Winner-Get Pushed 148

June 7th, 2015
Kathy is traveling and has encountered some internet connectivity issues, so she asked me to tally votes and announce the winner for get-pushed 148. That winner is Jackie Edwards @jackies365 with "too soon for this kind of visit" and her challenge to photograph something powerful:

Congratulations! It is now your turn to choose the finalists from get-pushed-149 and host the voting.
June 7th, 2015
Jackie @jackies365 Truly a powerful image. It is now your turn to host the vote for get pushed 149. Congratulations!
June 7th, 2015
Congrats! :)
June 7th, 2015
@aecasey thank you for helping Kathy out with the counting and posting this. I do so appreciate everyone voting for my photo. It was an honor to be chosen along with so many other great photos! I will put up the choices for Get Pushed 150 soon!
@zosimasy thank you Charles.
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