EOTB18 Starting - Have a go!

June 7th, 2019
Thanks to Bobby D @space319 for hosting the EOTB107 challenge and thanks to all who voted for my ‘Yellow Dots’ photo.

The EOTB (Eye Of The Beholder) challenge is to capture something most people would not consider to be beautiful or interesting but find a way to capture a shot that portrays the subject it so that it comes across different, unique and aesthetically pleasing. This is a great way to expand ones visual view of the world, by having fun, and exploring your surroundings.

This is a great challenge to help with composition and lighting skills. The way you compose the shot, POV, or the way you use light will bring out the creative beauty of your subject. Everything has the potential to be a beautiful image! Beauty is where you find it. But please remember this is not a post-processing challenge. (that is covered by the ETSOOI challenge!) - a bit of editing is okay, but please do not overdo it.

There is no specific item or theme for this challenge, but you will want to find a subject that if people were watching you taking the shot, they would be wondering what on earth has possessed you to photograph something which seems so ordinarily, plain, bland, boring, ugly, etc.

Starts: Saturday June 8th
Ends at 12:00am on: Friday, June 21st
Please remember to tag your image EOTB108

Also please make sure your entries are taken and posted during these dates.
After the end date, finalists will be short-listed and voting will commence!
The photographer with the most votes will get the honour to host the next EOTB challenge.

Please share your entries to this thread to give others inspiration and keep it visible in the discussion feed.

Everyone have fun and explore the world!
Thanks again
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