I could not believe me eyes when I saw the ballot paper for the Ward Councillor. 16 candidates! Only *one* has done any canvassing in the ward, and one other has put up a few posters. Why are the rest wasting their time and money?
South Africa is holding municipal elections today (local government). We have a mixture of direct voting (ward councillor) and proportional representation. The proportional representation ballot had 33 parties. I know nothing about 80% of them. And I am not a head-in-the-sand type who is unaware of local goings on.
Originally started the project to improve my photography skills. Over a 2500 photos later it's become a personal diary. I post pictures that mark my...
I briefly had a photo up yesteday of 44 people runnign fro Judge of Common Pleas court yesterday. Unfortunately, here in America you are not allowed to photo the election process and I thought to take it down. Do I like that you did this photo
If they didn't canvas you, they don't want your vote. In New Jersey, we get a sample ballot in the mail a couple of weeks before the election so you can do any research before the election.