Real bottle, fake glass by etienne

Real bottle, fake glass

Flash of Red challenge, day 3, "Seeing the light". I made some scholar B&W practice this morning on our kitchen table with different types of bottles and glasses in the morning sunlight. I like the concept of this photo where, by positioning myself at a 45 degree angle vs the light source, I was gettting the shadow of a different object than the one which is in plain sight. I am sure I will reuse that idea later on.

A few lessons I got from this practice :
- the shadow of an object is an even more important part of the composition in B&W than with colours
- when using sunlight framed by a window aperture, you better be quick because the sun is rotating amazingly fast and the shadow patterns are changing very quickly
- when using a support which incorporates some drawings, you need to think about the positioning of the objects vs these drawings
- in the pictures where I was including a bottle and a glass, the visual result was better when bottle and glass were sitting on different plans
- the pictures were better when the bottle and the glass were partly filled, rather than when they were both full or when they were both empty.

I am sure that all experienced photographers know all that already, but I did not, so I am making that note in order to record the lessons of today for myself.
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