mad minute word monday

September 9th, 2013
it's monday and it's time for some maddening words.

the idea of Mad Minute Word is we present a strange (very strange yet lovely) word to you, and you draw from it as inspiration for your photo.

as from today, we will give just one word a week and you may post your photo anytime between now and friday. on the weekend we rest, perhaps.

if we fall in love with your photo, we reserve the right to give you cake.

this week's Mad Minute Word is SLUMGULLION, meaning:

1. a stew of meat, vegetables, potatoes, etc.
2. a beverage made weak or thin, as watery tea, coffee, or the like.
3. the refuse from processing whale carcasses.
4. a reddish, muddy deposit in mining sluices.

please tag your entry mmw-slumgullion.

you can also post your entry on this thread, if you so wish, to share with everyone.

now, go forth and shoot!

Past mad minute words:
1. Spurious
2. Pareidolia
3. Cheiroproclitic
4. Nepenthe
5. Zugzwang
6. Kalopsia
7. Strikhedonian
8. Sphallolalia
9. Fugue
10. Widdershins
11. Nihilarian
12. Mickle
13. Mesonoxian
14. Ensorcelled
15. Mansuetus
16. Lugubrious
17. Quizzacious
18. Hypnagogic
19. Gravigrade
20. Mulligrub
21. Gallimaufry
22. Chatoyant
23. Equipoise
24. Falcate
25. Lamprophony
26. Qualtagh
27. Multifarious
28. Abligurition
29. Cacoethes
30. Natatores
31. Tarantism
32. Dree
33. Vexillology
34. Bletcherous
35. Impecuniousness
36. Nelipot
37. Beresque
38. faitour

September 9th, 2013
This one seems doable. I like how it has different meanings to select from, although I'm not sure if anyone has access to take a shot of 3rd meaning. Lol.
September 9th, 2013
I think having 5 days to come up with something and post is a better idea. I kept meaning to participate but forgetting to do it on the appropriate day.
September 9th, 2013
What an awesome word! Really hoping I can get a shot done for this... Not enough days in the week right now!
September 9th, 2013
Thanks for the tag. I have not had time recently, but schools opened today. So maybe this week.
September 10th, 2013
OMG, Vikki! You have really thrown down the gauntlet on this one! Sounds hard! But I am going to try!
September 10th, 2013
I keep meaning to join in but either miss the message or there wasn't enough time. Can I be added to the tag list please.
September 10th, 2013
@suebarni - have added your name to the list above. looking forward to your post.
September 10th, 2013
@ikamera - some people live near the open seas, so we just might get surprised - and grossed out; we'll never know. and if that happens, do we give them cake? :-)
September 10th, 2013
@dh - heaven knows i forget everything these days. sometimes when i remember, i forget the words. :-)
September 10th, 2013
@northy - we can always try. i'm actually stumped with my own word. :-D
September 10th, 2013
@nadaa - looking forward to your post. thanks!
September 10th, 2013
@espyetta - you of all people i know around here would be able to come up with something brilliant on this one. even if you have that "stu" thingie. tee-hee!
September 10th, 2013
We sure must. The three layered one with all the trimmings. Lol!
September 11th, 2013
hmmm...wish i took a look at this earlier...
September 11th, 2013
i actually have an idea for this one... but it requires time and cooperation from folks who aren't generally cooperative... we'll see...
September 11th, 2013
@ikamera - i'm thinking a 'lady Baltimore' cake then. omg, that is so delicious!
September 11th, 2013
@sunshinephoto5 - you now have five days to post your photo. or even if it goes beyond that, it's still okay. but the cake would be gone by then. :-)
September 11th, 2013
@northy - then go for it, kiddo! give them cake so they'll cooperate.
September 11th, 2013
Here you go ladies... kept my word up. Made a special trip to tea stall for the picture.

I couldn't choose which one so posted both.
September 11th, 2013
@ikamera - they're both excellent shots and i love them! they bring back long ago memories for me as we have something similar to this back in the old country. yay for you!
September 11th, 2013
@summerfield Glad it brought back some memories for you. I wanted to take pictures of chai for a long time and thanks to you it happened now.
September 11th, 2013
@ikamera - when i go visit the old country in january, i'll take as many street shots as I can muster, at least the people there wouldn't mind. here in toronto, people havea funny attitude when it comes to getting included in the shot.
September 11th, 2013
@ikamera - also, for these people this is not just for making a living. it's mostly about art and tradition -like there's a certain way and amount of pouring the milk etc.
September 11th, 2013
@summerfield I agree. I guess that's why the street food is so much tastier than the homemade food.
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