👀 eye of the beholder 121 👀

June 29th, 2020
thanks so much to @etienne for hosting the last round of this wonderful challenge. i was very excited to win even though it seems unfair that anyone wins when the voting was so close ...

The EOTB Challenge is a wonderful opportunity to challenge yourself in giving recognition to something that seems just ordinary or plain. You will want to find a subject that if people were watching you taking the shot, they would be wondering what on earth has possessed you to photograph something which seems so ordinarily, plain, bland, boring or ugly. You will need to find a way to portray your subject so that it comes across differently and aesthetically pleasing. A suggestion is to zero in on whatever it is that attracted you, and perhaps use some judicious cropping so the viewer also sees what you see. The way you compose the shot or the way you use light will bring out the beauty of your subject. Remember it is not a post-processing or editing challenge so a bit of editing is okay, but please do not overdo it.

This is thus a great challenge to help with composition and lighting skills. It will also help you look at your surroundings differently.

Challenge start : backdated to 14 June 2020
Challenge end : Sunday 12 July 2020 midnight BST
Your photos must be taken during this time frame.

Tag: EOTB-121.
The current entries can be seen here :

i very much look forward to seeing all your wonderfully creative and unique images :)

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