?
I am really inspired by the history of fashion and fashion photography! I love it, i ended up writing a 5000 word essay on it for school! I am also inspired by emotions, art, culture, music and people who surround me. Also everybody on 365 inspire you to try new things and continue pushing yourself to get a new and different photo!

What do you hope to accomplish at the end of the 365?
I want to be able to see a clear progression and to be able to be proud of what i achieved! I would like to be able to think i came up with some clever and new ideas along the way!

Where will you be in 3 years?
In 3 years time, i shall be at Sheffield Hallam(South Yorkshire) studying Photography!! I already have my place and can't wait! I also hope to have travelled to see more countries!

What do you want your work to look like?
I hope that the people that know me can say 'I can see abit of Katie in that!'. I don't want to take photos that anyone could take, i would like to think each was personal to myself!

Are you happy?
I am happy, but i know that i can let worries, anxieties etc bring me down. I am constantly telling my self positive quotes and listening to feel good music to remind myself how fantastic life is!

Tell me a fun fact about yourself?
i love the simple things in life.

Where can I view more of your work?
www.flickr.com/photos/katieroseallan - i don't update it as often as i used to as i prefer this site, but it has some of my older work on which i would love everybody to see!

And finally, show me a photograph/photographs that you are most proud of.

I was so flattered at all the amazing feedback i got from this!

I made these outfits from household objects! It was also one of my first proper studio fashion shoots!

This was one of my first photographs! I still love it! It is still being used in my portfolio for interviews now!
June 8th, 2010
Hi Stefanie! It's nice to cyber-meet you. My name is Clarissa and I'm here because my husband challenged me. He is the professional and I know absolutely nothing about photography...but I can't resist a challenge.

I was born in Los Angeles, California and have lived in more places than I can remember or count. I don't live in California now, but I miss it like crazy sometimes.

I aspire to be a famous writer...famous being the goal. I could care less about money, I want to make people happy and jazzed about what I write. As of now, I have one novel published and available at most on-line retailers, including Amazon and Barnes and Noble (Pradee, a Young Adult Fantasy). I'm working on another novel right now, a paranormal fantasy for adults.

I'm inspired by clever words, pretty colours and a true sucker for the macabre and graveyards...and black overcoats.

Yeah, um, probably should have left that last bit out.

In 3 years time I will be making a movie with Tim Burton inspired by one of my novels. Neil Gaiman will be sitting on the sidelines waiting to go out to coffee and discuss a collaboration. Okay, I'm kidding...no really, I'm not. I have a writing website which is listed on my 365 Profile and a Blog somewhere else I won't disclose...

A fun fact..hmmm, the only creatures I'm afraid of are werewolves and butterflies. A werewolf with a butterfly net would send me over the edge. Please never post a photo like that, it would make me cry.

By the end of Project 365...I have no expectations, I guess. We'll see how this journey ends.
The photo I'm most proud of is this one:
Once my daughter saw how many nice comments she got on her eye, it made her feel good.
June 8th, 2010
Thanks for posting this! It was so interesting to read everyone's comments.

Tell me who you are, tell me why you're here. Where are you from?

I am Emily and I am here because a friend of mine from Australia told me about this site after I posted some photos on Facebook. I am originally from Missouri. I have lived different places for a few months here and there, but now I am back in MO.

What do you aspire to be? What are you goals, hopes & dreams?

Right now I aspire to be a lot of things: a photographer /nurse/ interior designer/ mother. I am currently in school to be a nurse, SO I almost have one goal accomplished! Woo-hoo! I want to be a photographer just for fun though. I wouldn't want to do it as a job and then eventually have it be JUST a job. I only want it as a hobby, something to enjoy, not something I have to do.

What and who inspires you?

I have SO many people and things that inspire me! There are so many people on this sight inspire me photography wise. Two of them are http://365project.org/landmeetswater/profile and http://365project.org/colorfade/profile . I love every single one of their photos.
A lot of poetry inspires me. I love, love, LOVE Edgar Allan Poe. Are his poems really depressing and sometimes really weird? Yes. But they are also very romantic and so relatable! And I also love Lord Byron, his poems are also very romantic. Love it.

What do you hope to accomplish at the end of the 365?

I would love to be more creative with my photography, have a much better technique, and know A LOT more about how to use my camera. I have high hopes!

Where will you be in 3 years?

Out of college, living in England or Australia, and hopefully I will be a nurse. I REALLY love people.

What do you want your work to look like?

All I know is that I want my work to look good!

Are you happy?

I am VERY happy!

Tell me a fun fact about yourself.

I love to paint. If I had enough money I would paint my house every two months. I LOVE it!

Where can I view more of your work?

Nowhere. (:

And finally, show me a photograph/photographs that you are most proud of.

I am in love with bokeh shots.

I am a big fan of exploring run down neighborhoods.
June 17th, 2010
Tell me who you are, tell me why you're here. Where are you from?
Well I'll start with the basics. I'm a 19 year old art fanatic, who is tomboysih, 5"10, has blue eyes and blond hair. I have a dog named Ginger, a cat named Steve and 3 horses named Maestro, Western Gem and Mackenzie Girl. I live in southwestern Ontario Canada near London on a farm (not produce, just horses).
I'm fairly introverted and need alone time daily or I go bonkers.
I'm 1 year into a BFA degree in Fine Arts but have taken a year off to get away from a bad ex-bf and roomies and to get a solid financial footing. My main focus was drawing and painting, but I was also starting to do a photography class before I caught pneumonia and dropped out.
I love music, film, art and fashion. My music library consists of 15 000+ songs and I'm always looking for more artists to add to it. My favourite shows to watch are the Office, the Simpsons, Family Guy, American Dad, Fashion Television, America's Next Top Model and any kind of home decor/reno show.
I'm here mainly because it seemed like an interesting hobby that could help give me some technical skills I will definitely use in the future.

What do you aspire to be? What are you goals, hopes & dreams?
I aspire to live comfortably as an artist and surround myself with creative people. Being stuck in the country is boring often and I want to move back to Toronto for the diversity.

What and who inspires you?
Many people inspire me. The people I follow on here inspire me, the people I watch on deviantart inspire me. Gottfried Helnwein, Marilyn Manson, and Edvard Munch are some of my favourite visual artists.
As for what, colour, intricate detail and irony/satire inspire me. I look for the dark humour in life often.

What do you hope to accomplish at the end of the 365?
Better photography and editing skills. Not to mention a new crop of photo-crazy friends.

Where will you be in 3 years?
Hopefully in Toronto and owning a studio where I can both paint and photograph in and owning a larger variety of lenses and a few cameras. It would be great to have my own apartment too.

What do you want your work to look like?
I'm not sure. I just want to make people feel something new and interesting now and then. The feeling is what really matters to me in a photograph.

Are you happy?
I'd say so.

Tell me a fun fact about yourself.
I considered taking a double major or a minor in criminology but the course schedule was too hectic. It would've taken my focus off of art.

Where can I view more of your work?
My deviantart pages
And my VF page if you're a member. You'd see more self-portraits there. My username is SareTheFish. Feel free to add me as a friend if you're a fellow VFer.

And finally, show me a photograph/photographs that you are most proud of.

One of my favourites from here. It reminds me of a pearl necklace.

Not one of my favourites per se but it's one of my most popular shots on deviantart. I took this while I was still working with a point-and-shoot which makes me pretty proud in retrospect.

A pic I took of my friend's cat named Baby. My apologies for the big nasty DA watermark
June 18th, 2010
My name is Kim. I am 37 years old, happily married, mother of 3 living in Oxford, MS.

I am here because a Facebook friend was posting a new pic every day and I just had to get in on the fun. i love taking photos. I love taking sweet photos. I love taking pretty photos. I love taking odd photos.

I am not really from anywhere. My dad was in the US Air Force when I was growing up and we moved a lot. I feel connected to a lot of different places.

What do I aspire to be? I want to be useful and of value to others. I want my life to mean something, even if it is just to five other people.

Goals, hopes and dreams. That is hard to nail down. I find myself feeling drawn to CREATE....something, anything, just express something inside me in a visual manner. I knit, crochet, embroider, paint, and shoot photos. iwant to keep doing that, and make my husband glad he married me every day (and night) of his life. I want to be the mother that shows my girls how to do things RIGHT, rather than serving as a lesson in what not to do.

I am inspired by TRUTH, and I believe many people can't even see it. That is why i love photography. No matter how much a pic is altered, doctored, messed with, and changed, it still holds TRUTH.

In 3 years I hope to be right where I am, or maybe in a new house. My oldest will be driving, so I hope I still have all my hair. Money is tight, so I'd like to have more of that. Other than those things, I like my life.

I want my work to look interesting. If I get to the point where I can use my pictures to actually SAY something, I will consider it a success.

I am happy.

Fun fact. I have lived in 15 different states and went to 12 different schools from Kindergarten until graduating from high school. I homeschool my daughters and , while it isn't the right choice for everyone, there is no other for me.

More of my work can be seen on Facebook. http://www.facebook.com/#!/profile.php?id=1582028071&v=photos (I hope that link works.)

Photos I am most proud of...let me see, here is my first (and so far ONLY) post to 365. http://365project.org/rebelangel/365/2010-06-17

I plan to add many more. See you tomorrow!
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