Spread a Little Love

October 21st, 2011
After the very successful and amusing 'What photos do you hate?' thread I thought I would find out what types of photo you all love. It will be interesting to find out what subjects/types of photo appear in both lists!
Personally - I love variety and especially somthing that's a little bit quirky - and if it has a bicycle in it I'll fall hook, line and sinker ;0) And in terms of something that's already on the 'hate' list - giant, close up, ugly bugs are definitely on my 'love' list!
October 21st, 2011
@judithg : Hey, Judith, nice thread :). Especially for you I put up a giant bug today - I'm glad you like them as much as I do ;). As I have confessed before I like selective colour, editing frenzies and the occasional well-done baby shot.
I think this discussion is going in a similar direction: http://365project.org/discuss/general/8888/on-the-flip-side.
October 21st, 2011
morning @judithg

Anything B/W monochrome
street photography
minimalistic landscapes
sports photography (don't see much on here)
urban shots
macro flowers
LETTERBOX images !!!!!!!!

The list goes on.....I suppose I just like looking at other peoples images.......

I've not posted any 'studio style portraits' on here...because I've never really done any ..... and don't feel comfy doing them or posting them if I did do them.

October 21st, 2011
Good idea Judith! I just replied in @dejongdd 's thread that I like/love every subject when it's well-executed or tells a story. Photography is all about telling a story. I also like humourous pics.
October 21st, 2011
A nice thread to even the balance, I'm more a lover than a hater!!
I love a variety too, from landscapes to macro's of flowers and especially bugs as they're hard to capture. From fabulous bird and animal shots to peoples babies and children and street photography which I am to shy to do! From architecture to the clever creative ones I would never think of first (writing with shoelaces!) I like editing and processing but only to enhance not to change a picture completely.
If a photo is a good one it doesn't matter what the subject:)
(This probably covers everything on the hate list, but heyho!!)
October 21st, 2011
PS: Oh, I forgot to include things I like that are not on the hate list ;). I love bike shots, most things that are out of the ordinary, things that make me laugh and sometimes also emotional shots.
October 21st, 2011
Lots of things, but in particular:
"Vintage" photos, things that look like captures from an earlier era.
Moon shots, and I would love to see pictures of the planets.
Quirky pictures.
Photos that show the countryside at its best, and livestock.
Sailing ships, small boats, trains and planes, especially if historic.
October 21st, 2011
Love this thread, Judith. :) I'm having as much difficulty thinking of shots that I particularly love as much as I'd have a hard time coming up with a list of shots that I hate. I like them all. I just really like seeing life from so many perspectives. That being said, as a city dweller, I have a special fondness for cows and rural scenes. Also ~ minimalist shots, anything quirky, quaint, unusual, mundane, charming, rude, beautiful, not so beautiful...Just show me what you've got and I'll more than likely find it interesting.
October 21st, 2011
i, for one, love photos of babies and children :) they capture a moment in time and often feature hilarious expressions! (not so keen on the posed shots thought. i like natural, candid photos)

i also love sunrises, sunsets and other sky shots!
October 21st, 2011
@judithg I love bike shots, too. Thought I had a good one the other day when I got a shot of a dude on a bike who had stopped to lean over and look at some flowers. I thought 'that's really nice that he's stopping to smell the roses'...turns out he was throwing up ~ as in 'barfing' ~ I decided not to post that shot. :)
October 21st, 2011
@jannaellen Ah - I missed that thread! I hate it when you get two threads the same! ;0) Looking forward to your bug shot!!
October 21st, 2011
@phil_howcroft Letterbox images? Surprise entry for you there Phil ;0) !! You're right about sports shots - I take a lot of action shots of hockey that I'd love to post but they are youngsters so I end up cropping off faces. They post themselves all over FB so they probably wouldn't mind but I worry about club codes of practice etc!
October 21st, 2011
@melaniesavage I love that you'e covered the hate list!!
October 21st, 2011
@peggysirk Hilarious! Well from your 'Love list' you're not too hard to please Peggy but I'm guessing this was just a step too far!!
October 21st, 2011
Absolutely anthing and everything which captures my eye...that probably includes over processed HDRs, cat's eyes, babies, moons, lots of flowers et al. If it's a good photo then I love it. This works for me.
October 21st, 2011
Anything!! Take it one photo at a time and try to see what inspired the person that photographed it.
October 21st, 2011
I agree with Brian - I am open to any subject :) I find it all fascinating. I like the window into others lives!
What always leaves a lasting impression though, is the 'way' it's been taken.....ie DOF, perspective, light, etc. I see that and want to persevere and try harder, regardless of the subject.
Thank you for this thread :)
October 21st, 2011
Any photo really, particularly if it comes with a caption underneath. I love the insights into people's lives.
October 21st, 2011
I like simplicity. I like meaningful. I like the details of life. I like creativity. I like to read captions that tell a story behind the photo.
October 21st, 2011
Balls, cranes, guitars, hot chicks :-) And of course, anything offbeat, creative, original ...
October 21st, 2011
@janmaki I'm pretty sure we all could have answered that one for you:)
October 21st, 2011
I Love:
DOF'y photos
Night shots
Stars and trees
Adorable diapered babies
Photos that are edited to look as though they're not edited, and are amazing.
Jani's selfies
Awkward Family Portraits
I'll stop now, because my list is getting kinda long:)
October 21st, 2011
hmmm- kids, babies, vintage photos, ones that tell a story, portraits of all kinds, humorous and artsy(think @jodimuli:)), dreamy fantasy shots if done well, raw, real shots of the human condition(think @mimo and @robinwarner), black and white, awkward family photos because they just make me giggle:) oh and of course, MY KIDS:))))))))
October 21st, 2011
I love lots of thing but I guess I would say anything that has to do with nature. I especially love nature.
October 21st, 2011
I'm so glad that you've started this - it's so positive and more in keeping with this supportive site!
I love all types of photos, even more so when the caption is witty or a brief description is given.
October 21st, 2011
@dejongdd tried to start a thread like this http://365project.org/discuss/general/8888/on-the-flip-side but it didn't stay in the "Hot" or "Latest" topics for too long, unfortunately.
Makes me worry about this site--I think it's made a few photographers wary of posting anything. Way to go, folks (deadpanned that last bit).
I love anything that makes another photographer excited about taking a picture and sharing it.
I especially gravitate toward photos that make me laugh.
October 21st, 2011
Have you ever done a "hot chicks" photo?
October 21st, 2011
those amazing skylines/landscapes that make you think, there must be a God... photos that capture peoples expressions, the really human ones that make you laugh (or feel sad) and i do love a bit of b&w ;) spread the love... nice thread :)
October 21st, 2011
I love:

Urban and rural decay
Urban photography
October 21st, 2011
I love street shots, beautiful buildings, quirky shots & anything that makes me laugh. I also particularly like photos that tell a story & I like to know a little bit about where a photo is taken. I also like photos of different culture & travel but I am afraid I'm not too keen on flower photos as I am a people person. Great thread Judith !!!
October 21st, 2011
Love this thread, and it is a good balance to the other one. (Too much negativity for me.) When I look at my FAV'd images, there is such an array of subjects, it's hard to pick a favourite. But I love 'clever' images - ones that make me think or see something in an entirely different way. I think there's something good in almost every photo - or something we can learn from every image, whether we like it or not. I just really enjoy seeing what others are shooting. The ideas here are endless and that's what I love most about the project.
October 21st, 2011
Urrm - Selective colouring! When everything is in black & white and there is just a pink scribble heart! Love it.
October 21st, 2011
I wasn't going anywhere near that other thread!! It was a really good read but thought it was going to open a whole can of worms!
I love historic architecture, lines, simplicity, nature and the odd pretty thing...add a little bit of funny in there somewhere and I'm sold!
October 21st, 2011
@swilde @juanita @wormentude @herussell @janmaki @4stories @mittens @timandelke @clarissajohal @mej2011 @izzymathie @beautifulthing @happypat @mackena @shutterbugger
I'm loving all this loving!! And I've got some ideas I hadn't thought off (I've got a new goal to get some hot chicks to do something funny in an amazing landscape!!!). I think if a photo incites any sort of emotion it's done its job. And hurrah for @raggleroo - those sorts of pics got a hard time in the other thread and they always make me think why didn't I have that idea - and you'll have a friend in @jannaellen now!! @pwallis Hurrah for pug shots - I managed one of those!! And now we're all being nice I can own up to a fondness for contorted babies in suitcases in woodland settings!!
October 21st, 2011
I love the sea....

@shortperson2002 does great beach and sea shots :D
October 22nd, 2011
I love taking animal and nature shots. I love seeing all of the shots on this site. There are so many great photographers. I have learned a ton. I love the macro shots of flowers, and bugs. I love the creativity.
October 22nd, 2011
I love anything that makes me laugh (pet shots), say "awwwwww" (pet shots), or say "oooh, I'd like to be there, too." I'm glad we can't really quantify what appeals to us - so we all have a wide variety of things to explore and share. This is so much fun!!!
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