WINNER: Mundane Challenge - Pattern

July 12th, 2020
Thanks again to everyone who participated and voted for the Mundane Challenge - Pattern. CONGRATULATIONS to Nicole Cruz @nicolecruz. The winning image is "Grate Gate".

@nicolecruz, you will now be our host for the next Mundane Challenge. Be creative and have fun!

Here is the list of previous topics:
[B] ballpoint pen, banana, bar of soap, battery, beds, bench, bench, biscuits, blinds, books, bottle tops, bottle, box, bread, brick(s) broom, bubbles, buckle, button
[C] camera, can-opener, candles, cardboard, chain, chair, cheese grater, clock,
clothes peg/pin, coffee, coin, cord/wire, corkscrew, cup/mug, curtain, cutlery
[D] door handle
[E] egg(s), elastic (rubber) band, electric plug, envelopes
[F] fence, flip flops, frying pan
[G] garlic, gate, gears, glass, glasses
[H] hair comb, hammer, hanger, hat, hex key, hinge, hose-pipe, human ear
[I] ice, index finger, iron
[J] jar
[K] key, keyboard, knob
[L] lampshade, language, leaf, lens, light bulb, light-switch, lock/locks
[M] magazine, mail, mailbox, match, mirror, mobile phone, mouse (non-furry),
[N] nail, notebook, nut (hardware)
[P] paintbrush/es, paper clip, paper cup, paper, pasta, pattern, pencil, pill, pillow, plastic bag, plate, playing cards, power pole, pumpkin
[R] rake, road markings, road signs, rock, rocks, rubber, ruler
[S] salt and pepper, salt, scissors, screw, screwdriver, seed(s), shoe, shoelaces, soap, sock, spatula, sponge, stairs, strainer, sweets/candy
[T] tack, tap (faucet), tea bag, thermometer, thread, tin can, tire/tyre, toilet paper, toothbrush, toothpick, towel, twist tie
[U] umbrella
[V] vegetable(s), veggie peeler,
[W] wastepaper-basket, watch, wheel, window
[Z] zipper
July 16th, 2020
Congrats on winning the mundane challenge with this great photo, Nicole Cruz @nicolecruz !
You now have the honour of hosting and setting up the next round of this challenge.
Let me know if you need help doing this ... I see that you are a relative newbie to the site so may not know what is entailed to do this. (Don't panic ... it's really quite easy!)
July 31st, 2020
Did I miss the start of the next Mundane challenge?
August 1st, 2020
Thanks for the congrats, support, and offer to help, Wendy @farmreporter! Hopefully I've followed the pattern (couldn't resist) of previous challenges and come up with a worthy theme. :)
August 1st, 2020
@lsquared No you didn't, I was away and unplugged. Thanks for the nudge! Check out the new mundane challenge: wires.
August 1st, 2020
@shookchung Thanks for hosting the Mundane Challenge: Pattern! And for the next challenge: wires. Check it out
August 2nd, 2020
Congrats, once again on winning!
You did wonderful setting up the next challenge!
Great theme, BTW!
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