Toys on 365 Scary Movies

June 1st, 2015
What a delicious week this has been. We’ve had cookies hidden in plain sight, milk and cookies, homemade cookies, waffles, dog treats, cake and tea, surfing biscotti and cookies being protected from ants.

Here are just a couple of our favorites:

Erica's @epcello Grasshopper and Ladybug having tea:

And what's not to like about homemade cookies and sackman? @spock

How about joining the toys this week with the theme scary movie? Show your toys favorite scary movie and tag it: 365toys-scarymovie

come play again!
@barneyone @karlow75 @linnypinny @catwoman2 @salza @wenbow @cathrinemitch @rosiekerr @kt8ird @pixiemac @rosiekind @homeschoolmom @bizziebeeme @paulam @ladygator @amandal @jan20 @gratefulness @jyokota @marenh @cjphoto @nanalisarocks @k1w1 @eyeamlisa @scolgs @ethelperry @epcello @francoise @etchasketch1 @mikhasus @Weezilou @neatz @markp @pamknowler @winshez @stray_shooter @lyndemc @spock @amyamoeba @melston @rangerxenos @httpgeffed @caityb @sioux @nadaa @bill_fe @grammyn @olivetreeann @taffy @espyetta@dibzgreasley @francoise @summerfield @mzzhope @dragey74 @laetitiapetrussa @roulin @cjphoto

@olivetreeann @summerfield @grammyn @mzzhope @bill_fe @cjphoto @francoise@taffy
June 1st, 2015
A definite challenge since I don't do scary movies!
June 1st, 2015
@grammyn - look at my selfies, you'd be scared, too!
June 1st, 2015
@grammyn Neither do I Katy- so this really will be a challenge!
June 1st, 2015
I'm with katy and Ann, but I think I can figure out something. :)
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