~## EOTB 91 Challenge ##~

January 4th, 2018
Thanks so much to Clare @pistache for hosting the last round of Eye of the Beholder. I was thrilled to have been voted the winner of the last challenge as I love finding the beauty in the most mundane or downright ugliest.

Now it’s time to continue the search for unconventional beauty in EOTB91.

If you're not sure what this challenge is all about, here is a description:

In the words of Jeff Walker, the creator of this challenge, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder" (quoting Margaret Wolfe Hungerford who is credited with coining the phrase in 1878).

Your objective in this challenge is to catch something most people would not consider to be beautiful, and find a way to capture it so that it comes across beautifully. You can achieve it any way you wish. This challenge will help you with your composition and lighting skills. The way you compose the shot or the way you use light will usually bring out the beauty of your subject. It will also help you look at your surroundings differently. Everything is potentially a beautiful photograph. It is not a matter of finding something to photograph, but finding a way to photograph something that makes photographing it worthwhile.

There is no specific item or theme for this challenge, but the subject you photograph has to be something that, if people were watching you photograph it, they would be wondering what has possessed you to photograph something which seems so plain, bland, boring, ugly, etc. Beauty is where you find it, and it is all around you. Train your eye to see things differently.

EOTB91 begins January 4th and will close at midnight GMT on Wednesday, January 17th. Your photos must be taken and posted during that time. I'll have the always difficult task of selecting some finalists and then you all get to vote for the winner!

Please tag your photos eotb91 and if you like, please also share them to this thread to keep it active.

Enjoy the challenge! Keep your eyes open...find the beauty!
January 5th, 2018
Under normal circumstances I would certainly not call these old stinkers beautiful.

January 5th, 2018
@deborah63 Nicely done!
January 6th, 2018
January 8th, 2018
A close up of a stain glass piece.

January 8th, 2018

Never photographed the view from my front door... because there is not one, its just a few trees on the nature strip and the houses behind them ;-)
January 8th, 2018
January 11th, 2018

This color and texture is beautiful
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