Time to tell us a short story again!

June 8th, 2021
Thanks very much to @clearday and to all the 365ers who participated in swds-118! I'm delighted that my guy dressed in yellow got the most votes, despite so many wonderful competitors. Now it's time again for a new photo telling a story in six words.
All you need to do is take a photo and title it with a short story of just six words that describes the image. You can submit as many entries as you like, but only one of them will be selected as a finalist.
There are only two rules for this challenge:
- the photo must be taken within the time frame of the challenge
- the title must consist of six words - no more no less!

START: June 5, 2021 (back dated)
END: June 28, 2021 (5:00 US Central Time)

TAG: sixws-119

All Entries may be viewed here :
July 5th, 2021
@caterina Hello! I noticed that the challenge ended more than a week ago, and I can't find the voting thread for it. Did you set it up and I missed it? If you forgot about it, would you please set it up so that we keep the challenge running? Thank you so much!
July 5th, 2021
@monikozi sorry sorry sorry! We left for the mountains and in addition, having to organize the artist challenge, I forgot about this challenge . I will select 6 finalists this afternoon so that the voting can start. Thank you for reminding me!
July 5th, 2021
@caterina No need to apologize! Take your time! Just don't stress over this :D You don't need to spoil the peace of the mountains with the stress over this :D
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